City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)
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"Most of the night was pretty slow, boring, until a couple came in the girl was really pretty, she had on a black dress, her boyfriend was a douche. He got aggressive with her. Fuck, Hanger. I wanted to destroy him. I can't stop wondering what happened after they left. I hope she was okay, he didn't even let her eat. I never understand why girls wanna be with dickheads like that." I turn and look at him.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He starts to repeat it, but I jump up out of my seat.

“I heard you. What did she look like?" He's giving me a curious look. I must seem like a fuckin’ crazy person right now.

“She had a black dress and shoes on, had blonde hair with pink streaks, she had it pulled into a ponytail, the girl was fucking beautiful, Hanger." For some reason his comment about her being beautiful pisses me off. I grab his arm and drag him to my room.

"Chatty, were coming in." I don't even wait for a reply. I bust in and look at Romeo “Is this her?" He looks at her and studies her clothes then looks at me and says "Fuck. Yeah that's her, Hanger. What the fuck did that asshole do to her? How the hell did you end up with her?"

"Apparently, he beat the fuck out of her, then left her on the side of the highway to die. Motherfucker. Did you get a name or anything so we can find this guy?"

"No. He paid with cash, no reservation. As soon as they got outside, I went to the window watched him put her in a silver Toyota Tundra."

"Chatty, come get me when you’re done." She just nods and keeps washing the girls face and hair. We head back to the bar where we take our seats. The front door opens again and in walks one of the whores.

"Shug, you know you ain't supposed to be here tonight. Tell me why the fuck you are here."

"I'm sorry, Hanger. I know, it's just Romeo called told me to be ready for him. So I thought it was okay for me to come back."

"Yeah, man. I'm sorry. I had no idea what was goin' on. I can send her on her way."

"No, its fine. Just stay the fuck away from my room." They head to his room while I continue sitting on the stool, drinking my beer, tryin' to figure out what the fuck happened to that girl, but I can't. It makes no god damn since to me.

About thirty minutes later Chatty walks back into the bar.

"I tried to get as much of the blood off of her as I could, but it's gonna take a long, hot shower to get the rest. That poor girl, it's gonna take some time for her to heal from whatever happened with her. I hope you find whoever did this and make them suffer."

"Oh, I will Chatty. Don't worry about that. Chatty, have you ever had anybody do something like that to you? I'm tryin' to figure out why it would of happened."

"Good. No, I haven't and I don't know. I think some guys are just assholes. They try and show who is boss by beatin' on woman. Try and have a goodnight, Hanger."

"I will. You too, Chatty."

I go back in my room and pull a chair next to the bed. I won't be leaving her alone. I grab my guitar, sit in the chair, and start singing while I play, Angel of Small Death & the Codeine Scene by Hozier.




She's been out since last night. Doc says that she will be fine, but I just don't know. I thought she would have woke up by now. There's something about this girl, I just can't figure out what it is. I feel the need to keep her safe and protected. I've never cared about a woman before. I like to fuck ’em and that's it. I get off and send ‘em on their way, half the time I don't even care if they get there's or not, as long as I get mine. All the whores around here know the deal. They can fuck me, suck me, or jerk me off. I don't give a goddamn, and I don't ever eat pussy. Fuck that shit they have all my brothers in there cunts, I'll get my dick wet, but I ain't puttin' my face in it. If they are lucky enough to get my cock in ‘em for the night, they are gonna be in for one hell of a ride, and I only fuck from behind that way I don't have to look at them. My main go to is Jasmine, she likes it rough. I can pound into her as hard as I want until the bitch is screaming my name.

I can admit that I'm a top grade asshole. I've lived a hard, fucked up life. For only being twenty five, I’ve done and seen some crazy, fucked up shit. I don't give a fuck about nobody but my club, my brothers and myself. I'm a fuckin' biker, and what do you think when someone says biker? We live loud, ride free, party hard and fuck even harder. All that shit is true. I'm the motherfucking President of my club, what I say goes. We have the wildest fuckin' parties, with the best fuckin' blow around, and we’ve got endless pussy, what more could you want? The Satan's Sinners, run all the blow around here, while the Cobras deal in the guns trade. We don't step on each other’s toes, that's why we've never had problems with them. We both like to gamble, and as long as no lines are crossed then the rest is all in fun. I’ve got storage units all over Wichita with our shit in them. Just in case cops ever come sniffin' around the compound, they won’t be able to find anything, except the guns we carry, and maybe a personal stash. Most of the cops, along with the owners of the storage units I have in my pocket, and I pay them good money to keep their fuckin' mouths shut.

I may be a bad man, in some circles. I do my fair share of fucked up shit, I live by my own laws, but I have never laid a hand on a woman and never will. That's one of the rules in this club, you give women respect, even the whores. Now when it comes to an ol' lady and a whore, you deal with it how you see fit. Under no circumstance do you let anybody disrespect your ol' lady. I look over at her laying beaten, and bruised in my bed. I don't understand why any man would want to hurt a woman that way. What the fuck could she have possibly done to piss him off that fuckin' bad? I make a promise to her that I will find whoever did this to her and I will make ‘em pay.

She starts to stir so I get up and open the door and yell. "Doc, get in here."

He comes in a few minutes later with his medical bag. "Is she waking up?"

"I think so, she was moving around a little bit. I don't want her to be uncomfortable. I think it might be best if you are in here when she wakes up." She's moving around more now and she starts mumbling shit. I can't understand her, so I go over to her and kneel down beside the bed, and take her hand. Once I take her hand it feels like electricity just shot through me. I try to ignore it and when I look at her she has calmed down some. I glance at Doc and he's giving me a curious look, I choose to ignore him too, I turn my attention back to her and ask. "Can you hear me?" She doesn't reply but I feel her squeeze my hand lightly and I feel an ache in my chest, I've never felt that before. What the fuck is this girl doing to me?


I am laying on something soft, it feels like sheets. Am I on a bed? I can hear people talking around me but I can't open my eyes. Why can't I open my eyes? I try thinking back, but there's so much pain, I hurt everywhere. Someone is holding my hand, it doesn't feel familiar. Why is someone holding my hand? I can tell by the feel that it is a man’s hand, he has calloused fingers kind of rough and soft at the same time. I can tell he works with his hands. He smells of oil, leather, and some kind of cologne. I feel tears leak from my eyes, and then there is a finger wiping them away from my cheek. I can tell he is trying to be careful. What the hell happened to me? Every time this man touches me I feel a jolt of electricity throughout my whole body. Then he asks if I can hear him. Oh god, he has a sexy voice. It’s all deep, rugged, and yet so soothing, but I can't answer. My throat is so dry and sore. So I squeeze his hand and try to relax. Then I start remembering all the punches, feeling the blood, and getting pushed out of the car. Andrew, that son of a bitch, did this to me. I start screaming "NO! No, Please! Stop! Please, don't hurt me anymore."

Then I hear that voice again, he's right next to my ear and he's trying to soothe me, telling me "Shh... Babe, it's okay. Your safe, ain't nobody here gonna hurt you. I promise." For some reason I believe him. He calms me down and I relax. I try to talk again, but it comes out scratchy and low.

"My throat is really dry. Can I have some water?"

"Yeah, here." He places his hand under the back of my head and lifts it, helping me. He then tells me to, "Take small sips." Then he places my head gently back down, on what I’m guessing is a pillow.

"Hey, Babe? Can you tell me who did this to you?"

"It was my boyfriend well ex now, but his name is Andrew Conners."

"Okay, I got Doc here with us. He's gonna give you some pain medication, is that alright?" I just nod my head. He helps me lift my head again enough to get two pills in my mouth, and swallow a drink of water then he lays my head back down.

"Where am I?" The man tells me not to worry about that right now. That we will talk when I can open my eyes. He just wants me to rest, but reassures me that I'm safe and nobody will hurt me. The pills kick in a little while later and I go back to sleep.

Every time I wake up that man is with me, he will get Doc and I get more pain medication then fall back to sleep.


I'm leaving my room and I see Jasmine in the hallway. I don't feel like dealin' with her ass right now, but I need a fuckin’ drink. "Hey, Hanger."

"What do you want?" She walks up to me and starts running her hand up and down my chest. Normally this would be the start to a wild night but right now it disgusts me. There’s something about the girl laying in my bed that makes this feel wrong.

"I thought we could go somewhere. You could fuck me, the way we both like. You’re the only one who gives it to me right."

"We're not going anywhere, Jasmine. In fact, I'm done fuckin' around with you. I know you think that one day I'm gonna make you my ol' lady but that shit ain’t gonna happen. So it would be better for you to go get one of the other brothers." I grab her hand roughly and move it off of me. Then make my way to the bar and sit on one of the stools. I don't know how I ever thought that was attractive.

"Chatty can I get a shot of that Jack Daniels and a Arrogant Bastard."

"Coming right up, Hanger." Gunner walks up and sits next to me. He pulls out a joint and lights it up. He takes a few hits, passes it to me. I sit back, take a big hit, inhale, and hold it in to feel that familiar burn in my lungs that I needed. I release the smoke and air and feel the instant relaxation, from one of our many products, settle over me. We take our shots then he asks. "How's the girl?"

"She's doing okay, she’s in and out of it. Just waiting for her to fully wake up."

"What's gonna happen with her when she does?"

"I don't know yet. I want her to stay here until I know she's safe. I'll find out if she's got any family." He just nods but he looks like he's trying to work something out in his head. Chatty walks back over "You boys doin' okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine." Chatty stands there a few seconds and look at me then she says, "Hanger, I just want you to know that what your doin', for that girl, is a real good thing. If you need anything from me, just let me know."

"Umm… Yeah, I need you to give her some clothes and girly shit for when she wakes up, so she can shower."

"Okay, Hanger. I'll get it."

"Thanks, Chatty." With that I get up to leave but Gunner grabs my arm I turn to him "I don't know what's gonna happen with this girl, but I think she's gonna change you." I just nod.

"We got church in thirty, round up all the guys." With that I leave thinking he's right. I'm not gonna be the same when this shit's over.

We are all in the meeting room for church when Bear asks "What are we having church for?"

"We need to talk about some shit. Why the fuck else?” I look at him like he’s fuckin’ stupid. Sometime I just don’t know about the shit my brothers say. Then I start church. “First, I wanna go over what happened with Snake. He thinks it might be the Italians, or a new club trying to get a foot in town. Have any of you heard or seen anything about any new clubs?" They all say no "Me either. Romeo keep your ass in there and come to me with any information you get."


"We're gonna have to make a run and restock soon. We’re still comin' up short on the money end. We gotta figure out who is fuckin' takin' business from us. On to other business. Some of you know about the girl I picked up last night but I'll fill the rest of you in. When we pulled over last night. There was a girl laying on the side of the road. She was unconscious and covered in blood. Gunner and I brought her back here. She is in my room, not fully awake yet, but she gave me a name. You boys gotta keep the fuck down and away from my room."

Hunter asks "of who did it to her?"

Bear asks, "Is she gonna be alright?"

Hacker asks, "What do you want us to do?"

"The name is Andrew Conners, he was her boyfriend, and he drives a silver Toyota Tundra. Yeah, she's gonna be fine, but she needs to heal. What I want from you, Hacker, is to look him up, find out anything and everything you can on him. Hunter after Hacker gets information on this shit bag, I want you to find him. We will deal with him when the time is right."

BOOK: City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)
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