Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series (8 page)

BOOK: Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series
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She grinned up at him then dipped her head to his chest. It wasn’t only his cock she wanted to taste. She wanted to lick his honey-gold skin, his tiny pink nipples. She slowly kissed and licked her way down his stomach, lingering at the trail of hair that led to a nest of darker fur around his rosy brown cock.

His shiny, plump glans trickled pre-cum, and she lapped this up before she thoroughly laved her tongue beneath the ridge. Her lover growled out his appreciation and cradled the side of her head in his big palms.

She curled her fist around the base of his shaft and moved it up and down while she sucked on his head and flit her tongue in and out his hole. She used his foreskin to heighten his pleasure. Gliding the extra sheathe of skin up and down his cock like this, she knew, would create a sublime friction.

Then the hand around his shaft cupped his balls and she tugged, tweaked, massaged while she took all of his dick in her mouth. She continued to use his foreskin to heighten the pleasure, sucking this glove of flesh up over his glans as hard as she could. Or she’d take her hand from his balls and tug the extra flesh back while she sweep her tongue back and forth over his shaft. He thrust his dick quickly in and out her hot, talented mouth and whimpered in delight.

“Cum all over my face, in my mouth,” she begged, desperate to taste his seed and feel it on her skin.

“Oh yeah,” he gasped in bliss. “Are you … sure? You can borrow a change of clothes if I spray wide.”

She giggled at his sweet concern and found it touching. “Don’t worry about it. Just aim for the face and mouth. I can use the shower you’ve got in there.” She pointed to the bathroom before she gobbled his cock once more.

“Oh, you bet you can.” His voice was low and guttural, and she knew he was close to climax. “And I’ll be happy to join you, baby.”


Hunter walked away from the guy he’d been talking to, cursing when he was sure he was out of earshot. He’d lost Trent about ten minutes ago, and the contact he’d seen Trent talking to turned up nothing when Hunter later approached him with a fake drug deal.

All that and he still hadn’t heard from Sally.

“Mic problems my ass.” He shook his head and walked toward backstage. Once more, his brother was stealing all the women he cared about, and there wasn’t a damn thing Hunter could do to stop it.

No, bullshit
, he thought as he picked up his pace and headed toward Shane’s dressing room. His rock star brother couldn’t have them both. He’d have to choose: Sally or Mickie. And, right now, Hunter was about to pour cold water all over his brother’s latest sexual exploit.

Besides, he needed to get his partner out of there and get back on track with this investigation. No doubt Chief Pritchard was sitting in the surveillance car, fuming. And the last thing he or Sally needed was more of Chief Pritchard’s wrath.


Hard Rock Stepbrothers Part 3

“What the hell happened in there, Rollins?”

The question, Sally knew, was rhetorical. She, Chief Pritchard, and her patrol partner Hunter Fayette had already been over what happened in the dressing room between her and the drummer of Decadent and Deadly. Or rather the Chief had screamed at her and Hunter all the way back to the station while she attempted to explain. She’d been going backstage to tail her ex-boyfriend, Trent Farrow, a cop who was caught up in a cocaine trafficking ring. But when he’d almost seen her, she’d had to dip out of sight in Shane Fayette’s dressing room. Not only was Shane the drummer for Decadent and Deadly, he was also Hunter’s identical twin brother.

And Sally had given in and had sex with Shane, but not before giving him a hell of a blow job first. She tried not to smile at the memory. She didn’t think the screaming Chief or her frowning partner would appreciate it.

Especially after Hunter caught her and Shane having sex in the shower. Shane had been slowly sliding his soap slippery cock in and out of her clenching sex just as Hunter had burst in. The twin brothers had scuffled, and under different circumstances Sally figured a naked soapy guy wrestling with his cop brother would’ve been hot. But there was nothing hot about the black eye Hunter gave Shane. And only days before Shane’s big concert too.

“I’m giving you both a week’s suspension,” Chief Pritchard said. His face was an angry plum color.

Hunter piped up. “But what about us investigating Trent?”

The Chief sneered at this. “You two are off my unofficial investigation.” He made a swift chopping gesture with his right hand. “And you’ll stay away from my official one, too. You both proved to me today you can’t handle real police work yet. Now get outta my office, and stay outta my sight until next Monday.”

Hunter sighed as they left the office, and Sally looked up at him.

“I’m really sorry,” she said meekly.

Hunter shrugged but wouldn’t look at her. “Why should you be sorry? It was your pet investigation after all. I was just tagging along.”

She knew he was being dismissive because he was pissed at her. She’d always wondered if Hunter did have feelings for her, but Hunter kept his emotions to himself. She could never tell if he was interested in her or not, and she knew he’d never hit on a woman when she was taken. He was a bit too white knight about that, she thought.

But he had stuck by her as a partner and friend through the whole of Trent Farrow’s bullshit. When Trent started beating her, he was the first to tell her to get out and to offer help. When she’d found out Trent was dealing cocaine, he offered to help her with the unofficial investigation without any hesitation, even though it put his career in jeopardy.

Sally felt like a huge heel, but she couldn’t regret her afternoon with Shane. She smiled as she remembered it now. And she couldn’t wait around forever for Hunter to decide who he wanted.

Now it seemed he was with his step sister, Mickie, judging by what she’d seen in the office earlier that day. The two of them having hot sex in the copy room kind of confirmed it.

His silent treatment worried her, so she asked the question she was afraid to ask, “Can I still stay with you and your family for a little while? It won’t be long. I’ll find an apartment soon.”

“Of course.” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “You should probably stay with us until this whole Trent investigation is over. Be safer that way.”

She smiled back, touched his arm. “Thank you, Hunter.”

“No problem.” He pulled away from her touch. “I’m sure my brother will keep you entertained.” And with that he walked away.


The next morning, things went from bad to worse. Hunter got the call from the Chief this time.

“Fayette, get your ass outside, now!”

There was the Chief, standing by the side of the house. He’d parked his car behind a looming evergreen so no one would see it. He was wearing dark sunglasses, but Hunter couldn’t be sure if it was to hide a sleepless night over their screw up or to keep low profile.

Hunter padded barefoot across the lawn to where the Chief stood close to the evergreen. “What’s going on, sir?”

Chief Pritchard puffed on a cigar like it was the last he’d ever smoke. “What’s going on?” He sneered and gave an angry laugh. “I’ll tell you what’s going on, Fayette. I had a team head over to Farrow’s little secret house this morning. You know what they found?” He paused to puff. “Nothing. That’s what they found. Nothing. Bastard must’ve seen us at the concert, suspected something, and he cleaned out and ran.”

Hunter’s heart and stomach felt like they pooled at his knees. His mouth went dry. “Jesus, Chief, I’m sorry—”

The Chief shook a finger in his face, got so close Hunter could smell the tobacco on his breath. “Don’t you play games with me, Fayette. I mean it. I’m starting to wonder…” His nose hovered inches from Hunter’s and he glared into his eyes.

Hunter tried to swallow, using a throat that felt like sandpaper. “Wonder what, sir?”

Another cruel, calculating smile from the Chief. “Wonder if you and Rollins just might be in on this with Farrow, too. Maybe the three of you are trying to make a fool of me. It is awfully convenient how you just happened on that evidence, and how careful you both were to try and deliver it anonymously. Maybe Trent double-crossed you, and you two just want revenge while keeping your hands clean.”

Hunter’s heart pounded like thunder in his ears, but he tried to bluff aloof calm. He knew he was innocent, and so was Sally. “That’s insane, sir. Trent was beating Sally. You saw the bruises. Would she really be in on it with him?”

The Chief pulled back, still pinned him with that intimidating stare while he scratched his chin. “You’d be amazed what I’ve seen people do. The lies people tell. And if I find you two are lying to me.” He stalked back toward Hunter, shook a finger in his face, and spoke in a threatening whisper, “It won’t just be suspension this time. We both know that. I’ll see your asses put away for a very long time.”


Four days had passed since Hunter and Sally had been suspended. Hunter didn’t tell Sally about his visit from Chief Pritchard, and keeping it in made him antsy and cranky with everyone.

Over those four days, the tension in the house mounted. Hunter kept pressing Mickie for information. He’d cornered her in the laundry room one day, but this time, unlike when he cornered her in the office supply room at the police station, the altercation didn’t end in hot, mind blowing sex. And even if the sex had been fantastic, she still wasn’t ready to forgive him for the humiliation he’d put her through.

Crossing his arms over his gray, snug tank top, he’d leaned up against the dryer and watched her sort her whites. She ignored his intimidation tactics.

“So why are you pretending to be the Chief’s secretary?”

She cast him a glance, then went back to throwing socks in the washer. “I told you. It’s confidential. Can’t tell you.”

He stepped closer. “You’ve known me most of my life. You can trust me.”

She looked him up and down. “Sorry. It’s confidential.”

Next he tried charm to get the information, smoothing his hands up and down her bare arms, slipping his fingers beneath her sleeve and beneath her bra strap. “Not even a hint?”

She moved away as he tried to ease the bra strap off her shoulder. Oh no, she thought, he wouldn’t get away with his seduction tactics just to loosen her tongue. She wasn’t that stupid, thank you very much.

“Nope,” she said, dumping soap in the little dispenser on the side of the washer, ramming it shut, and yanking the knob to the heavy load setting. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have socks to fold.”

She’d heard him growl out curses as she walked away from him.

And so it went for the next four days. Mickie avoided Hunter, Hunter avoided Shane and Sally. Mickie wasn’t sure why, at first, until she and Sally got to talking on the deck the day after their suspension. Their guest seemed to need someone to talk to, and Mickie had offered up an ear.

“Let’s just say I fucked up royally.” Sally sighed, staring into her tea cup as she sat crossed legged in a lawn chair. “I let my vagina do the thinking. Not good at all.”

Unlike her pushy stepbrother, Hunter, Mickie didn’t press the woman for too much information. She just let her give what she wanted to give. It was nice to talk to someone besides her brooding and oversexed stepbrothers.

“So, yeah…” Sally gave her a sheepish look and downed the last of her tea before she continued. “I kind of slept with Shane, and, for reasons I can’t go into, Hunter’s not too happy about it.”

Mickie almost choked on her own mouthful of tea. But, then, knowing Shane and his lethal sex appeal, she wasn’t surprised Sally succumbed when locked in a room with him. Few women would be able to resist.

“So, ummm…” Sally looked down in her cup, glanced toward the heated pool they sat beside. “Are you mad about me and Shane, too?” She finally focused on Mickie once more, eyes shining and tentative.

Mickie thought about that for a moment. Truth was, she couldn’t say she bore the woman a grudge. Sure, there had been an initial surge of jealousy, but it flickered out relatively quickly. She was attracted to Shane, there was no doubt. He was irresistible, but her heart didn’t belong to her rock star brother. It belonged to the cranky, brooding cop, and she wondered if it always would.

But she couldn’t tell Hunter that she loved him, could she? They’d never work. They fought too much and drove each other crazy. It was best to forget and end their brief fling, move on. Instead, she’d be happy for Sally and Shane and their budding romance, or whatever it was.

She answered Sally, not wanting to make the poor woman sweat too long. Mickie reached out and patted the blonde’s petite, pixie-like hand. “Don’t worry about it. If you like Shane, have at it, hon.” The little blonde smiled in relief, and Mickie added, “Just remember, he’s a heartbreaker. But what’s the harm in you having some fun while you’re staying with us?”

Sally chuckled. “Thanks for understanding, Mickie.”

Mickie smiled, even though she felt wistful and a bit worried. “No problem.”

Sally leaned forward and placed her elbows on the table. “What about you and Hunter?”

Mickie couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Actually, I was going to ask you the same thing a few days back.”

They shared a laugh. Then Sally spoke, “Hunter and I are close, he’s like my big brother, but there’s never really been anything between us. Don’t get me wrong.” She shrugged. “At one time, I really wanted that with Hunter, but he never seemed very interested, other than friendship. I just never pushed it and neither did he.”

Mickie nodded, feeling relief. But then she thought of Hunter’s reserved nature when it came to emotions, or pursuing the woman he wanted. He kept so much inside, how could Mickie really be sure how he felt about her? And she couldn’t wait forever for him. She wouldn’t.

So she and Hunter avoided each other for the remainder of the four days before the concert. She and Sally decided they would go to Decadent and Deadly’s first big local concert themselves, and they didn’t even invite Hunter.

So there
, Mickie thought.

BOOK: Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series
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