Read Department Store Online

Authors: Bridy McAvoy

Department Store (12 page)

BOOK: Department Store
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Chapter 23 – Telling Alan.

“So what happened then?”

It was one thirty in the morning and I just wanted to get to bed, but Alan wanted answers and he really wanted to know what had happened to me. After all I had promised to tell him the details.

“One by one his friends danced with me, although now they were getting bolder, a couple of them rang their fingers over my anus as they mauled my butt, several managed to squeeze my breasts.”

“And you let them?”

“Those were his orders. What else could I do?”

“About a half an hour later when I was back at the booth he simply leaned behind me and unclasped the bra. I let it fall away in front and he inserted his hand up the dress and removed it. It’s in my purse.”

“My god.”

“Alan, the lace of this dress doesn’t cover very much. Would you like to see what I looked like as they danced with me again?”

He nodded.

“Then take it off exactly the way I told you Charles did.”

“It’s Charles now is it?”

“I can’t keep calling him Mister Chisholm.”

“Well, if he took it off earlier how come you are wearing it now?”

“Because after he fucked me he let me get dressed again.”

“He fucked you?”



“Naked, except for my stockings, in the back seat of his car. He said he didn’t want me to ruin the dress so made me shimmy out of it in the front seat, walk around to stand in front of the car, in the beam of his headlights, topless, slip my panties off and drape them around the emblem on his bonnet and then climb in the back.”

“Wow! And you did that?”

“Yes, I think I came as I stood there in front of his car, and again as I wrapped my panties around his hood ornament, then twice more as he fucked me.”

He just sat there looking at me.

“Alan, are you going to help me with the dress?”

Shaking himself, he stood up and moved to stand in front of me. His hands went to my shoulders and fumbled the straps open. As they fell they exposed more and more of my chest to his eyes. I showed him where the side tabs were and then he slowly pulled the inner dress down and away. As he wriggled and pulled the tight fabric, my mind flashed back to the first dance after Charles had removed my bra.

The man who walked up to Charles and asked him for a dance with me was someone I knew. It was Ken Moore, the man who in a week’s time would be my new boss at his downtown bookshop. It was obvious from the moment the two men shook hands that they knew each other well and it didn’t take an Einstein to realise this had been pre-planned. As Ken led me onto the dance floor I knew all eyes were on me, the lace covered but didn’t conceal my breasts, nor the rigid nipples that topped them.

“So nice to see you again, Amy. So nice to see so much of you.”

It was obvious the dance hold he was going to use and he immediately turned me to stand in front of him. My arms needed to be raised above my head to go around his neck but I couldn’t do that as I knew exactly what such a movement would mean for my chest. Instead I wrapped them around his waist, as far as I could and hugged him into me. I exaggerated the bump and grind of my hips against his already hard erection and allowed him free access to my body.

His hands made a dart for my breasts, cupping them to feel their weight and then massaging the nipples with his palms. My breath was coming in short gasps by the time he was manipulating one nipple with his thumb and forefinger whilst his other hand slid downward to cup my mound. The fact I was being touched in this way in front of a room full of watching people was doing incredible things to my mind. I closed my eyes and allowed the waves of pleasure to radiate all over my body. After a minute wallowing in the bliss my mind suddenly screamed one fact, this was my next boss and he was also taking liberties with my body.

After that one dance with my breasts exposed, Charles settled the bill and we left the club, much to my relief. I think I’d come at least five times in there, and nobody had done more than brush the front of my panties, my pussy had not been touched directly at all. The whole experience was a complete eye-opener. As I walked with Charles toward the outside door I could see his obvious erection. It wasn’t until we reached the door that I realised my exposed state but he didn’t even slow as he tipped the doorman and led me to the car, me still topless under the see-through lace dress. The rest of my dress was draped over his arm.

Alan was now admiring my form through the lace dress, the opaque layer discarded on the floor beside me. Charles had made me put the panties on, so as not to get semen stains on the delicate fabric of the dress. My husband had never seen me dressed like this and I already knew from the round of applause that had sounded as I left the club that I looked hot. I could tell from his erection that he thought so too.

“Honey, please can I take care of that—” I indicated his hard on. “—and tell you the rest of the detail another time? I’m tired and I want to go to bed.”

There was one detail I intended to omit from what I told him though. The involvement of my next boss, Ken, and his final whispered comment to me.

“New dress code for you from Monday, Amy.Sstockings and short skirts at the least, or should I say, at the most.”

Chapter 24 – Tuesday

I didn’t see Mister Chisholm at all during the day. For dome obscure reason Tuesday is always the busiest day in my department. The morning hadn’t got off to a good start at all. Actually it had got off to a fantastic start as I woke up to the sensation of Alan happily eating me out. Then I realised the time and I hadn’t washed my uniform.

I shot out of bed and hurriedly washed the stockings I’d worn during the day, under the kitchen tap and then dried them with my hairdryer. This didn’t improve my temper as Alan stood there laughing his head off at my antics. I eventually made it to work with only three minutes to spare and smiled a quick apology at my supervisor, Miss Jones, then took up position at the Tannoy to announce the shop was now opening.

Lunch was a quick sandwich in the cafeteria. I still had some time to make up over the hairdresser’s appointment the previous afternoon, then all too soon it was five o’clock again and it was time to present myself at Mister Chisholm’s office.

Felicity sat behind her desk as normal.

“Charles will be about half an hour before he has finished so if you want to, sweetie, you can use my rest room to freshen up. You look like you need it.”

She, of course, was sitting there looking as fresh as a daisy, despite having worked since seven thirty that morning. I smiled a thank you and took her up on the offer.

I hadn’t realised I’d dosed off but I jumped suddenly when Felicity gently shook my shoulder. Mister Chisholm’s concerned face was peeking over her shoulder as my eyes focused.

“Oh, my God! I’m so sorry. I must have dropped off. I do apologise.”

“It’s alright, sweetie, I think you’re being set too hard a schedule, don’t you, Charles?”

He shrugged but the concerned look didn’t fade from his face.

“Now, I know what you have planned for tonight, Charles, but you can see she needs her rest. Now I suggest you limit the dancing to just two of your guests tonight and then call her a cab. You’ll wear the poor thing out.”

“I’m fine. Honest.”

“You are so not fine, honey. I’ve been watching you on the security cameras on and off during the day, you need some serious rest time and you aren’t getting it. I’m going to put my foot down on this one.”

“And you’ll pay for it later yourself, my lady.”

“Promises, Charles, promises, Look after this one, she’s special.”

They were acting like a pair of old wives, fussing over me, and I did feel fine after the impromptu nap, although my back was stiff from being hunched over sitting on the stool.

* * * *

My relationship with Felicity was more complex than anyone on the outside ever realised. She was an absolutely brilliant PA and secretary, a wonderfully athletic lover and when the mood took her a very pliant submissive. Unlike little Amy, who was new to the game, she also knew the one true secret of a dominant/submissive couple. In reality the submissive is the one in charge.

On the silent drive over to my house, I pondered what she’d said. I was pushing the young blonde beside me very hard, perhaps too hard. The problem was I only had a very limited opportunity with her. Already Ken was making his plans for next week and come Friday, except when and if Ken decided to share her with me, she would be gone from my life. There would be others but Amy was special, too special to ruin now.


“Yes, sir?”

“I’m going to give you a straight forward choice. I agree with Felicity, you are a little strung out, short of rest.”

“I’m fine, sir, honest.”

“I’m going to give you a choice. We can go ahead with the dinner party exactly as you described to your husband on Sunday, although as Felicity suggested I will curtail the after dinner entertainment. Or I can take you straight home now, no stain on you.”

“I’m fine, sir. Carry on, please. Can I ask one favour though, please, master?”


“Please don’t punish Felicity for standing up for me.”

I roared with laughter.

“There are a number of things you need to learn about, Amy, and one of them is most definitely not my relationship with Felicity. Whether I punish her or not is none of your concern. What I will say, though, is that if I do she will enjoy it. Oh, I’m sure, she will enjoy it.”


A couple of minutes later I pulled through the gates into my drive and rolled the car smoothly to a stop outside the front door. After letting myself and Amy into the house I pointed to the stairs.

“Up there, Amy, first door on the left when you get to the top. It’s one of the small guest rooms and your outfit for the first part of the evening is lying on the bed. There’s an en-suite and the alarm in there is set for ten to eight. I want you down here in the hall, showered and attired in your evening uniform, ready to let my guests in promptly at five to eight. Okay?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. Now off you go. No-one will disturb you ‘til then, your time is your own.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Chapter 25 – Before The Meal

Despite Charles and Felicity’s concerns, the short cramped nap in the rest room had worked wonders. Not only did I feel fine but as I climbed the stairs toward the indicated bedroom, I was almost fizzing with energy. Turned on, in equal measure, by my master’s obvious concern for me and the events planned for the evening. Last night I’d effectively had my breasts exposed to several people, tonight I would be doing the exposing and my instructions were not merely to get topless.

The one time I’d tried to perform a striptease in the privacy of my own home for my husband, I had dissolved in a fit of giggles when I’d forgotten to undo the cuffs on the blouse. I’d become hopelessly entangled and, before I could stop him, Alan had jumped to his feet to help. It had degenerated into a laughter-filled love making session instead, very nice but not the original plan.

The good mood lasted right up until I saw the outfit lying on the bed waiting for me. Well, ‘outfit’ was a bit of a misnomer. I gulped and squeezed my legs together as if in counterpoint to the horrified thoughts roiling through my mind, my pussy began to throb in eager anticipation. The tiny, white, see-through top came down to only just below my breasts, the skirt would be, if anything, shorter than the one I’d worn when Charles took me home on Sunday afternoon. The fishnet stockings attached to a tiny garter belt and there was a matching set of bra and panties but they were gossamer thin and effectively transparent. The black patent shoes didn’t have too high of a heel on them but at three inches or so they were high enough.

The moment I bent over to any degree the skirt would ride up to expose my ass, an ass not covered by the tiny panties, leaving it fully exposed. I must have simply stared at the clothes laid out on the bed for a couple of minutes before I noticed the little white cap and lace like apron laying on the dresser, together with a note. Picking up the note I scanned it quickly and then re-read it, my cheeks flaming at his instructions, but knowing I would obey.

Realising it was now close to six thirty, I began to get ready, discarding my work uniform and checking the bathroom which was more luxurious than any I had seen for a very long time.

* * * *

In between instructing the caterers and ensuring everything was ready for the meal, and of course changing clothes myself, I managed to watch Amy on the security monitor several times. She was still very much the innocent abroad. Despite being filmed by hidden cameras on several occasions she didn’t think to look up and check for cameras inside my house.

I could see her shock when she checked over her clothing for the evening and chuckled as she examined the skirt, holding it against herself to check the length and then running her hand along the inside of the underwear to check their transparency. My amusement continued when she read the note I’d left for her, telling her exactly how to behave tonight. I made a mental note to take that particular still from the video. Her face was an absolute picture and the camera had caught her from the perfect angle.

Watching her undress for the shower was a definite thrill, even though she was merely undressing. Unaware of an audience, she still had such natural grace that the voyeur in me found the whole thing highly erotic.

Finally it was seven forty-five and all the meals were ready on the hostess trolleys along the back wall of the dining room. The white wines were chilled for the starter and fish courses and the red was breathing for the main.. The table was set, and I thanked the caterers as they left, not wanting them to catch a glimpse of the dessert, who would be coming downstairs within the next five minutes.

A moment later I heard the door to the bedroom upstairs open and Amy walked out onto the landing. Seeing me standing there in front of the door, she smiled and then moved to the top of the stairs, providing me with the first direct look at her in her costume for the evening. Even from the bottom of the stairs I could see right through the layers of clothing covering her breasts, her nipples showing as more than just a shadow. The lighting prevented me from seeing any detail under the skirt but I could certainly see straight up under it to her crotch. I motioned her to join me and she remembered not to hurry, walking down gracefully and extremely sexily, the tiny skirt swishing from side to side as each leg descended in turn.

“Amy, you look absolutely ravishing tonight, especially the way you have gathered your hair.”

She dropped me a curtsey at the compliment as she reached floor level. She had gathered her long blonde hair into two bunches, not exactly ponytails, but bunches, one each side of her head. Instead of looking her natural twenty-five her fresh faced complexion, tiny amount of makeup and hair style made her look more nineteen or twenty. A fresh faced co-ed earning her way through college. Not that many co-eds could carry off her outfit in such a devastating manner.

“Thank you.”

I smiled down at her petite frame, the angle giving me a perfect view of her breasts.

“You understand what I want you to do today?”

“I think so.”

“Come through into the dining room and I’ll show you how they’ve arranged it. No-one will be expecting silver service, Amy, just quick and competent. They are all looking forward to the dessert course.”

I took her through to the dining room, she gulped when she counted nine place settings around the large table, realising there would indeed be that many people present. I showed her the heated trolleys and the labels on each, followed by the wines, which again I’d labelled for her.

She noticed the place set in the corner and looked at me questioningly.

“You don’t think I’d let you starve, do you, sweetie? There are ten sets of each course, after you have served each guest and poured the first glass of each wine you may eat your own before clearing away and serving the next.”

“Thank you, sir.”

That moment the door bell rang to announce the first of my guests.

BOOK: Department Store
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