Jett's Wild Wolf (Mystic Wolves 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Jett's Wild Wolf (Mystic Wolves 3)
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A few things became clear. One, she was dressed in a soft cotton shirt that reached her knees and smelled divine, and nothing else. Two, the owner of the garment was none other than the man she’d fantasized about for months. Three, she had no clue where her clothes or purse were and was effectively a prisoner.

Taryn had known the danger when she’d healed Jett, but she didn’t think they’d take everything away from her. On silent feet, she eased off the couch. Using her heightened senses to try and locate her things, she almost wept at the sight of her shredded leather. The denim skirt was nowhere in sight and neither were her shoes or other belongings. Through the bathroom there was a small window, too small for a full-grown shifter to get out, but she figured she could wiggle through it. Once she shifted she wouldn’t need clothes or money, but how long would she survive in the fur was anyone’s guess. Keith was probably already searching, or had his goon squad out looking for her. The last time she’d stayed out all night without letting anyone know where she’d been, she’d accidentally stayed at the library and fallen asleep reading.

A shudder wracked her frame at the memory and she ran her hand over her right fingers. He’d broken each one to teach her a lesson.

Banishing anything that had to do with Keith, she centered her mind, focusing on her chakra. She needed the healing light a little more. A spinning white light appeared at the top of her head. The pure energy she focused inside her until it reached her forehead, becoming a dark blue. The third eye, a focus of power was one she really needed above the bridge of her nose. A light blue light joined with the white, making all the tension leave her body. As the light moved down to her throat, the lighter blue moving and spinning down and around her chest, her heart, became a beautiful green. The green light glowed bright spreading out and around her stomach, pausing around the healing wound to the yellow light, until the fifth chakra of orange and then finally releasing as it hit the red chakra.

Taryn held the cry inside as she opened her eyes and the lights of all her chakras danced around her in a wild and strange pattern. They’d never glowed so brightly as that before. She expected them to dissipate, but then they flowed out of the room like a beacon.

She shut the door and locked it, looking around desperately. The window ledge was above the toilet. Climbing onto the back she unlatched the hinge, the squeaking noise echoed loudly, giving her the boost she needed to hurry. Just as she was beginning to hoist herself up, the sound of heavy footfalls, and an unmistakable male’s growl had the hairs on the nape of her neck standing on end. All her girly parts wanted her to step down, but her brain told them to shut up and she shoved off the back. When the door burst open, she knew whoever was first in the room got a glimpse of her naked ass, but getting out seemed like the safest thing. Only she didn’t realize the other side of the window was a twelve foot drop. She fell, her hands catching most of her weight, and rolled.

“Goddamn it,” she cursed as the gravel bit into her palms. She hated to lose the piece of clothing, but her only hope of escape was shifting. Lifting the bottom of the white cotton, Taryn was startled as two strong arms wrapped around her.

“Gotcha,” Jett growled and pulled her close. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? You scared the fuck out of me jumping out the window like that. You could’ve hurt yourself worse than what you already did.” His arms tightened even more, she could barely breathe.

Taryn tilted her head back, looking up at the man she’d crushed on for a while now. “Why don’t you just let me go and pretend you didn’t catch me?”

His grip eased a fraction, and then he clutched her closer like he was in pain, his nose nuzzled her neck. He breathed deep, scenting her, holding her closer, almost possessively. Her wolf approved, the hussy.

“I wish it was that easy, my wild wolf.” She thought he’d release her, but his arms went under her, sweeping her off her feet.

“You don’t understand the danger I bring to you and your pack. Let me go.” She stared up into his eyes, mesmerized by the dark depths. How she wished she could get lost in them and pretend the world didn’t matter.

His gaze took in her body draped over his big arms. “I’m afraid that isn’t an option.”

Taryn began to panic. “What’re you going to do, lock me in your dungeon? Newsflash, been there, done that.” She realized her mistake instantly when she hadn’t injected enough humor in her tone. Her memories of being held prisoner in such places too raw in her current state of mind.

Jett kept walking, his eyes softening as they looked down at her. “Nobody will ever harm you again. We protect what’s ours, and you, little girl, are most definitely ours.”

Her voice became a whisper. “I just want my freedom.” It was part truth. What she really wanted she’d never have. A home. A mate. Someone who loved her unconditionally. All the things a normal woman had, but something she’d never get. There were far more important things to deal with than her wishes. Like getting the heck out of Mystic in one piece before Keith found her.

Behind the bar she noticed there were several bikes and an orange muscle car that had her salivating to slide behind the wheel.

Jett exchanged glances with the alpha and his brother. “I’m taking her home with me.”

Niall tilted his head to the side. “Do you need backup?”

Zayn snorted. “You raising your hand for that one, bro?”

Taryn wanted to roll her eyes at the absurdity of the situation, but controlled herself.

“The twins will follow you to make sure you get there safely. Keep our lines of communication open. Feel me?” Niall’s voice had gone hard, his blue eyes glowing.

“Hope they can keep up.” Jett walked around to the driver’s side of the orange vehicle. “Watch your feet.” He placed her next to the side, keeping her from running with his body blocking her only escape. Not that she’d try with all the wolves surrounding her. Taryn hadn’t survived for twenty-five years under an evil bastard’s reign of terror without learning a few things. First and foremost being to act docile and unassuming, until they relaxed their guard.

Her latest captor pulled a towel from the back, shook it out before placing it over the passenger seat. “Scoot over. Careful of the gear shift.”

She’d have to either crawl over, with her bare ass in the air, or do as he said, spreading her legs in the process.
Get your mind out of the gutter Taryn Cole, before he smells your need.
She hoped her mental talk helped get her body in control, otherwise she’d be straddling more than the gear shift.

He frowned as he slid behind the wheel. “Buckle up for safety.”

“This is a sweet ride. Did you do all the work yourself, or buy it like this?” One way to get a guy’s attention other than sex was to talk about their rides, and Jett’s Plymouth Road Runner was topnotch.

“You know about cars?” The look he directed at her while he expertly backed out of the lot suggested he didn’t believe she could.

Taryn understood where he was going with his train of thought. “This is a 1971 SuperBee, I’m guessing you kept the Hemi with 460 HP. This model has a wider rear track for better handling, ventless side glass for better aerodynamics, and can reach higher top speeds and is quieter than the previous models.” She didn’t mention it was a dream car or that she knew it had been known to go so fast it would twist the chassis.

Jett grunted. “Fine, you know a little about cars, but can you drive one?” he asked as they came to a four way stop. She heard the unmistakable sound of two bikes behind them. “Hold tight, sweetheart, I’m about to have them boys eat some rubber.”

The flex and play of muscles in his thigh had her squirming on the seat. He gripped the shifter, looked right and left, and even though she was prepared, her body jerked back against the seat at the increase in speed. Exhilaration flooded her veins, and she smiled at the feel of the wind whipping in through the windows.

His deep chuckle had her looking over to see amusement glimmering in his eyes. “Them boys didn’t stand a chance.”

She couldn’t help but laugh with him. “Not too many could. You weren’t playing fair.”

He reached over, placing his large hand over hers. “I never play fair.”

They drove together in silence, winding their way up the mountain, his hand still holding hers. His warmth seeping into her. She thought of moving her fingers, turning them over so they were entwined, but feared he’d realize what he was doing and she’d lose his touch all together. Not once in her life had a man simply held her hand, enjoyed the silence of the night other than the roar of the engine. She couldn’t imagine anything more peaceful than being with Jett Tremaine, but she knew it was all make believe. He was taking her to his home, and there she’d be his prisoner until...what did he want with her then?

If only she wasn’t Keith, the murdering jackhole’s daughter, her life would have been a whole lot different. But she was all about reality. She would bide her time, and heal completely. When the time was right, she’d escape. Only next time she prayed she got out alive.

Chapter Three


ett could see the wheels turning in the beautiful wolf’s head. He scented her desire for him, and wanted to shove his shirt out of the way and taste her sweet cream for himself, see if she was as good as she smelled. It took every bit of control he could muster to pull back. When he’d placed his hand over hers he’d felt her tremble, and it would’ve taken an act of the goddess to get his hand off. He’d seen her swift intake of breath, watched her pulse flutter on her neck, and knew she was his for the taking. His wolf shouted hell yes, but his human half wanted answers first.

“We’re almost there. I’ll cook you something to eat when we get home. Do you like grilled ham and cheese sandwiches?” He curled his fingers under hers.

“I don’t think I could eat...” Her stomach chose that moment to rumble. “Oh, I guess that sort of answers that one.”

She didn’t try to tug free and he took that as a good sign. “I’m starving, too.”

He pulled into his garage, using the remote to enclose them in before he got out and went around to open her door. She looked startled for a moment, but allowed him to help her out. They entered his house, the alarm going off until he input the code and reset it. “The house is set with alarms on all the windows and doors.” He led the way into his spacious, open floor kitchen.

“I assumed as much.” Her sorrowful expression made him feel like an ass.

“I cleaned you up, but if you’d like to take a shower I’ll show you where you can take one. I have some extra clothes that would probably fit you around here somewhere.” The scent of her anger hit him.

“If you wouldn’t have trashed my clothes I wouldn’t need your castoffs.” She glared at him from her much shorter height. He kept the smile from forming on his lips.

Covering his lips with his hand, Jett looked down. “I don’t keep my castoffs clothes. However, I do have extra clothing from some of the cubs who are about your size here.” He liked that flare of jealousy. “Follow me.” He reached for her hand, seeing thin white scars on the back. “What happened?” His thumb ran across the back, tracing the signs of damage.

“None of your business.” She’d blenched.

They entered his bedroom, the large room was clean if sparse. He was glad the bed was made and the bathroom clean. After leading her into the ensuite, he went to the closet and pulled out a clean T-shirt of his. The need to have her in his clothes, with his scent on her was one he didn’t question. He found the smaller sweats in the back, glad they held some of his smell from being in his home for so long.

The sound of the shower running could be heard through the door. He tested the handle and found it unlocked, so he opened it, knowing the shower curtain would keep her hidden from his view. “I’ll lay the clothes on the counter. If you need anything just holler. There’s also a clean toothbrush in the bottom drawer on the left, and before you ask, no I don’t keep a stock of them just in case. I have an extra from the last time I went to the dentist, and since I use an electric toothbrush I don’t use the ones from the dental office.”

He slammed the door before she could reply, but her giggle was his answer. He was glad she found something to laugh at. The visible signs of where she’d been injured before, made him and his wolf want to kill whoever dared to hurt her.

Jett still wanted answers. Why she was in the woods the night Alaina was almost killed, and who were the wolves that were with her? She was an unknown, and things were not adding up. For a man who liked things to add up, sort of, he needed answers. Ever since that night he’d felt like a failure. Like he didn’t belong in his pack anymore. He’d let his alpha down, and almost cost the man he considered a brother his mate. Not to mention Niall’s son was also caught in the crossfire. Jett still had nightmares of what could have happened, all because he’d been distracted by one woman who’s scent was calling to him, even through the walls of sheetrock.

Pulling out the container of shredded ham and the cheese he’d bought at the market, he grabbed the loaf of thick cut Tunisian bread. After he applied butter to several pieces, he threw the ham on to grill first and waited before placing the bread on, then the cheese. By the time he had four heaping sandwiches done, he looked down the hallway to see a clean, yet gorgeous woman walking toward him, looking good enough to eat.

“That smells delicious. You need any help?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Have a seat.” Placing the plate of sandwiches on the high table, he went back for two glasses. “What would you like to drink?”

“Water please.”

After grabbing a bottle of water for her and a bottle of beer for himself he came back, poured her water in the glass for her, ignoring the glass in front of him.

Taryn looked utterly comfortable, aside from the erratic beating of her heart he could see in the pulse beating at her throat. He bet she was great at playing cards. They ate in companionable silence. He’d offered her two sandwiches, to which she raised her impossibly dark brows, and then proceeded to eat one and a half. Once they’d finished, he folded his arms on the table, looking her in the eye.

BOOK: Jett's Wild Wolf (Mystic Wolves 3)
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