Read Broken (Broken Wings) Online

Authors: Sandra Love

Broken (Broken Wings) (9 page)

BOOK: Broken (Broken Wings)
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Chapter Sixteen


The pain that runs though my body is excruciating. I feel like I am on fire; my arms feel like they are being stretched in so many directions. My head was pounding; I swear someone hit me with a hammer. All of a sudden, it feels like someone is biting my neck. My eyes fly open. I try to move, but I believe I am tied down. Then I see red eyes looking at me, but before I can scream he puts his hand over my mouth.

“No, my dear, you are not going to scream. You are a strange creature. We had to put rope around your entire body. Your wings can get dangerous. Amelia cast a spell around your body, so no electrocuting or throwing up your force field. I am going to remove my hand from your mouth, as long if you promise you will not scream.

I nod my head yes. “What…. What are you?”

He lets out a high laugh. “Oh Cordelia, I am a vampire. I was told to feed off you to see if I could transform you into a vampire as well. We wanted to have fun before you’re sacrificed. Your blood taste like heaven.”

I am now terrified; I didn’t want to be a vampire. “Are we in Ithaca?”

“Yes. You are a sweet child. You have less than 24 hours before the Blood moon is full. That’s when the ritual will be successful.”

“Enough, Zane; go back to you lair and leave me with my daughter.”

He walks over to her and bows. “Your highness; call me if you need me.”

I watch as Zane leaves and my mother goes to what looks to be an altar. I try to see what is on it, and I see a pentagram, but it seems to be upside down. I see various black candles that are already lit. Amelia picks up an athame, and starts to walk toward me. I try to break free of the ropes, but no luck.

“Cordelia, it’s no use. There is no way you can break enchanted ropes. Now, please stay still; I need your blood for the ritual tomorrow night. “

I look her in the eyes and build up my courage. “I’m so glad that you were never around. From what I can see you’re nothing but a coward; killing your own daughter so you can be stronger. I’m glad I am like my father.”

She slaps me across my face, so hard I bite my cheek and taste blood. “This is all Dean’s fault! He should have never kept you from me. I was using him so I could bear a child. He took that away from me with his mind control. Luckily, my seer came to me and showed me the truth. Now, be still so I can get your blood.”

The knife pierces my forearm, and I suck in a breath and close my eyes.
Think of a happy place
, I tell myself. But it was no help; the pain is unbearable and I black out.

I am running through a field, wildflowers everywhere. It is like a sea of pinks, purples, yellows, and reds. I stop in the middle of the field and twirl in the sunlight. I am wearing a beautiful yellow sundress. I am barefooted as well. I fall into the flowers and laugh to myself. I’ve never laughed like this, and I never felt this happy in my life. I wonder where I am. Is this heaven? Am I finally dead? If so, this is the best feeling ever; I don’t want to go back. Yes, I will miss Kaleigh and Cameron, but I am finally away from all that darkness that was my own life. I lay there with my eyes closed as I watch the sun go away. I open my eyes to see the most beautiful blue eyes and the sexiest smile.

“Cameron, how did you find me?”

He sits next to me and looks at me. “This is all you, Sweetheart. You are seeing what our future could be like. Happiness with no hurt, no pain. Just happiness.”

I take his hand into mine. “Cameron, this is what I want. Look, I am finally smiling,” I say to him as I point at my smile in a cheesy, obvious way, “I have never smiled before in my life. Look what you do to me. But I know this could never happen. My destiny is to die at the hands of my insane mother.”

He sighs. “You can change that, Babe. We can have all this.” He looks around and then looks back into my eyes. He takes his hands to place them on both my cheeks. He leans in and kisses my forehead, then my nose, my chin, and finally, my lips. I return the kiss, and I put my hands in his hair. He pulls me on top of him, and we both laugh.

“Cam, I will try my hardest so we can have all of this. You are the only person I have ever loved. But I think I will fail. Amelia is stronger than me. I don’t think I can win this battle.” I stand up to walk away. He runs to catch me and holds me. His arms wrap around me from behind.

“Delia, stop running away from me. Can’t you see that I love you and that I will die protecting you?”

I close my eyes and tears run down my cheeks. “Cam, you are asking so much from me. I don’t think I am strong enough. I am just a broken girl that has no idea what is going on.”

“Stop. I have faith in you, my beautiful angel… slash witch.” We both laugh. Then the skies become dark and it starts to storm. Cam was losing his grip on me.

“Hold on, Cam! Don’t let go! I love you.”

My eyes fly open. I am confused as to what just happened. I didn’t want to alarm anyone, though, so I stay quiet. That is my secret, and I wonder if that is another one of my powers. The doors open, snapped me out of my daydream. I get a good look at who enters. It is about five old guys, and they have on these weird, white robes. The robes have this weird symbol on them. I can’t make them out, but I know it must be significant.

Zane comes in behind them, along with a young woman with fire read hair; who was probably another vampire.
Lastly, Amelia, Abem, and Kale walk in, whispering to each other.

Amelia speaks up. “We shall wait for the werewolves; they are in White City catching fairies. We need them for the ritual.”

I want to get off this table and slap the shit out of Kale. Then my heart s
inks, like it is breaking in half. Oh. My. Goodness. Kale feels bad for his betrayal. I don’t know how I know this, but I remember reading about people who were empaths and I think I may be one as well; I can feel his remorse. I wonder how many more powers will present themselves.              “Amelia, the wolves are returning; it is almost time for you to rule Ithaca,” One of The Old Ones says.

“Good; I’ve waited almost 18 years for this.”

Chapter Seventeen


“Kaleigh, will you put down that knife?” Dean laughs. “I promise I won’t hurt you, Dear.”              She put down the knife. “Come in, Dean; we need your help. Amelia and Kale took Cordelia, and I’m horrified that they are going to kill her.”

I walk toward Dean; I am really upset about who he left Cordelia with. “Dean, I have a serious question for you! Do you know what your brother has been doing to your daughter?”

He looks at me, concerned. “What are you talking about, Cameron? He was supposed to care for her. That was his job.”

“Well, he has been doing the opposite. He has been beating her. Her back was so messed up for a while that she could barely wear shirt! Why on Earth would he do that to her?”

“Well, we are going to find out right now.” We all head out the door and start for Dean’s brother’s house. When we got close enough, I see a mob of people standing outside the house.

Kaleigh speaks up. “What in Heaven’s name is going on here?”

“It looks like Kelsey’s goonies are here to protest. Great, Cordelia will never catch a break.”

Dean walks toward the crowd and Kaleigh and I follow. When we all get to the front of the house, the crowd starts yelling at us.

“Are you freaks
, too?”

are all and abomination to God.”

“We will sue for what Cordelia did to Kelsey.”

              Dean turns to the crowd and starts to glow white. “One more harsh word about my daughter and you will all regret it. No go, or you will all see my wrath.”

I start laughing. “Dean, that was badass.” He turns to me, and I instantly stop laughing. He walks up to the door and kicks it in. Wood from the door flies toward me, and I have to duck so I won’t get hit with it. Kaleigh hits the ground, and covers her head. I laugh and go to help her up.

“BROTHER, get out here! NOW!!” Dean is extremely pissed. Kaleigh and I walk into the house. It is a mess. Jack Daniels bottles are everywhere and beer cans litter the floor. It smells so bad in this house; I want to throw up. I walk toward the kitchen to see trash everywhere and dishes piled up in the sink. “You were supposed to care for my daughter not beat her, you maggot.”             

“Dean….I…..I was trying to protect her from finding out what she was. I didn’t want her wings to sprout alive, and then have Lillian find out my family members are freaks. Oh and for your knowledge it’s your daughter’s fault that my wife is now dead!”

That ma
kes Dean explode. His eyes start to glow, and then his wings come to life. They were huge and beautiful; pure white. He leaps at his brother and starts to choke him. “You are nothing but an outcast! You had to go and fall for a human. I’m so glad your wings were ripped from your body. I only wish that you would have bled to death.” He lets go of his brother. “I don’t have the time to end your life today, but mark my words, Brother,” he leans in close to him and touches his nose to his, “you will die a painful very soon.”

He starts to walk toward the door, and Kaleigh whispers to me, “Remind me to never piss off Dean.” I nod and we both leave behind Dean.

He stops and turns toward us. “You both ready? I know where Amelia has her. We have to go to the Dark City. If I am right, and I am very rarely wrong, she is going to use the Blood Moon to sacrifice my daughter. We can’t let that happen; have to save her.”

He start
s to fly, and Kaleigh and I open our wings and follow. I really miss Ithaca. When we save Cordelia, I would love to move into my parents’ old house and marry her.  I hope then the curse will be lifted and I can be with her. I want to make her smile every day, and tell her that she is the love of my life. I thought I had loved Anna, but I never had these feelings for her. I think I may have been confusing true love with the love of someone I had considered family. When I look into Cordelia’s eyes, it’s like I can see our future together.

Something suddenly hits me and pulls me from my thoughts. Damn it, I should have been paying closer attention instead of daydreaming in mid-flight. I look around and can’t see Dean or Kaleigh anywhere. I had caught a glimpse of the Dark City before I was knocked on my butt, but I hadn’t seen where my companions had gone.

“I see you are here to help your sweet Cordelia!” Kale laughs and starts punching me in the face again. I try to defend myself, but he is too strong. After one more final punch, I black out.              I wake to the warmth of a girl’s soft touch. My eyes fly open, hoping it is Cordelia by my side and everything else had been a horrible nightmare. But, when I focus on the face in front of me, a whole new kind of nightmare presents itself.

“Cam, it’s been awhile. I’m so glad to be back.”

“Anna? What are you doing here? I watched you die. You died in my arms. Am I in Heaven?”

“No, Sweetheart, I’m alive and I’ve missed you dearly.”

I jerk out of her hold. “Impossible! Where have you been the last few months? You know I was so devastated when you died… or I suppose faked your own death.”

She lets out a sigh. “It was only a potion to stop my heart. You see, I was approached by a powerful witch. She promised me to show me my powers correctly if I helped her. She explained to me that I was a witch and I could help her rule Ithaca. But the catch was that I had to leave you. She promised me that when the time was right you would return to me.”

“Are you helping a witch named Amelia?”

“Yes I am; she has taken me in as her own daughter. I love her, and she has promised me the world. She has promised me a future with you, Cameron. Once the ritual is over we are safe to be together. You can help us take down The White City.”

“NO! I will
help you. Anna, you have no idea what you are talking about. Amelia has lied to you. This ritual you speak of, it’s to kill Amelia’s
daughter. You are her pawn in all this, and I will not stand around and watch you become like her.”

“Cam, you have no choice. Don’t you still love me? Or is it true you have fallen deeply in love with another one of your charges?” She starts to laugh. “How pathetic of you, boy. You promise me a new life, and you go and fall in love with someone else! I die, and you want to jump the bones of the next warm, desperate girl! She starts to pace, and then she stops in front of me. “Oh, and Cameron, just a little information; the person that will be holding the athame tonight during the ritual… will be you.”

She lets out a high laugh as she walks out of the room, locking the door behind her. I can’t believe this is happening to me. I wonder where my sister and Dean are. I hope they are not dead. I hope they get to Cordelia in time.

BOOK: Broken (Broken Wings)
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