Chasing Perfection Vol. 2 (9 page)

BOOK: Chasing Perfection Vol. 2
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I couldn’t do it. As much as I wanted her, I couldn’t go through with my original plan to fuck her, then pawn her off on one of my associates. She reminded me too much of...her. The woman I’d loved and lost. A surge of protectiveness washed over me, strong enough to make me step back. I didn’t want to do anything that would hurt her, and if we fucked tonight, no matter how discreet we’d try to be, it’d get out and everyone would say that the rumors of her sleeping her way into the job were true. I couldn’t do that to her.


Fuck it all. I actually cared.

Chapter 15



What the hell had just happened? That kiss had been amazing. All a girl could ask for and the promise of everything I wanted before the night was over. I’d felt him hard against my hip, so I knew he’d been enjoying it, too. Why, then, had he stopped? I was ready and willing. What was he waiting for? I was sure he’d wanted this, too, and I knew I had to fuck him to get him out of my system or I was going to go crazy.


I was trying very hard not to make too much of that and him putting on the brakes wasn’t helping things. He was smoking hot, so I knew there was the whole physical factor, but my entire MO was to fuck good-looking guys then split once my itch got scratched. The only ones I ever stayed with beyond the first fuck or two had money, but none of those were as hot as DeVon. Granted, he had the body and the money, but there was no way in hell I wanted a relationship with him.


And I knew he was the same way as me. He fucked and dashed. He wasn’t the relationship type. The man had invited me to have a foursome with him the first time we’d met, for fuck’s sake! So why the hell was he acting like some prude all of a sudden. I looked down at myself. He hadn’t even tried to touch my boobs or my ass at all tonight. Was there something wrong with the way I looked? I’d seen the topless women with the huge fake tits. I didn’t compare to them. Was that what he liked? I’d thought he’d pretty much ignored them, but maybe I’d been wrong.


I thought about going in for another kiss, but instead just sighed. I wasn’t going to let him off easy by throwing myself at him. Sure, I wanted to fuck, but I wasn’t about to waste my time if he wasn’t interested. “What’s wrong?” I asked bluntly.


His eyes met mine and he said the last thing I ever would’ve expected. “Be patient. This is new territory with me. I need more time.”


What the hell was he talking about? New territory? We were going to fuck. Meaningless, hot sex. Nothing he hadn’t done hundreds of times before. And now he wanted to take it slow? I seriously hoped he meant that he wanted to draw it out, like some exquisite torture, because that was the only possibility I was willing to entertain. Thinking that he might want something more wasn’t something I wanted to even consider.


I gave him my best sultry smile. The music from the house changed and I got an idea. “Maybe this will help you decide.”


I took his right hand and put it on my lower back, resisting the urge to move it lower onto my ass. I wasn’t going to be quite that brazen. I’d rather do seductive than slutty. I took his other hand and began to move to the slow, sensual music. I kept distance between our bodies at first, letting the heat build as one song bled into another. Only then did I slide my hand from his, forcing him to put his hand on my waist. I moved my hand up his arm until both of my hands met behind his neck. I closed the space between us and leaned in, kissing him gently. It was just a brush of my lips against his so I could gauge his reaction.




I struggled not to scowl. If I’d done that to any other guy, he’d be grabbing me and trying for something more.


I tried again, pressing my mouth harder against his and parting my lips in a blatant invitation.


Still nothing.


I was starting to go from horny to pissed.


I decided to try something a little less subtle and let my body move to the music, rubbing against him as I took his mouth again. This time, I pushed my tongue between his lips.


His hands tightened around my waist.


Finally, a reaction!


Then he was pulling me against him, his lips forcing mine wider and I gave myself over to the kiss. Whatever hesitation he’d been trying for was lost as he devoured my mouth, possessing it completely. My fingers curled in the hair at the nape of his neck and I moaned as I imagined what it would feel like against my thighs. He finally broke the kiss, but kept our bodies molded together and rested his forehead against mine.


“Fuck time.” His voice was rough. “I don’t need time. Let’s get out of here.”


“I don’t think I can wait that long.” The ache between my legs throbbed in agreement. It had been a long time since I’d met a man who held the kind of potential DeVon did. I took a step back and crooked my finger at him. “Come on, let’s explore upstairs.” I grinned at him. “It could be a little dangerous, and I like danger.” I turned and started walking towards the house. After just a couple steps, I looked over my shoulder and raised an eyebrow. I didn’t even bother to try to hide my double-entendre. “Are you coming?”

Chapter 16



Was she fucking kidding? Of course I was coming. And I fully intended that to be true in both definitions of the word by the end of the night. There was a part of me that wanted to take it slow, make it something that I was terrified it could be, but I wasn’t an idiot. No man could say no to an offer like that.


We walked quickly back to the main room, not touching, but so aware of each other’s presence that it was like a nearly painful buzz of electricity across my skin. As soon as we reached the door, I saw a problem. The room was packed and every person we passed would expect us to stop and greet them. That’s what we were there for, after all. If we blew anyone off, it’d be weeks of damage control and more fuel for the fire. The last thing I wanted to do was draw attention to what Krissy and I were about to do, and the second worst thing would be for us to have to wait. My body was already responding to the thought of what was to come and if I went inside, things had the potential to be very awkward and embarrassing, even for me.


Fortunately, I knew there was another way. I took her arm and tried not to think about the way her skin hummed against mine. “Let’s go in here.” I led her through a nearly invisible door to the right.


The door took us into the kitchen. While we received several startled looks from personnel preparing various finger foods, none of them told us to leave. I ignored them and snatched a small tray of finger rolls, then, with a wink at Krissy, grabbed a bottle of champagne from the fridge. She laughed, the sound going straight to my cock. As we passed by a waiter filling glasses with sparkling liquid, I snagged two glasses and hurried away before anyone could complain about my theft.


The next door took us to a large dining room. It was empty and the thought of grabbing her, throwing her onto the table and having my way with her right then and there was almost too tempting. Only the knowledge that we’d never be alone long enough to do half of what I had planned kept me moving.


“That way.” Krissy pointed towards one of the doors at the other end of the room.


She was a step ahead of me, but only because I wanted to watch her ass as she walked in those amazing heels. The door opened to a long hallway and we went down it. I was starting to think that fucking her on the massive dining room table was a good idea after all when we finally reached a staircase.


She put her foot on the step but stopped when I reached out with my free hand and grabbed her wrist. I pulled her close to me, balancing my full hand to the side so I could bend my head close enough to inhale the intoxicating scent that was her. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked. “There’s no going back after this.” I had to know, because there was no way I’d want to stop if we went any further.


She looked up at me, her eyes dark pools of lust. A knot in my stomach tightened. Those fucking beautiful eyes.


“I’m sure,” she said. She pushed herself up until I thought she was going to kiss me, but instead, she sucked my bottom lip into her mouth. She held it there for just a moment before biting down hard enough to send a jolt straight through me, then released it. She took off up the stairs, laughing while I stared for a moment before practically running after her.


She was going to be the death of me.


When we reached the top of the stairs, I yanked open the first door I saw, fully intending to throw her through it and have my way with her.


It was a closet.


“That might be a tight fit,” Krissy said with a laugh.


I growled at her and that just made her laugh even more. She didn’t even bother with the next door but instead headed for the double doors at the end of the hallway like she owned the place. Damn, that confidence was sexy!


She pushed open the doors and I peered over her head. It was a massive bedroom and, right in the very center was the biggest bed I’d ever seen. It was red, round and obviously meant to hold more than two people. I knew where we were, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me. I set what I was carrying down on an expensive-looking table that sat next to the door and then turned to close it. When I did, I noticed something that didn’t really surprise me, considering what I knew about the exhibitionist owner of this bedroom.


“There’s no lock.”




I wasn’t able to hide my startled expression at Krissy’s reply and she smiled at me.


“The possibility of getting caught just makes it more fun.”


The more time I spent with her, the more I liked her.


She slowly walked towards me, the sway of her hips fighting with her breasts and eyes for my attention. My entire body tensed in anticipation of her touching me, but she didn’t. Instead, she reached past me and picked up the food I’d brought up. I hadn’t really paid attention to what was on the tray, but apparently they were a dessert and not a sandwich. A cookie of some kind wrapped around cream frosting. I didn’t know what it was called but I didn’t think it was supposed to turn me on.


Krissy, however, managed to make it do just that. She ran the tip of her tongue along her bottom lip, wetting it, and then flicked it out to catch just a dab of the frosting.


“Yum.” She licked another bit of frosting from the cookie and I had to bite back a moan. She used her finger to scoop out some and held it out to me. I opened my mouth and let her slip the digit inside.


The sweet burst across my tastebuds, mingled with something that was uniquely her. I swirled my tongue around her finger, thoroughly cleaning it, my eyes locked with hers the entire time. When she withdrew her finger from my mouth, she ran it down my chest, following the line of my tie.


“Delicious.” I was surprised at how hoarse my voice was.


“Want to know a secret?” she asked as she loosened my tie. She leaned closer when I nodded and lowered her voice even though we were the only two in the room. “I taste better.”




My tie landed on the floor before I realized she’d undone it and her fingers were already working their way through my buttons. I had to slow things down or I wasn’t going to be able to enjoy this as much as I wanted to. I turned away from her and poured us each a glass of champagne. The few minutes it took were enough for me to regain my composure. I handed her a glass.

BOOK: Chasing Perfection Vol. 2
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