Blue Moon II ~ This is Reality (8 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon II ~ This is Reality
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“They’re not field operatives, Shot. What the fuck is going on?” Call turned on him, demanding answers.

Shot was getting more and more upset. “It’s a fucking cup of coffee. How hard is it to ask a woman for a drink, huh? The fucking records guy can do that. He’s handsome. Let him do it. Or fuck it, I’ll do it.”

Call stepped closer to him. “If you’re not going to give me a straight answer then stop talking. You’re going to be on point where you supposed to fuckin’ be and Fox is going to intercept. Done.”

Shot turned and saw Shade coming in with Lucky and Viper.

“Ohh sexy, man.” Shade wolf whistled.

Shot rolled his eyes. That was it. He was going to put his hair back in a braid. He hit Shade in his shoulder on his way past him. “You guys don’t even know what to do with a fucking night off,” he murmured as he took the stairs two at a time and closed himself in one of the rooms upstairs.

Chapter Seven



Pierce lay stretched across his bed as he went over the mission repeatedly in his head. They’d had their strategy meeting at 0700 this morning. Everyone went about their duties to prepare for tomorrow. Fox was back but he was steering clear of Shot, which was completely fucked to say the least. Pierce needed them to be in sync. That’s when they were their most effective. Whatever beef they had, they needed to grill it up and eat it. This was the first phase of their last mission, and then Pierce could retire and go home. Hell, maybe he’d meet a nice guy. A peaceful, calm man. Pierce was done with chaos.

His thoughts went quickly to Hawk. He hadn’t said anything to Pierce since their little argument. Well, since Pierce told him to ‘forget about there ever being a
. Pierce closed his eyes and sighed. If only he could trust Hawk. The man was sinfully handsome. Shoulder-length dirty blond hair. Deep, sensual voice. Mysterious eyes. Big and powerful, just the way Pierce wanted his man to be… but also gentle when need be. Hawk had only exhibited an ounce of gentility once, when he came to Pierce’s rescue from Call. But, after the last few days, Pierce was leary of all the Beastmasters. Efficient killers. That’s all they were. He needed to treat them as such.

The hard knock on his door made him shoot straight up in his bed. He had a feeling it wasn’t one of his guys. The way his heart fluttered and his pulse quickened, he kind of hoped it was someone else. He tried to exert a little bass into his voice, “Who is it?”

“You already know the answer to that question,” the deep voice purred.

. “Umm. Hawk, I’m kind of busy,” Pierce lied.

“Stop lying and open the door. I have something to say to you… Backhander.”

Since Hawk used Pierce’s handle, he assumed this was business related. He got up and ran his hands through his tousled hair and straightened his clothes. He took a calming breath and swung the door open.

“No need to get dolled-up. You’ll always look beautiful to me.” Hawk smiled at him and Pierce had to turn his head to hide his blush. “You should know by now you can’t hide from me.”

Pierce was safely on the other side of the room when he heard the door close behind Hawk. Pierce cleared his throat. “You said this was important.”

“No. I said I needed to talk to you. I didn’t mention importance. Although it is… to me anyway.”

Hawk was standing in front of the bed looking intently at him. He looked like he was trying to give Pierce a little more space, and it shocked him. Usually, Hawk would come in and slam him up against the wall, but there was a timidness to his presence tonight. Hawk had on a plain wife-beater and a pair of black fatigues. Damnit. He looked sexy. All those abs outlined in the thin material and tattooed arms, taunting Pierce’s tongue. Pierce looked up and back down quickly. He tried to avoid looking directly into Hawk’s eyes. He turned and busied himself with some of his gadgets on the small dresser in the corner. Something was different with Hawk. He was so quiet and distant. 

“Seems like you had a good time the other night.”
What the hell?
Pierce mentally kicked his own ass for mentioning that. Why the hell would he care how long Hawk stayed out or if he came back smelling like another man’s cologne?

“What makes you say that?” Hawk was a little closer.

. Pierce was not turning around. Hawk could forget about trapping Pierce in his ocular mind fuck. “Nothing, forget I said anything.”



Pierce had his back to him, mindlessly straightening-up the contents of his dresser like it was the utmost important thing to do at that moment. Hawk knew he had a dramatic effect on Pierce. His eyes could be a little off-putting to some, but Pierce knew Hawk was just a man. He wasn’t a supernatural being and he despised being treated differently. That’s why he stayed confined to either his house or around his team. If he went out, his eyes were usually the center of attention, and not always good attention. Hawk wouldn’t trade his sight for anything, but he didn’t want to use it for the military or the government anymore. He just wanted peace and quiet in his life and he was determined to have it. After this was all over and the mission was a success, he’d go home and do his woodworking. It centered him. Even though Hawk had enough money to buy an island – savings from decades of deployed missions pay with nothing to spend it on – he might consider selling some of his pieces online. Set up a little internet business, something where he didn’t have to see or meet people.

He had no clue what part the blond beauty in front of him played… but it was something. Hawk knew they’d be together, because he’d seen it. Regardless that Pierce wasn’t claiming his sexual orientation; he’d seen the man’s arousal. He could feel Pierce’s longing for closeness. He’d seen a vision of Pierce looking at him with love in his eyes. Hawk was holding him in his arms. Pierce was relaxed and happy. But, fuck. Hawk didn’t know when or where they were when this happens. His visions weren’t always clear. They didn’t come with a date stamp. He had no way of knowing when something would come to be. Most times it was something happening at that moment. But Hawk could safely say that what he saw of him and Pierce was not happening right now. Pierce was not in love with him. Quite the contrary. He was fighting his attraction to him tooth and nail.

Hawk usually took an aggressive and dominant approach with Pierce. Using his brawn to pin the small man under him, keeping him immobile and helpless. But after his conversation with his almost-hook-up, he was going with a different tactic.

Hawk stepped in close to Pierce but was very careful not to touch him. He could smell Pierce’s clean scent, could feel his heat. Hawk’s body was responding. His hands burned to reach out and grip Pierce’s narrow waist and pull him flush against him. He fought it. Closed his eyes and breathed deep. Quick flashes came across his closed lids like panoramic pictures, blending into one image. Pierce’s face, smiling up at him. His hand reaching up slowly and tenderly tucking a loose strand of Hawk’s hair behind his ear. He welcomed the visualization. Tried to decipher when and where, but just as fast as the images came… they were gone. He shoulders dropped and he slowly opened his eyes to see Pierce staring at him. Not with love, but with concern. Well, that was a start.

“Are you okay?” Pierce said calmly.

“Yes, I am. Or I will be.” Hawk looked down at Pierce and let the man see him. Really see him. See his sincerity. See his honesty. See his love.

Pierce opened his mouth to say something and then closed it. Hawk waited, looking at that pretty mouth. Mesmerized. Plump light pink lips that he could probably kiss all night long if he ever got the chance. An image of him leaning in and tasting Pierce flashed fast in front of him and it made him suck in a sharp breath.

“Hawk. Are you seeing something right now? Looking at me,” Pierce whispered.

Hawk just nodded his head, 'yes'. His visions were really doing a number on him. He had no idea if he was supposed to try to kiss Pierce right now or if that was a premonition of something that would happen later.

“Of what?” Pierce was so close his breath was ghosting over his chin. “Do you see something bad?”

Pierce had never asked him about his visions before. He’d actually doubted them for a while. Now he sounded so concerned, it was warming Hawk’s spirit… calming him.

“Hawk. What do you see, looking at me?”

“I see this.” Hawk carefully palmed Pierce’s cheek and tilted his head up higher. Their significant height difference still required Hawk to have to lean down to meet Pierce’s mouth. He paused right before he pressed their lips together, just in case Pierce wanted to stop him. Pierce was blowing shallow panting breaths into his mouth. His eyes were hooded. No resistance. Hawk stepped in closer at the same time he slanted his mouth over Pierce’s for the first time.

Oh God, those lips were just as sweet and soft as he’d imagined. Hawk stooped down and wrapped his arms around Pierce’s waist pulling him in close but not being too forceful. Hawk rubbed slow, gentle circles on Pierce’s back, trying to show him he wasn’t going to overpower him. He could tell Pierce was a little stunned but Hawk felt him relax against him.
Oh my god. You feel perfect in my arms, baby.
Hawk felt Pierce rise up on his toes and wrap his arms around Hawk’s neck. Hawk’s tongue shyly played against the seam of Pierce’s mouth before he finally parted his lips enough for Hawk to slide in. Pierce moaned so softly into his mouth Hawk had to fight the urge to throw Pierce down on the bed and have his way with him. He didn’t want to, but he pulled back from the kiss and Pierce followed his mouth. Hawk smiled at Pierce’s eagerness. Finally. He wasn’t going to let Pierce retreat now. Hawk gave him a couple more tender kisses and stroked his soft blond hair.

“You taste as good as I thought you would,” Hawk gasped, trying to slow his breathing. He’d wanted Pierce from the moment he first saw him, over a year ago. But every one of his advances had been rebuffed with distaste. Hawk had almost been at the point of giving up.

Pierce finally looked up at him. “Feels,” he sighed. “I just… I don’t know what to…”

“Shhh. Tell me what you want. Anything.” Hawk pulled Pierce in tighter, whispering in his ear. He could feel Pierce’s hard cock pressing into his thigh. He moved his leg in between Pierce's and the soft grunt Pierce released told Hawk what he already knew. He pressed his lips against the side of Pierce’s mouth and said, “You wanna’ come, baby?”

Pierce’s eyes were wide, the bright blue irises barely visible. Hawk watched the pupils dilate due to Pierce’s arousal before his long lashes lowered over them.
. “Tell me.”

Pierce didn’t respond. His hands lowered to Hawk’s chest as he stared straight ahead.

“I don’t want to rush you Pierce. I don’t want you to be afraid of me. I would never, ever hurt you.” Hawk stroked Pierce’s cheek as he backed him up to the bed. His voice was deep and sensual, unlike his usual growling timbre, and Pierce was responding beautifully. “I
… no I
you to be with me because you also need to.”

“Dane,” Pierce moaned just as the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed.

Hawk kept talking, “I’d make you happy every day if you were mine.” He cradled Pierce’s head and laid him down on the small bed. He very slowly climbed over top of him, never breaking eye contact. He dragged one finger down that smooth face to Pierce’s throat, leaning in and sucking the smooth ivory skin just above his collar. Pierce jolted, threw his arms around his back and pulled Hawk down onto him, and Hawk gave him all of his weight.

Damn. This was like nothing Hawk could’ve seen or imagined. Pierce’s body beneath him, completely compliant and willing was Hawk’s vision-come-true. “Am I too heavy?” Hawk said, just barely thrusting his solid cock into Pierce to see his reaction, which was absolutely fucking delicious. Pierce spread his legs wider and let Hawk sink into his heat.

“No. You’re perfect,” Pierce whispered. He dug his hands into Hawk’s hair and turned his mouth back to his. He kissed Hawk with more courage while Hawk rocked them with a slow rhythm. He wouldn’t scare the sensitive man by getting too nasty… not yet. Pierce moaned again and thrust up to meet him. “Mmmm. It feels good, Dane.”

BOOK: Blue Moon II ~ This is Reality
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