Fate (The Edge of Forever) (23 page)

BOOK: Fate (The Edge of Forever)
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“What were you doing last night when I was working?”
 There was an undertone to his voice that told me his question wasn’t random.

Everything in me froze, except my heart which leapt into overtime and I knew. Guilt reared its ugly head and washed over me, covering every surface of my body. “You saw?” I whispered closing my eyes briefly.

“Saw what, Gabriella?” Grayson asked tilting his head to the side, anger seeping from him.

“Please don’t make me say it,” I begged, my eyes glistening with tears.

Grayson slammed his fist on his desk, making me jump, and he stood so abruptly that he almost knocked his desk chair over. The noise rang throughout the room. “Damn it, Gabriella!” He shouted, running his fingers through his hair. “We just got back together!” 

“It’s not what you think.” I sputtered as the first of my tears streaked down my face.

“Not what I think?” he said with disgust. “Tell me what it is then, when a man sees his girlfriend with another man’s tongue shoved down her throat?” he bellowed.

My body shook with sobs. “It was Anton!” I spouted like it should mean something.

“Who the fuck is Anton?”
 His voice rang loud which made the silence that followed seem even louder.

“He is the head of my vampire nest,” I said barely above a whisper.

“The one who wants to kill me?” he said through clenched teeth.

I nodded.

“So what? Did you make some kind of deal with him? You’d fuck him if he left me alone?”

His words were like a slap in the face. In fact, a physical slap might have hurt less. Gripping the arms of the chair to steady my emotions I rushed through the next part, unsure of how much time I had before Grayson kicked me out of his office and his life. “Please, Grayson, I promise it’s not what you think. I can explain it all. Please just give me a chance.” I pleaded. Grayson closed his eyes. He rolled his lips over his teeth. Inhaling deeply, he gave me a single nod. 

I told him everything, from my mother interfering, to Anton’s and my first date, Anton being the one to make the threats against Grayson. Everything.

“That doesn’t explain why you were kissing him,” he spoke low, all in one tone. 

I bowed my head letting a sob escape. “He smelled you,” I whispered. “He picked up your scent from me. The psycho has smelled me at every opportunity he’s had. He recognized you but he couldn’t pinpoint who you were. He started making his way across the street and I panicked.”

“So you kissed him?”

I nodded. “I am so sorry, Grayson. I didn’t think. I swear I felt nothing. Except disgust. But you have to believe me. I only did it to distract him and keep you safe.” I buried my face in my hands. I didn’t hold back anymore. I gave myself over to my despair.

I gasped in surprise when I was jerked to my feet by my elbow. Grayson pressed his lips against mine with some force. I hadn’t even heard him move. His tongue pushed past my teeth and slowly he walked me back until the edge of his desk was pressed against my backside. His hands slid down my body. My emotions were being replaced with lust and want. Sinking into a crouch, he let his hand trail all the way down my body. They paused at the hem of my skirt and my body wanted to writhe with anticipation, but I kept myself still unsure of what Grayson’s intentions were. He slid his fingers up, under the fabric. With his provocative gaze never leaving mine, he grasped my panties effortlessly, sliding them down past my ankles. Tucking them into his pocket, his hands glided back up my thighs, pushing my skirt high above my hips. 

“Lean back and spread your legs.” A shiver ran down my spine at his command as I did what he asked. Resting my palm on his desk, I eased my legs apart as much as was comfortable. My fangs slipped out while I moaned in surprise, almost losing my balance when Grayson’s tongue slid over my sensitive sex. He sucked and pulled my flesh, creating a frenzy in me. Fast flicks of his tongue were pushing me closer and closer to the edge. I felt my body racing, chasing what Grayson was offering. All too sudden, the pleasure stopped.

I cried out at the loss of sensation as Grayson stood, breaking the contact. He kissed me with a spellbinding intensity. I could taste my arousal on him which only increased the wetness pooling between my thighs. He spun me around, bending me over his desk. He pressed me down until my cheek laid flat against it, not being the least bit gentle, but I loved his forcefulness. I listened as Grayson adjusted his clothing and felt him spring free against my thigh. With a nudge, he kicked my feet further apart and I felt the tip of him at my entrance. I relaxed, preparing for the contact, but he never pressed against me. I moved my hips trying to ease him in, but Grayson held my hips firmly. 

“Will you ever kiss another man again?”

I shook my head. “No. Just you,” I panted.
 I wanted him. I wanted to feel our bodies connect, to know that we were okay.


“Because, I love you,” I ached for him and the delay was torment and he knew it.
 He picked this moment particularly because he knew how torturous it was to me to be denied him.

“Why else?”

I shook my head in confusion. Grayson rubbed his tip against my opening. I groaned and writhed against him.

“Why else, Gabriella?”

“Because I’m yours,” I cried out.

“Only mine.” Grayson worked his large length inside of me, inch by thick inch, agonizingly slowly. I moaned with relief as he began to move. His thrust grew with intensity pushing me closer to climax. My body clenched around Grayson’s, preparing for its release, when suddenly Grayson pulled out of me. I made a loud sound of protest at his absence. He walked around his desk to take his seat. I watched him disheveled. He extended his hand to me beckoning me to him. Slowly, I walked around to him, my legs a bit shaky. I slid them through the arm rests of his chair. My head fell back as I eased him into my tight, wet sheath. I began to rock against him, but Grayson grabbed my hips, stopping me. My brows knitted with confusion, but Grayson only grinned wickedly at me. His fingers slowly unbuttoned my shirt. He seemed to take his time. Easing it off my shoulders, he slid it to the floor. He placed light kisses on my bare skin while he reached around to unclasp my bra. He slid it down my arms, creating chills in its wake. Grayson took one of my nipples into his mouth. My head fell back and I cried out in pleasure, feeling the warmth of his mouth encompass my sensitive peak. My body began to move against his and this time, he let me.

Grayson’s fingers teased my other nipple while his mouth kept its claim to the other. The combined sensation of his mouth and fingers on my nipples, the tortured anticipation, and my body rocking against his shoved me over the edge, hard and fast. My fingers tangled into Grayson’s hair, pressing him to me as I cried out, my muscles clenching as the orgasm ripped through me. Grayson followed, spilling into me with a loud groan. I could feel him throb even after my body calmed.

His arms wrapped around me, cradling me to him while I rested my head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his soothing scent. As the afterglow slowly faded away, my fangs slid back and my tears started flowing.

“Gaby?” Grayson adjusted me to see my face.

“I’m so sorry, Grayson,” I sobbed.

“I forgive you, baby.” He ran his palm across my hair, smoothing it back. My body relaxed a little, but my tears still fell. I pulled myself back to see him better. “I understand why you did it and I forgive you.” He paused and shifted me, he cupped my cheeks his eye locked on mine. “But don’t ever do it again.”

I shook my head. “Never. Only you, Grayson. I love you.”

“Always,” he whispered.

We held each other like that for a while. Our bodies still connected. The phone rang breaking our quiet solitude. “Yes?” Grayson answered.

“Mr. Alexander. Your one o’clock is here.”

He sighed. “Let them know it’s going to be a few minutes. I’m finishing up with my last meeting still.”

“Yes sir.” Then he hung up. Grayson’s gaze locked with mine, then he dropped his head sucking on one of my nipples.

“Grayson?” I moaned. I could feel him hardening inside me where we were still connected. His hands cupped my ass. Not breaking our connected bodies, he lifted me onto his desk. His mouth rained warm wet kisses down on my chest. “Your next meeting?” I asked between moans. “You’re going to be late.” His hips thrust into me silencing my protests. I no longer cared about his next meeting, only what his body was doing to mine.

“I’m just going to make it quick. Bite me when you’re close.” 

I nodded. His fingers flicked over my nipples. My skin prickled with pleasure. I knew there were people outside his office, but I couldn’t stay quiet. I cried out as his thrusts grew harder and more frequent. When I could feel the build happening, I grabbed Grayson’s hand and sank my fangs into his wrist. His body poured into me, and he moaned his release. I lapped at the wound until he stopped bleeding.

Grayson pulled back, separating us and I couldn’t help but feel empty without him. “I want you to go back to my apartment and wait for me there. Be prepared, Gaby, on not getting much rest this evening. This was only a taste of what I have planned.” He spoke while I lay boneless on his desk, not believing that there was more to come.

“So you’re going to punish me with pleasure?”

“You have a problem with that? I could always deny you.”

I gave a small shake of my head. “Pleasure punishment sounds better.”

“Mm hmm, I thought it might.” Remembering his meeting, I used my vampire speed to dress in the same time it took Grayson, and all he had to do was zip his pants and tuck in his shirt. He stared at me for a moment once I was done.

“God, that’s hot.” He walked toward the door.

I blurred in front of him holding my hand out. “Panties?” I asked.

Grayson shook his head. “Consider it part of the punishment,” he grinned.

“You know I could just take them and slip them on before you could even realize it.”

He chuckled, “I know, but you won’t.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Same reason you don’t use your super strength against me during sex,” he lowered his voice. “A part of you enjoys me taunting you.” I glared at him, hating that he knew me so well and reveling in it at the same time. He pulled me to his lips, quickly giving me a chaste kiss. “I love you, baby. See you at home,” he said as he opened the door. I wasn’t sure how much of a mess I looked, Grayson had no mirrors, but I’m assuming it wasn’t too bad. No one paid me any extra attention as I left, except the secretary who I’m sure was aware of exactly what was going on in the office. I smiled at her as I made my way to the elevator. Once I entered it, I turned to push the button for the bottom floor. I beamed excitedly as I saw Grayson leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his broad chest watching me go. He whispered softly, “I love you,” just before the doors closed. Pulling out my phone, I sent him a quick text.



I love you, more.



Chapter 12

Death by Orgasm


Grayson took advantage of every piece of furniture in his apartment. He started off by going down on me, on the couch. He then bent me over the armrest, taking me from behind.

Next he had me on the floor, with me on top of him, riding him. We moved from room to room, christening anything and everything we could. Before I knew it, I laid in a boneless heap on top of the dining room table. After nine orgasms, throughout the living room, dining room, kitchen, and the bedroom, I did not think I could take anymore. But Grayson still hadn’t had his fill. I saw his head dip between my thighs. I had never used my vampiric strength or speed against Grayson before, but the moment his tongue slid against my highly sensitive flesh, I blurred several feet across the room.

“Grayson, please, I cannot take anymore,” I begged.

He stalked towards me looking godlike in the nude. “Come on, baby. I think you have at least one more in you,” he spoke seductively. “Nine is an odd number. Let’s make it an even ten.”

I shook my head, “No, no, no. Please, no more.”

My protests were silenced by his lips against mine. He had me on my back, bent over the back of the couch. With my legs thrown over his shoulders, he buried his head between my thighs latching on to my sex, teasing it without mercy.

“Oh God,” I shouted.

He was relentless. I shuddered as the waves of pleasure took me for a tenth time, pulling me apart at the seam, forcing me to scream his name. I could not walk. I could not move. All I could do was lay there, waiting to settle back into my skin after my out-of-body experience. Grayson’s arms lifted me into the air before settling me onto the couch. He pulled a blanket over the top of me, lightly pressing his lips into my hair.

BOOK: Fate (The Edge of Forever)
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