City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)
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Ripper asks, "What's gonna happen with her once she wakes up?"

"I don't know yet. She’s going to stay here for a while. That way I know she is safe."

Ripper replies "You know if you keep her here Chatty's gonna get close to her. This girl is all she's been talking about. I don't want my wife to be upset when this girl leaves. So what I’m sayin' Hanger is if she's not here for good, don't let Chatty get close to her."

"Let's not worry about that right now, Ripper, but you know I wouldn't do anything intentional to hurt Chatty. Doc can you keep doing what you've been doing and take care of her?"

"Yeah, I'll continue the pain meds until she's not hurting anymore. The stitches I put in should dissolve but I’ll keep an eye on them."

"Alright, I think that's it. Get the fuck outta here." I make my way back to my room. Take a seat in my chair and watch her sleep.


I don't know how long I've been here, or how long I’ve been out but finally I can open my eyes. Some of the swelling around my eyes has went down, it's daylight. So I can see the room a little bit. I look around. I'm in what looks like a bedroom, the walls are a dark gray color with posters of motorcycles, musicians, and half naked women. I see a guitar leaning against a wall and there is a dresser and a couple of doors. I’m thinking one leads outside, the other is a bathroom, and maybe a closet. Then my eyes land on someone sitting in a chair by the bed so I say, "Hello." He gets up, comes over, and kneels next to me.

"Hey. How are you feeling? Do you need somethin’ for pain?"

"No. I'm okay right now, but I would like some water."

He reaches over to the night stand and grabs a glass of water. He helps me lift my head to take a drink, and lower it back to the pillow. Then I really look at him. Oh My God! That sexy as hell voice matches the man next to me. He is the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my entire life. I can tell he is tall over six feet. He has huge muscles all over. His white shirt looks like it could rip right off with just the smallest movement. He's wearing a black leather vest, dark jeans, with black boots. I look at the vest the patches and stitching are done in red, black and white. It has a diamond shaped patch with a 1% inside of it on the right side by the buttons. Just a little right of the 1% patch there are 4 skulls and crossbones stitched into the vest. There are two patches that say R.I.P. one with the name Bulk and the other with Rider stacked one on top of the other on the bottom left side. Over his left peck Hanger is stitched in red underneath that is a patch that says President. I look up at his face, and my god that face. He has short dark brown hair, tan skin, the most beautiful hazel blue/green eyes I’ve ever seen, full kissable lips, and a five o'clock shadow. Just fucking beautiful.

"Where am I? How did I get here? What happened to me? Who are you?" He laughs at me, so I glare at him.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry I laughed. My name's Hanger. I'm twenty five, and you are at my clubhouse. I'm the President of the Satan's Sinners M.C. I found you on the side of the road. As to what happened to you, I was hoping you would fill me in on that part. I gotta few questions for you too, Babe, who are you? Where did you come from? What happened to you? Is there anybody that's gonna be worried about you? You had no identification on you when I found you."

"Oh my fucking god. I'm at a clubhouse, with bikers. It's called Satan's Sinners. Fuck, fuck, fuck." I whispered then I look down and see the shirt I’m wearing. "How the fuck did I get a shirt on? Did you undress me?" He's laughing at me again and I'm still glaring.

"You sure are, Babe, and no I didn't undress you. I had Chatty handle that."

"Who's Chatty?"

"She's one of my brother’s ol' ladies, his name's Ripper. She cleaned you up the best she could. There was a lot of blood. Then she put one of my shirts on you, so you’d be more comfortable instead of wearin' that dress. Now on with the answers I need."

I look down trying to keep the tears away “Okay, so my name is Zoey Porter and I'm twenty two. I was living outside of Wichita with my boyfriend Andrew. He's the one that did this to me, he's controlling and very abusive. I work at a free clinic as a nurse with my friend Jacey. She will be worried about me and so will my parents, along with my sister. She had a bad feeling that night and didn't want me to go, but I told her it was just dinner, that I would be okay." The tears start to fall and a sob breaks free. Before I know what's happening Hanger scoops me up into his lap, places my head on his chest and I cry. I let it all out and it's not a pretty cry either. Oh no, it's full on snot running cry, but he's rocking me telling me everything will be okay. For the first time in years I feel safe. After a few minutes of crying and getting it all out. I sit up wipe my eyes "I'm sorry, I messed up your shirt."

"It's okay, it's just a shirt. I’ve got plenty more." He smiles at me and I smile back.

"So, what happens now?"

"Well, I think we need to let everyone know you’re safe. It's been four days, so I'm sure your family and friends are worried about you."

"How long have you played guitar?"

"What…? How did you know I played?"

"I seen it sitting over there." I point in the direction, where his guitar sits.

"Oh, yeah, um well. I started playing when I was young. My dad taught me."

"What kind of music do you like?"

"I like different kinds, but country is my go to."

"I like different kinds too and I love country." He grins at me and I give him the best smile I can.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You can ask me anything."

"Why did you help me?" He looks taken back for a second.

"At first, when I saw something on the side of the road I wasn’t sure what it was. I was going to keep going but it just didn't look right. I knew it wasn't an animal, it didn't look like trash, but when I got up close and seen that it was a person. It was the worst thing I have ever seen. That's saying a lot too because I've seen some pretty fucked up shit in my lifetime. I couldn't just leave you there. I saw cars just driving by, not even trying to stop. I don't know why I didn't take you to the hospital I just had this overwhelming feeling to bring you back here and help you."

"Before I passed out, I could hear the cars driving by, but nobody stopped to help me. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I don't know why he got so pissed off at me. I didn't do anything. He was mad about my hair and then the waiter at the restaurant."

"Why was he mad about your hair and a waiter?"

"I had a girl's day with my sister, and I got my hair done. I had them put some pink in it and he didn't want to take me out like that. When the waiter brought the food to the table I smiled politely at him and that set Andrew off. He grabbed my arm and dragged me out to the truck."

"Look, I know you don't know anything about me, but I would like for you to stay here for a while. At least until I know you are safe. I can protect you and he won’t find you here."

"Yeah, that might be a good idea. Can I get something to eat? I'm starving."

"Yeah, Babe. I'll get you something. There are clothes and shit for you to take a shower in the bathroom after you eat."

After he brings the food I eat my sandwich and chips then I go to get in the shower. I look at myself in the mirror and gasp. I can't believe what I see. Chatty got most of the blood off my face but my hair is still caked in it. Every part of my face is bruised, my eyes, and nose are black. My nose is swelled, along with my lips. Both my lips and eyebrows have cuts in them. I can't believe he did this to me. I start thinking back to the first time he kissed me, the first time he told me he loved me, and the first time we had sex. Why would he do this to me? Then I start thinking about the first time he pushed me, the first time he pulled my hair, and the first time he hit me. I let the tears fall while I take my clothes off to get in the shower. My body is still a little sore but I'm sure the hot water will help. My body is covered in bruises as well. I take a long hot shower my legs still have gravel in them, so I pull out the pieces the best I can. The water felt so good on my muscles so I stand in the water until it starts go get cold then I get out. I put on the clothes from Chatty and finish getting ready, so I can go face my family and Jacey.




I need to take her to her job, and to her parents so everyone will know she’s okay. I'm gonna meet her family. I've never done that before, never had to. For some reason it makes me nervous as fuck. I usually could give a fuck about how people feel, or what they think about me, but I want her friends and family to like me. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I go to the bar to wait for her. All the guys are around, looking at me but its Romeo that steps forward and asks "How's she doin'?"

"She's good, still looks terrible, but the swellings went down some. She's taking a shower. She remembers everything… he was mad over some stupid shit. He had no fuckin' reason to do that shit to her. I'm gonna take her to let her family and her work know that she's alright. Then I'm gonna bring her back here." All my brothers just nod and continue on with what they were doing before I walked in.

I feel a hand on my back, I turn around and see Jasmine is standing there. God damnit, I don't need this shit right now. I've never thought of having an ol' lady, and I've never taken a woman on my bike. That spot would be reserved for my ol' lady and it sure as fuck ain't this whore. This whore must be fuckin’ dumb I know I told her to leave me the fuck alone. "Jasmine, get your fuckin’ hand off of me. Didn't I tell you that we’re done? You were nothing but a fuck, and that's it. Yeah, you know how to suck cock, but so do a million other girls. You were nothing special to me. You’re nothing but a pussy to pass around and that’s all you will ever be here. You are livin' in a fuckin' fantasy if you think you could ever become an ol' lady. So I will tell you this one more fuckin' time. Stay away from me, take your easy pussy to someone else. I don't want it or you." She looks like I just kicked her dog. Good, now maybe she'll fuckin' get it in her head. She backs away from me, and turns and runs out of the bar before I see the tears that I know are coming.

"Damn, Hanger. Did you have to be so hard on her?"

"Yeah, Romeo, I did. She didn’t fuckin’ listen when I told her the first time. So yeah I had to do it that way."

"Are you sure it's about that and not about a certain someone?" I see him looking over to the hallway. There is Zoey, as I stand up, I don’t take my eyes off her but say to Romeo, "Might just be a little of both." When I get over to her she's looking down and fidgeting with her fingers. Chatty gave her a black tank top with our logo stitched in red, matched with tight fitting black jeans, and black steel toed boots that zip up on the insides. I can see her blonde hair with pink streaks now and it's about the sexiest thing I've ever seen. She has curves in all the right places. She's about a foot shorter than me, I stand at 6'4". I put my hand under her chin to lift her face to me. She has bright baby blue eyes, plump lips, and the cutest little button nose. Fuck me, if she's not the prettiest, most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Even with the bruises, she is absolutely stunning. I bring my fingers over to her hair twirling some in my fingers. "I like the pink." She just looks at me like she doesn't know how to react.

"Hanger, thank you for everything you’ve done and are doing for me."

"Hey, Babe, you don't have to thank me. Are you ready to go? I'll introduce you to everybody when we get back.”

"How are we getting to my parents’ house and my job?" She's looking really nervous.

"I was planning on taking my truck. Are you okay with that?" She starts to fidget again.

"Well… it's just, umm… Andrew had a truck… and I'm not really ready to get in another vehicle yet."

"Babe, it’s alright. If you want to we can take my bike. I just want you to be comfortable."

"Yeah, I think the bike would be better."

"Okay, let's go." I show her the way out. Once we get to my bike, I give her a helmet and help her put it on. I see her smiling. I know right then that I'm gonna make it my mission to make her smile a whole lot more.

"This is a nice bike."

"Thanks." I give her a grin.

"You have a beautiful smile." She drops her chin to her chest. I don't think this girl knows how to take a compliment. Once the helmet is on her head I help her on the back of my bike, and move her hands to show her how to hold onto me.

"Wrap your arms around my waist, make sure you hold on tight, and scoot close to my back." I feel her thighs against my legs and her arms are around me, but her right hand is lightly rubbing on my abs. My dick goes instantly hard, just from her light touch. I try to adjust myself without her noticing and start my bike. I take the directions that she gave me and we end up in front of a nice one story house in the suburbs. We head up to the walk way, when an older version of Zoey opens the door, and comes flying towards us. She suddenly stops in front of Zoey and her eyes glass over. "My baby, what happened to you?"

"Mom, let’s go inside. Is dad and Ever home? I only want to repeat this story one time."

"Okay, Baby. Yeah they're inside."

We go in and it’s a nice house. All the walls are painted a light brownish color, there are family photos hanging all over, and as far as I can tell the floors are all hardwood.

I see her father in the living room. He's a big guy, tall, muscular, with short dark blonde hair. Her mom is short like her, with light blonde hair, she’s very pretty. Both look to be in their late forties. Then her mother says, "I'll be right back." A few minutes later she comes back with a girl that looks exactly like Zoey. There doesn't look to be an age difference. She has the same color of hair, minus the pink, and eyes so I assume this is the sister.

Her father comes over to us and looks at his daughter, then looks at me and asks, "What the hell happened to my daughter?" Her sister is just staring at Zoey with narrowed eyes. I lift my hands as I start to tell him it wasn’t me but Zoey speaks up first.

Daddy, Please. I will explain everything, you’ve got to calm down though.
" She's doing some kind of movements with her hands while she is talking, and she does the introductions. "
Mom, Daddy, Ever, this is Hanger. He saved my life. Hanger this is my twin sister Ever, my mom Sophia, and my dad Grant Porter."
She looks at me with a smile on her face and I smile back. I shake everyone's hands.

"It's nice to meet you guys." We go into the living room and sit down. Where Zoey tells them everything that she remembers, I fill in the parts from when she was out of it. She's still doing the funny movements with her hands. When we are done I see her mom and sister are crying.

Her dad jumps up. "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!"

"I can assure you, Sir. That in time it will be takin' care of." He comes over to me and pats me on the back, he has unshed tears in his eyes.

"Thank you, Hanger. For saving my little girl."

"You don't have to thank me."

"Let's have a talk for a minute." We walk into the dining room, and we sit at the table. "So what's your plan? Jacey called us and told us she hadn't been to work so we all started calling Andrew. He's been telling all of us that she has been sick and couldn't talk. He wouldn't let Jacey go check on her. I should have known something was wrong. I'm her father for fucks sake." His eyes fill up with tears again.

"Figures he would do that after what happened, he didn't want you to know. I'm glad you didn't find her though. She looked awful. I've seen a lot of bad shit and that was the worst." He gives me a small nod. "So the plan, I have some of my guys looking into him. Once they have what they need, they will be watching him. I'll figure out what to do with him later, whenever the time is right. I want to make sure he can't get to Zoey though."

"How do you plan on going about that?"

"I want her to stay with me for a while. I know she will be safe that way. I can protect her."

"I can see from your vest there that you are the President of a motorcycle club. You think I want my daughter to stay at a club with a bunch of bikers after everything she has been through?"

"With all due respect, Sir. I know what people think of us, and well it might all be true, but I can guarantee one thing. She will be safe and protected. No one will mess with her because of who I am and I will kill anyone who tries to hurt her. All my brothers are almost as pissed off as I am about what happened to her. He won’t be able to get to her there."

"I don't want him to get to her either. So this might be the best option."

"I will keep you informed on anything we find out, Sir."

"Quit with the, Sir, shit. Call me Grant." He's smiling.

With a smile on my face I say "Okay."

"Do you have feelings for my daughter?" Did he just ask me that? I can't do anything but stare at him. "I see the way you look at her."

"I don't know how to answer that question."

"It's okay. You don't have to right now, but I want you to know that she deserves so much more than that shithead ever gave her. She needs somebody to love her the right way, but she needs time to heal mentally, emotionally, and physically. He was her one and only boyfriend. She doesn't know any different. The next man she is with needs to love her with everything he has. I'm not saying whether that will be you or not, but if you can keep her safe, you will gain some points with me." I have no response to that either, so we make our way back into the living room. I hear the women laughing, but I didn't hear them say anything. I'm just glad she isn't completely broken from all the shit that has happened to her.

"Zoey, are you about ready to go?"

Yeah, I'm gonna grab some clothes from Ever first. I'll be right back.
" Thirty minutes later, we make our way to the front door to leave. I tell them we will be back soon for her to visit. She gives everybody hugs, and my phone number in case they need to get in touch with her. Then we get back on my bike. "What was that shit you were doing with your hands, and what were you laughing about? I didn't hear you say anything."

She laughs and says. "That shit was A.S.L its sign language. My sister is deaf. I was laughing because my mom and sister said you were the hottest guy they had ever seen. I agreed with them." She drops her head shyly. I can't help the cocky grin that pulls my lips.

"Hey Zoey, you’re the hottest woman I've ever seen. So we’re even." I'm sure if her face wasn't covered in bruises. I would see her blush.

"My family has a rule though. That if anyone hearing is around that doesn't know how to sign then we have to speak also. My parents always said it's rude when not everyone knows what you are saying. If you would have been in the room then they probably wouldn't have said it." She starts laughing and it's a beautiful sound.

"When we get to the club, I want you to meet someone. You up for that?" She nods and puts the helmet on and we head out. We head to her job next. I pull up to a small building. It is not in good shape and not in a good neighborhood. Probably one of the worst. I turn off my bike and turn to scowl at her. "You work here? This isn't safe at all. What the fuck are you thinking?" She returns my scowl and replies.

"I'm thinking that I want to help people that can't get help anywhere else. They have no money, and no insurance. We are these peoples last hope."

"Well, shit. Now I feel like an asshole. I'm sorry. I just feel this need to protect you. I don't know why. It ain't normal for me to have that feeling." She smiles at me.

"Come on." She grabs my hand, and there's that electricity again. She drags me inside once we are in the door I look around. There are a few patients here but it's mostly quiet. The inside is not much better than the outside. It looks run down but they have it decorated like any other clinic. I don't understand why two women would pick this neighborhood to work in. I see a woman standing there with her hands covering her mouth, she’s got tears in her eyes. She's short about Zoey's height, with long dark brown hair, tanned skin and crazy fuckin' eyes, they look like they might be two different colors. She’s pretty but to me she’s nothing compared to Zoey. She quietly says Zoey's name, making her way over to us. Just like her family, she wants to know what happened.

BOOK: City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)
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