Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2)
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“It's your job. I can't argue with you having to go do your job. I’m sure mine is going to get in the way at times. I mean, I’m not thrilled that you’re gonna be away for a few days, but you gotta do what you gotta do.” Vance shrugs. “Fucking Damien.  Please make sure you don’t go anywhere alone. If Damien has been following you here, we don’t know if he’s going to take it that far as to go to New York. In fact, I’m going to call a buddy of mine that’s NYPD to keep an eye out for you,” he adds.

Melina smiles up at him and nods in understanding. Thankfully she doesn’t put up a fight. “So you'll miss me?”

Vance smiles. “Yes, I'll miss you,” he says then gives her another tender kiss on the lips.


Is she fucking kidding? Is she seriously kissing him out in public again? Damien is sitting in his car down the block. He has been following Melina all day, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make his move. Damien can’t believe that she’s at Vance’s parents’ house for Sunday dinner. He went to one once when his parents were going through their divorce. The Summers took him and Tripp in for a weekend to give his parents a chance to work through their shit. They’re really nice people.  Too bad they’re going to get stuck in the crosshairs.

Just then, Maggie opens the front door and calls to them. She hasn’t changed much.

Melina has no idea what a huge mistake she is making by continuing to be with Vance. She has now gotten his whole family involved. Soon she will realize that anything that happens to innocent bystanders is all her fault.

Vance says something to Maggie, making her smile warmly, shake her head, and then shut the door. Then Vance turns back to Melina and says something to her that makes her laugh. They kiss again. It takes all of Damien's control not to get out of the car and kill Vance where he stands. Seeing some other guy's hands all over his fiancée really fires him up, but he has a plan and he needs to stick to it. That traitorous bitch will regret ever having screwed him over. She will pay dearly along with her cop boy toy.


Chapter 4

Melina smiles to herself. She can't wait to see Vance. It's been two days and the photo shoot wrapped up sooner than expected, so she’s on her way back to LA early to surprise him. She spoke to him earlier on his lunch break, and he said that he and the guys were going to be hanging out at home tonight. He didn't suspect anything since she was just making conversation, asking what he was going to be up to tonight. Luckily, Vance is off tomorrow, so Melina plans to spend the night with him, making up for the two days that they were apart. She misses kissing him. He’s the best kisser, so tender and sweet.

It’s after 10:00 pm by the time she walks into her front door, and she is another fifteen minutes from Vance's house. She’s sure that he will still be up, though, because he sent her texts both nights that she was away at around midnight to say that he was going to bed and that he missed her. So she’s guessing that’s his usual bedtime. Melina changes into gray yoga pants and a white tank top, packs a little overnight bag, and then heads to Vance's.

Melina pulls into the driveway and gets out of her car. As she walks up the steps to the porch, she can hear the laughing, yelling, and music getting louder and louder. What the hell are they doing? Having a party? Vance said that it was just going be him and the guys. Melina hikes her tote up a little higher on her shoulder then rings the doorbell. She waits a minute or so and then rings it again; apparently, they can’t hear it over the blaring music.

She hears a ruckus on the other side of the door, someone shouts then the door flies open. Melina cannot believe her eyes. Dayne is standing there, naked except for one of those novelty thongs that looks like an elephant. His you know what hanging in the material that makes up the trunk. Melina's eyes are wide as she drags her eyes away from his crotch to look up at his face. Holy shit, he is completely hammered.

Dayne puts his hands on either side of the doorframe and cocks a hip. 

“Hey, baby, you're home early,” Dayne purrs, his voice low and sexy, his eyes roaming boldly down her body.

Melina can't help but laugh. “Dude, you better take a step back before Vance kicks your ass for looking at me like that.”

Dayne bites his bottom lip, puts his hands behind his head, and thrust his hips a few times, making the trunk flop around. “You know you love it.”

Without warning, Dayne turns his back on Melina, bends at the hips, crouches over a bit, sticks his thong-clad ass in the air, and starts shaking it up and down. Quickly.  His ass cheeks jiggle like crazy and Melina is horrified and impressed at the time.

Melina squeals and pushes him back into the house, closing the door behind her. Dayne laughs. “Are you crazy? What if someone else is out there besides me?” Melina scolds.

“Then they just got a free show.” He smirks wickedly.

Melina just shakes her head in disbelief then searches the room trying to find her sexy boyfriend. Bingo! Vance's eyes are heavy- lidded and glazed over, his face slightly flushed. He has a stupid grin on his face as he sways slightly in the kitchen.

“Melina!!!” the guys call in unison before she can say anything to Vance.

Melina turns toward the living room where the rest of the guys are sitting around, beers in hand. They all start calling out their hellos. Vance stumbles past her, his gorgeously toned torso on display. Melina shakes her head, drops her tote by the stairs then follows.

“Anyone care to explain this?” she asks and motions toward Dayne, who grabs a bottle of beer off the coffee table and pounds it.

“He bet us each fifty bucks that he can twerk.” Tripp snorts.

“Twerk? Like Miley?” Melina asks.

The guys nod, big stupid drunken grins on all of their faces.

“And who’s judging this nonsense?” she inquires.

“Doesn’t matter…it was worth it just to see him try,” Ryder responds.

Melina looks Vance over; he looks so ridiculously sexy. She's seen him naked once before, so she’s trying to picture him in the thong. She knows that his cock would completely fill the trunk of the elephant. Melina's heart races. His body is to die for, all sleek hard muscle, covered with smooth lightly tanned skin. Vance isn't a hairy guy; he pretty much only has hair on his arms, legs, and that super sexy happy trail that leads to his groin, which is blond like the hair on his head and trimmed short and neat, from what she remembers.

Vance finishes off his beer then lets out a loud burp. Melina scrunches her nose at him. “Ew!”

He just smiles, his gaze moving down to linger on her chest. He sways, having to shuffle his feet so he doesn't topple over. Melina shakes her head; he’s so drunk.

Vance puts his empty bottle on the table and starts toward her. Melina can't help but stare at his naked torso, and then lower. When she brings her gaze back up to meet Vance's, he has that wicked smile back on his face and a naughty glint in his eye.

As soon as Vance reaches her, his mouth is on hers, his tongue pushing its way through her parted lips. His hands tangle in her hair, pulling her closer. Melina has no choice but to put her arms around his waist; it’s either that or lose her balance. And Vance's instability isn't helping either. He has to keep shifting his feet to keep upright. Melina gets caught up in his kiss, anyway. She has missed him the past couple of days, and even though he tastes like beer, and is beyond smashed, he still kisses amazingly. This kiss is better than any other they have shared. Vance is uninhibited, free of worry and doubt, and is really letting loose on her. Melina loves it and wants him to kiss her like this every time.

One of the guys makes an elephant noise behind them, making them both smile around their kiss. Melina even gets bold enough to slip her hands down to his ass, giving it a smack and a squeeze, causing the guys to roar with laughter. Melina can feel Vance starting to get hard against her and figures that it’s a good time to end their steamy kiss. She pulls back and looks up at him. Vance's eyes are blazing with desire, but Melina isn't sure she wants him for their first time while he’s drunk. She wants him to remember their first time together and she wants him coherent. Maybe she can just give him a little something to hold him over. Melina smiles at the thought.

Melina moves out of his embrace and takes his hand. She then leads him toward the steps, grabbing her tote bag on the way. The guys whistle, hoot and holler, along with yelling some lewd comments at them. Pigs. Melina snorts and pulls Vance up the stairs. She leads him into his room, shutting the door, and locking it behind them.

Melina drops her bag next to Vance's dresser then turns to look at him. He’s watching her like a lion watches its prey. Melina's heart skitters in her chest; no man has ever looked at her like that before. His big powerful body is coiled tight, ready to pounce. And she thought that she was going to resist him? Ha! Who is she kidding?

“Come here,” Vance commands, his voice low and husky, sending shivers of pleasure down Melina's spine.

Melina obeys his command and walks over to him, where he’s standing at the foot of the bed. She stops in front of him about an inch away then looks up into his bright blue eyes, which are still a little glazed over from the alcohol.

“I want...this sexy mouth of yours...” he whispers, running his thumb over her bottom lip. “…all over me.”

Melina gives him a sultry smile. “You got it, handsome,” she purrs and sucks his thumb into her mouth. Vance groans low when she swirls her tongue around it.

Melina lets his thumb go then starts kissing her way down his body, stopping at his nipples to give them a flick and a nibble. She drops to her knees in front of him, her stomach doing a flip flop just knowing what she’s about to do. She rolls her eyes up to look at Vance. He is still watching her with that predatory look in his eyes, but now he’s panting through his parted lips.

She is eye level with his erection, which is straining against his gym shorts, the only piece of clothing he has on. Melina presses a kiss to his happy trail as Vance laces his fingers into her hair.

“Take it off,” Vance breathes, all humor from earlier gone. Oh, he wants her bad.

Melina fingers the waistline sitting low at his hips. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Melina asks softly then nuzzles her nose against his bare hip.

Vance's breath hitches as he shifts to catch his balance. Melina grabs his hips to help. Maybe after she gets his shorts off him she'll have him sit on the bed.

“Melina,” Vance groans and tightens his grip in her hair.

Melina is surprised that he can even get hard being as drunk as he is. But he is, his hard on is sticking right up. Melina takes hold of it at the base and puts her mouth around the head. Vance lets out a strangled cry, his hands dropping to her shoulders for support. The black fabric of his shorts soaks through pretty quickly. Melina sucks him through the fabric until Vance is begging her.

“Baby, please!” he cries.

Melina gives in and pulls his shorts completely off. As she helps him step out of them, Vance fists himself and strokes slowly. Damn, he is beautiful. Melina loves when guys touch themselves. It’s a total turn on for her, and there is a lot of him to touch. He is long and wide, the perfect combination. His fingers just barely touch as they wrap around the shaft, so Melina knows that her smaller hands won't even come close to encasing it. Since he is stroking, Melina takes the opportunity to lick and suck his boys. She holds the backs of his thighs as she leans in and pulls one into her mouth, sucking softly. 

“Oh fuuuucccckkk....” Vance moans, his head lolling back in pleasure. He holds his cock to his stomach as Melina continues to give the two fellas some attention.

Vance's free hand cups the back of her head and holds her gently in place. Melina then moves up, licking up the underside of his shaft with a flat tongue, forcing Vance to move his hand out of the way. When she gets to the head, Melina swirls her tongue around it then pulls it into her mouth. Vance curses and shoves his other hand into her hair to hold it out of the way so he can see.

Vance watches her with the sexiest face Melina has ever seen. He just has the look of pure ecstasy on his face and she loves it. Melina loves giving pleasure, as long as it is something that she wants to do. With Damien, he pretty much forced her to go down on him every day, saying it was her duty as his fiancée. She thought that she would never do this again, but here she is, doing it to Vance. Yeah, he wanted it, but she also wanted to give it. She wanted to make him crazy.

Vance's hips thrust ever so slightly and she doubts that he even knows that he’s doing it. She can tell that he’s getting close because his whole body is stiff and rigid.

“Fuck...if you don't want me to come in your mouth, I suggest you stop,” Vance rasps. Melina doesn't stop.

Vance's eyes widen. “Really?” he chokes, unable to believe that she’s going to let him.

Melina just gives him a long blink and speeds up her efforts. Vance growls deep in his throat and clenches his jaw. Oh yeah, he’s close.

A guttural cry rips up Vance's throat just as he comes. Melina keeps going until there is nothing left and he is trembling above her. When she lets him go, he sinks to the floor in front of her and slumps back against the bed, completely out of breath. His eyes are closed and his lips are parted. Melina takes advantage and leans in to give him a soft kiss on the lips.

“Mmm, baby, that was unbelievable,” he mutters and kisses her again.

“I'm glad,” Melina murmurs against his lips before giving him one more kiss.

“I'm tired.” Vance yawns.

“Come on, let’s go to sleep,” Melina says and stands up. She holds out her hands for him. Vance barely opens his eyes as he takes them and lets her help him to his feet.

“What about you, though? I gotta return the favor,” Vance mutters, his mouth barely moving when he speaks.

“You need sleep more than I need to get off.” Melina smirks as he crawls onto the bed, giving her a nice view of his ass and junk.

Vance mumbles something unintelligible as he lies down on his stomach on top of the covers. He passes out as soon as his face hits the pillow. Melina smiles at her boyfriend. This is a new side of him that she had yet to see, and she kinda likes it. So far, he's been cautious and reserved around her with the paparazzi and stuff. It’s so nice to see him relaxed, even if he is shitfaced.

She wants to know more about him, but she knows that will come with time and them spending time together. She’s curious about what he likes and dislikes. She wants to know more about his family and childhood. Melina pulls off her yoga pants and gets in bed next to him. Vance's face is turned toward her, half obscured by his pillow. He is just absolutely gorgeous. Definitely the most gorgeous man she's ever laid eyes on. He might not think so, but she'll convince him eventually. Melina strokes his hair and back until she falls asleep.

BOOK: Destiny Revealed (There's Always Tomorrow Book 2)
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