Read Just One Bite Volume 2 Online

Authors: Brenda Williamson Rosalie Stanton Dahlia Rose Linda Palmer Virginia Nelson Bethany Michaels Amanda McIntyre Karalynn Lee Tracey H. Kitts Jambrea Jo Jones Yvette Hines Marie Harte Kathleen Dienne Victoria Blisse

Just One Bite Volume 2 (4 page)

BOOK: Just One Bite Volume 2
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She felt another burst tingle through her body before Alistair pressed his hot, naked cock against her back. Douglas’ clothes had vanished as well.

“Thanks, Dev. I needed that,” Douglas said as his brother ground against her.

Hell, she’d lost control of her magic. Now they’d think she wanted them when she really wanted to escape. She just wished her body would get on board with her ten year plan.

“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time,” Douglas said with satisfaction. 

She closed her eyes, trying to blot out her impending reality. Devon had a plan. She had a future filled with the freedom to answer to no one.

A hand brushed against her breast, and she opened her eyes to see the Drake brothers naked, aroused, and surrounding her.

Lachlan grinned and licked his incisors growing steadily longer. “Time to play, Dev. Ready or not, here we come.”


Maybe if she could have lied to herself, she might have gotten a handle on her magic and poofed herself out of the room. But her secret fantasies had suddenly come to life, and Devon couldn’t resist Douglas, Alistair and Lachlan looming over her while she sat helpless in the middle of a large-ass bed. 
In the attic.
 The bastards had planned the whole thing.

The play of candlelight over their sculpted muscle and feral smiles only added to the erotic tension filling the air.

“I’m not sure what you think is going to happen here.” She wished she didn’t sound so breathless. “But I’m not in the mood to mate with anyone.”

Alistair held his cock in hand. Good God, the man was seriously hung. They all were. “Mate or not, I’m fucking you tonight. And you’re more than willing to take it, aren’t you?”

Lachlan looked more wolf than vampire as he stared at the moist place between her legs. “You’re creaming for us, definitely hungry for it.”

“I tell you what, Dev. Just give me a kiss,” Douglas suggested. “If you still want to leave after that, we’ll let you go.”

Alistair scowled. “What? Hell no--”

“Shut up.” Lachlan nudged him in the side.

Devon blew out a breath. “That’s cheating.” Honestly, did Douglas believe she’d even be able to speak after a taste of that sexy mouth?

She scooted back in the bed when he joined her, too nervous to be shy about her nudity. His breath touched her leg and her nipples, already hard, tightened painfully.

“You’re so sexy.” Douglas caught her ankle and dragged her down to him. He loomed over her, caging her between his body heat and his massive arms on either side of her.

She licked her lips, trying to prepare herself, but Douglas didn’t approach her mouth. Instead he zeroed in on her breasts. “Douglas, wait--” She sucked in a breath and gripped the bedspread beneath her when Douglas took her nipple in his hot, wet mouth. “Oh, God.”

“There we go,” Lachlan sighed and nudged Douglas over.

Douglas made room, and Lachlan sucked her other nipple, nipping with arousing bites.

Devon held them to her, tangling her hands in their silky hair.

They were so beautiful. Dark haired and dark eyed, but each so very different from the other. Lachlan, the charmer. Alistair, so dominant. Douglas, the deep thinker. Yet every one of them was a man ridden hard by desire.

Douglas’s tongue lashed her nipple with rough licks as he tormented her breast, while Lachlan sucked and blew over her flesh, seducing her into a mindless puddle of need.

“Open your eyes and look at me,” Alistair growled.

She did and saw him stroking his cock, the long, thick shaft ruddy with arousal.

He held it out to her, offering it as his due. “You hurt me, Dev. What will you give me to make it all better?’”

She wanted to tell him to kiss her ass. But watching him touch himself made her mouth water. An internal 
 locked her in place.

“Whatever you want,” she heard herself say, wondering at her sudden submission.

Douglas and Lachlan froze then backed away.

Everyone watched as Alistair approached the bed. “Come to me.”

He waited by the edge, and Devon had a sudden urge to crawl to him on her hands and knees, to service him any way he wanted.

Fae desires broke over her in waves, and she shuddered as her vision sharpened to acute detail. She saw so much more as she looked at these men. Her friends were beasts, a mixture of vampire and shifter with a need for blood, power, and surprisingly, acceptance. Her heart pounded as she saw what she’d always known. They’d always been hers and they always would be, if she had the courage to reach for them.

No one spoke as Devon slowly made her way to him. She took his cock in hand, and he hissed at the contact.

“You’re pretty,” she whispered and licked his slit, startled at his sweetness.

“Oh fuck. I need to mark you.”

“Yeah,” Douglas breathed.

“All over her,” Lachlan agreed.

And then Alistair’s hands were guiding her closer, and she was taking him inside her mouth.

The thick wedge of his cockhead slipped between her lips and pushed deeper.

She stroked him with her tongue, suddenly hungry for him.

Her little teeth grew Fae-sharp, and she raked them over his shaft with a delicious bite.

Alistair’s hands tightened in her hair, and he howled his delight. “Yes. Yes, Dev. Suck it. Bleed me, baby. Yeah.”

Then other hands touched her, petting, fondling. Biting. Someone pried her ass cheeks apart and licked her hole. The tongue pressed closer, and excited, she sucked Alistair harder, laving him with her tongue.

She knew he tried to be gentle, but his thrusts stabbed her with rough pleasure as he angled deeper.

She was briefly aware of the noises behind her, and then a cool, slick finger replaced the tongue in her ass. The burn stretched her, reminding her that though her experiences into anal play had been fun, no one had ever been as big as the Drakes.

“Fuck, Devon. I’m coming, baby. Swallow it all,” Alistair ordered around grunts and gasps as he shuttled between her lips.

“Take him, take me,” Douglas rasped and removed his finger, only to push the head of his thick, lubed cock inside her. Slowly, deliberately, he probed and prodded past her discomfort and pain until he seated himself fully inside her.

Alistair gave a cry and jetted down her throat, the taste of him changing her, making her hungry for him. For 

“Oh, Christ. Devon.” Douglas’ claws gouged her hips, but it was nothing compared to the sheer pleasure she felt when Lachlan leaned close to whisper kisses and praise against her ear. He fingered one pointy tip, and she shuddered, squeezing Douglas tight.

“Baby, I love you,” Alistair wheezed as he withdrew from her mouth. “Always have.”

He knelt in front of her to kiss her hard.

Then he disappeared and Douglas pulled out. 

Lachlan lay down on the bed. “Ride me, Dev.” He held his arms out to her, and she willingly met him. With one hard tug, he pulled her over him, satisfying her empty womb.

“Lean forward.”

She did and felt Douglas against her ass again.

He pushed inside, making her feel so full she couldn’t move.

“That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” Alistair whispered. “You’re it, Dev. You’re the one.”

The moonlight speared them, painting a picture of future tomorrows. Douglas pushed when Lachlan retreated, and Alistair watched over them, his eyes caressing the way his brothers touched her, past her skin deep inside her soul.

“I can’t wait. I’m sorry.” Douglas rotated his hips, prodding deeper.

He stiffened and growled, then bit her shoulder hard, absorbing her blood as he shuddered and came inside her. He withdrew, and Lachlan rolled her over, so that she lay on her back while he controlled his thrusts.

He pounded into her, never blinking as he stared into her eyes. “You’re mine, finally, Dev. My little Fae.”

“And mine.” Douglas caressed her arm.

“And mine,” Alistair repeated.

Lachlan shifted his pelvis and grazed her clit repeatedly as he fucked her. Until she couldn’t hold on any longer, love and lust mixed into a heady combination she could no longer refuse.

Devon cried out as she came, and she dimly registered Lachlan groaning her name as he jetted inside her.

Once finished, he pulled her up into his lap. They remained joined with her legs around his waist, his cock buried inside her. He bit her next to Douglas’s mark and feasted on her blood. Alistair nipped her shoulder over his own bite, drawing a sip more. And Douglas stroked her back, soothing her with calming words.

“My spell worked,” she said dumbly, remembering what she’d cast for. The words 

protect her from all harm
 came to mind.

Douglas grinned. “Good. Now we just need to say our magic words to finish it.”

“What words?” Devon still tried to catch her breath, hard to do when the three of them grew hard pressed up against her.

“We love you,” they said as one and waited.

“Oh hell.” Devon blinked hard, knowing she’d found her fate. “I love you too, all three of you.”

Wide, toothy smiles made the night that much brighter. And as the brothers prepared to fuck her again, they promised to cherish her, to love her, and to protect her.

“I’d also like to add that when my hands are full of my new business and fae-wolf-vamp babies, you three are going to be right in the thick of things.”

Alistair shrugged. “No problem. With three daddies and a mother to love them, our kids will never want for anything. They’ll have the best of all worlds.”

“The very best.” Devon smiled at her mates. “Fangs, fur, and Fae. And the magic of love.”


Secured Heart 

by Yvette Hines

Strolling around the room one more time to check with his men and ensure everyone was in place and everything was secure before he left, Kal stepped to Dwayne, the man in charge of the evening.

“Okay, Dwayne, everything appears to be under control. I’m heading out.” Normally, he wouldn’t have come at all with Dwayne leading the team for the night but this project was a big one. The success of tonight’s event would mean more contracts of this caliber. Tyler, Bridge and Anderson law office was the largest firm in the city. They handled all the high-profile white collar crimes around the state. Having Mayor Davy present was an extra bonus. The fact that he’d snagged this contract was just proof his company was succeeding in a major way. In the next few weeks, he would be hiring four more security people to add to his team of twelve.

“Got it, boss man. Everything will be fine.” Dwayne, his good friend and pride member had left his job as athletics coordinator at a local recreation center to work with him. He was a six-three, dark-skinned black man that was as wide as he was tall.

Patting Dwayne on the shoulder, Kal confirmed, “I know you got it all under control. I didn’t doubt it for a moment.” Glancing around, he whispered, “I just came here to show face.”

“And what a lovely mug shot it is.” Dwayne’s bantering tone matched Kal’s as he added, “A face only relatives and pride members could love.”

Chuckling, Kal nodded. He and Dwayne’s family had lived in Albuquerque most of their lives, only five hours away from their 
 pride’s land in Timberon. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow at the offi--”

“Sorry, I’m late, everyone.” Burt Tyler, the lead partner who started the law firm twenty-seven years ago with his father, came in with a petite black woman.

Presently, she was about five-eight in her three inch heels and her skin was a soft brown with red undertone, like Georgia clay. She was perfection, every feature designed to attract and hold a gaze, in its perfect symmetry. Her long ebony hair cascaded down around her shoulders in layers, tempting a man to bury his hands in it.

Kal’s hands itched to do just that as the desire, he once believed dormant, flared up as hot and scalding as ever. He watched her smile and work the room beside the stout lawyer barely an inch above her in height. Her short black dress haltered around her neck, conservatively revealing the swell of her breast. The garment hugged her slim form and ended mid-thigh, giving the illusion her toned legs went on and on. Lana Grieson.

Fuck. What the hell was she doing here? With him?
 Kal took a step along the outside perimeter hall. 

The hairs on the nape of his neck rose and his scalp tingled seeing another man touch her. He had to remind himself that this was not the time or place. His business was at stake if he did something foolish like shift and take out the town’s leading lawyer. It was hard to tamp down the urge to swipe the older man’s head off with his claws. If he used his concealment trait, it would be hard for them to pin it on him.

Dwayne, who knew what Lana had once meant to him, must have clearly sensed his intent. His friend grabbed his arm keeping him from following the couple. “Man, this may be a good time for you to head out.” Raising an eyebrow, Dwayne spoke firmly. “As you planned.”

Glancing first at his arm and then up at his friend, Kal stifled the hiss rising in his throat. He knew Dwayne was right. This contract was too damn important to Elite Expert Security. Even knowing that, he couldn’t walk away.

“I’ll be fine. In a few minutes I’ll go.”

Dwayne let go of his arm, but the second eyebrow arching high spoke volumes. “Well, at least get your hair under control. You look feral.”

With a broad, cocky smile, Kal finger-combed his hair back into place. Evidently, more than just the hair on his neck had risen when he saw his mate with someone else.


“Excuse me for a moment, Mr. Tyler, Mayor Davy. I’m going to powder my nose and check on a few things.” Lana smiled at her boss and the people gathering round the two influential men. It had been an hour since they’d arrived and she’d smiled and chatted like a good girl. She hated being in the spotlight. She preferred to hang out in the background coordinating things and people.

“Don’t worry, Lana, everything is going perfectly tonight.” Mr. Tyler reached out and squeezed her hand. “Of course, I didn’t expect otherwise. Relax.”

BOOK: Just One Bite Volume 2
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