Fate (The Edge of Forever) (24 page)

BOOK: Fate (The Edge of Forever)
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He whispered, “I’m going to get started on dinner.” I barely moved my head in acknowledgment. He chuckled lightly, “You go ahead and rest. I’ll wake you when it’s ready.”

“Mm...” was all I uttered before drifting off into a glorious exhaustion.




Saturday morning, Grayson dressed in a dark gray three-piece-suit. Even after the blissfully draining day we had had the day before, the sight of him dressed for work still sent a rush of heat to my core. The desire to remove his suit from his recently dressed body was almost overpowering.

I laid all alone in his bed, wearing only a sheet, watching him, suppressing the urge to crawl out of the bed and bring him back into it.

He smiled brilliantly at me as he adjusted his tie. “What?”

“Nothing,” I shook my head. “Just realizing what a very lucky woman I am.”

He raised a single brow, studying me. “Then why do you look disappointed?”

I protruded my bottom lip, giving Grayson a sad, pitiful face. “Because… I’m all alone in this big bed.”

“Really?” he said with a hint of amusement.

I nodded, watching him close the distance between us. His body moved closer, demanded my attention. My lungs went into overdrive pumping oxygen throughout my system. Leaning over, his body hovered just over mine.

“Well, I don’t want you to be lonely,” Grayson’s breath was warm against my lips. He taunted me with his nearness refusing to touch me, but being so close I could feel his heat radiating from his body. His tongue carefully brushed against my lips.

Unable to take anymore, I seized Grayson around his neck, pulling his lips flush to mine. He groaned relishing in his need.

Grayson swiftly pulled the sheet that was covering me before replacing it with his body. I could feel the warmth of his mouth as he placed a trail of kisses down my body. My back arched off the bed guiding him to where I needed him most. Taking my hint, Grayson ran the pad of his thumb over my slick core before pressing it into me. He swirled it around bringing me closer to release.

“Please, Grayson,” I begged, wanting more of him.

He pulled back abruptly, resting on his knees. I sat up, hurrying to undo his pants to get him inside of me quickly. I groaned with frustration when his cell phone rang.

“Hang on, baby,” he held his forefinger up to me. “Alexander,” he chimed answering his phone.

My mind, submerged with lust, didn’t care that he was on the phone. I sat up on my knees, running my tongue over his pulse. I could feel his blood racing through his system, due to his pounding heart. It was nice to know that I affected him like that.

“Shit!” He cursed. “Alright, I’m on my way.” He hung up. “I gotta go, baby.”

“What?” I pulled back glaring into his gray eyes. “But...”

“I know. We’ll just have to finish this later.”

I groaned, falling back against the bed, pulling the sheet to cover my nakedness. Grayson chuckled, leaning in to kiss me goodbye. I held up a hand to stop him.

“Please don’t kiss me goodbye. I want you too much right now and I’m liable to force you back into this bed and have my way with you.”

He chuckled louder, “You make it sound like that would be a bad thing.”

“You’ll never make it to work.” 

He nodded, “Alright.” He surrendered, placing a chaste kiss on my forehead. “I’ll see you in a few hours. I love you, Gaby.”

“I love you more, Grayson.”

I watched Grayson grab his briefcase and head out the room. After the front door closed, I laid perfectly still, counting to one hundred. When I reached my goal, I climbed out of bed. My frustration had minimized and I had my own plans for the day. I picked up my phone, dialing my most recent call. Shawn picked up three rings later.

“He’s gone,” I informed him. “You ready?”

Forty five minutes later, I was stepping out of a dressing room wearing a pale pink, silk babydoll, coming to rest just below my hip.

“So...” I asked.

Shawn eyes traced me from head to toe. “Don’t they come longer? I mean, if you bend over everyone can see your junk.”

“I think that’s the point. And it’s not like I’m going to be wearing it out in public,” I laughed.

Shawn shook his head. “This is weird, Gabs. You’re like a sister to me and here I am helping you pick out sex clothes to do your hot billionaire boyfriend.”

People turned, staring at us. I shot Shawn a warning glance. “He gave me a drawer, Shawn and I want stuff to put in it. Plus, I kinda owe him a sexy outfit or two,” I said the last part looking down at my toes.

“What do you mean, you owe him?” he paused before he understood. “Oh shit! Did he not take the news about you dating the creepy vampire well? I didn’t think he would.”

“No he didn’t,” I admitted, “especially since I didn’t get a chance to tell him, before he saw us out together...kissing.”

I looked up at Shawn, whose jaw was hanging open, looking like a cartoon character whose mouth had just hit the floor.

“OMG! Gabriella! How? What? I...” he stammered. For the first time since I had known him, Shawn Cruz had nothing to say.

“It’s not like it sounds. And I know, it sounds really...REALLY bad, but Anton caught Grayson’s scent and was beginning to track him, so I had to break the connection.”

Shawn sat silent for a moment. “Wait a minute! How did Anton get Grayson’s scent?”

I sighed deeply, realizing how stupid I had been to not take better care that I didn’t smell like Grayson when I went home. “He has smelled me every chance he got.”

“That’s... Really creepy...” Shawn’s face morphed to disgust. 

“Tell me about it,” I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

Shawn’s face abruptly revealed shock. “Oh shit! Grayson saw you kissing Anton!” He shouted, when my words from earlier suddenly registered.

I nodded. “Hence the outfits.”

“So your plan is to make him forgive you by using sex?” he said with disbelief.

“Actually he says he forgives me. I explained what happened. Why it happened. He forgave me, and then he tortured me all day yesterday with orgasms.”

“Well, I suppose there are worse punishments,” he chuckled. “Okay.” He stood, walking over to the racks of lingerie. “So you need some outfits.”

After Shawn got over the idea that he was helping me pick out sex clothes, he became very helpful. I walked out of the store with several bags of tasteful, yet sexy, pieces of lingerie. As much as I enjoyed sex with Grayson, it was all still new to me and I didn’t have the confidence yet to pull off some of the more extravagant outfits.

Shawn did manage to talk me into a black corset with midnight blue trim and garters attached. He also picked out nylons and panties. And what outfit would be complete without killer heels?

Shawn helped me carry my bags to our favorite lunch place.

“How has the research been coming?” he asked. “Cause you really gotta find a way out of this thing with Anton.”

“I know. It’s not really going. I can’t go down there when the vampires are awake and risk Anton knowing what I’m up to. And I’ve been working like crazy.” I took a bit of my deli sandwich on a croissant.

“I told you I’d help and I meant it. I don’t want to see you being forced with Anton. And it’s only going to drive a wedge between you and Grayson. After all the work I went through to get you to back together...” He trailed off when he noticed my eyes widening, locking on him. “Shit, I hadn’t mentioned that yet, had I?” I shook my head. “Gabs, you really think it was a coincidence that he was at the club that night? I just got tired of seeing you miserable. Don’t hate me.” A ghost of a smile touched his lips.

I returned his smile. “Of course I don’t hate you. I was being a stubborn ass.” I reached over clutching his hand. “I’m grateful for what you did. You’re a good friend, Shawn.” 

His smile grew into a full grin. “Okay so back to Anton.”

Shawn and I decided to head over to the nest before returning to Grayson’s apartment. Shawn was determined to help me find the answer I needed by searching through the old law. It was barely one o’clock when we arrived. We still had plenty of daylight left before the vampires would rise. 

We made our way to the kitchen first. I was going to need blood. I could not feed from Grayson for all my blood needs without hurting him. After I had what I needed, a few bags of blood, we made our way to the archive room. It was exactly how I had left it.

“They’re here.” I pointed to the shelf where all ten books sat. I sat the bags of lingerie down on the table while making my way toward the shelf. “So far, I’m still on the first book.”

“Wow!” Shawn whispered in amazement. “There’s a lot of text here. It would take you months to get through it all on your own, longer if you can only look through some portions every once in a while.”

“I know.”

“Hmm... Well, it really does no good if I only help when you can get around to it. So let’s do this.” Shawn went to the table where my shopping bags sat. Removing all the contents from one, he redistributed them amount the other three bags.

“What are you doing?” I asked with genuine curiosity.

“I’m going to help you, Gabs, but that means I need the material. So I’m taking five of the books with me. That will cut your work in half.”

I didn’t think that was a good idea. What if someone noticed the books were missing? So I told him just that. “Look around, Gaby. No one comes in here. They won’t notice as long as no one catches you down here, no one will even be suspicious.” He shoved the last five books into the bag. I wasn’t sure if the order mattered, but in case it did, I had already started on the first book, so we might as well let me go through the first half.

“Alright, let’s get out of here.” He carried the bag with the books in one hand and a bag of lingerie in the other. “We got to get you ready for your date tonight.”




I stood in Grayson’s bedroom. Shawn had left only moments ago. He had helped me put away all my new goodies, then had helped me dress. It was a two person job. I was wearing the black and midnight blue corset ensemble he had talked me into. It hugged my waist, clinging to my body. My breasts were pushed up, providing an amazing view of my cleavage. Black boy-shorts matched the sheer thigh-highs that were clasped to the garters hanging from the bottom of the corset. The heels on my new dark blue stilettos were thin and tall. They were difficult to walk in, but I wasn’t planning on doing too much walking. 

I covered myself in a black silk robe. With less skin showing, it helped raise my confidence. I knew I did not have a whole lot of time before Grayson came home, but I needed to feed before he got here. That way if he did try to offer me his blood, I would not take too much as there was no way to refuse him. Stepping out of my uncomfortable, yet fabulous shoes, I headed for the kitchen. I didn’t like to drink blood cold. The consistency was thicker and you could taste the anticoagulant, but the idea of using one of Grayson’s glasses for blood just didn’t seem right. So when I was at Grayson’s, I would take my blood cold.

Not wanting to make a mess, I leaned over the sink and bit into the bag. I pretended it was warm blood, flowing from the vein. Grayson’s vein. I jumped when I heard the elevator door open. I moved lightning fast. I shoved my empty blood bag into the trashcan. Speeding to the bedroom, I hastily slipped back into my killer heels and turned to face the door. With my robe tie open, I took a deep calming breath, mustering what confidence I had. I rested my hand seductively on my hip. My hair was down, and only light makeup had been applied to my face. I waited patiently.

“Gabriella?” Grayson called.

Deep breath.
“In the bedroom.”

My heart pounded faster the closer to the room he got. Grayson froze just over the threshold. I started to think that maybe the outfit had been a mistake. He stood there unmoving, not blinking, just gaping at me.

“Grayson?” I asked and what little confidence I had was beginning to fade. 

“Wow!” He finally managed and a bemused grin spread across his face.

“Do you like it?” I began fidgeting under his gaze.

“Wow! Gaby, I thought you naked was my favorite, but...” he swallowed hard.
  “I think there is something to be said for lingerie and imagination or something,” he shook his head. “That made no sense. I just...want you.” Grayson slowly came towards me. “I thought I wanted you this morning, but that was only a fraction to how much I want you right now.” I could see his breathing was heavy by the rise and fall of his chest. His reaction to me was triggering my body in response.

My lips parted as I watched him. “You’re like my own personal present I get to unwrap and I’m going to take my time.” Just then his cell phone rang. Without breaking his gaze, Grayson pulled his phone from his pocket, answering it. “I’m busy,” he eyed me up and down, “all weekend. Call me back on Monday and spread the word.” He hung up, tossed the phone I’m not sure where because I couldn’t break my gaze from his and I honestly didn’t care. I only cared about Grayson and how long it would take before he touched me.

BOOK: Fate (The Edge of Forever)
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