Read Broken (Broken Wings) Online

Authors: Sandra Love

Broken (Broken Wings) (6 page)

BOOK: Broken (Broken Wings)
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Chapter Ten


I f
ind the room, and I am surprised when I walk in and see the breath taking décor. The bed had to be a king size; a blue quilt, huge fluffy pillows, and blue pillow cases adorn it. I wish I could live in this room forever. I sit on the bed and lay back to think about my day. I look at the alarm clock; 11:47pm. Wow, I think, it’s late. I need to get some rest, so I can endure another tortuous day in hell… I mean, school. I get up and open my suitcase, grabbing my pajamas. I put them on and climb under the blanket. The bed feels so great; if I die in this bed tonight, I would die a happy girl. My eyes drift closed.

am running through a dark forest, the fire so intense I can practically feel the heat on my back.

“No one is here to save you now
, Cordelia; you have nowhere to run.” I look back to see my mother. She is throwing her fire balls at me, setting the forest on fire. I stop to cough; it’s getting hard to breathe. Then I am pushed from behind. I fall to the ground, and then I feel this pain in my shoulder blades, like someone is taking a knife and slicing my skin. I scream out in pain.

“PLEASE stop
; it hurts.” Then I am tossed over onto my back and I stare at my real mother, Amelia, and some old guy.

, did you see any wings? Tell me now, or so help me I will end your life.”

, I don’t see any signs of wings sprouting from this girl’s back. It seems to me she only has witch blood.”

“Very well,
then move out of my way.” She pushes Abem aside and stands above me. She pulls out a dagger and starts to chant. It is in some other language; which, I do not know. She takes the blade to her lips and kisses it, and then she takes my hand and slices it open.

She start
s laughing. “Now that this athame has only had your blood on it, you are the only one that can be killed by it.”

“Killing me will only make you a horrible mother
,” I say to her, not sure of why I choose to egg her on. “Oh wait, you already are.” As the athame starts for my heart, I close my eyes and hope my powers can save me.

o! You were not supposed to have powers in your dream! Abem! You have lied to me!” I slowly open my eyes and see the purple force field glowing strong around me. I try to sit up, but the pain in my back is too excruciating. I feel the wetness of blood flowing out of the cuts. I try once more to stand, and I see Amelia standing there with anger in her eyes.

“You will never get away with this; I
kill you.”

I w
ake up to my own screaming. My back is burning so bad. I notice it is wet, so I switch on the lamp and look at the sheets. They are covered in blood. I get up and walk to the full length mirror. I take off my shirt and look at my back. I put my hand over my mouth at the horror I am seeing. There are two gashes on my back where my shoulder blades are. I start to sob.

I have no idea how long I sob, or when I f
all asleep again, but when I wake up again and look at the alarm clock it reads 6:42am.
, I think. I need to get up and get ready for school. I grab my suitcase and take out a pair of black jeans and a black sweater. My back is in so much pain that I have to go bra-less today. I pull my long hair into a ponytail, slip on my flats, and head to the bathroom. After I get done with the bathroom, I head for the kitchen where Kaleigh is making coffee.

“Good morning,
” I say as I enter the room hesitantly. She doesn’t look up at me, and I sigh. “I am so sorry that Cameron brought me here last night.”

,” she begins, “after school we need to talk. I don’t think you being here will work out.”

am shocked and want to cry, but I try not to let it show on my face. “Okay; I will get my things and be on my way, and you will never hear from me again.”

Without waiting for her to say anything else,
I walk out of the kitchen to grab my things. I have no idea where I will go. I could go live in the shed at my old house, but the man I had considered my father for years would probably kill me if he ever discovers me there. As I am collecting my things, I remember there is an abandoned cabin behind my house. It’s a few miles back in the woods, but that’s my only hope.

I walk out the door and head to the cabin. It
is really chilly outside; I can see my own breath in the air. I finally make it to the beautiful cabin. I found this place when I was 12 after my fake father started to beat me, and it had filled me with such a sense of peace that I had always considered it my safe place. I walk to the door and pray that it is not locked. I turn the knob and finally something goes my way. I step in and the floor creaks a little. I put down my suitcase and walk around. It is an old place. It has one bedroom that has an old bed, and one bathroom with a huge bathtub. No shower, though. But I can make do with the tub. The kitchen is old; the tiles are broken, just like me. I walk back to the living room and sit on the couch, and dust flies up around me.

, a place I can be me and feel wanted.” I snicker into the quiet. “It figures that it happens when I am alone.”

I decide I better he
ad to school before I get in trouble. I grab my backpack and head to school. Wow, I can’t believe how cold it is outside. When I walk up the steps to my school and walk in I can’t believe my eyes. There is Cameron, hugging Kelsey from behind.

“Hey dork?” Kelsey sa
ys in my direction. “Looks like my
, Cam, here has realized how much of a freak you really are.” Everyone starts to laugh; even Cameron.

Why don’t you just go back to where you came from? After all, no one wants you here. Why don’t you take Amelia’s advice?” Cameron says with a smile on his face. Why is he being so cruel? I walk past him to get to my locker.

“I say we should wear purple to the homecoming dance
, Baby. I can’t wait to get you to my parents’ beach house next Saturday,” I hear Kelsey tell Cameron.

“Come on
, Baby; let’s get to class,” Cameron responds. Kelsey flips her hair over her shoulder as she tucks herself into Cameron’s side. “Bye, Loser,” he whispers to me as he walks by.

I c
an’t believe what just happened. I decide to just go to all of my classes and listen to how the perfect couple will win homecoming king and queen. My heart is completely broken. I thought Cam and I had a connection. But I see I was so wrong.

At the end of the day things
take a turn for the worst. I am shoved against the locker, and then Cameron turns me to face him. No one is around to see this.

“It’s all your fault my parents are dead. I really hope Amelia gets what she wants. Don’t come around me or my sister
. Do you hear me?”

With that
, he walks out of the school, and I just stand there confused. He is probably the reason I am not allowed back into their house. I wait a few minutes and then run from the school toward the cabin that I have made as my new home. When I reach it, I walk in, drop my bag on the floor, and then just cry.
Maybe I will just end my life, since I’m not welcomed anywhere, anyway.


Chapter Eleven


              A week has passed since Kaleigh and I kicked Cordelia out of our house. I’m so mad at myself for doing that. It’s not really her fault that my parents were murdered while protecting her. After thinking about Amelia trying to kill her in the woods that day and her talking about Abem, I’ve really started to second guess the way I treated her when I had found out the truth. What does the most powerful Old One have to do with all this? He is the one that sent us here to protect her. It’s all very confusing. I haven’t seen her at school in the last two days and that has gotten me worried. When I do see her, she looks so sad. She did the assignment all on her own, likely in order to avoid me. If something has happened to her I don’t know what I would do. All I really want to do is find her and hold her and never let her go.

“Hey, little bro, what’s got you staring into space? Kelsey? You know I hate her. She is very annoying and, to be honest, a real bitch.” Kaleigh walks into the kitchen and grabs a cup of coffee.

“Actually, I’m not thinking of her. She’s very demanding and not very friendly. I was thinking of how Abem and Amelia have a connection. I wonder if they are working together to harm Cordelia.”

“Yeah; I’ve been thinking about that a lot. It’s all strange. He’s not supposed to take sides, but after you told me about that night my mind has been in overdrive. Something has me so curious, though. They knew I had known why our parents had died, but yet they still send me here to watch over her.”

“Kaleigh, I really hate myself right now.”

“Why, Cam?”

“Because these people I am hanging with are so horrible. I haven’t seen Cordelia the past two days. Last time I saw her was Wednesday; that was when Paul tripped her in front of everyone. I can sense that she is still alive. But still.”

Kaleigh cuts me off. “You care for her.” I nod, and Kaleigh sighs. “Go to her,” she tells me as she puts her hand on my shoulder. “Make this all right with her. She is innocent in all of this. She had no idea what was happening. She was sent to live with an abusive old drunk that got stripped of his wings.”

“But The Old Ones; they will kill me.”

“I don’t trust those old hags anymore. I think they had something to do with all this. I think they want to kill her, because she is a half-breed. We can’t let Amelia win. Now go.”

I get up and hug my sister. “I love you, and I will after school. I hope she is there today.” I grab my bag and head for school. As soon I walk in Kelsey is there, smiling and giggling.

“Hey Cam, are you ready for tonight?”

I sigh, because I know what I am about to say to her won’t go over well. “Listen Kelsey, you drive me nuts. Therefore, I will not be going with you tonight.” Out of the corner of my eye I see Cordelia. She is so beautiful; I want to go to her and hug her and tell her I am so sorry for being a douche bag.

“Oh, is this because of that loser? You know what Cameron? Go ahead and be with her.” With that, she storms off.

Paul slaps my shoulder. “Wow, Bro, can’t believe you humiliated the most popular girl at school.”              “She is way too high maintenance. I can’t keep up with her needs.”

“So, what about this Cordelia chick? Do you have a thing for her?”

“Nah; like everyone says, she’s a loser with no friends.” Paul gives me a high five, and then I make an eye contact with Cordelia. Crap, she heard me. The sadness in her eyes makes me want to punch myself in the face. How can I stand here and watch the one I love get hurt? What kind of person does that make me? I feel like an arrogant asshole right now.



Wow that sting,
I think when I hear Cameron talk about me that way. I can’t believe he hates me that much. I should just leave school right now, but I already missed a week. Oh well, no one will notice that I’m even gone. I start for the door when Kelsey grabs my arm.

“Listen here, Cam and I were happy until you did whatever you did to make him break it off. Why don’t you do yourself a favor and vanish? Can’t you see no one wants you around?” I don’t know how, but before she can say more, I hear her scream and fall to the ground, holding her hand.

“You are a freak! You just electrocuted me. HELP! HELP ME!” She starts to scream, and people start to surround Kelsey and me.

“Cordelia just attacked me. OH MY GOD; my hand, it burns!”

I look at it, and see that it is blistering up and blood is pouring out. What have I done?  I look up and see that Cameron is standing there with his mouth wide open. “It it was an accident!” I scream, tears falling down my cheeks. “I’m so sorry.” I start to run away, but I am suddenly cornered and people are yelling things at me.


“Cordelia is a Freak

“Calm down everyone,” I hear Mrs. Morrison, the gym teacher, announce over the crowd. “Cordelia, please come with me.” 

I start to walk with her to her office. When we g
et there, I break down and cry. “Mrs. Morrison, I don’t know what happened. Am I in trouble?”

“Cordelia Rose Cassen, please calm down.”

I look up at her in shock. “What did you say? How… how do you know?”

“Well, I know your father, Cordelia. He came to me a couple of years ago and asked me to watch over you. That’s why I make sure you eat. I know all about your mother, Amelia, also. Royal bitch, I tell you.”

“So, you know that I am a witch, or whatever I am?”

“Yes, it looks like you have the power to electrocute a person when you feel like you are in danger. Have you noticed any other powers?”

“Well, I get this force field also. I’ve used it against my mother.”

She cuts me off with a look of worry on her face. “You have seen your mother, Cordelia? When did this happen?”

“She comes into my dreams, and she attacked me in the woods the other night. She is so evil.”

“Yes, she is. Listen to me; don’t let her words get to you. She is only after you for your powers. The Old Ones believe you are the most powerful creature of them all. She sees you as a threat. Now listen; I want you to go home for the rest of the day. Do your make-up work, and I will tell all your teachers you are having personal problems. Now, go get all your books and go home.” I start to stand, but she stops me and pulls something from one of the drawers in her desk. “Also, here.” She hands me a one-hundred dollar bill. “Please, on the way home go get some food. You are like skin and bones.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to take your money.”

“Yes, Hun, I’m sure.”

I nod and once again start for the door. But, once again I stop. “Wait, have you seen my father since that day he came to you?”

“No, he’s on the run. Your mother wants his head. Now go.”

nod and head toward my locker. I open it and a dead rat falls out. I jump back. Why would someone put that in my locker? It was probably one of Kelsey’s loyal groupies. I grab my things out of the locker and walk out of the school without anyone seeing me.

I head to the local market; it’s small, but it has all the necessities. When I walk in, an older lady stops me.

“Dear, I’m sorry for your loss. Your mother was a special lady.”

“Thanks.” I walk away from the lady, thinking I totally forgot about my fake mother. That makes me feel horrible. Amelia killed her because of me. I really don’t know why I’m still here. I have no purpose in life. Sighing, I walk around and gather the things I need. I grab shampoo, toothpaste, bread, peanut butter, snacks, and some soda pop. I take my purchases to the counter and wait for the cashier to ring me out. I swear all the employees are whispering about me as I wait.

When I walk out of the store, there is a mob of people yelling and screaming at me.

“We know what you did to Kelsey Freemore. You are an abomination!”

“Leave our town now!” one screams at me. Tears fill my eyes.

“Yes, Mother, that’s the freak who attacked me.” I look over to the voice to see it is Kelsey, standing with a tall lady with short blond hair. It is obvious that she is her mother; even if she hadn’t said it, I would have easily guessed..

She grab
s my arm, and yells in my face. “You bitch! You hurt my sweet girl! You will pay for that!”

She let
s go of me, and I hit the payment hard. My bum will be bruised now. Then, all of a sudden, I am getting attacked by tomatoes. I get up and run as fast as I can. My legs hurt so badly, but I am not going to stop until I get to the cabin. When I get there, my bag rips and all of my groceries fall to the ground. I sit there on the doorstep and cry my eyes out, and then I know what I have to do to end this pain and darkness that consumes my life.


BOOK: Broken (Broken Wings)
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