Jett's Wild Wolf (Mystic Wolves 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Jett's Wild Wolf (Mystic Wolves 3)
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“Yesss, yes. I promise...” he trailed off, and the scent of urine hit him.

Jett let him fall from his grasp, watching dispassionately as the man landed on his ass.

Clapping his hands and making a show of dusting them off, Jett looked at the other two. “Well, that was fun. Who wants to go next?” He flashed a smile, sure his canines were showing. He gave a mental fuck off to them. Who would they tell and who would believe them? As they helped their friend scramble to his feet, and then rush off in the opposite direction, the stunning woman he came to find laughed.

“Where we going, dear?” he asked with a smile.

Taryn looked between him and the truck. He could see the wheels spinning in her gorgeous head. Jett closed the distance between them, lowered his head and did what he’d longed to do since he’d woke without her. For the briefest moment he thought she’d push him away, then her tongue thrust past his lips, dueling with his. Their bodies molded together, his hard muscles against her full curves. He wanted to strip her bare and take her where they stood.

“I know exactly what you’re thinking, and the answer is no.” She wedged her hands between them.

She traced her fingers over his chest. “Tell me you don’t want me. Tell me you’re not thinking of all the things you’d like to do to me. With me. Or, I could do to you.” Her tongue snaked out, licking her lips, and damned if he didn’t think of her doing the same thing to the head of his cock.

She was going to destroy his ever-loving mind. His control was about two seconds from flying out the proverbial window as he looked to the darkened storage unit with her truck still sitting inside, Jett had to shake his head to clear it. “Where are your keys? he asked holding out his hands.

“You are not driving my baby,” Taryn mumbled, her expression resolute.

Jett really didn’t want to hang around and argue with her, especially as his nose had picked up on what she’d obviously been too busy to. Bending at the waist he hoisted her over his shoulder, keeping his hand over the back of her ass and holding the dress in place. No need to let some asshat who might come by, get a peek at her perfect rear-end. If he had his way, the only one who’d be seeing that would be him...
holy shit, slow your roll
. His wolf howled at him while he shoved thoughts of Taryn and him past the near future out of his mind.

Inside the garage like unit, he sniffed. No smell of leaking oil assaulted him. “Did you get the oil leak fixed?” When she didn’t answer right away he gave her bottom a tap. “Answer me. You don’t want me to add another round to what you’ve amassed to your punishment.”

Her legs kicked, but with his arms banding them together didn’t do much, but her fist beating at his back made him grunt. “You do realize when I get down I am so going to kick your ass, right?”

Jett allowed his hand to trail beneath her skirt, tickling between smooth thighs. “Ah, sweets, I am so looking forward to it.”

Jerking the driver’s side door open, he bent and placed Taryn inside. He got a flash of red panties, his favorite color. Shit, whatever color she wore seemed to be his new favorite.

He looked around for the keys, wondering where she kept them, when a slim hand held out a keychain. After starting the engine, the motor purring like a smug beast, he eased out. He’d noticed there was nothing else in the unit.

Once he got to where he’d left his bike, all levity fled him. “I’m going to follow you back to Mystic. Wherever you were heading, plans have changed. Got me.”

“Listen. We fucked, we had fun, but I can’t stick around. You don’t know the shit storm I bring.” She visibly shook.

Confusion filled him. She’d not only escaped him, and evaded his alpha and several other wolves with remarkable ease, but now she was clearly scared. He scented no falsehood.

“Why don’t you tell me what exactly is going on, and why you ran? Of course, if we do it here, there are liable to be others who happen upon us. I’d much rather be on pack lands than down here where it’s just you and I if something should go down.” He half turned toward her with one arm over the steering wheel, the other braced over the back of the seat, tracing her collarbone. He couldn’t seem to stop touching her.

Chapter Five


aryn could see the absolute resolve in Jett’s darker than night stare. Good god she was in deep with this man. Not that she wasn’t always in deep shit with the men in her life, but with this one she wasn’t even sure how to outmaneuver him. Or if she even wanted to try. Not when her inner beasts were scratching at her skin, begging to get out and claim him. Yeah, she was screwed six ways to effing Sunday and she had a feeling she’d like every damn minute, until he realized she was the enemy, or at least the daughter of him.

“Hey, why such a sad look? I’m not gonna hurt you, or if I do you’ll love it.” His look was positively wicked.

She leaned into his touch, wanting, needing his heat for a minute. She was a liar in that moment, but only to herself. Her tongue snaked out, tracing his full bottom lip. The immediate reaction from Jett was exactly what she’d expected. A full-on-take-no-prisoners assault to her senses as he gripped her by the hips, lifting her up and over his thighs, her back to the steering wheel. Feeling his large erection straining against the fly of his denim, her tiny scrap of silk no barrier against the rough fabric. “Holy shit. Do you have a third leg or what?” she asked as she pulled back.

Jett held her by the hips. “See what you do to me? I’m ready to fuck you like a prepubescent teen, woman.”

The air in the small space heated with their breaths. “If I follow you back, you need to realize things aren’t black and white.”

He tugged at her hair. “You are so many things, but black and white are not colors I’d associate with you.” His mouth opened and with his teeth, he bit down on her earlobe, sending shivers of awareness throughout her. “Just so we are clear, you will lead the way back and I will follow you, no matter where you go, I will follow.” He made the declaration a promise and a threat rolled in one, and she found herself shivering with need.

“I find myself wanting to slap you and bite you in equal measures.”

A laugh rumbled out of his chest. “I think I’d like both. Now, up you go before I change my mind.” He tapped her ass.

Taryn only then realized his hand had worked its way beneath the fabric of her dress, his palm sliding over the exposed flesh, igniting sparks all the way to her toes. She was most definitely becoming one of those women who would be panting after dominating men, and didn’t feel the least bit ashamed to admit it if it got Jett Tremaine’s hands, and other body parts on her.

“I think I could get drunk on that scent.” Jett’s nostrils flared.

She scrambled off his lap when realization dawned that he could smell her arousal. “A gentlemen wouldn’t mention such things,” she said in her best imitation of a southern lady.

“Sweetheart, I am so far from a gentlemen, and you’ll thank me for it.” Wicked light flashed in his eyes as he opened the door.

The flex and play of muscles in his ass and thighs as he walked back to his bike had to be one of the sexiest things she’d ever watched. As he unclipped the black helmet from the handlebars, he turned slightly in each direction. She knew he was checking for any danger, glad he was keeping his head on straight. Her own was somewhere south of her belly button. Fuck, she wasn’t sure her heart could handle a fling with Jett, knowing he wasn’t the keeping around type. Especially since she had sensed he was her mate the night she’d come upon him in the circle. How she wished she could go back and do things differently. She’d followed a few of her pack after hearing they’d planned to capture a human, only to come across what looked like a council meeting unlike any she’d been to. Her curiosity had made her stay and watch, and then her beasts had latched onto Jett, drawing her closer. Taryn had thought for sure she’d been careful, staying downwind, but his gaze had seemed to find her, and she’d run like the hounds of hell were on her trail.

The sound of his bike with its loud pipes, interrupted her musings, bringing her back to the present. He made a motion for her to lead with a swirling of his pointer finger, making her grind her back teeth. Raising her left hand out the window, she gave him the middle finger. Jett one upped her with a waggle of his tongue, showing her his sexy piercing she imagined him doing all kinds of naughty things with. Yeah, he was so far out of her reach, she was still in the little leagues while he was in the Major League.


* * * *


hat do you mean you were defeated?” Keith asked. He looked at the men he’d assumed were his best, sneering as they cowered before him.

“Alpha, they had help. The Mystic Pack...they outnumbered us.”

Keith looked at the wolf who held himself tall. “Gary, explain to me what happened and don’t leave anything out, or I will drill through your miniscule brain. Believe me, you won’t like it if I do that.” He’d know if the wolf was lying. Hell, if he didn’t like the words the puny wolf had to say, he’d make an example of him, and show them what happened to those if they failed their alpha.

The description of the fight was brutal, but he hoped at least one of the fucking Mystic wolves was killed. “Why did you not stay and fight to the death like your brothers?” He held no such family loyalty to any of the men or women in his pack, but expected them to honor him above all others, even themselves.

Gary swallowed before answering. “I knew you’d want to know another very important detail.” He stood taller. “Taryn was there with some humans.”

Keith growled. “What do you mean?” Taking a step closer, his control slipped.

“I smelled her in the bar. Faint, but there. We saw her with some females that were human, but when I tried to find her before confronting the enemy, she was nowhere to be found.”

He looked at the nodding heads of the other two men who had yet to say a word, allowing Gary to speak for them. Keith could see they’d sustained severe damage, yet they’d all run instead of fighting to the death, or bringing home a Mystic wolf’s head on a platter. For that he had to make a statement. “You.” He pointed to the largest of the bunch who’d come back, yet the wolf had not said a word. “Come here.”

Fear flashed in the man’s features. “Alpha, I fought alongside my brethren. I’d have stayed till the very last breath left my body, but Gary was the leader. He said to fall back. I followed orders, sir.”

“Then why are you over there, and not here?” Keith allowed his powers to lash out, striking the man where he stood, enjoying the pain that dropped all that stood near to their knees. The cries of pain and anguish music to his ears. He fed off their energy, the ebb and flow increasing his own powers. Like a whip, he struck again, feeding off of the group, until he was almost drunk.

“Don’t fail me again, or I will kill you all where you stand. Do you understand?” He allowed his power to subside, nods were his only answer as those afflicted were unable to do anything else. “Good, now get up and get out of my sight. You make me sick.” He grabbed Gary by the throat. “Do you know where my daughter is now, or who these humans are?”

He had thought she’d still be recovering from her latest lesson from him, but he’d obviously been too easy on her. He’d not make that mistake again, he swore. As Gary shook his head, Keith looked into the wolf’s mind, seeing what he could of the humans Taryn had been with. What other’s thought were inconsequential, he’d be able to decipher. Once he saw the faces of the women, he memorized them, then released the worthless being.

“Be gone before I change my mind and kill you. Oh, and Gary,” he made the man wait a beat. “I know you three ran like pussies because you knew you couldn’t defeat the other pack.” Keith enjoyed the scent that hit him. Yes, he fed off of fear and pain. It was a natural elixir to him.

He went to the room where the girl he’d allowed to live all those years ago resided. In the small space he found very little clues as to what would lead him to her. Lifting the bed, he shredded the mattress, stuffing flying all over the place. The walls came apart under his fist and claws. Her precious collection of romance novels had him snarling as he tore them apart, pages flying into the air. The smell of the local library filled the air from some of the books. His first clue as to where she’d spent some of her time, along with several pack members who’d come and gone through her room.

Leaving the room, the door no longer on its hinges, Keith stormed toward the homes of his higher ranking officers. He’d find out if the two young females knew anything about his missing bitch of a daughter, or they’d die if he didn’t like what they had to say. Either outcome didn’t bother him much.


* * * *

aryn looked at her phone as she pulled up outside Jett’s home. She never received texts from Joni or Sky as it was too risky, but they’d found a way to communicate through a mobile app. Her stomach dropped when she read the seemingly innocent message. Keith had come to question them about her whereabouts, but luckily for Joni and Sky, she’d not mentioned anything about going out. When they’d admitted to staying with her during her healing, he’d seemed pleased, but Taryn knew it was an act as did Sky and Joni. She prayed her friends and their family would get out of the pack before Keith went postal and killed them all.

She typed a quick reply, stating she was loving the sun and sand, and hoped to see them soon. If Keith read it, he’d think a Doll was playing with them. The online app allowed them to build homes, and characters which they created to look and dress anyway they wanted. Hers was a buxom blonde who lived in California. Thinking her phone was too risky, she turned it off, then opened her door.

“What’s going on?” Jett asked. His bike had already been put inside his huge garage next to the Road Runner she really wanted to drive.

No one had ever really cared enough about her to ask her that, and want to hear the answer. Maybe her mother, but the woman had been beaten down, and only a shell of herself remained by the time Taryn was old enough to know the reason. She’d vowed she would never be like that. Never be a mom her child would be disappointed in. Of course, now as an adult, she realized her mother had no chance to be or do anything else. Circumstances of her birth and life deemed she was just a vessel for Keith. Nobody would help her, none would interfere with how the alpha chose to treat who he picked to be his mate, even if that female were someone else’s mate. When Taryn’s mother couldn’t give him a son, Keith had allowed her to leave, but not with her child.

BOOK: Jett's Wild Wolf (Mystic Wolves 3)
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