Read Just One Bite Volume 2 Online

Authors: Brenda Williamson Rosalie Stanton Dahlia Rose Linda Palmer Virginia Nelson Bethany Michaels Amanda McIntyre Karalynn Lee Tracey H. Kitts Jambrea Jo Jones Yvette Hines Marie Harte Kathleen Dienne Victoria Blisse

Just One Bite Volume 2 (2 page)

BOOK: Just One Bite Volume 2
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“So hot,” Jean gasped, “I want more.”

And so did I. His hands ran down my hips, up under my skirt and into my knickers. I groaned as he pulled the material to the side and slid his fingers into me, slowly and confidently hitting hotspots to make me writhe against Sebastian’s teasing mouth.

“I need to fuck you, Carrie, I really do.”

“Yes,” I gasped, without a split second’s thought, “yes, fuck me.”

He moved in closer, his body cupped around my back and he lifted my top thigh with his large, cool hand and pressed against my bum. Every brush of his skin against mine sent shocks of arousal straight through me. His cock slipped down the crack of my buttocks and nestled for mere seconds at my entrance before pushing in deep and filling me to complete my lust.

“Fuck yes,” I gasped before Sebastian’s lips pressed against mine and any other noises I made were muffled by his kiss. I grabbed onto his hips as Jean thrust rhythmically making my body shake and explode with excitement. Sebastian’s hands shifted down over the rumpled ring of my skirt and under the stretched band of my knickers and into my warm slit. His finger slipped to where Jean I and were joined then rubbed back up to my clit. The juices of my excitement meant his finger glided over me, bringing me closer and closer to orgasm with each pass.

My mind could barely comprehend it. I was being fucked by one hot stud and kissed by another. I have never felt so alive before, so wanton and free. I was startled when Jean spoke as I was lost in the flow of my lust.

“Baby, you’re so good,” he said, his cock stilled inside of me and left me aching for more. “I want to share you with Sebastian, I want to slip right back here,” he said, squeezing a buttock, “so Sebastian can enjoy your fine pussy, is that okay?”

I tensed up, I had tried anal sex before and not liked it but I wanted it, I want to stuff both those cocks inside of me and to revel in the excesses of sensation. I nodded emphatically.

“Oh, Carrie, this is going to be so good.”

I was wet. I could feel how so as Jean pulled his cock from inside me, and slipped himself back, rubbing my juices onto my small, tight hole.

“Here, mate,” Sebastian stretched back and pulled a small tube off the bedside table, “use this.”

“Thank you,” Jean replied and as his dick pressed eagerly against me I heard the tube uncapped then felt a cold jolt as he rubbed the unctuous fluid into my relaxing hole, his finger slipped in eliciting a gasp from between my lips. Another finger joined it and as I was invaded Sebastian kept up the pressure on my clit and the pleasure and pain coalesced until I begged breathily for more.

“I’m going to ease slowly into you,” Jean whispered, his lips pressed forward to kiss my neck, his sharp teeth grazing my skin, “you’re so fucking tight, Carrie.” He pressed into me, I strained to accommodate him for a moment, but the constant rub of Sebastian’s finger on my clit combined with his forceful, heavy kiss made me relax and open up to Jean’s invasion.

“Oh, fuck,” I gasped as he gently pressed deeper, “oh, fuck,”

“It’s good, isn’t it?” Jean groaned, “oh, so good, just wait until Sebastian joins me, you’ll come so hard you won’t know what hit you.”

Sebastian shifted his weight, angling his body so his pelvis fitted against mine. Jean tipped my hips on his in a calculated move that opened me up just the fraction needed to allow Sebastian to press his cock into my wet pussy. He slid in slowly and I felt full. I know that is a short, inadequate word but that was the first sensation I felt. It wasn’t until the guys began to move that the fullness turned into full on pleasure.

Two men used me and I enjoyed every last movement of it. I was in raptures. I could feel them moving against each other inside of me and Sebastian, sweet, hard Sebastian was grinding against me in such a way that made my clit sing. I shuddered with mini orgasms until I was on the brink of ecstasy.

“Now,” Sebastian hissed and I felt teeth at my neck to the front and the back of me. I came, I thrashed and I screamed as they punctured my flesh and sucked. I wasn’t scared though, it didn’t hurt it accentuated the pleasure of my body encompassing orgasm. And the rhythm of their sucking echoed through my clenching cunt as they exploded inside of me.

The next morning I woke in the strange bed, naked beneath the soft sheets. I looked around and on the table beside me were a card and a pile of bank notes.

We hope you enjoyed your visit to The Point, we did. Please come back soon, your body and your blood is intoxicating.

Love& lust,

Sebastian and Jean.

I smiled and began to plan my return visit. Vampires are addictive. 

Ghost Beside Me by

Kathleen Dienne

I don’t believe in ghosts. My friend thought the Mount Dinah Inn was crawling with them.

“You’re staying where?” gasped Allison when she heard about my reservation. She had been my freshman year roommate. After graduation, she’d stayed in our college town, gotten a job, and fallen in love with the boss. I was still single, but I knew what love was. I mean, I loved the view from my Manhattan apartment. I’d come back to the Blue Ridge Mountains to see her get married.

“Mount Dinah. It’s perfect. I can walk from the reception at the winery to my bed. Bring on the zinfandel, sister.”

“But don’t you know? The inn is haunted. Oh, Tricia, I should have made you a reservation somewhere else, I just didn’t think. Everyone else lives close enough to go home.” She was clutching her crystal beads so tightly that I was afraid the string would break.

If that happened, she’d take it as an omen and be miserable. I reached out and disentangled her fingers.

“You know what’s haunted, Allie? That No-Tell Motel off Route 81. It’s haunted by the ghosts of drunk college kids and their one night stands.” She cracked a smile, so I continued. “Those mattresses, imbued with the spirits of a million dying sperm. They cry out… for vengeance! Or possibly Lysol!” I waggled my fingers in a spooky way.

She laughed, but she still looked worried. “Okay, the inn is probably cleaner. But you don’t have to believe in ghosts for them to believe in you. Please be careful.”

“How am I supposed to be careful? Would a ghost be stopped by a chain lock?”

“I’ll ask the spirit world to protect you,” she said.

I hugged her, and changed the subject. “Oh, Allie. It’s your wedding day. Let’s let the spirits worry about you. I am so happy for you, you know that? Now that I’ve met Jack, I understand why you don’t want to leave this cow town. He is smoking hot.”

Her eyes lit up, and we were off on her new favorite topic. I liked her husband to be. He was gorgeous, successful, and kind. Privately, I was relieved to find that he wasn’t the least bit into crystals or magic moonbeams. Her friends seemed similarly level headed. Her best girlfriend and I could have been twins, in that alternate universe where I could stand country living.

Before she ran out of things to say, it was time to get ready.

The wedding was glorious. The October evening came on fast, and by the time the reception started we were dancing under an Appalachian night sky filled with stars.

It was late when I reached the inn. My room was nice, if you liked country décor. I didn’t, but I sure liked the extra tall bed with its down comforter. Without undressing, I threw myself on it with a sigh.

Oh, man, it was good to lie down. Allie had let her bridesmaids wear whatever we wanted, and I had on a cobalt blue sheath. It looked good, but it looked best when I wore my highest strappy heels. None of my New York friends would dream of getting married so young, so I’d never been part of a wedding party before. I hadn’t realized how much standing around I was going to be doing.

As I lay there, limp, with my numb feet dangling off the side of the bed, I listened to the night noises coming in through the open window. Crickets and tree frogs were quite a departure from rumbling trucks and honking taxis. I’d never heard the wind make quite that sound, either. Kind of a soft moan. Almost a whimper.

Ugh. Allie was rubbing off on me. I staggered up and closed the window. Before I flopped back down, I put the chain on the door.

I got comfortable again. The sounds of the inn were normal. I heard the clunk of the stairwell door, footsteps going down the hall, and the distant rumble of someone filling their ice bucket at the machine.

There was also a strange scraping sound, of ceramic on wood. That sound was close by. On a little table under the mirror, there was one of those china pitchers in a bowl. It was moving, almost imperceptibly. I felt my heart speed up.

Then I realized the tiny movements were in time with the footsteps going down the hall. This was just an old, rickety building. I heard a door open and close, and all was still.

I stared at the ceiling. “Stop twitching,” I said to myself in a stern voice.

There was no reply. But somewhere off to my left and down near the floor, I heard a woman’s laugh. It wasn’t a nice laugh, either. There was a menacing edge to it. I got out of bed again, looking for the vent that was probably conducting the sound from another room.

I found the vent, all right. Too bad it was on the other side of the bed and near the ceiling.

This being October, the air conditioning was off, I thought. All of a sudden, I was cold. Goosebumps rose along my bare arms, and I shivered. I shook my head to clear it. The chill didn’t pass. Instead, my room got colder, and colder, and still more cold until I thought I could see my own breath.

I went to the phone to call the front desk and have the air conditioning fixed. There was no dial tone.

I fled to the door as fast as my poor abused feet would take me, unchained it, and threw it open. I was going to demand either a new room or a refund and a ride to the No-Tell Motel, sperm and all.

Instead I blundered into someone standing right outside my door.

“Whoa there,” he said, steadying me. “Something on fire?”

I looked up at him, and even half out of my head with fear I couldn’t help but stare. Longish dark hair, tall, and cheekbones like a model’s. His smile was fantastic. His chin was square, with a little dimple in it. His eyes were the soft brown of my favorite Italian leather coat.

Best of all, he was warm. I could feel the cold air on my back rushing away.

I tried a little laugh. “I think something was wrong with my room’s air conditioning. I was hearing strange sounds and I nearly froze for a few minutes.”

“Wow. That’s a coincidence. My air conditioning is messed up, too.”

“Seriously?” I felt so much better. “I was starting to think I was crazy.”

“No, you’re not.”

He was wearing a soft cambric work shirt and a pair of retro style jeans. I tried to make a joke. “Now I’m starting to think I’m overdressed.”

He looked me over and gave me a wink. “You’re the best dressed woman I’ve ever seen.”

“Wedding at the winery.”


“Thank you, by the way. For the compliment,” I said.

“Well, I’d say more, but I don’t want to be creepy.”

I was foolishly pleased. Me, the veteran of dozens of dinner parties where empty flattery is practically on the menu. “No, my room was creepy. It wasn’t just cold. I seriously thought I heard someone in there. Kind of… under the bed,” I faltered.

He looked concerned. “Would you like me to check it over?”

I stuck out my hand. “I’m Tricia.”

He looked confused, but he rallied. “Justin.” His hand was callused and dry. I felt a little tingle at his touch.

“Good. Now that we’ve been introduced, I can invite you in. Mama said I should never let strangers into my bedroom.”

I loved his laugh. It was rich and deep, and he didn’t try to suppress it. “Your mama is a wise woman,” he said.

I stood back to let him enter. He checked the vent, under the furniture, and even opened the window to look outside. Everything was normal for a crisp fall evening.

Justin looked at me and shrugged. That was the exact moment we heard the woman’s voice, and this time there was no question of vents. The sound was all around us.


I don’t remember moving, but I found myself pressed against his broad, warm chest with his arms around me. “Tell me you heard that,” I said. I tried to sound cool, but my voice cracked on the last word.

“I did. And I hope this doesn’t make me look like less of a man, but I agree with the voice.”

I was shaking. “This is ridiculous. I don’t believe in ghosts. Someone’s just playing a joke.”

“Hell of a joke,” he said. He rocked me back and forth, his own hands quivering just a bit.

I became aware of just how perfectly our bodies fit together. “If it makes you feel better, you don’t seem like less of a man to me.”

He smiled a little. “Thanks. But I didn’t mean to invite myself to stay. I’m just next door, I could hear you if you got into any difficulty.”

His hair was in his eyes, and I reached up to smooth it back. When I touched the soft skin of his cheek, I felt another little jolt of electricity go up my arm. I shivered. “No,” I said. “I could use some company.”

“We could go to the parlor, if you wanted,” he said.

I didn’t move. “We could.”

Justin brought his own hand up to my hair. I felt the strands catch on the rough skin of his palms. He stroked my head for a moment, with a tentative look on his face. I smiled.

“You’re too manly to use lotion on your hands. They’re awfully rough.”

“Horse farm.”


We grinned at each other. There was nothing tentative about the way he moved his hand down to my chin, and tilted my face up to meet his kiss.

Maybe it was the adrenaline following the scare, but his kiss nearly overwhelmed me. And I gave in. My heart was pounding, and I pressed myself against the whole length of his body. I didn’t try to keep my balance. His strong arms kept me close.

His tongue was hot against mine, probing and thrusting. I opened my mouth wider to encourage him, and he made a low throaty sound in response. He pulled his lips away only to put them on my throat and down to the soft flesh where my shoulder met my neck. I arched my back and moaned.

BOOK: Just One Bite Volume 2
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