Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series (3 page)

BOOK: Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series
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Hunter gave her a wide smile. “So he wasn’t smart enough to hide his paper trail.” He once more scanned the papers that linked Trent to the house full of cocaine. “This is perfect!”

Sally smiled back at him. “Found this in our filing cabinet. Stupid bastard.” She sneered after referencing her soon to be ex. “Only problem is, since our investigation isn’t official, I can’t get a search warrant.”

Hunter stroked his smooth, hairless chin as he thought about this. “But if the police chief were to get an anonymous tip.” He tapped the papers in her lap. “And maybe these papers could mysteriously show up in his office.”

Sally’s smile grew mischievous. “Fayette, sometimes you’re almost brilliant.”


The house was dark when Hunter returned home. He padded softly across the crème carpet in the foyer, moved through the great room, and passed under the staircase that led to an indoor wraparound balcony. His bedroom was tucked just beneath the stairwell.

He opened the door and slipped inside the dark space, sighing a weary sigh as he did so. His thoughts drifted to Sally, to her no good boyfriend Trent Farrow.

At first, she’d made excuses for Trent. Those bruises on her face weren’t from his fingers. No, she’d slipped and banged her cheek on the kitchen sink. When he spotted ugly purple welts on her stomach one day, she’d tearfully confessed everything.

“I’m leaving him this weekend,” she’d promised. “And I’m pressing charges if he fucking touches me again.”

But two days later, Sally discovered Trent was trafficking cocaine through a network of corrupt cops. His was a lower end operation. A branch in a bigger drug trade run by a well known biker organization. Everything from cannabis to cocaine came up from Ontario, Quebec, and as far out west as British Columbia.

“My little sister Cassie told me,” she’d revealed to Hunter one afternoon, while they were sipping coffee in the patrol car. “She was there when Trent sold some coke to a kid from her science class. He’s cornered the high school crowd, the bastard.”

Concerned, Hunter had told her, “You need to get out of there now.”

She shook her head fiercely. “Are you kidding, Fayette? We need to bust his ass before I leave him. I go now, he might suspect something. You know Trent. He’s suspicious of everything and everyone.”

So they’d agreed she’d stay until they found concrete evidence of Trent’s trafficking, which they now had. Hunter decided, as he shucked his jeans and underwear and threw them into the hamper with his shirt, he’d insist Sally leave that sonofabitch as soon as they anonymously handed over their evidence to the police chief.

He sat on his bed and sighed, running a hand through his gelled spikes. That was when a soft, feminine voice made him jump.

“Hunter?” It was Mickie, sounding groggy. What was she doing sleeping in his bed?

Surprised, he reached for the bedside lamp and flicked it on. “What’re you doing in here?”

Mickie sat up, letting the blankets fall to her waist. She rubbed sleep from her eyes before she focused on him. “I wanted to talk to you, to apologize.”

The muscles in his back tensed. She knew he was naked, and it stirred warmth deep in her belly. She swallowed hard and tried not to think about it at the moment. All she wore were thin baby doll pajamas—a shorts and spaghetti strap top ensemble. Part of her wanted to curl her near naked body against his, but she stayed sitting beneath the blankets, watching his back ripple as he stood and walked toward the dresser. She was disappointed he wanted to put distance between them.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” he finally grumbled.

She threw the covers off and swung her bare legs over the side of the bed. “Yes, there is. I’m so sorry you found me … and Shane that way. I …” She exhaled slowly and tried to ignore the memories that made her heart ache in that hollow way. “I thought you wouldn’t really care. I mean, four years ago, you were the one that left me.”

“There was no leaving to do,” he shot back, crossing her arms over his bare chest. It was at that moment he appeared to realize he was completely naked. Blushing, he quickly rummaged through the dresser and yanked on a pair of pajama pants.

“Don’t cover up on account of me,” she said, smirking.

He frowned and continued.”We weren’t together in the first place. You fucked me the night of my prom. End of story.”

His harsh, icy tone stung her. She stood and walked toward him, deciding it was now or never. Both twins had always had a sexual effect on her, but her feelings for Hunter ran deeper. But the day after they slept together he’d blown her off, acted cold and aloof. She’d been hurt, but he wouldn’t talk about it. He avoided her until he’d left for the police academy.

Now he would know the truth, whether he liked it or not. “I wanted more. I cared about you, but you pretended like the sex between us never happened.” She moved closer, pushing her chest against his. Her breasts partially spilled over the scalloped lace edges of her pajama top. “And if we meant nothing, why did you seem so pissed when you found me and Shane, hmmmm?”

His jaw clenched. Blue eyes flashed with anger as his lips thinned to a white line. Then he grabbed her arms just above the elbows and pulled her up on her tiptoes as he crushed his lips to hers.

Tongues darted across lips eagerly and sought out open, hungry mouths. It had been so long since they’d touched this way, and it was as if they’d been starving for one another. Mickie moaned as he slid his wide palms up the small of her back and pressed her pelvis to his. He ground his growing hardness against her crotch. Their thin, cotton pajamas were the only barrier between their lust.

His lips trailed from her mouth, sweeping lightly over her cheek before they nestled against her ear. “We shouldn’t do this. Shouldn’t have done it then, either. You’re my sister…”

“Step sister,” she said, moments before his wet, hot tongue flit inside her ear. “We aren’t related.”

Her hand slipped beneath the waistband of his pajamas and her fingers twined in the nest of hair between his legs. He kissed her again, even hungrier. She moaned as his tongue invaded her mouth while he yanked her pajamas shorts down to her knees.

As they slammed into the dresser, she clung to his shoulders with both arms to steady herself. A box fell from atop it and the contents clattered to the floor. However, in the midst of their passion, the crash went ignored.

His tongue tickled the roof of her mouth while his knee nudged her legs apart. He rubbed her throbbing pussy with a hard muscled thigh, his smooth flesh sending shocks of pleasure through the tingling nub.

Her hand trailed down the plane of his stomach, seeking out the hard cock that swept over her belly. She coiled fingers around its thick, steely shaft and drew her grip upward. Her thumb traced a circle beneath the ridge, making him moan before he tore his mouth from hers.

He nipped his way along her collarbone, licked the valley between her breasts, then sucked and teased her nipples through the thin fabric of her top.

“Ummmm,” she groaned, burying her fingers in his lush, straight hair, pressing his face tight to her chest.

She smoothed the pad of her thumb over the soft, slick head of his penis. It trickled pre-cum over her fingers when she encased his glans in her grip. She used the slippery, white seed to lube up her strokes.

He growled out a groan and pushed her pajamas top up, exposing the white, rounded globes of her breasts. Then he lavished each breast with attention, kneading the satiny, pale flesh, pinching her hardened nipples. He rapidly flit his tongue over the aching tips then closed his mouth around one, sucking it until her aureole slipped between his lips.

She clutched him desperately now, letting out a shrill whimper of bliss. The sensation he stirred in her nipples shot a lightning bolt of desire straight to her cunt. It ached to be touched, also, and she couldn’t help but arch her hips toward him.

The warmth of his lips left her breasts and kissed a path to her belly button. He dipped his tongue into the center, making her squirm and gasp.

“Let’s see if I can lick your pussy better than my brother can,” he said, staring up at her with an intense look of lust.

His words sent a little thrill up her spine. But before his tongue could touch her clit, he glanced to the left, spied something on the floor, and chuckled.

“Wait just a minute.” He bent sideways while still holding onto her hip. His free hand slid across the carpet and scooped something up that shimmered metallic in the lamplight. “What do you say, Mickie?” He held up a pair of handcuffs that must’ve fallen out of the box they knocked over earlier. “Let me chain you to the bed and lick you all over.”

The heat of desire flooded her face and body with more warmth. She swallowed hard and took a deep breath as her stare riveted to the cuffs. Anticipation fluttered in her lower belly. She held out her wrists and grinned. “Why not? I’ll try anything once.”

He raised an eyebrow at that but said nothing. Instead he stood and, wearing a wolfish smile, scooped her up in his arms then carried her to the bed.

Mickie let out a little squeak of surprise as her feet left the floor. She circled his neck with her arms and pressed her palm against the back of his head, urging him closer for a kiss. Her tongue flit across his top lip, making him moan before his mouth fully claimed hers.

He placed her on the mattress, licking along her bottom lip before he ended the kiss completely. Then he pinned her with his knees pressed tight against her waist. Flashing a wicked smile, he ensnared her wrists and tugged them above her head. He held them against the bed railing with one hand.

sounded as he opened the handcuffs. Cool metal touched her skin, making her gasp as he secured the first manacle. He looped the chain connecting the cuffs around one bed post then secured the second restraint around her other wrist.

“Now you’re completely helpless,” he said, gripping her chin as he stared into her eyes.

His gaze of molten desire made her shiver. She bit her lower lip and had to break the intense eye contact. Her heart hammered like it was a trapped bird inside her rib cage.

He lavished her nipples with erotic attention again, smoothing a thumb over one rosy bud until it stiffened, then pinching it harder still. She moaned as his mouth closed over the other and he tugged it with his teeth while flicking his tongue over it.

Hands roamed from her waist over the curves of her hips. Fingers lightly brushed over her pelvis, making her pussy pulse harder in anticipation. His lips slipped from her breasts to place opened mouthed kisses down her torso. As he inched lower, he sucked tiny bits of skin into his hot, wet mouth, laving his tongue over this flesh as if it were coated in sweet honey. By the time his lips brushed over her clit, her pussy was soaking wet.

He nudged her clitoral hood back with his thumb then pressed the tip of his tongue to this sensitive bundle of nerves. She let out a shrill, “Ohhhh yeeesss,” and jutted her hips up to meet his licks.

His tongue trailed lower, and he held open her slippery slit as he licked all over her inner labia. She whimpered and wriggled when his tongue poked into her pussy, curling and stroking her inner walls. She squirmed and moaned loudly as he pulled out and licked lower still, lapping his way to her anus and lavishing it with the same attention he’d given her pussy.

“Oh dear god,” she cried as an intense orgasm built deep inside her. “I’m gonna come.”

Now two fingers slithered inside her wet pussy, curling and seeking her g-spot. They stroked her cervix until it thrummed with pleasure. The orgasm broke and washed through her, sending intense waves of pleasure through her limbs. She felt like a bowl of jelly as she shivered and shook with release.

She caught her breath and opened her eyes with the sound of foil ripping. Hunter was poised above her, slipping a condom on his impressive cock. It was thick, but not too long. Well veined with a meaty head.

She wished she could reach between his legs and touch him. She rattled her chains, hands yearning to caress his skin, fondle his balls as he slipped his cock inside her. But they remained tightly bound to the bed railing as he placed her ankles on his shoulders.

He teased her throbbing clit with the plump head of his cock, then he slid it up and down the length of her seeping slit, but denied her penetration.

Her ass rose up off the mattress and she begged, “Please, oh … please.”

“What?” Hunter asked, his voice low and raw with lust. “Do you want me inside you? Is that what you’d like?” He continued to torture her aching sex with his pre-cum slick glans.

“Yesss… please,” she practically whined the words as she tried to wedge the head of his cock into her pussy, but he yanked away. She gave a frustrated huff and rattled her chains again.

His eyes glimmered and his sexy grin widened. “Say it then. Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

She bit her bottom lip in frustration then cried out, “I want you to fuck me.”

The meaty head of his penis nudged its way into her sopping cunt. She let out a long “Ahhhh,” of satisfaction as it did so, arching her back and relaxing her pussy so she could take all of him deep inside her.

She relished in the stroke of his cock over her cervix. She soaked in the rhythmic thump of his glans, the way his slippery shaft massaged her clenching inner walls. He fucked her slow and lazylike, using long thrusts that made her mewl in pleasure.

She was just about to climax a second time when the bedroom door opened. The overhead light was turned on and the room burst with brightness. Mickie squeaked in surprise and Hunter said, “What the fu—”

“I’m having the strongest case of Déjà vu,” Shane said, sneering as he stood in the bedroom doorway. He crossed his tattooed arms over his tank top clad chest. Then he turned his gaze on Mickie. “Let me know when you decide which brother you want.”

Could he really be angry? After all, Shane had a ton of women at his feet all the time. Hunter’s anger made sense to her, because she and Hunter had a past. But Shane’s anger surprised her.

BOOK: Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series
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