Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales (8 page)

BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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The agitation of her body let Charlie know that she was ready, as was he. He started from the bottom, his tongue gliding up her between her labia. He finished with a soft flick against her clit and her reaction nearly made him come on the spot. Her entire body tensed like a tightened violin string. Her upper body shot up off of the bed, her hands ripped at the comforter and sheets on the bed, and she cried out his name.

The buildup of tension in her body from his teasing assault on her, made Ashland detonate at the first flick of his tongue. Her sweet pussy flooded with her honeyed nectar and Charlie lapped it up eagerly, as her cries reached his ears. Eventually, Ashland was unable to take much more and she pushed at his head, signaling for him to stop. Charlie crawled back up her lush body and positioned his near erupting cock at her entrance.

He gazed into her eyes for a few beats, asking for permission. Ashland looked up at him with heavy-lidded eyes and nodded her head. With swift precision, Charlie plunged into her welcoming tightness and through the delicate barrier. Her eyes widened and her back arched as the pain hit her and he groaned at the feel of her still fluttering walls around him.

Buried to the hilt, Charlie stilled as he waited for her to get accustomed to his size.

“Are you okay?” He asked breathlessly.

“Mmhmm.” Ashland hummed and nodded her head, not trusting herself to speak.

Testing the waters, she pumped up towards him. Instead of the pain she thought she’d feel, ripples of pleasure washed over her. She inhaled sharply at the feeling. Charlie took that as his queue to continue. Placing his hands on either side of her head, he slid out to the tip, and plunged back in. He hit the top of her cervix and a scream tore from her throat.

“Ahh God!” Charlie shouted out. “I can’t take much more. Are you ready?”

“Yes, please!” Ashland answered. Though, she didn’t really know what he was asking but she quickly found out.

Charlie grasped her hips with strong sure hands. Once more he pulled out to the head of his staff, but this time when he thrust forward he didn’t stop. He pounded into her pliant flesh over and over again. Ashland’s hands found his forearms as she tried to hold on for dear life. With every inward stroke, her cries became louder and louder.

Charlie’s body glistened with sweat. His blond hair flopped on his forehead with his aggressive movements. His teeth clenched together as he growled deeply with every pump of his hips. He was mindless to everything but the connection of their most intimate place. He felt the beginnings of her impending climax as her walls contracted around him. He slowed his speed by a fraction and added a swivel to his hips and it was game over.

Ashland’s nails dug crescent shaped indents into Charlie’s forearms as her orgasm ripped through her. Her body convulsed uncontrollably around him, pulling an explosive climax from him as well. Charlie quickly pulled out and his seed pumped from his body onto her trembling belly. Charlie leaned forward, rested his forehead against hers and softly kissed her nose.

“Was that okay?” Charlie asked in concern.

“Lord, yes! That was incredible.” Ashland sighed.

“But I didn’t hurt you, did I? Cause I mean, I did get a little carried away.” Charlie said with a shy boyish look on his face.

“It hurt at first, but it felt really good after that.” Ashland assured him just as shyly.

“Good.” He grinned happily, before kissing her forehead and getting up from the bed. “Let me get a towel to clean you up.”

“Okay.” She looked away bashfully as she saw the evidence of her virginity on his semi hard length.

Charlie strode into the massive bathroom. He grabbed a washcloth and wet it under the faucet. He quickly wiped away the blood and cum from his body. He wet two more towels and walked back into the room.

Ashland hadn’t moved a muscle as she waited for him. Her mahogany skin had a radiant afterglow that only came from good sex. She smiled self-consciously as he strode towards her. The vision of her lying there with his seed on her dark chocolate body, made the blood resurge to his cock. Her eyes widened in surprise as she watched his nearly flaccid member swell up and out once more.

Charlie tried to ignore his body’s reaction to her. Instead he concentrated on cleaning her up. He grabbed her around the back of her thighs and pulled her butt to the edge of the bed. He quickly wiped away the remnants of their lovemaking. One towel wiped away the mess he had left on her stomach and the other, he very gently wiped at the tender flesh between her legs. The sweet gesture brought tears to her eyes. It had been a long time since she had been treated with anything remotely close to love and affection.

He finished with his gentle ministrations and tossed the towels on the floor. Charlie looked down at her and saw the tears glistening in Ashland’s eyes. He quickly leaned forward and began to kiss her, all over her face. The tears that had been trembling on her lids, spilled over and he kissed the tracks that they made down her temples.

“Why are you crying?” Charlie asked with concern.

“I’m happy.” Ashland choked out.

His freshly hardened erection was poised at her entrance as he brushed the tears away from her face. Being in such a convenient position, Charlie slid into her awaiting core once more. He continued to plant sweet kisses all over her face, while he gently pumped his hips forward. Her restless body again told him that she wanted more. He stood up and placed her abundant, shapely legs on his chest and stomach and thrust home. The angle brought him in deeper than before and they both threw back their heads at the deep penetration.

Charlie’s talented hips brought them both to a stunning climax. He used what little energy he had left to clean her off again with one of the towels he had tossed to the side. He then collapsed next to her and they both instantly drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.






Ashland’s alarm on her cellphone jarred her awake.
She quickly slid out of the circle of Charlie’s arms. She didn’t think of much other than not wanting to piss off Cisco or get his special friend in trouble. She threw her dress over her naked body and fought with the zipper, only getting it to the middle of her back. So to cover the gaping material, she grabbed Charlie’s white dress shirt and put it on and tied the ends around her waist. She quickly reached down and snatched up her panties, bustier, clutch purse and shoes. She scrambled to the door and out the penthouse suite barefoot. She ran over to the elevator and pressed the down button. She’d worry about putting on her shoes and straightening her clothes when she got in the elevator.

The elevator finally arrived and Ashland jumped in and hit the button for the main level. She quickly shoved her panties into her tiny purse. She went to put on her shoes and realized that she only had one.
She knew she didn’t have time to go back up to find it. It wasn’t ideal to run around the streets of New York City barefoot, but she’d rather do that than face the wrath of her roommate.

The elevators pinged its arrival on the bottom level. When the doors opened, miraculously, Cisco was standing there.

“Oh, thank God! I was about to knock on every damn door on every floor to find you. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Cisco said as he pulled Ashland towards the doors of the fancy hotel. “Where have you been?” He asked, finally stopping to actually get a good look at her and his brown eyes widened as he took in her disheveled appearance and Charlie’s shirt. “Oh. OH! Holy shit! He popped your-”

“Stop!” Ashland held up her hand as they jumped into a cab.

Cisco quickly gave the cabbie the cross streets to their destination before turning back to his best friend.

“So you’re not going to give me any details. I mean, that was Charming-fucking Charlie for fuck’s sake! You have to tell me
!” Cisco whined.

“It was amazing. Superb. Life-changing! Is that good enough?” Ashland asked in frustration.

“Barely.” Cisco pouted. “Was it big?” He pressed on.

Ashland gave him an exasperated look before answering. “Yes. Now that’s enough.”

“You’re no fun.” Cisco scrunched up his face, petulantly. “Well are you at least going to see him again?”

Ashland gasped in horror. “Oh no!!!! He was asleep when I left and I didn’t leave my number or anything. He doesn’t even know my last name!” She cried out in devastation.

“Don’t even worry about it, honey. He’s one of the richest men in the city. He’ll be able to find you. Especially since you’re in the same industry. Besides, you could always go to him. I mean, seriously. You know he owns a magazine. You could always try to get in through your photography.” Cisco suggested.

“I know. I just wouldn’t feel right. I’d feel desperate.” Ashland said sadly, hoping that he would find her.

“It’s up to you, sweetie. But I have a feeling it’ll all work out.” Cisco patted her hand.

“I hope so.”






Charlie slowly awoke from an amazing dream about Ashland. A sleepy smile spread across his face as he stretched and reached out for her. When his hand connected with thin air and cold sheets, his eyes flew open and he sat up quickly. She was nowhere to be seen. He realized that her clothes were missing and that she must have left at some point in the middle of the night. Charlie’s stomach dropped. He jumped out of the bed and checked the entire suite. When he found no sign of her, for some reason unknown to him, he strode over to the door and opened it. As if she’d be standing on the other side. His eyes instantly fell upon the evidence of her quick departure. Lying there on its side was one of her crystal heels.

Charlie propped open the door so it would lock him out and he walked over to the little sparkling shoe.
Why would she leave without saying anything? Did I do something to upset her? How am I going to find her?
He thought frantically as he picked up the beautiful footwear.

Logic stopped him before he began to panic.
Stop Charlie, think. You know she’s a photographer for several magazines. How many Ashland’s could there be that works as a freelance photographer for fashion magazines?

Charlie walked back into the room and found his pants on the floor. He searched his pockets for his cellphone. He pulled up his contacts list and started making some phone calls.






Ashland made her way around the racks of clothing, makeup and hair stations, as well as people and models in different states of dress. She gave the models who were half dressed some privacy, but other than that she took pictures of everything. She wanted to document everything for Cisco’s big moment. New York fashion week was a big deal and she had no doubt that he’d be invited to participate in Paris, London, and Milan too.

After taking several shots of the chaos behind the scenes, she made her way to the front where seats were filling up fast. She snapped shots of the audience and empty runway. She setup shop at the end of the runway before the show started and kicked off her knee high boots. As always preferring to work barefoot.

When the show began. she got shots of each model as they came to the end of the long runway. The plus size models looked stunning in Cisco’s creative and flattering styles. The audience ohhed and ahhed over his creations and at the end when he came out at the tail end of the model procession. The audience gave him a standing ovation and cheered enthusiastically.  Ashland wanted to clap like a maniac too, but she needed to make sure she didn’t miss one single shot for him.

She became distracted from her friend’s special moment as he began his speech to end the show, when she felt someone behind her. Ashland turned around and saw her stepsisters and mother standing there with murderous looks on their faces. It was obvious they had just come from modeling in another runway show, if the dramatic makeup on their faces was any indication.

“You think you got your grubby little, fat hands on Charlie, but there’s no way that he’d be more interested in you than either of us. He’ll realize that you’re a fat slut and lose interest. So you better watch your back step
because we will ruin you and your career.” Sophia sneered at her.

A knot of emotions formed in Ashland’s throat, her insecurities feeding off the thought that they were probably right. Charlie probably would forget about her. Before she could respond though, she heard Cisco call out her name over the microphone.

“And I just want to thank my best friend in the whole world for inspiring this entire collection. Ashland come on up here.” Cisco called out to her.

She was not even close to being prepared to go up on stage in front of a room full of her peers. Especially not, since she was about to burst into tears from her sisters’ cruelty and she was completely barefoot. Ashland hesitated, but Cisco wasn’t taking no for an answer. So she self-consciously made her way up to the raised runway. Cisco helped her up and as the cheers increased, for lack of anything better to do, Ashland did a little curtsy and ducked her head prettily.

BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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