Read Cowboy Jackpot: St. Patrick's Day Online

Authors: Randi Alexander

Tags: #las vegas, #gambling, #holiday romance, #western romance, #cowboy erotic romance, #rodeo bull rider, #randi alexander, #cowboy jackpot, #rodeo bronc rider, #st patrick�s day romance

Cowboy Jackpot: St. Patrick's Day (4 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Jackpot: St. Patrick's Day
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He’d do anything to please her. As he thrust
his tongue in and out of her core, he could feel her small size.
He’d need to stretch her slowly when he took her with his cock. The
thought made him tongue-fuck her faster.

She moaned and writhed. “I’m ready.”

He nearly laughed. Such a practical, earthy
woman. “If you’re sure, now…” He dragged his tongue up her opening,
flat against her hard little clit. Spreading her gently with his
fingers, he took a moment to admire her cute bud. He moved in,
taking the sensitive flesh between his lips and humming to vibrate
around her clit.

“Oh wow.” Her voice shook.

He’d perfected the technique, but had never
been more excited to let it do its magic. Jayden sucked gently then
added his tongue, flicking it over the very top.

“Jayden!” Her voice echoed in the room as her
muscles tightened and she pushed herself further into his

Using one hand, he knocked off his hat and
watched her climax. Her palms pressed into the quilt, her head
tipped back and her beautiful mouth opened, panting shallow

Never before had he felt the heart-stopping
moment of happiness he experienced this second, with his lips
wrapped around Stormie’s clit, watching her explode with the
pleasure he brought her.

Slowly, her body relaxed, her breathing
slowed, and she lifted her head to look down at him.

Jayden pressed soft kisses to her mound and
her hips as his hands ran over her thighs. “That was sweet.”

A soft hum accompanied her satisfied smile.
“That was crazy. I’m amazed anything could feel that good.”

His pride swelled a ways, knowing he’d
pleased her. He got to his feet, his knees shaky with his need for
her. “It’s gonna get better, cutie.” He lay next to her and traced
her breasts, running his palms over her soft, hot flesh. “When I’m
deep inside you and our eyes are locked together—”

“Wait.” Her brow furrowed. “That’s what I’ve
got to tell you.”

He kissed her nipple with a loud smack. That
was all the cuddling he had in him just then. He had to take her,
burrow his cock into her tight slit. He jumped off the bed. “Talk
later, remember?” He tugged his shirttails out of his pants and
unbuttoned one cuff.

Stormie sat up, a little uncoordinated,
looking woozy. “This has to be said first, Jayden.” Her voice came
out shaky.

He paused with a button half-undone. A dozen
scary things raced through his mind. “What’s wrong? Tell me.”

Chapter Four


Stormie sat on the edge of the big,
heart-shaped bed, looking pale and unsure. “Nothing’s wrong.” She
grabbed a big, pink pillow and held it in front of her, hiding her
sexy breasts and her mound.

The teasing glimpses of the rest of her skin
ratcheted his desire into sharp, wild lust. “What, then? What can’t
wait until we get all hot and sweaty together?”

Stormie swallowed, took a deep breath, and
squared her shoulders. “How much do you remember from Valentine’s

He’d been a little crazy that
night—morning—at the strip club. His big brother was getting
married, and Jayden had never had a truly romantic relationship.
He’d felt lost, like he was missing something important. “I
remember the bachelor party, then heading upstairs at the strip
club where all you girls and Gigi were watching the guys

She smiled softly. “You remember jumping onto
the stage?”

He puffed out a breath. The guys had given
him a shitload of grief about that. “Yep. And I remember you and I
running off on our own. We went dancing.” That’s where things
started to get murky. “We went a couple of places, right?”

She nodded. “We ended up downtown.” She shook
her head. “We both had too much to drink, Jayden.” Her voice
wobbled. “We started telling each other our…secrets.”

He backed up a couple steps and plopped down
in the big white chair. “And you remember all mine?”

“I do.” She bit at her lips for a moment.
“You were lonely. Looking for someone to share your life with.”

Damn. He’d actually told her that? She must
think he was a freak.

“It was the most intimate thing anyone’s ever
shared with me.” Stormie’s eyes looked moist as she tipped her
head. “I admitted I was looking for the same thing.”

It was Jayden’s turn to swallow as a bubble
of panic rose from his chest. “And that’s why we got married?
‘Cause we’re both lonely?”

She plucked at a corner of the pillow. “It
was more than that.”

“Tell me, Stormie.” He could see pain in her
eyes and he wanted to kiss it away.

“I’m sharing this with you because it is
relevant to what’s happening here right now.” Her gaze shot to the
bed, then back to him.

“Making love?”

She nodded. “Or maybe not making love. But
you have to know the truth before we go any further.”

“Uh huh. Because we pinky swore, right?” He
tried for a teasing tone, but it came out flat. He had a dark
premonition that he didn’t want to hear what she had to say.

A sad smile curved her lips. “Sure. Because
that’s legal and binding.” She held up a hand as if to stop his
reply. “Let me get this said before I lose my nerve.”

This sounded bad. He leaned forward and
rested his forearms on his thighs, bracing himself. “Tell me,

“We’d talked about my parents. They’re
strict. Religious. They keep a tight rein on me.”

“Except for this weekend.” It sounded like an
accusation instead of a question.

“Yep. I lied to them. Told them I was going
to a symposium in Amarillo with a classmate.” She smacked the
pillow. “It goes against everything I believe in, but I just wasn’t
ready to confront them.” Her shoulders slumped. “That’s why I’m
here. To see if I can fix what you and I did last month using a
local lawyer. And also…” Her mouth moved but nothing came out.

“You can talk to me.” He wouldn’t enjoy

Her face flushed bright red, then all the
color drained away. “I’m a virgin.”

He blinked, squinted, then blinked again.

She had a death grip on the pillow, her eyes
wary as she stared at him.

His wife was a virgin? He gave his head a
quick shake. Wife. Virgin. Two things he’d never imagined having to
deal with at this point in his life. He sat back in the chair, his
brain pinging with the return of that damn headache.

“Jayden, I’m sorry. I didn’t mention it to
you last month because…well, let me tell you the whole story. Maybe
some of it will come back to you.” She tucked her legs up under her
and leaned on one hand, somehow keeping the pillow covering her
intimate parts.

“After the license bureau opened in the
morning and we got our license, we grabbed a cab and drove through
a fast food place for breakfast. That’s when we decided we were a
drive-through kind of couple.” She let out a tiny laugh. “The cab
driver suggested a nice drive-up wedding chapel and we were—”

“Wait.” He held up a hand. “We got married in
a cab?” A blurry memory surfaced. They’d decided on the
drive-through because it would be a crazy story to tell their
grandkids someday. As if the whole situation wasn’t wacky enough.
He dropped his head back onto the chair. As if getting married was
some big joke.

“I can show you our wedding photos online. I
haven’t had a chance to order copies to put in our wedding

His gaze shot to hers.

Her playful smile was in direct contrast to
the tears shining in her eyes. She was trying to keep it light, and
he appreciated her trying to avoid making this into a big

“Anyway, my parents called as the cab driver
took us back to the hotel. They were ready to grab some breakfast
and leave for home. They thought I was still with Kira in her room.
I told them I wanted to shower and would call them back in a half

“Why don’t I remember that?” He rubbed his
forehead, easing the headache.

“You were pretty much out of it by then.” She
grimaced. “I had the cab driver help me get you to your room.”

“Aw fuck.” He mumbled it, but inside, he
raged at himself. What a shitty thing to do. He met her gaze. “I’m
sorry, Stormie. You deserve better than that.”

Shaking her head, she caressed the pillow.
“It wasn’t that bad. I mean, we didn’t have to carry you or
anything. You were just kind of…stumbling.” She grimaced. “And
singing really loud.”

“Great.” He smacked one fist into his palm.
“That makes me feel a whole lot better.” He shook his head. “What a

“If you liked that, you’re going to love this
part.” Her eyes twinkled with mischief.

“Uh…if I puked all over—”

“No, thank God. I had the cab driver help me
get you to the door of your room, then I brought you inside. You
laid on the bed and I got your boots off. Then…”

“Yeah?” He held his breath.

“You were out.”

“Out?” He frowned. “Like passed out?”

She nodded. “So we didn’t even get a wedding
night.” Her smile was half teasing, half nervous.

He sat back and went over everything in his
head once more. Bits of it were coming back to him. The emotion
behind his decision to ask her to marry him. The memory flooded in.
her to marry him. She hadn’t mentioned that.
Maybe to keep him from feeling like twelve kinds of shit.

No matter how he’d gotten her to agree, he’d
wanted to marry her. Narrowing his gaze on her, he prodded at that
emotion. He’d wanted to be with her so badly, he’d decided to hitch
them together. Permanently. Legally. The possessive feeling in his
heart was new and scary, but real. Something he hadn’t known he
could feel. He had to push it aside, though. Deal with it some
other time.

She waited patiently for him to digest
everything, but one thing didn’t settle right with him. “Your
parents keep a close watch on you, sure, but they can’t be with you
every minute of every day.” How could he ask this without offending

“You want to know why I’m still a virgin.”
Pink color stained her cheeks.

“If you don’t mind tellin’ me.” He knew the
reason had nothing to do with her looks or her personality, and she
definitely had a strong sex drive, from what he’d just witnessed.
He inhaled through his nose, sucking in the scent of her sex that
coated his lips

“When I was about thirteen, our church youth
group took a vow together. We promised to remain pure until after
we were married.”

“Oh yeah?” He bet that lasted a maximum of
four years for most of those kids. But not for Stormie. She had a
strength of character that wouldn’t let her bend on that vow…or on
anything. Like maybe…a wedding vow?

Jayden waited for the panic of that
idea—being married to Stormie for a lifetime—to sink in, but it
didn’t. All he had was a strange hunger in his chest.

“Yes.” She fidgeted, looking at her pillow.
“And I’ve kept to that promise.” She met his gaze for a second and
looked away.

Things started clicking into place. “So
you’re here with me now because we’re married.” A dose of cold
reality struck him and he got to his feet. “And you can finally
lose your cherry.”

She sucked in a breath and her eyes took on a
hurt expression. “I could have just let you pop my cherry…” She
made a sour face. “…without saying a thing to you.” She slid her
legs off the bed and set her feet on the floor.

He’d bet if she had clothes on, she’d be
standing right up to him now, hands on hips, attitude in high gear.
His cock jerked and his balls tightened. Man, he’d like to see her
up in his face, ass naked.

She gave him a glare. “Don’t give me that
sexy cowboy look. You just accused me of only using you for

When had he become so sensitive to being
considered a sex object? He’d slept with a dozen buckle bunnies.
All he was to them was a tool with a big belt buckle. “So we have
sex. Then what?”

“Then we get a divorce.” Her words were slow
and quiet.

They hit him like a tornado. “What?” He held
his temple as shock turned into anger. He paced to the bathroom
door and back, then stood in front of her, his legs spread, his
face hot. “Oh, I get it. Then you go back to Oklahoma and start
sleeping with all the men you want because the vow you took never
said you’d only have sex with the guy you married.”

She growled. Actually growled. “I wasn’t
planning on going door to door.” Her eyes burned hot and her lips
pressed tightly together.

The thought of her going door to door, even
going to
door, having sex with another man—it damn near
killed him. “Shit, woman. You’ve got me so damn frazzled…” What was
happening to him? He didn’t know what to do with himself. He
stomped out of the bedroom into the main room of the suite.


Stormie wanted to rip the pillow in two. No,
she wanted to whack him over the head with it until he promised to
act like a reasonable human again. She’d anticipated a little bit
of hesitancy from him, but an all-out meltdown, she hadn’t…

Damnit, yes, she had. She knew he wouldn’t
take it well, her wanting to have sex then get divorced. That was
just one of the reasons she wanted him so badly. Her heart had
connected with his last month, and whoa-heavens, how her body had
responded to him just minutes ago.

He was a gentlemen, a good person, and there
was no one in the world she wanted to give her virginity to except

She waited to hear the hotel door slam after
him, but she only caught a few clicks.

Heaving a breath, she slid off the bed, found
her clothes, and carried them into the bathroom. Glancing around,
she spotted a huge walk-in shower and a heart-shaped red bathtub.
“You’re kidding me, right?” The man she wanted to have in her bed
had just walked out on her, and she was stuck in a suite designed
for seduction.

BOOK: Cowboy Jackpot: St. Patrick's Day
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