Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales (4 page)

BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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Red opened the front door and peeked her head inside. “Grandma, it’s me Rebecca.”

She opened the door fully and stepped inside. There were no signs of her grandmother anywhere. The only signs of life in the home was an odd snow white owl perched on the post of her grandmother’s bed.

“Well you’re not my grandma.” Red said, coming close to the bird.

She held out her arm and the owl spread its pristine wings, lifted off of the post and landed on Red’s extended arm. She looked at the bird closely, the feeling that it looked at her with recognition came over her. Red shook off the silly notion.

“You have such big eyes,” she said to the bird and it blinked in response. “With such a large pointy beak and big talons.”

A noise from a dark corner of the cottage drew Red’s eyes. What she saw nearly stopped her heart. The gold eyes of a wolf stared back at her. It slowly stepped out of the shadows and Red backed up, but the small kitchen table stopped her progress. She watched in terrified fascination as the wolf morphed into the form of a man crouched before her. The man unfolded his body as he stood up and Red gasped when she realized that it was Elan.

“Elan! W-What
you? Why are you here? And what d-did you do to my grandmother?” Red began to panic.

“Hello, Red.” Elan said calmly. “I’m a shifter. The wolf is my spirit animal. I’m here to save your grandmother from sickness. And you’re grandmother is currently sitting on your arm.” Elan answered each of her questions in order.

“What?!” Red cried, looking at the owl in shock.

The owl flapped its wings and flew off of Red’s arms and in midair transformed into her grandmother. Red’s mouth flapped open and closed several times. She was unable to form words for the things she had just seen.

“Don’t worry, dear. I’m alright.” Her grandmother soothed. “This wonderful young man told me that he met you along the path and that you told him of my illness. So he came straight away to come heal me. Says his father is a medicine man and showed him the ways of a healer,” she explained.

“So you turned her into a bird?!” Red shouted at Elan.

“I’m alive and healthy, am I not?” Her grandmother said with hands on her hips.

“Well…yes but-”

“Well, but nothing. Stop your fretting. I’ve never felt better.” Red’s grandmother grinned brightly.

“The owl is her spirit animal. To embody your spirit animal, is to embody life.” Elan informed Red.

“Your mother shelters you too much. She thinks the natives are savages but I think some of their customs are quite extraordinary.” Her grandmother said as she patted Elan’s arm affectionately.

“Yeah, I’ve experienced some of them.” Red raised a fiery brow at Elan.

Elan had the grace to blush. “I could not resist. I had to have you. I apologize for being so forward. But it doesn’t matter now, we have mated before Mother Earth. We are now one. Joined forever.”

“Does that mean we’re…
?” Red asked astounded.

“For the most part. Now you can embody your spirit animal too.” Elan told her.

spirit animal?”

“Yes. You are a fox. Red and curious.” Elan grinned.

Red turned to her grandmother. “And you’re okay with this, Grandma?”

“Dear, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my advanced years, it’s that if you are lucky enough to find a gorgeous man that kisses the ground you walk on…keep ‘em!” Her grandmother winked at her conspiratorially.

Elan held out his hand for Red to take. She looked at his face, warm and welcoming. She reached across the distance between them and took his hand, taking the first step into the unknown with an open mind and heart.

When her hand touched his, she closed her eyes and felt the world fall away. Red opened her eyes again and Elan was once more in his wolf form. She realized that she was on all fours. She looked down to see two little red paws and she quickly glanced back to see her furry red hindquarters and white tipped fluffy tail. Red looked up at her grandmother standing above them.

“Go.” Her grandmother encouraged, happily.

Red and Elan took off out the open door into the wilderness. She felt wild and free as she chased after Elan. That’s when Red realized that though her mother had given her sound advice, not everyone’s path was the same. Not every stranger was dangerous. Her life was meant to be an adventure and it was time to carve her own trail.













nce upon a time in a city far, far away… Alright, it was New York, so maybe not that far.  There was a beautiful, plump, dark-skinned beauty named Ashland. Her father had been the head of a major entertainment magazine La-La Land, and her mother had died during childbirth. At a still tender age, Ashland’s father remarried to a pinched faced woman named Ester. Who had two tall, willowy, gorgeous twin daughters, Sophia and Olivia.

At first, Ester and her daughters were kind to Ashland, if not slightly aloof. The girls snickering behind her back when they thought she wasn’t looking. Though, tragedy struck the household when Ashland’s father collapsed and died of a heart attack one year after marrying Ester. Immediately following his death, their true cruel selves were finally revealed. And Ashland quickly realized that the trio had souls as evil as the devil’s own heart.

Ester took over as CEO of La-La Land magazine, she turned the once respected entertainment magazine into nothing more than a filthy tabloid rag. She made Ashland into little more than her and her daughter’s personal servant, in her father’s expansive penthouse apartment. And Ester’s horrible daughters made it their job to turn Ashland’s life into a living hell.

Her smooth, dark skin was looked down upon in comparison to their caramel-colored skin. So they called her ugly because of her dark mahogany skin. To add insult to injury, her short, round plump body in juxtaposition to their long slender frames, gave them more fodder to torment her. Every large animal that they could compare her to, they would. Things certainly didn’t improve when they both became models, as they threw their exalted beauty in her face. Last, but certainly not least, they called her Cinderella. They said that her name was the perfect fit for the role of a servant. And if they didn’t call her Cinderella, they’d call her Ashes.

Ashland knew that though her life was similar to the storybook character in many ways, it was highly doubtful that she’d have the same storybook ending. She knew that there would be no prince to come to her rescue and get her out of her pathetic situation. Though, in high school she found the key to her freedom. On a day that her stepmonster and evil stepsisters were out shopping, she went through her father’s things and found his old camera. It was the camera that opened doors to him in the magazine business as a photographer. In his later years as a CEO, he didn’t have much time to take beautiful photographs. So he put away his old camera and forgot about his cherished hobby.

Picking up the camera and his beloved pastime, Ashland found solace behind the lens. And so began her passion for taking stunning pictures. It was her unique photos and vision that got her recognized by colleges and universities and landed her a scholarship to the Art Institute in NYC. During her time there she was blessed enough to make connections with her father’s old colleagues and found an amazing internship at a fashion magazine. By the time she graduated from the Institute, she had built up quite a good reputation as a phenomenal, up and coming fashion and editorial photographer.

Ashland quickly, yet regretfully moved out of her childhood home the moment she graduated. She moved into a tiny flat in Soho with her newly popular designer best friend, Francisco Cortez. He was Latino, gay, and utterly fabulous. Together, they were trying, quite successfully, to conquer the fashion world with trendy and flattering plus-size clothing combined with high fashion photography.

At the moment, Ashland was helping Cisco with some last minute adjustments on his new fall collection that would be featured on New York Fashion Week’s runway the next day. He was a bundle of nerves and extra bitchy. Especially, because she was leaving him soon to help her stepfamily with some Fashion Week festivities.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving me to go help the wicked witch of the west and her two evil flying monkeys,” Cisco pouted prettily. His lips a sparkling pink from his shimmery lip gloss.

He was tall and slender with a sleek, slicked down hipster haircut. His long limbs were encased in a tight-fitting t-shirt with Marilyn Monroe on the front of it and black hip hugging skinny jeans.

“I know. I know,” Ashland sighed. “I should tell them to kiss my big ass, but I’m such a wuss when it comes to telling them no.”

“You don’t have to tell them no, honey. Just ignore the phone calls or let me answer the phone. They’ll never ask you for anything ever again after I’m done with those bloodsucking primadonnas,” Cisco finished indignantly. His perfectly arched eyebrows raised high.

“I really should. Maybe next time,” Ashland said, trying to pacify him.

“Sweetie, you say that every time.” Cisco patted her hand sympathetically. “It’s time you start standing up for yourself.”

“Okay, okay. I’m not in the mood to hear this self-love lecture again,” Ashland said angrily, pulling her hand away from her best friend. “When I find my spine, I’ll let you know,” she growled in frustration.

Cisco’s head snapped back and his eyes widened as he nodded his head proudly. “I think you just did.”

Ashland audibly groaned, instantly feeling bad for lashing out at the one person who meant the world to her. “I’m sorry, Cisco. I didn’t mean to snap at you. You know how discombobulated I get before I see them.” She blew a harsh breath through her bare lush lips, her breath fluttering her jet black bangs on her forehead.

“Don’t worry about it. I liked it. I like you all smart-mouthed and sassy.” He winked at her. “So I’ll see you tonight at the ball?”

“Yep. Just remember, I’m not there to have fun. I’m there to work. I’ll be behind the camera, just the way I like it. Snapping pics of you beautiful people. Except with shoes on.” Ashland reminded him. Sighing at not being able to take pictures barefoot like she was used to. It was her odd habit. The moment she picked up her camera at a photo shoot, she’d kick off her shoes like Patti LaBelle at a concert. But that wouldn’t be appropriate at a formal ball.

“Oh please, honey. One day I’m gonna pull you out from behind that damn camera. You need to show the world how beautiful
really are,” Cisco said with conviction.

“Oh yeah, right.” Ashland scoffed. “The majority of the world does not consider ‘round and dark brown’ beautiful.”

“Then it’s our job to show them how wrong they are,” Cisco said, looking her soft, curvaceous body up and down. Hidden behind a shapeless dress, long scarf, and knee high brown boots. “I can’t wait for the day you let me play dress up. A little makeup here. A new hairdo there. Some of my amazing designs accentuating this knockout body, and…BAM, you’ll have men lining up for miles. And maybe then, you’ll finally have the confidence to get naked and pop that damn cherry!” Cisco finished with a smack on her substantial behind.

Ashland yelped in surprise and then gave him a cutting look. “Keep your hands to yourself, perv. Whether my cherry is still intact or not, is none of your business. And the day you dress me up like some doll, is the day pigs fly outta my ass.” Ashland scowled at him before she grabbed her brown leather camera bag that also doubled as her purse. She flung the long strap around her body, letting it rest in its usual spot on her shoulder, giving her a sense of comfort. “I’ll see you later at the ball.” She smirked at her best friend and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving his design studio and heading to the Upper East Side.






“You’re late, Ashes.” Olivia snapped as Ashland stepped through the front door.

Not feeling up to being berated, Ashland uncharacteristically spoke her mind before she knew what she was saying. “It’s not like I’m exactly on the payroll. I’m helping as a favor,
as your slave. Be glad I’m even here.”

Sophia gasped on her sister’s behalf. “Do you know who you’re speaking to? You don’t talk to us like that.”

“You’re only where you’re at because my father married your mother and left everything to her when he died.
father’s generosity and blindness got you here. Nothing else,” Ashland said, her teeth gritting.

“You’re a bitch!” Olivia shouted at her.

“We’d still be models whether your father married our mother or not. That’s what happens when you’re tall and beautiful. Unlike short, fat trolls like you.” Sophia said snidely, looking up from her perfectly manicured nails.

Tears stung the back of Ashland’s eyes. The same tears that always came when she heard certain trigger words that catapulted her back to all the years of torment they had inflicted upon her. She blinked rapidly a few times, stifling her tears. She never wanted them to see her break.

“You know what, I’m not here to fight. What do you need help with?” Ashland sighed deeply.

“That’s better,” Olivia said with contempt. “We need you to help decorate the house for the pre-party before the masquerade ball, while we get ready for the evening.”

“Didn’t you have all day to decorate?” Ashland asked, irritated with their laziness.

“All the decorations are lined up there,” Sophia said, ignoring her question. Then she pointed over at the bags and boxes lining the wall that seemed to stretch on for days.

“Fine. Whatever,” Ashland said, turning her back on them. Dismissing them.

As they left the living room and headed back towards their bedrooms, Ashland’s stepmother swept into the room. Her face pinched as usual.

“Oh Ashland, you’re finally here,” Ester said, looking her up and down like a disgusting bug that needed to be squashed. “My…my, we’ve packed on a few pounds, haven’t we? Well, you never were a great beauty. Thank goodness for your little career you’ve got going for yourself.”

“Yes, because being beautiful is so much more important than being kind, intelligent and a decent person in general,” Ashland said between clenched teeth.

“Are you suggesting something, dear?” Ester asked with a raised brow.

“I wouldn’t dare, stepmother.” Ashland challenged.

“Good. You’d do well to remember that with one phone call, your career would be over. You only have a career because I allow it.” Her stepmother threatened.

“Yes, ma’am.” Ashland bowed her head in defeat.

“I’m glad we understand each other. Now, hurry up and get these decorations up. Our guests will be arriving in a couple of hours.” She commanded, before turning and gliding into the kitchen to oversee the progress there.

Ashland quickly swiped at a few tears that had escaped down her cheeks with the back of her hands. She walked over to the wall of packaged decorations and took a deep breath, before getting to work.






A couple of hours later, Ashland was just finishing up the garish decorations when Sophia and Olivia glided into the living room. They were resplendent in elegant ball gowns. One in pale pink and other in green pastel. Which, unfortunately complimented their creamy caramel coloring to perfection.

Ashland was throwing the strap of her camera bag over her shoulder, getting ready to leave when Sophia stopped her.

“Oh my goodness! I’m so forgetful. Ashes, I forgot to tell you that I signed you up to attend the ball as a guest, not as a photographer. Oops.” Sophia finished with a sly smile.

“Wait. What?!” Ashland said, panicked. “I don’t have anything to wear to actually attend the ball as a guest.”

“Well, that sucks,” Olivia piped in, insincerely.

“Oh and one more thing. I also volunteered you for the charity auction.” Sophia added at the last minute.

“What do you mean, to help with the auction?” Ashland asked hopefully, but her gut knew better.

“Oh no! I mean you’ll be auctioned off for a date. Olivia and I will be participating too.” Sophia informed her with a sinister grin.

“And don’t worry. I’m sure some poor sucker will pay at least fifty bucks for your company.” Olivia said cruelly before they both burst into a fit of giggles.

“I don’t have to go, you know. I could stay home.” Ashland said defiantly.

“Yes, you could. But…if you don’t show, it’ll look pretty bad. Especially because it’s for charity. As you know, the fashion industry’s elite will be in attendance. It wouldn’t look good for future career opportunities, if you flake.” Sophia smiled brightly, knowing she had Ashland over a barrel.

Without a word, Ashland turned and walked out the front door and walked to the elevator. Once again, she was doing everything in her power not to cry. She internally scolded herself for always turning on the waterworks when she visited her childhood home.

She had no idea what she was going to do. She had planned on wearing a simple black dress with her hair pulled back into a ponytail, to stay out of her way while she worked. It would’ve been the perfect ensemble to blend into the background. Now she was expected to actually attend. She didn’t have a ball gown and she didn’t know what to do with her hair. When it came to hair and makeup, she always stuck with the bare minimum. And not only did she not have anything to wear, but she also only had a little over an hour before the charity masquerade ball started. Which she knew was the point of her sisters’ evil plan.

Ashland quickly fumbled through her camera bag for her cellphone. She called up Cisco’s number and pressed send.

BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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