Read Cowboy Jackpot: St. Patrick's Day Online

Authors: Randi Alexander

Tags: #las vegas, #gambling, #holiday romance, #western romance, #cowboy erotic romance, #rodeo bull rider, #randi alexander, #cowboy jackpot, #rodeo bronc rider, #st patrick�s day romance

Cowboy Jackpot: St. Patrick's Day (8 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Jackpot: St. Patrick's Day
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His hand tightened on her hip. “Easy.” His
body quivered and his cock jerked inside her.

“Are you talking to me, or to yourself?”

He kissed her neck. “Both of us.” Trailing
kisses along her jaw, he nipped at her lower lip. “You feel like an
acre of heaven.”

Lifting her head, she pressed her lips
against his. “Send me there, Jayden. Send us both to heaven.”

His eyes flared and his mouth covered hers,
his tongue diving inside to take all she had to give. His hips
moved, finally, sliding his cock slowly from her.

She cupped his tight ass cheeks and pulled
him down, telling him wordlessly what she needed.

“Aw, Storm.” The words slid from his mouth
into hers. He eased his length into her again and waited.

“None.” There was a little, but the bite made
the sweet pleasure all the more real, twice as immediate.

He withdrew, faster this time, and his kiss
faltered, then started again, more desperate this time.

Her hands pressed against his bottom, urging
him faster, using her tongue, she tasted every crevice of his

This time, he plunged in, hard and wild. He
pulled his lips from hers, watching her face.

“Yes. That’s what I want.” She conveyed her
desperation with her eyes.

When he withdrew, she scraped her short nails
up his back.

“Goddamnit,” he shouted and his hips jerked,
pistoning his staff into her. His hand on her hip slid under her
ass and lifted her. He turned feral, his muscles moving in an
age-old dance, pulling himself higher toward completion, pushing
Stormie right to the edge of total surrender.

Wedging his leg to keep her hips at the
perfect angle, he eased his hand between them and unerringly found
her clit.

His touch sent static electricity to her
brain, her nipples rubbing on his chest generated sparks that raced
to her core and up through her spine. His rod, pumping into her,
pulling out, and filling her even fuller tipped her over the

“Yes, Jayden, I need you.” Her mind blasted
the word love around until primal ecstasy consumed her, shimmering
lights and colors ricocheting through her brain, spreading pings of
delight in every nerve ending. Her channel tightened and released
in a rhythm that matched Jayden’s hot slides, in and out, so
perfectly timed, that she felt the connection between them
soul-deep. Slowly she descended back into reality.

He cried out and stiffened, doubling his

Her body demanded another release, and she
rode with him, up again into the stars, spinning and clutching at
him for more. She said his name and heard her own in return. Light
seeped in slowly as shivers of delight raced through her, sending
her back to reality.

His slow plunges in, and decadent withdrawals
out, heated her with rolling intensity.

He stopped moving.

She opened her eyes. Above her, drops of
perspiration dotted his forehead.

“You okay?” His breath panted in and out, his
stomach pressing against hers with each inhalation.

“I’m okay.” She pressed her hands to the back
of his neck. “But I need a kiss.”

“You can have anything you want.” He lowered
his head and brushed his lips against hers. The slow decadence sent
a zing through her. His tongue teased along her lips, then eased
into her mouth for a mellow, thorough kiss. “How’s that?”

“Perfect.” Everything was absolutely perfect.
The thought should have thrilled her, but a parcel of doubt snuck
into her bliss. Had she made the right choice today? She shook it
off. That was something her parents would ask her, not something
that should have crept into a married woman’s mind on her wedding

“What is it?” He stared into her eyes.
Sliding his shaft out of her slick pussy, he shifted to her

“Not a thing.” She turned to face him.
“Everything’s perfect.”

His hand smoothed her hair. “You’d tell me if
it wasn’t?”

She smiled. “Do I seem like the type who

He laughed. “Nope.” He sat up. “Hang on a
second while…shit.” He was looking at his groin.

“What?” Had the condom broke? She held her
breath, waiting for him to say the words.


Chapter Eight


“There’s blood.” Jayden lay next to her on
the heart shaped bed. He looked at her, then down at her thighs. “I
felt a barrier.”

She nodded. Her gynecologist had mentioned
she had one. “It’s okay. Really.” She sat up and leaned against
him. “I don’t feel any pain. Didn’t feel much then…when you…” Why
was it so hard to talk to him about this? She blinked. Probably
because they’d spent less than twenty-four hours together,

“C’mon.” He helped her to stand and brought
her into the bathroom. “Sit a minute.”

“I’m not an invalid.”

He lifted a brow. “Humor me. This is the cave
man husband worrying about his…wife.”

She smiled and sat on the lid of the toilet.
“Did cave people marry?”

He shook his head, pulled off the condom, and
disposed of it, then walked to the red bathtub.

Stormie took in every inch of his muscled
thighs, his tight round ass, and narrow hips as he bent over and
turned on the water.

It gushed in like a waterfall. He picked up a
bottle sitting on the ledge. “Bubbles?” He turned to her.


He strode over to her and sat on his heels in
front of her. “I’ve never had that kind of a high.” He looked away,
swallowed, and met her gaze again. “Something happened between us.”
His brow furrowed. “Powerful.”

She brushed her fingers softly across his
lips. “I know.” Her heart gave a lurch. “I don’t think we need to
go too deeply into it right now, though.” Her brain was still
whirling, her body tingling and satisfied. She didn’t want to lose
her first real afterglow.

He shook his head. “I’m not a deep kind of
guy anyway, but whatever’s goin’ on with us plumb scares the liver
out of me.” He stood, took her hands, and pulled her up with

“Can’t ride a wild bronc without a liver.”
She made a goofy face.

A sorrowful expression clouded his eyes.
“Can’t ride a wild bronc. Period.”

“Jayden, you’re not…don’t say that.”

He tugged her toward the tub. “Don’t mind me.
I’m just down on my luck…” He winked at her. “Rodeo luck, I

“You’re down on yourself, too.” She hated to
see him defeated like this.

He shook his head. “Now’s not the time.” He
held her hand while she stepped in. The water was warm and bubbly.
She started to sit.

“Whoa, there.” He stepped in behind her. “You
don’t get all this luxury to yourself.”

She grinned. A cowboy who liked a bubble
bath. Or did he just like it because she was in it? “I’ll

He sat, guided her down between his legs, and
settled her with her back against his chest. The water in the tub
rose high, and after a minute, he turned off the faucet. “This is

She relaxed back against him, and his arms
came around to hold her. She could easily get used to this. Closing
her eyes, she let herself drift away. If they got an apartment
together, they could find one with a big tub… She jerked, shocked
with the direction of her thoughts.

“Cutie?” Jayden whispered it in her ear, then
nibbled at her lobe. “What’s on your mind?”

She had to stay far away from the hot topic
of where they went from here. After this weekend. “I learned a
technique in my first year psych class.”

He ground his hard cock against her bottom.
He was hard already?
“Somethin’ kinky?”

She laughed and wrapped her arms on top of
his across her belly. “Nope. It’s a guided imagery meditation that
starts out—”

“Hold on.” His body tensed. “What’s this

She pulled away and turned so she could face
him. “It’s really cool.” She had to make this easy for him to take.
If he thought she was analyzing his issues, he wouldn’t even hear
her out. “I had a problem taking exams. I did well in class, knew
the material, but choked when it came to tests.” She held up a
hand. “I know, it’s not the same as riding a bronc, but…”

He shook his head. “I don’t need that kind of

She pressed her palm on his chest and made a
sad face. “Please, just listen to me.”

He relaxed back into the water but crossed
his arms over his chest.

“I learned to visualize myself calmly and
confidently taking the test, knowing the answer to every question,
writing out intelligent, correct answers to essay questions.”

He looked like he might be soaking some of it
in. “And?”

“I practiced it a hundred times or more,
really got into it, and the next test I took…” She snapped her
fingers. “It was like someone had screwed my lightbulb back

He smiled. “You’re too bright as it is,
cutie.” He reached out and slid her back into his arms. “You never
fail to impress me.”

She had to blink away the sweet ache behind
her eyes, and breathed deeply to relieve the lovely thumping in her
heart. Her man was impressed by her. She’d never heard anything as
wonderful as that.

“Okay.” He rubbed his big hand in a circle on
her belly. “Teach me.”

She paused a second. Then joy bubbled inside
and she had to hold in a giggle. “Okay, close your eyes.”

Ten minutes later, he was mentally walking
himself through a perfect ride, still on the horse when the buzzer
went off, and winning the big, shiny buckle.

“I’m looking forward to taking pictures of
you winning the event tomorrow.”

He chuckled and turned the faucet on to
dribble hot water. “Stormie, I’m gonna go with this voodoo theory
of yours ‘cause nothing else has worked. Now, it’s my turn.” He
slid his hands under her breasts, cupping them and massaging. “I
want to guide you in a meditation.”

She wiggled and his cock bumped against her
back. “Okay. Guide me, cowboy.”

“Mmm. Imagine you’re in a bathtub with your
husband.” His fingers found her nipple and plucked as his other
hand slid low below the water and opened her slit, sliding a finger
along her throbbing lips.

Her breath came fast. “I can almost feel

His chuckle shook her whole body, causing
waves on the water.

She reached behind her and grabbed his shaft.
“Now imagine your wife has your slippery, wet cock in her

“I can almost feel it, too.” His voice
choked, low and sexy.


Twenty minutes later, both of them satisfied
and dried off, Jayden carried his bride from the bathroom. Her
sleepy head lolled onto his shoulder and his heart whumped a couple
times. He couldn’t get enough of this woman.

Pulling back the bedcovers, he tucked her in.
“Where are your keys? I’ll get your suitcase out of your car.”

She pointed, not opening her eyes. “Purse.
Red car, third level of the ramp, left side after you get off the

He kissed her temple and stood, looking down
on perfection. Damn, he was a goner.

She opened her eyes. “Wait.” Sitting up, she
picked up a little bag from the nightstand. She dug a minute and
handed something to him. “This’ll be your touchstone.”

He took the clear, one-inch square cube.
“Dice? What’s a single dice? Die?” Each side of it had green
divots, one to six, and a four-leaf clover was in the middle.

She held the sheet over her breasts. “When
you touch this, you’ll remember to visualize the perfect ride.”

He nodded, held it tight in his fist, and
fought back a rogue burst of emotion. “Thanks.” He kissed her
forehead. “You’re…sweet.” It was a little underkill, but it was all
he could wrangle at that moment. He was tired, physically and
emotionally, and just needed to hold his woman and let the world go
on without them for a while

She smiled and slid back under the

Jayden dressed, put the die in the front
pocket of his jeans, grabbed her keys, and headed to the elevators.
He took out his phone. The text had been from Rance.
Call me
whatever time.
Bad news about the rodeo? He dialed as he got in
the elevator. “Rance?”

“Jay, where are you?” It sounded like Rance
was in the casino.

“I’m going to the parking ramp, then to our
room to get my suitcase.”

“Uh yeah, dawg. Havin’ some marital
relations, yeah?”

Rance was from southern California, but it
just seemed ass-stupid for a cowboy to talk like a gangster. “What
do you need?”

“I’ll meet you in the room in about ten.”

“All right.” He hung up and exited the
elevator. The gift shop was still open. He touched the small cube
in his pocket. Her thoughtfulness had affected him hard, softening
him to the point of getting too mushy. He needed to do something
for her. He stepped into the gift shop and went right to the
jewelry counter. He didn’t have much in his bank account right now,
but what he had, he’d gladly give up to make Stormie happy.

Or would it make him happy to brand her his
own? He picked out a gold-plated band with a fake emerald the color
of her eyes. It’d do for now, until he could get her something
real. Ten minutes later, he hauled Stormie’s red suitcase into the
room he’d shared with Rance.

In the parking garage, he’d gone right to the
red minivan before he realized the little red sports car next to it
was beeping when he pressed the fob. He wished he knew more about
psychology to interpret what it meant that Stormie drove such a
slick car.

Rance came out of the bathroom. “Hey. My
cousin does stock market stuff.”

“Good for you.” He grabbed his kit from the
bathroom and stuffed it into his duffle.

“No, look.” He handed Jayden a small piece of
paper with the hotel’s logo on it. In Rance’s handwriting, it said,
Thompson Family Horse Breeders.

BOOK: Cowboy Jackpot: St. Patrick's Day
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