Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2)
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“So like I was saying…” he starts, then pauses to see if she interrupts again. “…I was shot twice in the chest, but I was wearing my vest.  Unfortunately, the vest couldn’t help my head when it hit the floor.”

Vance spends the next fifteen minutes telling Melina everything. Well, almost everything. She doesn’t need to know the details about the rape or murders. He talks at length about his dream, about how in love they were, and how it completely fucked with his head when he woke from the coma.

“So, now do you understand why I’ve been so hesitant?  It’s taken me months to mourn the loss of you. To come to terms with my own reality,” Vance admits but then clams up.

Melina hasn’t said a peep since her last interruption.  Did he go too far?  Does she think he is a total head case?  Vance turns toward Melina to find out why she’s been so quiet, fearing the worst. What if she bolts? Only what he sees breaks his heart. Her eyes are screwed closed, tears streaming down her face. 

Vance drops to his knees between her legs and cups her face gently in his strong calloused hands. “Don’t cry for me, Melina. We found each other again. Do you believe in destiny?”

Vance’s words grab Melina’s attention. She opens her sad eyes and meets his.

“I can’t lose you again,” he sniffles, the pain in her eyes clearly getting the best of him.

Melina smiles then kisses him tenderly on the lips. With the details of his dream still swirling in her mind, she simply says, “You never did.”


Dayne cannot get over how stunning the woman standing in front of him is. He's never seen a more gorgeous woman in his life. Even his ex-wife, who is definitely on the beautiful side, doesn't compare to this woman. She is a tiny little thing, only coming up to his shoulder. She looks muscular and toned, but at the same time, she looks soft and silky, with her small perfect breasts and tight ass. Dayne usually likes a women with a little more curves, but something about Harper calls to him.

They stand in the kitchen, on either side of the island counter, facing each other. Harper is sipping on the white wine he poured for her while he nurses a beer. She’s leaning on the counter, causing her breasts to push together, which is forming a nice line of cleavage in her low cut shirt. Dayne can barely keep his eyes on her face. Luckily, he’s blocked by the counter; otherwise, she'd been getting an eyeful of wood.

“So, what has Melina told you about me?” Dayne asks, curious about what Melina would have told another woman about him.

Harper lifts just her eyes and gives him a coy smile. His cock jerks at how naughty she looks. Dayne likes naughty girls. He likes them crazy and wild. And he likes to be scratched and bitten. She may appear flirty and innocent, but that look she just gave him lets him know that she is anything but.

“Wouldn't you like to know,” Harper teases, swirling the wine around in the glass.

“Mmm, gonna be like that, huh? Alright then.” Dayne nods and smirks, then takes a sip of his beer.

Harper watches him. Dayne feels like his skin is burning everywhere that her eyes touch. Fuck, this woman is dangerous. She is turning him on just by looking at him. No chick has ever made him feel like he could lose control at any moment. He is always in control. Has to be. His ex-wife made sure of it. Stupid bitch ripped his heart out and stomped all over it. He will never be so vulnerable again.

“You single?” Dayne asks.

“What's it to ya?” Harper asks, eyebrow raises in question.

“Listen, I'm not one to beat around the bush so I'm just gonna lay it out there for ya; I'm ready to jump over this counter and get you naked and under me. I'd rather not get into trouble with another dude for coming onto his girl.”

Harper's eyes flash excitedly. “Is that so? Well, I am single, but I'm not a whore. I don't sleep with guys only minutes after meeting them,” she says.

Dayne growls in annoyance. “Can you be a whore just this once?”

Harper laughs, thank God. Dayne knows that he can be crude, and some chicks just don't swallow it well.

“No, I can't.  I have a five date minimum before you get into these panties, my friend.”

Dayne practically chokes on his beer. “Five dates?” he wheezes.

“Hey, I have a reputation to uphold and being a slut isn't it.” Harper shrugs.

Dammit, but he respects her for that. He hates it, but he does respect it. If he wants in her pants, he'll have to start dating her. Well shit, isn't that a good way to weed out the fuckers who only want some pussy. Now he has to decide if he’s one of those fuckers. Is she worth the risk? Maybe.

Harper chuckles. “Unsure now? Not surprised, I get rid of a lot of losers this way.”

Did she just call him a loser? Oh hell no!

“Friday night, are you free?” Dayne asks.

Harper eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Maybe, what did you have in mind?”

“Date number one, baby.” Dayne smiles mischievously.

Harper tries to hide her smile by taking a sip of her wine. “I hope you come up with something good because if it’s dinner and a movie, there won't be a date number two. I get bored easily,” Harper says, the challenge clear.

Dayne's stomach flips with excitement. Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun.

“I've got something in mind, but it's gonna be a surprise,” Dayne murmurs before sipping his beer.

Harper narrows her eyes at him with suspicion, but the little smirk on her face tells Dayne that she likes being surprised. She’s curious now and he has to keep her that way if he wants to make it to date number five. And when - not if - he makes it to date number five, he’s going to make sure that she never forgets Dayne Propers.

“What's your policy for kissing?” Dayne asks dryly, expecting her to say the second date or something.

Harper smiles, places her wine glass down, and skirts the counter. Dayne turns to face her. She stops right in front of him, their bodies almost touching. She seems even tinier this close up. Dayne practically shakes with need. The thought of wrapping her up in his arms and screwing her into oblivion overwhelms his mind. Harper reaches up and draws lazy circles on his t-shirted chest with her nail. Her eyes lift up to meet his.

“For you, I'll waive my first date policy for kissing,” Harper purrs.

Dayne snatches her wrist to stop her from driving him crazy. “Woman, I'm on thin ice here; I suggest that you don't tease me,” he growls and pushes her back against the counter, trapping her in with his hands on the counter.

Harper's eyes flash with a mixture of emotions - excitement, desire, a little bit of fear, and carnal need. Dayne captures her delicious mouth with his, his head swimming at the contact. Her lips are silky smooth and he instantly needs more. He coaxes her mouth open with his tongue then dives inside. He can't hold back the groan that tears up his throat. She tastes as sweet as the wine that she’s drinking. Dayne is lost. He presses his body against hers and wraps his arms around her waist.

Dayne can feel Harper clutching the back of his t-shirt. The soft breathy moans coming from her are driving him crazy. He wants to be inside of her so fucking bad. He's never felt this level of attraction before, not even to his ex. It’s this crazy animal need to take her and claim her.

“Are you sure...about waiting...until date number five?” Dayne murmurs between kisses, dragging his lips down to her neck. He presses his hips against hers, his erection letting her know how desperately he wants her.

Harper's breath hitches when he nips her ear, but she somehow finds her control and strength because she gently pushes him back. “Yes, I'm sure,” she breathes.

Dayne groans in disappointment and takes another step back. She smells so good, and being this close is not helping him. Dayne rakes a hand through his hair then scrubs his face. “Fuck.” He exhales.

Harper stands there panting, one hand to her chest. Her lips are now a dark pink and slightly swollen from kissing him. It's not like he’s been without sex and is crazed; in fact, he just slept with some chick he met at the coffee shop a few nights ago. So it isn't like he’s sex deprived. But shit, he’s ready to rip her clothes off and do her right here on the counter, not caring who walks in and sees them. 

Dayne turns and walks away.

“Hey, where are you going?” Harper asks, sounding confused and hurt.

“I'm going to take a cold shower before I do something that'll make you hate me,” Dayne mutters without stopping.

He jogs up the stairs and almost runs into Vance and Melina as they’re coming out of Vance's room.

“Hey, man, you alright?” Vance asks, looking amused.

Dayne clenches his jaw and struggles to be calm. He glances at Melina, who is giving him a knowing smile. Bitch! She knew the effect Harper would have on him, and she knew about her rules!

“You, Melina, are now on my shit list,” he snarls.

Melina laughs. “What’d I do?”

“You brought that evil temptress into my house knowing full well about her five date policy. My dick is ready to explode,” Dayne growls at her.

Melina rolls her lips in to keep from laughing.

“’Evil temptress,’” Vance repeats, chuckling.

“When's your first date?” Melina giggles, somehow knowing without him even telling her.

“Friday, fuck you very much!” Dayne snaps and storms off toward his room.

“Where are you going?” Vance calls after him.

“To take a cold shower!” he yells back, walks into his room, and slams the door shut. He can hear Vance and Melina cracking up as they start down the stairs.

Dayne sighs and heads into his bathroom, where he strips down, turns on the cold water in the shower, and gets in. The cold water feels amazing on his heated skin. How the hell is he going to survive five dates without going out of his fucking mind? He’s just praying that she’s not shit in the sack.


Harper takes a seat at the kitchen table after Dayne walks out. She is seriously freaking out. Her heart is pounding out of her chest, her stomach is threatening to fly away from all of the butterflies in it, and her mind is racing with all kinds of dirty thoughts.

Before today, Harper would have argued that love at first sight is impossible. But she has no other explanation for what she is feeling. It isn't just lust. There’s some kind of deep connection that has never been there with any other guy she's ever been with. Oh, and the way he made her burn by just looking at her. She’s screwed.

She really must be in her own world because she doesn't hear Melina come into the kitchen until she’s standing right next to her. Harper jumps in her seat when Melina touches her shoulder. “You scared me,” Harper yelps.

Melina gives her a small smile. “Sorry, are you okay?” she asks, concern in her eyes.

“Oh...yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking,” Harper says with a quick tight smile.

Then Harper notices that Vance is leaning on the counter where Dayne was, a knowing smirk on his face. Harper blushes. She fucking blushes! She can't believe it. She never blushes, ever.

“You really got under his skin. He’s a bit shaken up over it, too.” Vance smiles softly.

Harper opens and closes her mouth a couple of times, but nothing comes out. Another first. She just snaps her mouth shut.

“Since you’re gonna be seeing him, I need to warn you; Dayne is not the right guy for you. He went through a nasty divorce about five years ago, and he's still fucked up from it. So don’t go into this with hopes of a long term anything, I don’t want you to get hurt. He refuses to commit, refuses to fall in love again, and refuses to be vulnerable at the hands of a woman. The most you’re gonna get from Dayne is great sex,” Vance says sadly. Harper can see that it hurts him to admit that his friend is the way he is.

BOOK: Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2)
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