Chasing Perfection Vol. 2 (13 page)

BOOK: Chasing Perfection Vol. 2
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What I hadn’t expected was that, with the right mouth, a man could do the same thing.


By the time our main course was coming to its end, I was starting to wonder if I was in over my head. I’d met guys with big attitudes and had fucked plenty who’d thought they were the best thing to happen to women since AA batteries, but I’d never met someone who played the game like DeVon.


As he licked the crumbs from his lips, DeVon leaned towards me and I found myself tensing in anticipation.


“Take them off.”


I blinked. What was he talking about?


“Your panties. Take them off.”


I shook my head, a smile playing on my lips. “I don’t think so. You take yours off.”


He dropped his voice, the corner of his mouth twitching in amusement. “Who said I was wearing any?”


I stared at him for a moment. I told myself that I should be annoyed that he assumed I’d be okay with what he was telling me to do, but all I could think about was reaching over, unzipping his pants and having nothing between my hand and his cock.


“Take them off.” There was a warning in his tone that hadn’t been there before. “There will be consequences if you refuse.”


Okay, now I was going to say no just to find out what he was going to do. I drained the last of my champagne and gave him a look that clearly said I wasn’t going to do shit.


He stood and moved his chair over so that we were sitting next to each other. He didn’t say anything as he sat back down, and then I felt his hand brush against my leg. I tensed, but his fingers slid further under the slit of my dress. I thought about closing my legs as his palm skimmed over my thigh, but I resisted. There was no way he was going to do what he wanted me to think he was going to do.


His fingers skimmed the crotch of my panties and I sucked in a breath. He chuckled and I gritted my teeth. There was no way in hell I was going to blink first. He’d stop before I broke.


“For tonight,” he said in a conversational tone. “This is mine.” His index finger slipped beneath the damp fabric. The tip caressed my lips, then delved between them, going straight for my core. “And nothing comes between me and what’s mine.”


A second finger joined the first and I had to grab the edge of the table to keep from doing something stupid like slapping him...or possibly grabbing his cock. His fingers moved rapidly in and out of my pussy as he kept talking.


“I’ll make you come so hard you see stars. I’ll fuck you until every man after me will only be second best. I’ll give you great pleasure, Krissy.”


Suddenly, he shoved a third finger into me and I gasped as he pushed them deep.


“But do not ever think that refusing to obey comes without consequences.” He paused, then spoke again, the tone of his voice changing to sound completely normal. “I believe we will have some dessert.”


I looked up, my heart leaping into my throat as I realized the waiter was standing in front of us and DeVon was carrying on a conversation as if he didn’t have three fingers buried in my pussy.


“The fresh strawberries and cream will be perfect.”


“I’ll be right back.” The waiter smiled at us both and I wondered if he realized that something was going on.


DeVon pulled out his fingers so quickly that I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out. My body protested, wanting me to beg him to finish what he’d started. I didn’t care that we were in a restaurant. I just needed him to stop the ache inside me. My hands curled into fists, nails biting into my palms. Oh, I was definitely losing the game, but I had a feeling I was still going to like how it ended.


“Now.” He stood. “I’m going to the restroom to wash my hands. When I come back, you will have done as you were told, or we will see if I can’t find a more...persuasive way of convincing you that obedience is in your best interest.”

Chapter 21



When we left the restaurant, Krissy’s panties were in my jacket pocket and I knew that we were going to have one hell of a night. Oh, she continued to test me, but that was part of what made our dance so hot. She wasn’t like the women who made scenes or deliberately disobeyed because they craved pain and humiliation. No, Krissy understood the power of words. I could see now how talented a lawyer she was. As I drove us back to my place in silence, I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to see her in a courtroom, holding a jury in the palm of her hand...and then bending her over the the railing and taking her.


I glanced over at her and saw that she was watching me, a thoughtful expression on her face. I’d been very careful not to touch her since she’d given me her panties and I could tell she was wondering why. Part of it was because I wanted her to crave my touch. If I didn’t give it to her, she would want it more. Another part, a new part, was that I didn’t entirely trust myself. The feel and scent of her skin was intoxicating and I wasn’t sure I could make tonight into what I wanted if I kept physical contact. A quickie in the car might be fun, but I had much more interesting things planned.


We stepped onto the elevator ten minutes later and as soon as the doors closed, Krissy was in front of me, her hands on my chest, pushing me back against the wall. Her eyes locked with mine and she dropped her hand, cupping me through my pants.


“I was beginning to think you weren’t interested,” she said, giving me a light squeeze.


I grabbed her wrist and turned us so that she was the one against the wall. I put her arm above her head and pushed aside her dress to get my hand between her legs. Fuck, she was wet. She moaned as my fingers rubbed over her clit.


“Did I say you could touch me?” My face was less than an inch from hers and I wanted to close that gap and kiss her, but I restrained myself.


“I figured if mine was yours, yours must be mine.” The words were punctuated with little gasps of pleasure.


The elevator dinged and I knew it was too soon for my penthouse. I didn’t move, but I saw Krissy’s eyes dart over my shoulder, then widen. She struggled against me and I knew someone was standing there.


“Take the next one,” I barked, releasing Krissy’s wrist long enough to reach behind me and hit the close doors button. I didn’t wait for them to finish closing before I began to rub her clit again. “Come for me.”


She shook her head, her face flushing. “Not here.”


“Yes, here,” I insisted. “You started this. You wanted to get me worked up in the elevator. Now the tables are turned.” I pinched her nipple through the soft fabric of her dress. “Come for me, or we’ll ride this elevator until you do. And next time, I won’t tell anyone to wait for another one.”


A shiver went through her and I knew she was close.


“Is that what you want?” I asked. “Do you want to climax in front of people?” I put my mouth against her ear. “Come for me, Krissy, or you’re going to find out.”


A soft exhalation escaped her lips and I felt her body tense. I removed my hand from between her legs and held her fingers to her lips. Her eyes flashed and, for a moment, I thought she’d argue, but instead, she opened her mouth and licked my fingers clean.


I was hard by the time we reached my floor.


“I have to ask.” Krissy broke the silence as I unlocked the door. “What’s with the apartment? Don’t you have a fabulous house? Or is this just the place you bring women to fuck?”


“I don’t always feel like driving back to my house if I’ve been working late,” I explained. “Or if I’ve been at a premiere or party or something like that.” I gave her a heated look before stepping inside. “Or if I don’t want to wait any extra time when I’m with a beautiful woman.”


I took off my shoes, jacket and tie, tossing the last two onto my expensive antique dining room table. If we’d been dating for real, I might’ve felt compelled to show her around the place, let her see the excellent job Donna, my interior designer, had done, but we weren’t a couple, even if we had just gone to dinner.


I turned around and found that she’d taken off her shoes. I’d forgotten that she was actually just a bit above average height without her heels. I looked down at her and began to slowly unbutton my shirt. When I was halfway down, I turned around and started towards the bedroom.


I didn’t even glance back to see if she was following. I knew she was. Like at my house, I had two bedrooms here for two different purposes. I had the one where I slept and the one where I fucked, some because I didn’t always feel like changing the sheets in the middle of the night and some because I didn’t do the whole afterwards cuddle thing.


The bedroom was tastefully done, but catered to my sexual preferences. The bed was large and had both a headboard and posts at the base that were used for bondage. I had a dresser with a few toys and a flogger. My collection here was nowhere near what I had at my house, but it was enough for what I wanted to do most of the time.


As my shirt fell to the floor, a pair of arms slid around my waist and Krissy pressed her body against mine. Her hands went to the button and zipper at the front of my pants and my lips twitched in a smile. I’d been hoping she was going to keep pushing back. I loved the give and take with her, and right now, I was really looking forward to giving.


As soon as her hands managed to get the zipper partway down, I wrapped my fingers around her wrists, preventing her from going any further. I twisted us around so that she was facing me, her hands held against my bare chest.


“Someone has wandering hands.” I used my free hand to reach into the top drawer of the dresser. I considered handcuffs, but I wasn’t sure how she’d take that, so I went with something just as restrictive but a little less scary.


The strip of cotton was soft enough that it wouldn’t cut her like silk, but strong enough that it’d keep her restrained, which was what I wanted. It also gave me a bit more flexibility on positioning her. As I tied her wrists, I waited for her to protest, but she didn’t. Instead, she just watched with a smug little smirk on her face.


When I finished, she finally spoke, “So is this my punishment for doing what you told me not to?”


I wrapped my arm around her waist. “No.” I pulled her with me as I sat on the bed. “This is.” I turned her over my knee, enjoying the shocked expression on her face before she began to struggle.


“Cut it out, DeVon.” She sounded annoyed.


I ran my finger down her spine and she shivered. “Struggle and protest all you want. If you truly want me to stop, just say ‘red’ and we’re done.” I reached down to her face and ran my thumb across her bottom lip. “But understand this. If you say it, we’re done. We don’t come back here again. We work together and that’s it.”


I slid my hand across her back and down over the swell of her ass as I watched her think. Her muscles tensed as my hand moved over her firm flesh, but I didn’t do anything. I needed her to agree first. I liked control and I’d push the limits, but I had never forced myself on anyone and never would. They always agreed.


My fingers found the slit in the dress and brushed against her bare skin. She nodded.


My hand came down on her ass with a stinging slap. Instinctively, she started to squirm, causing almost painful friction against my cock. I spanked her again, hard enough to feel, but not even close to as hard as I’d done to other women. I wanted to feel her flesh warm against my palm, so I pulled the skirt of her dress aside. Definitely one of the many reasons I liked long dresses with high slits.

BOOK: Chasing Perfection Vol. 2
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