Indecent Temptations: Volume 2 (2 page)

BOOK: Indecent Temptations: Volume 2
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woke up and I was alone in my bed. I had a serious headache and the light
pouring in from the curtains was hurting my head. I sat up and looked around
then groaned. I was still in my dress minus my panties. I slid out of bed and
walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, took several pain pills to try to
kill the dull ache in my head, and started the shower.

hot water made me feel a little better. I was slightly glad I was hung over
because I didn’t have the energy to think about Eric and my complicated relationship.
I was a little startled when he put his arms around me. Eric laughed as he
nuzzled my neck. He knew he startled me, I hadn’t even heard him come in.

thought you left,” I said trying to slow my heart rate.

did, they are all still asleep so I have a few minutes. I told Lily to tell
them I was out running if they asked,” he said amused.

scowled and turned to look up at him. “So what is your plan? Are we going to
hide our relationship now?”

looked at me for a second then looked away. “I told my mother I would stop
seeing you. She thinks I am being immature. I just don’t want to argue with her,”
he said softly.

long do you really think this is going to work?” I looked at him and I knew he
hadn’t thought of that. I knew it wouldn’t work for long. Granny wasn’t stupid.
She would know what was going on. She was looking for indications of our
relationship now.

sighed. “I know it isn’t the best idea. I was just hoping maybe it would give
us more time. I don’t want to end what we have so soon. I know neither of us
planned on anything more than a summer fling, but I just don’t think I can stay
away from you.”

was back to touching me and running his hands up my sides. Every time he
touched me my mind clouded and I couldn’t think straight. “Eric,” I moaned
trying to come up with a reason why this was a bad idea. I knew there were
several, I just couldn’t come up with anything. His hand was sliding down
between my thighs. His lips were pressed to mine and he was smiling. He knew
exactly what he was doing to me. He slid two of his fingers inside me and I

just go with it,” he whispered playfully. I smiled as he pinned me to the wall.
He was very good with his hands and I was completely at his mercy. The pressure
he put on my clit with his palm and the feel of his fingers inside me was
driving me insane. His mouth was covering mine and kissing me hungrily. I was
pretty sure it was intentional on his part. He didn’t want to talk, and by
keeping my mouth distracted he was making that very clear.

slowly removed his fingers and slid his hand around to my backside. He cupped
my ass with one hand and lifted my leg with his other. He pushed me against the
wall and slid inside me. He slowly began to move and I giggled and dodged his
mouth. He wouldn’t let me catch my breath between his kisses and it was driving
me insane. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the wall as his mouth
trailed down over my breasts. He rolled my nipples between his fingers making
me gasp.

are so beautiful,” he whispered as he kissed my neck.

smiled and pressed my mouth to his and kissed him aggressively. He made me feel
beautiful. He slowly drove me insane with his movements. I stifled moans in his
shoulder as I released. He moaned against my lips and released pressing me
harder to the wall.

stood there for a minute, both of us trying to catch our breath. After a few
minutes he shifted. “I have to go baby, I will see you a little later,” he said
sounding apologetic.

sighed and reluctantly released him. He stepped out of the shower. As I
listened to him leave I tried to block out all the bad thoughts of our
relationship, but they came rushing in. I sighed and climbed out of the shower.
I put my robe on and walked out to my vanity and sat down. I had no clue what I
should do. He wanted to keep our relationship secret. If that was the case then
I didn’t have to tell him about Nathan. I knew I was just trying to justify
keeping a secret from him, but if he didn’t want a real relationship then I
didn’t have to be completely honest with him.


stood looking at my door handle. I had taken over an hour to dress and put
makeup on. I was hungry and thirsty, but I really didn’t want to leave the
safety of my room. Somewhere in the house was Granny and Laura. I really didn’t
want to deal with either of them. I finally built up the nerve to open the door
and step out into the hallway. I was relieved to see it was empty; that was one
hurdle down.

walked down the hall, then down the stairs. I froze when I turned the corner
and Granny was standing there. She looked me over with a disapproving look. “I
see you finally decided to come out of hiding,” she said curtly.

really didn’t want to fight with her and just the tone of her voice irritated
me. “I wasn’t hiding. I just didn’t think anyone would be that excited to see
me, and as far as I can tell I was correct.”

narrowed her eyes at me. “You took advantage of a vulnerable man. He is still
grieving the loss of his wife and you took advantage of the fact that you look
like her.”

wanted to argue with her. It had been years since Alice died and he made the
first move, but I knew it wouldn’t matter to her. “I think what happened should
remain between Eric and me,” I said softly.

scowled. “I am his mother. I am here to protect him from silly girls like you.
You are half his age and you have absolutely nothing to offer him.”

Eric growled coming around the corner. I was glad he was here because I was
close to going off on her. I looked at Eric relieved that he was there.

mother me, you know I am right,” she grumbled and crossed her arms.

is none of your business like I told you yesterday,” he countered matching her

scoffed and walked off. I looked at Eric. I wasn’t sure what to do. We were
supposed to be keeping our relationship secret so I wasn’t sure how he expected
me to act. “I’m sorry about her. I asked her to leave you alone, but she
cannot. She is so stubborn,” he said amused.

smiled nervously. “It’s fine. I just wanted to get something to eat,” I said
quietly then turned to go to the kitchen. He didn’t make a move to follow me
which was disappointing. I knew his mother was probably watching and he was
serious about keeping our relationship secret.

walked into the kitchen and Nathan was sitting on a barstool at the counter. He
was reading something and he smiled at me when I came in. It was a relief that
he was happy to see me. I felt like I was walking on egg shells around here.

are you doing?” I asked trying to make conversation.

just looking over a couple letters. More bad news about donors. I had to be the
most difficult type to match. Sometimes I think maybe I was meant to die,” he
said dryly.

doubt that,” I said as I routed through the fridge. I settled on a bowl of
fruit and some cheese and crackers. I set the stuff on the counter and Nathan
was watching me like he wanted to say something. “What?” I asked softly as I
arranged strawberries and grapes on my plate.

shook his head like he thought better of it. “So have you and Eric come to a
resolution?” he asked amused.

are broken up, same as we were yesterday. His mother wants to skin me, so I
think it is for the best,” I said quietly.

you didn’t appear broken up last night,” he said smiling.

looked at him a little horrified. “You were here! Why didn’t you say anything?”

laughed. “I saw you come through the door and I went upstairs. I didn’t see
anything it just didn’t appear that you two were broken up.”

laughing, you should have let us know you were here,” I muttered. I knew my
cheeks were on fire. We weren’t close but it was still embarrassing.

attempted to keep a straight face, but he was failing miserably. “Your secret
is safe with me,” he said smiling.

scowled and started putting supplies away. “Eric is the one who wants us to
hide. He said he told his mother he wouldn’t see me anymore.”

can tell you don’t like the idea, so why don’t you tell him?” he asked watching

shrugged. “I guess I’m afraid he will end it completely. I have never been in a
real relationship and the feeling of being broken up kind of sucks,” I said

smiled. “The feeling never gets easier no matter how many times it happens. You
are a smart girl you will figure it out. He knows how you feel even if he
doesn’t want to admit it.”

sighed and poked at one of the strawberries. “I’m afraid he doesn’t care how I
feel. What if he is just seeing me because I look like Alice?” I looked at him
and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. I never thought I would be talking to
him about this, but for some reason I felt like he wouldn’t say anything to
anyone. He hadn’t mentioned anything about our relationship; at least not yet.

could see why you would have that fear. Sometimes I see her in you. She was a
lot like you, but I also think Eric knows the difference. He knows you aren’t
her and I am pretty sure he likes you not just because of how you look.” His
words made me feel a little better.

wanted to believe him, but I still had a nagging feeling that I was believing
what I wanted to because it meant staying with Eric longer. His mother was
right, I really had nothing else to offer him. I was young and I didn’t even
have a job yet. “Thanks for listening to me complain,” I said and smiled.

laughed as he stood. “I don’t mind, you can complain to me anytime. I would
stay and listen some more, but I have an appointment.”

nodded. “I will talk to you later then.” He nodded then left. I sat on the
barstool flipping through a magazine.

look, it’s the father stealer,” Laura said condescendingly as she came into the
kitchen. She went to the fridge and retrieved a bottle of water.

rolled my eyes. “I did not steal your father. Stealing implies I took something
without permission and I did not,” I countered.

glared at me. “You didn’t ask my permission. Just because you don’t have a
father it doesn’t mean you have to take mine,” she hissed and marched out.

sighed. She was intentionally trying to hurt my feelings; which I did
understand. I had a father, but if I told her that I was pretty sure she would
hate me even more. I stood and put my plate in the sink.

pressed against me and kissed my neck. “Aren’t there people around?” I asked

Laura is upstairs and my mother took Nathan to his dialysis treatment,” he
whispered as he continued to kiss my neck.

turned in his arms and looked up at him. It was the first time I had heard that
he was having the treatments. I knew he needed a transplant I just wasn’t sure
how far advanced his illness was. “How often does he have to have dialysis?”

gets them daily for now, but he will have to move to twice a day soon, until he
gets a transplant.” He was still attempting to kiss my neck, but I was
distracted now.

you worried about him?” I asked trying to push him off.

course, but if I think about it too much I will go insane. That is why I am
attempting to forget about everything for a few minutes,” he said smiling as he
attempted to pull me closer to him again.

wasn’t in a very playful mood. For some reason the fact that Nathan was so sick
never dawned on me. He always seemed ok when I was around him. Maybe it was a
front so I wouldn’t know how bad he really felt. “I’m not really in the mood,”
I said softly and moved away from him.

walked toward the stairs and he caught up with me and pulled me into his arms.
He looked worried. “Emma, why are you so upset?” he asked softly.

scowled. “I am not upset. I am just not in the mood.” I went to walk past him
again and he held me in place.

me please,” he whispered as he pressed his forehead to mine.

couldn’t talk about Nathan with him, not yet. I couldn’t tell him, it would
make things even worse for me. I didn’t even know why finding out how sick
Nathan was bothered me so much. I did my best to smile. “There is nothing to
tell. Why don’t we go do something or go somewhere,” I said hoping he would
agree. I needed a distraction and I would have liked to get out of the house.

sighed. “I can’t. My mother invited company over for lunch. They will be here
in an hour or so.”

nodded trying not to let him know how upset I was. “I will be in the library. I
will catch up with you later,” I said and hurried up the stairs before he could
stop me again. I found a book that looked interesting and I sat down and
attempted to read it. The words all blended together and I couldn’t focus. I
was trying to fight so many feelings it was getting irritating. I wanted to
think Eric cared about me for more than sex, but I was becoming less and less
confident about him. Then there was the whole Nathan situation. I wanted to not
care about him, but it was becoming difficult. The fact that he was really sick
hit me for the first time today and I didn’t like the feeling it gave me.

BOOK: Indecent Temptations: Volume 2
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