Read Department Store Online

Authors: Bridy McAvoy

Department Store (15 page)

BOOK: Department Store
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Chapter 30 – Tuesday Night

After Felicity had dropped me at home Alan opened the door to me, somewhat surprised to see me home so early. It was still before eleven.

“You alright, honey?”

I smiled wanly. “I’m fine, Alan. Get me a beer and I’ll tell you all about it.”

He disappeared into the kitchen and reappeared a moment later with two chilled beers. Switching the sports channel he’d been watching off, he sank into the chair opposite the couch. As soon as he’d sat down he was on his feet again, reaching to take the coat I was still wearing.

“No, I’m going to keep this on. . .at least to start with.”

“Oh, alright.”

I drained about half the beer, probably not a good idea on top of the wine I’d already consumed, but I was partly at least beyond caring.

“You want to hear about it?”

“You know I do, honey.”

I smiled at him, teasing him a little, revived by the beer no doubt.

“Are you sure?”


He frowned at me but then allowed the frown to relax into a smile as he realised I was still in full on tease mode.

Slowly I told him the story of my evening, starting with the details of the costume. As I described it in minute detail I could see his eyes light up at the thought of me wearing it for him, let alone for other people. His trousers developed a satisfyingly large bulge.

He stopped me when I told him about the striptease on the table, actually asking me how I’d felt. I was honest, telling him it was just about the hottest thing I’d ever done, knowing at that moment I had had nine people watching my body, lusting after it.

“I never realised you were an exhibitionist, Amy.”

“I’m not. Well, at least I wasn’t, and I’m not sure I’d want to do it again, but it was really hot. Does that make sense?”

“I think so.”

I carried on with the story, telling him how I came on my own fingers, twice, on the table and then the lap dancing phase of the evening. After I told him about the first lap dance with Robert, with Emily also interfering as well, I could sense he was almost ready to come himself. However the tale of the second one and my feelings of being almost raped as the three men assaulted my body had him curling his fists in anger and his erection subsided. I was proud of him at that moment. Although I was putting him through this, he was still prepared to make a stand on my behalf. My heart went out to him at that moment. I had to admit to myself I loved him to distraction despite everything else.

I started to tell him about the final lap dance, the one I was as much embarrassed about as I had been turned on by at the time. I reached the point where Felicity had reached out to my naked form kneeling between her legs and told me to make her cum. Alan was erect again as he listened.

“She did what?”

“She told me to make her come, by licking her pussy through her panties.”

“Christ! What did you do?”

I cocked an eyebrow at him and we both giggled, then I waggled my empty beer bottle at him as a way of asking for a refill. I think he was out to the kitchen and back in world record time. Taking a pull on the beer I continued the story.

“As soon as my face was moving in the direction she wanted it to, she spread her legs wider still, allowing me access to her crotch. Her fingers were laced together behind my head and I couldn’t pull away. I could feel all the eyes behind me watching my own ass and pussy closely as I was pulled into a half lying position onto her thighs. My own legs were spread apart for balance so I knew my pussy lips were on show. The pressure Felicity was exerting on my head was drawing me inwards toward her mound, clearly outlined through the thin nylon of her underwear. As I got closer I realised I could smell her arousal, Felicity was already moist from watching what had been happening to me as well as what I’d done in the dining room to myself.

Finally my nose pressed directly against her mound; in fact it was right at the top of her slit, touching her clit. I’ve never been interested in doing anything with another woman but here I was trapped in my own nightmare. Charles’ instructions were precise, I could only stop when one of us had come. Either I came, and she wasn’t providing me with any stimulation and my own hands were occupied keeping my balance, or she did, and there was only one way that could happen wasn’t there?

Behind me they began to clap slowly, partly a slow handclap and partly to encourage me. I plucked up the courage to extend my tongue and touched the tip gently to the front of her panties right at the centre point of her pussy, between her labia. She immediately moaned and her hips shot forward, pushing her pussy right against my face, forcing my extended tongue to push her panties into her. Instantly my tongue was coated with her juices as she began to leak copious amounts of her fluids onto the lips of her vagina. Within seconds her panties were matted with it.

I had no other option, I nuzzled her clit with my nose, pushing it hard into the folds of flesh around it, while using my tongue to lick up and down the slit below it. Before long I had a mouthful of her juices and she was quite literally writhing on my face. It took another couple of minutes and then she stiffened and cried out. A flood of her secretions hit my tongue and I had to swallow several times in order to be able to breathe.

Then it was over. They showed the other guests out and then got me dressed and Felicity dropped me home.”

“So why are you keeping that coat on?”

“Because they made me put on one of the lap dancing outfits. They thought you might like a dance from me on the same terms.”

“You mean—?”

“If I take this coat off and dance for you I only stop when one of us comes.”

He grinned, his erection already tenting his trousers.

“That sounds like a very hot idea. Are you up to it?”

“I think you mean ‘are you up for it’ not to it.”

“Whatever, well, are you, honey?”

“I am if you are.”

“So, what music would you like?”

“Something with a fast beat, Alan. By the looks of that I’m not going to need a lot of time.”

“Don’t be too sure.”

He grinned again and then dived for the remote for the CD player as I stood and began to undo the belt on the coat Felicity had lent me.

By the time he’d settled back into the chair once more I had discarded the long coat and stood before him in the tiny see-through white dress and panties. He’d already noticed the white stockings. I didn’t bother slipping the shoes back on, my feet had taken too much punishment today already.

I smiled down at him as I moved to stand between him and the coffee table and began to shimmy. His eyes were drinking in every detail and I could see his penis throb within the confines of his trousers. Just as I had at Mister Chisholm’s, I raised my arms above my head and arched my back, pushing my breasts up and out, my hard nipples grating on the thin fabric and clearly visible to him as they pushed the material out.

My hips bounced and circled in a fast bump-and-grind motion. This made the hem of the dress float and bounce in counterpoint to them. I moved closer to him, now my knees brushed against his. His eyes couldn’t stay still, first looking at my jiggling breasts topped by the hard nubs, now watching the movement of the dress hem, trying to catch a fleeting glimpse of my barely constrained pussy.

Then it was time to do more strip and less tease and my arms gracefully scissored down as I bent forward, grasped the hem in my crossed hands and jerked it up and off in a move that was surprisingly fast becoming second nature to me. He whistled soundlessly and I saw his cock throb again as I now continued to dance in front of my husband in a skimpy pair of white see-through knickers and the obligatory stockings.

A minute or so later I climbed onto his lap and began to rub my over heated pussy against the bulge in his trousers. As his fingers bit into my butt and I lowered my breast onto his lips it was a close run thing to determine who came first. I think he did, but only by a second at the most.

Chapter 31 – Thursday Afternoon

For me Wednesday had been an unusual day at work, it had started just before lunch when Miss Jones had relieved me at my sales counter and asked me to report to Mister Chisholm’s office. As this was unexpected I was a little apprehensive, not least because this meant facing Felicity again, which I wasn’t particularly looking forward to.

Luckily she was on the phone as I entered the outer office and she merely smiled and waved me to a seat while continuing her conversation. A couple of minutes later Charles showed someone out of his office and, seeing I was waiting there, beckoned me into his inner sanctum. It meant I didn’t need to talk to Felicity at all, for which I was grateful.

“Come in, Amy, please take a seat.”

“Thank you, sir.”

I sat down in front of his desk, and waited for him to take his seat behind it, visions of the time only three days earlier, when he had fucked me on it, running through my mind.

“How are you today, Amy?”

“I’m fine, sir.”

“And did you enjoy yourself last night?”

I swallowed hard but knew I had to tell the truth.

“I came a lot, sir, so I did enjoy. . . most of it.”

“But not all of it?”

“No, sir.”

“Which bit didn’t you enjoy?”

The questions were insistent and probing, leaving me no way of avoiding the revelation of a truth I would have preferred to keep hidden.

“When the three men . . . sir.”

“Ah, you mean you didn’t enjoy having three men groping you at the same time.”

“No, sir.”

“Okay. We’ll have to see about that. Just that? You enjoyed everything else?”

I hung my head and nodded. That was the question I knew was coming and the one I really didn’t want to answer truthfully.

“So, eating my secretary’s snatch was something you actually enjoyed?”

I knew my cheeks were burning red, scarlet with embarrassment. Finally I answered.

“Yes, sir.”

He chuckled, and I knew he was amused by my response.

“Well, Amy, I have some changes in our program for you as a result of last night.”


“Well, tomorrow afternoon you were going to entertain those same three men from the dinner party last night in your own home. But given they were a bit too rough with you I think we’ll have to change that plan.”

He’d said I’d have houseguests on Thursday but he hadn’t given me any details. The thought it might be those three young men horrified me.

“I’m not into the rough stuff and I’m now certain you aren’t either. I’ll make a different plan for you, Amy. You might not like it either but I think you probably will.”

“Thank you. . .sir.”

“Now Friday.”

“Yes, sir.”

This part of his plan was not something I was looking forward to at all. Most of the guys in the security team were locals and I saw them outside of work too. One of them even lived on our road! It would be very embarrassing all round, especially for me.

“I’m going to have to cancel your performance in the canteen on Friday. I’m pretty sure that is going too far for you. So, your last commitment under our agreement will be tomorrow.”

I nodded, unsure of the response but flooded with relief at escaping the humiliation of stripping in front of ten or more guys followed by, as he put it, a gang-bang.

“As I am away until next week from tonight, this is also our last meeting while you still work for me.”


“Stand up, Amy.”

I stood and waited for the next instruction, already pretty certain he intended to fuck me on his desk once more. I was absolutely right.

* * * *

I glanced up and saw it was almost two o’clock, time for my guests to arrive. The note Charles had given me provided very specific instructions, ones that left me shaking in an agony of apprehension. Now it was time and I was out of options.

Quickly I checked my make up in the hall mirror and undid the belt on the robe I was wearing. On Tuesday night the see-through white dress had been erotic, now in daylight with the sun streaming through the windows it was positively obscene; especially without the panties. The high heels accentuated my stocking covered calves and as I stood there I thanked my own good fortune that the glass panel in the front door was frosted, meaning no one could see me directly from the other side of the door. However, anyone coming up close to the lounge window would be able to see me, but hopefully nobody would have any reason to do that. With shaking hands, I pulled the blindfold down into place covering my eyes and completely cutting out my view of anything. The pink fluffy wrist restraints were already attached to one wrist, it took only a moment to snap the other in place behind my back.

Placing my feet about a foot apart, exactly as per the instructions, all I could do was stand and wait. I knew the cuffs weren’t actually lockable and I could remove them at any time but I still felt extremely vulnerable knowing that I wasn’t supposed to. Charles had planned this perfectly, I knew the waiting was supposed to heighten my anticipation, my apprehension, and this would in turn fuel my sexual heat. As I stood there with no real sensation of time passing I could feel my nipples harden against the thin fabric, knowing they betrayed themselves through the virtually transparent material. A minute later I felt the first slight trickle of my secretions leak from my pussy onto my thigh as my breathing became more ragged.

At almost the same moment I heard a car pull up and immediately afterwards two car doors opened and then slammed shut. So, there was more than one person walking up my drive right now, but there could have been more. There was a pause, as the footsteps stopped and I realised they could see my outline through the glass door, even though it was frosted. I gulped as my feeling of helplessness reasserted itself. Then there was a loud knock on the door, for some reason they were eschewing the door bell.

“Please come in. The door’s unlocked.”

The words almost stuck in my throat. I was surprised just how clear my voice actually sounded. It was all I could do to control the trembling of my own body as the thought that this might not be the people Charles had sent but someone else entirely flashed across my brain. When the door opened slowly to reveal me standing there in my see through dress and little else, other than the blindfold and cuffs, it was all I could do not to cry out.

“Well, what have we got here?”

The deep male voice wasn’t one I recognised and the panic began to well up again.

“Charles was right, she is a doll.”

The second comment brought an element of relief, at least this was the right person, or people, but I was still unsure as to how many or who. I heard a couple of chuckles but wasn’t sure if one of them was from the person who spoke or not. One of them at least sounded further away so I guessed two men, and then I was struck by the realisation I didn’t actually know the second person was male! Immediately I started to shake again.

“Look at her nipples, she’s hot to trot I think. If I touched her I bet she’d be wet.”

I licked my lips as the crude comments continued, all from the same person, the other one not speaking. I heard the door close and was at least thankful I couldn’t be seen from the street at least.

“Turn around, sugar, let’s see all of you.”

Licking my lips, I shuffled slowly around until I thought I’d turned about a hundred and eighty degrees. I now knew they could see my naked butt under the dress and the handcuffs restraining my arms behind me.

“Yeah, a real doll. We are going to enjoy you this afternoon, sugar.”

The way he said it brought another shudder to my body. Knowing I was this powerless continued to have unwanted effects on my body.
Who am I kidding, unwanted?

I felt his hand grasp my arm, I hadn’t even realised he was that close.

“Lead us upstairs to your bedroom, sugar. Lead us to the Promised Land.”

Again I heard the two chuckles but couldn’t distinguish anything about the other person. I almost panicked as I tried to work out how to get to the stairs and then up them like this.

“Let me help you, sugar. I have no intention of letting you hurt yourself.”

I relaxed a little as he gently tugged on my arm and led me along the hall toward the foot of the stairs.

“We’re at the stairs now, so lead with your left foot. That’s good. Now the right.”

Following his low voiced instructions I slowly climbed the stairs, one of his hands supporting me on my arm, the other cupping one cheek of my ass, presumably to steady me.

“We’re at the top now. Which door?”

“The one on the left.”

It was the first time I’d spoken since I’d asked them to enter the house, and I was still surprised to hear how clear my voice actually was.

I felt him let go and then a moment later heard the door open. Then he was back, gently propelling me into my own bedroom and I could hear his companion following us.

BOOK: Department Store
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