Indecent Temptations: Volume 2 (4 page)

BOOK: Indecent Temptations: Volume 2
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barely slept the entire night. I didn’t see Eric all night. I was thinking
about going down to the boat at midnight, but when I looked outside there was
no sign he was out there so I thought better of it. I was miserable. I was
worried about Eric, but at the same time I was nervous about seeing him again.

had to get up relatively early because I had agreed to take Nathan to his
appointment and to get a blood test. I was pinning my hair up when someone
knocked on the door. “Come in,” I said quietly.

came in and smiled at me. “Are you ready?” he asked.

nodded and retrieved my purse. I followed him downstairs to his car. He handed
me the key and we set off. Neither of us spoke except when he would tell me
where to go. He seemed nervous. I knew he had his hopes up that I would be a
match. I was kind of hoping I would be a match as well, but at that moment my
mind wasn’t on the possible surgery, it was on Eric. My mind was always on Eric
and it was driving me insane.

parked in the garage and smiled at Nathan. “Are you ready?” I asked quietly.

nodded and climbed out. I followed him into the doctor’s office. He was sent
one way and I went the other. It didn’t take them long to get everything they
needed from me. After I was done I waited in the waiting room for Nathan. My
phone jingled, it was Eric. I picked up even though I wasn’t sure if I should.
“Hey,” I said softly hoping he was in a better mood.

I was worried about you.” His tone was gentle and warm. Relief washed over me
and the tightness in my chest eased.

was worried about you to. I didn’t see you at the boat last night so I didn’t
go,” I said hoping he wasn’t waiting for me and I just didn’t show.

I was upset. I needed to be alone. I was wondering if we could get together
later.” He sounded unsure like he thought I might reject him.

where do you want to meet?” I asked quietly.

playroom, around ten tonight. I will be at work until late or I would do it
earlier,” he said apologetically.

is fine, I am going to be here for a while anyway.” Part of me was glad he
wanted to see me. The other part of me felt worse. I was planning on leaving
him soon and the thought hurt.

well I will see you in a little while.” He sounded relieved like he thought I
wouldn’t cooperate. We said our goodbyes and I groaned. I could see everything
getting even more complicated than it already was.

was lunch time by the time Nathan was done. We wouldn’t get the results until
tomorrow. He was in an overly good mood, and he insisted on going to lunch. I
hated to admit it, but I was having fun. I liked being able to talk to someone.
I never really shared much with Laura and now that she was upset with me we
shared even less. I couldn’t imagine talking about Eric with her anyway. It
would be too weird.

lunch we went back to the house. Nathan went upstairs and I walked outside to
the deck. I could have used sleep but it was a nice day out, and after being in
a doctor’s office all morning the fresh air was nice.

came outside a few minutes after me. “So I heard I missed a lot of fun at
dinner last night.” She was grinning like it was funny.

next time I will take a note out of your book and pretend I am asleep,” I said

sat down on the chair not far from me and started painting her toe nails. “Ya I
figured the whole situation would be intense especially with the whole Beth
thing. I knew she would throw it out there as soon as she had the chance.”

Eric like Beth?” I asked quietly. I had been thinking about the whole date
Granny claimed Eric had with Beth. I never had a chance to ask Eric about it. I
wasn’t even really sure if I wanted to know. If he was planning on dating other
women then all my fears would be true, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to pop the
bubble I was in just yet.

shrugged without looking up. She was focused on her toes. “I don’t think so,
but you never really know. Granny is just pushing her because she is his age
and Granny likes her.”

sighed. “I wish things were simpler,” I said softly as I looked out toward the

could feel her watching me, but I didn’t bother to look at her. “So you want to
tell me what the deal is with you and Nathan?”

stiffened a little. “What do you mean?” I asked softly. My mouth had gone dry
as fear gripped me.

don’t know. I mean I know you guys aren’t romantic or anything. Your
relationship just seems a little more than just acquaintances.” She didn’t even
seem like she was paying attention to me as she spoke. If she had been she
might have questioned me more.

shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “I like talking to him, he has an
interesting perspective,” I said trying to sound uninterested in the topic.
Nathan had a way of annoying me and making me feel better all at the same time.
Some of the things he said got on my nerves; then other things he did and said
made me feel better.

laughed. “That he does. So have you talked to Eric are you guys ok or what?”

had a lot of questions. I didn’t want to answer them because I didn’t have the
answers. “I haven’t talked to him yet. He wants to meet later tonight, but I
have no clue what is going to happen,” I said softly. I was still worried about
meeting him. I was afraid of what he was going to say.

looked up at me and smiled. “Ah, you’ll be fine. Like I said it is difficult to
make it out with your sanity; it is possible though.”

laughed. “It doesn’t look good for me. I am going to take a nap. I had a crazy
long, sleepless night and it didn’t involve good sex,” I said dryly.

laughed. “I feel for you, maybe I’ll see you at dinner,” she said amused.

scoffed. “Not a chance in hell.”


woke up around nine. I had enough time to shower and dress. I had butterflies
in my stomach. I was thinking about all the possible scenarios that would
happen between Eric and me. The thoughts were driving me insane. I didn’t
understand how people had relationships as much as they did. I was going insane
and this was my first one.

to ten I made my way to the library. The house was quiet so I didn’t run into
anyone which was a relief. I slipped into the library and I was surprised to
see the hidden entrance was standing open. He was obviously waiting for me.

walked into the dimly lit room and closed the door behind me. He looked up at
me from across the room. He was selecting music. His chest was bare and he had
a pair of black silk pajama pants on. He looked incredible, my thoughts
completely scattered when he walked over to me.

kissed me gently then smiled like he knew the effect he had on me. “I was
hoping you would come,” he whispered.

wouldn’t I?” I asked as I moved closer to him. The scent of his skin was
driving me insane. I ran my hand over the ripples of his abdomen and I felt my
pulse quicken. I was crazy about him. I was starting to think it was more than
just a physical attraction, but I wasn’t ready to admit it yet.

brought wine,” he said quietly as he stepped away from me. He seemed a little
nervous which bothered me. He was usually very affectionate when we were alone.
Now he was acting skittish. He walked to one of the dressers where he had a
wine bottle in ice and two glasses. He poured us each a glass as I went over
and sat down on the bed.

looked around the room. He had all the candles lit. There were soft red and
pink rose petals on the bed. I played with one and smiled. “What is all this
for?” I asked as I looked back over at him.

shrugged. “I figured I owed you. It has been a little rough.”

sighed. “More than you know.”

came over and handed me the glass of wine. He cleared his throat and shifted
nervously like he had something serious he wanted to say. “I also thought it
was time we talked, and by talked I mean seriously talk about us, and our
future together.”

really didn’t want to discuss anything about us. It seemed like every time I
thought about us, things just seemed to look worse than they did before. “Are you
sure we have to talk about that?” I asked softly hoping he would change his

smiled. “Yes, because I want to tell my mother we want to see each other. I
want to take you to the charity even tomorrow night, not Beth.”

smiled, maybe he did care about me. “I would like that,” I said watching him.

sat down next to me and took my wine glass from me and set it on a nearby
table. “So you will give up on this whole leaving business. I mean I know I
irritate you, but going across the country is just cruel,” he whispered softly.

laughed. “I will give up the leaving business.”

smiled and pressed his lips to mine. His kiss wasn’t just about foreplay it
meant something so much more now. He had made it clear he wanted me and only me
and it was the best feeling in the world. I giggled as he pushed me down onto
the bed and rolled on top of me. His mouth found my neck and he drove me crazy
with his soft kisses. He pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it aside, then
he unsnapped my bra and tossed it aside as well. He ran his hand all the way
down my side and cupped my ass. He pressed me against him and my pulse
quickened when I felt his erection pressing against me. His mouth found mine
again and his kisses became hungrier and more desperate. He stood and slid my
skirt off. He dropped his silk pants and stood in front of me naked and
perfect. I sat up and reached for him. He came to me and I ran my hand down the
length of his hard shaft as I laid gentle kisses across his abdomen. I covered
his cock with my mouth and slowly teased him until he pulled away and pushed me
down on the bed again. He covered my mouth with his and slowly eased his hard
cock inside me. He slowly began to move teasing me. I groaned impatiently and
pushed my hips against him trying to get him to pick up the pace. He smiled. He
knew exactly what he was doing to me and he enjoyed it.

growled in annoyance and pushed him over startling him. I slid down onto him
and his perfect cock filled me completely. I let out a satisfied moan and I
began to move over him. His eyes were blazing as he watched me enjoy him. I
closed my eyes and let my body take over. I could feel his hands on me roaming
my body. He twisted my nipple gently making me gasp in surprise. He grinned and
rolled so he was over me. He flipped me over so I was on my belly and he was
behind me. He lifted my hips and slowly eased into me. I moaned as he filled
me. The position he had me in intensified the feeling and I knew it wouldn’t be
long until I was releasing. I moved gently my hips matching his rhythm and
slowly the pleasure swept over me. It started as a warm sensation low in my
belly and slowly grew until it completely took over. I cried out in excitement
and relief. He moaned and I felt him come apart inside me.

moved off me and shifted so he was lying on his side next to me. He stroked my
hair and laid gently kisses along my shoulder. “I am crazy about you,” he

about the tone of his voice told me he was telling the truth. The thoughts of
telling him about Nathan suddenly came rushing back into my mind, but I tried
to push them away. I didn’t want to tell him now and ruin everything. The
moment was to perfect. “I’m crazy about you to,” I whispered softly.


laid next to Eric watching the ceiling fan slowly spin. I was wide awake and he
had fallen asleep a couple hours earlier. I wanted to just lay next to him and
not worry about anything else, but it seemed impossible. My mind wouldn’t turn
off and let me enjoy myself. I was more terrified of losing Eric now than I had
been ever before. If he hadn’t confirmed his feelings for me then I would have
been able to go through with leaving after the surgery, but now things were
more complicated. I had agreed to stay. I hadn’t agreed completely to donate to
Nathan, but I couldn’t see myself backing out of it if I was a match. That left
only one option, I would have to tell Eric about Nathan being my father. The
thought made the horrible ache come back full force. It was gone earlier when I
was in his arms now it was back with a vengeance.

shifted next to me and propped himself up on his elbows and looked down at me.
“You ok?” he asked groggily. He looked so cute when he was just waking up. His
hair was tousled and his eyes had a sleepy glow to them. He looked kind of like
he was trying to make a sexy pose for a magazine, but it was his natural look.

smiled and pushed a lock of his soft hair behind his ear. “I’m fine. I just
took a nap earlier and can’t sleep now,” I lied hoping he would believe me.

in that case you won’t mind if I take advantage of you,” he whispered

smiled as he ran his hand up my thigh. He brushed the tender skin between my
legs with his fingertips, but he didn’t stop there. He just touched me just enough
to torture me. His hand continued up my body slowly. He brushed my nipple and
it instantly hardened in response to him. He smiled, knowing the effect he had
on me. He leaned over me and brushed his soft lips against mine. He deepened
the kiss, but it wasn’t rough. It was a gentle, playful kiss that made my body
hum with anticipation. I laid there enjoying the feel of his lips on mine.

sound of his phone ringing broke the silence and startled both of us. “Who the
hell is calling me this late,” he muttered as he left me and went across the
room to retrieve his phone. He looked at the phone confused then he answered.
“Hello,” he said sounding a little annoyed. His expression suddenly darkened. “This
is him.”…. “When did this happen?”…..  “Is she still there?”….. “I will be
there is a few minutes, thanks for calling.” He hung up and looked at me for a
second. “Laura was arrested for drinking and driving.” He went to retrieve his
clothes as he spoke.

sat up worried. “Are you going to get her?” I asked quickly.

nodded. “I don’t know what I am going to do with that girl,” he muttered

will go with you,” I said as I slid out of the bed and began retrieving my
clothes. He didn’t say anything. He looked like he might have been too angry to
even speak. Once we were both dressed I followed him out of the room and to the

BOOK: Indecent Temptations: Volume 2
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