Blue Moon II ~ This is Reality (6 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon II ~ This is Reality
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“Taste better that way.” Fox’s head was ducked low, speaking the words against the side of Shot’s face.

“No it doesn’t.”

Fox wound his fingers through Shot’s thick, waist-length hair. It was their family’s tradition. They didn’t cut it, weren’t allowed to. It was a part of his Native American culture. His son Angel’s hair was jet black and just as long. Unfortunately, Shot’s hair was now mixed with several strands of gray, but Fox loved it all the more. “Your hair is so soft, always smells so good.”

Shot chuckled softly. “Let’s eat, before the food gets cold.”

“What makes you think I bought some for you?” Fox backed up, giving him that half grin that always told Shot he was joking.

“Better have, or else I don’t think I’ll have enough energy to do anything else later.” Shot quirked one eyebrow.

Fox hurriedly picked up the bags and led them into the spacious kitchen. It was spotless, with stainless steel appliances, and the counters had several rarely used amenities. Including the state-of-the-art juicer that Shot liked to joke with Fox about not even knowing how to use.

“I need a stiff one,” Fox huffed, settling himself on one of the stools by the kitchen island. He looked up and noticed Fox staring comically at him. “A stiff drink,” he amended.

“Oh. I was just making sure to give you what you asked for.” Fox put his badge and firearm on the breakfast bar and went to the liquor shelf. He pulled down the bottle of Paul Giraud Cognac along with two snifters.

“Nice. I get the good stuff tonight.” Shot could already taste the smooth liquor sliding down his throat.

“I only got good stuff.” Fox strutted to the island and set the two glasses on the marble-top and poured them both two fingers. They lifted their glasses to their mouths, sipping slowly, almost in perfect sync, both of them looking over the rim at each other. Shot couldn’t deny that they were well-matched. He needed this time alone with Fox. It’d been almost two weeks since they’d had a night off, but since their two leaders had that huge blowup today, Shade and Fox felt it was time for everyone to step back and get some air. Now Shot was looking forward to some much needed release.

Fox came around to stand in front of Shot. He opened his legs wide and let Fox step in close to him. Fox set his glass down and drove both hands deep into Shot’s hair and massaged his scalp.

“Oh god that feels good,” Shot breathed.

“Did you get everything settled with Pierce and Call?” Fox asked, still rubbing.

“Yeah.” Shot sighed. “It wasn’t pretty. Hawk came to Pierce’s defense.”

“Oh man. That had to have been bad.”

“Yeah. Especially since Call was choking Pierce when Hawk came in.”

Fox paused his massaging. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“I wish.” Shot picked up his glass and downed the rest of it.

Fox promptly refilled it. “I’m sorry I had to leave. I needed to go in to the office.”

“I know you did. It would’ve happened whether you were there or not. It’s a glitch, but it’s not the first, nor will it be the last. I’ll tell you more while we eat. I’m hungry, and I’d like to watch a football game for a change. Then, I’ll do anything you ask of me.” Shot may have been bone-tired, but he was used to that… they all were. Sleep was rare and typically avoided because sleep brought nightmares. He’d rather spend those overnight hours in sexual bliss.

Fox smiled. “I think I can handle that. You are so easy to please. Go sit in the den, it’s late but we might can catch the second half of the last game. I’ll bring the food in.”

Shot gladly complied. He went through the house, passing the large living room and formal dining room that only had a table with a laptop on it and a shit-load of case files scattered across it. He turned the corner, going into their favorite room. It had a warm feel. Hardwood floors with a plush area rug that took up most of the space. Everything was decorated in dark browns and tans. The plush micro suede sectional wrapped along the wall. There were realistic looking ficus trees in the corners and some fake ferns on the mantle of the brick fireplace. The seventy-inch television sat inside a whole-wall entertainment center on the other side of the room. Shot quickly kicked his shoes off, tucking them neatly under the table while aiming the remote at the television. He muted the halftime show and turned on some smooth jazz on the sound system.

By the time Fox came in with two full re-heated plates of spaghetti and chicken parmesan, Shot had dozed off.

“Hey,” Fox whispered in his ear, making him jump hard. “It’s alright, just me. Relax.”

“I told you, don’t do that.” Shot sat up and started digging in to his food. He could feel Fox’s eyes on him. He hated to admit it but he was embarrassed by his action.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”

Shot huffed. He’d lost his appetite that fast. Now, his lover was rigid beside him, like Shot was going to flip out any minute. This is why he didn’t spend the night with others.

“You not going to eat?”

Shot had put his plate down and sat back on the couch. Fox looked back at him. “I said I’m sorry.”

“Are we gonna fuck or what? I can eat later.”

Fox’s head snapped back at Shot’s harsh tone. He watched his lover slowly wipe his mouth with his napkin before tossing it into his own plate. He ran his hand through his dark wavy hair before turning his brown eyes onto him. “So you wanna fuck? Now.”

Shot didn’t answer, just returned the glare.

“Thought maybe you showed up here because you wanted to have an evening. Watch some television. Hell, maybe a movie. Have a couple of drinks. Talk. You know, have a normal night for a change, without a bunch of commotion and shit going on right outside the door while we make love.”

Make love
. That’s what he believed they did. The fifteen minute, hardcore fuck sessions they had in one of the makeshift rooms upstairs in their headquarters could hardly be considered lovemaking. And didn’t you have to be
love to do that?

It was like Fox could read exactly what had just gone through Shot’s mind. He quickly turned his attention back to the television, but not before he saw the flash of hurt in Fox’s eyes. This is exactly what Shot was talking about… his baggage. He couldn’t do a relationship. He just wasn’t built that way. He’d never had one and he didn’t want one now that he was almost fifty.

“Okay, fine.” Fox stood up fast and angrily started to unbutton his slacks. “You want to at least go upstairs to the bed or do you want me to throw you down right here on the cold floor? Or I can just bend you over the back of the couch and pull your pants down to your knees, we don’t even have to get naked, do we? It’s not like we’re making love or no shit like that.”

Shot finally stood. He was frustrated and tired but he didn’t mean to turn the night into this. “Jason, I wasn’t saying –”

“Shut-up.” Fox cut him off, walking past him and knocking Shot in the shoulder. “Let’s just do it. I’m sure you don’t have a lot of time to waste here with me.”

Shot turned the corner and saw Fox was already halfway up the stairs, taking the steps two at a time.
. He doubted he could fix this. He did care about Special Agent Jason Fox, but most of that was respect. He wouldn’t lead the man on. Just because they fucked sometimes to unleash some tension and worked well together, that didn’t mean that they were in a relationship.

Shot had a heavy feeling in his chest as he walked up the stairs. He moved past the couple of other rooms and stood at the door to Fox’s bedroom. His clothes were on the floor where he’d stepped out of them. There was one condom on the bed and a bottle of lube. He could hear Fox in the bathroom brushing his teeth. The water cut off and a few seconds later Fox appeared in the door wearing only his tight black briefs. Shot couldn’t help but stare. Jason Fox had the body of a model, regardless of his age. Years as a field law enforcement officer required him to stay in his best shape. His legs were long and toned. The way his cock pressed against the thin material of his briefs made Shot’s mouth water. His eyes traveled up those lean hips and over the six-pack abs that were deliciously covered in black silky hair. Hair that spanned out across Fox’s broad chest. But when Shot’s lust filled eyes landed on that gorgeous face, his breath hitched. Fox’s eyes were void of emotion. 

Fox wore a mask. His face completely unreadable… or that's the way he tried to appear. But Shot could see the man didn’t like what he was doing. Downplaying their importance. Like what they had was nothing. The long, confidential talks about their lives on rooftops when they were on missions… was nothing. The smiles and looks they gave each other when they thought no one was looking. Nothing. Or the light touches under the conference tables when they were in meetings. The way Fox had his back, no matter what. How Fox could calm Shot down with a simple touch… meant shit.

Ever since Fox had dropped everything to help Shot get his son back when he’d been kidnapped a year ago, before Fox even really knew Shot and his team, the man had been loyal and dedicated to the Beastmasters. Practically working two jobs, because he still had his regular duties with the FBI. Now Shot was standing there telling him all of that meant absolutely nothing. Damn, did Shot have a heart? He was beginning to wonder. Had he seen so much strife, war, and death, that now he couldn’t recognize love. 

“Don’t fuckin’ look at me like that. Get ready,” Fox ordered.

Shot slowly began to take his clothes off. He looked Fox in his eyes, speaking softly. “Look at you like what?”

Fox closed the distance between them and yanked Shot’s t-shirt the rest of the way off before practically snarling in his face. “Like you give a damn.” He spun Shot around and put his palm in between his shoulder blades, pressing him down.

Shot braced his hands on the blue and gold comforter. It was silky and soft, and it smelled like Fox, like his cologne. Now he wanted to be in the bed with the man. Under the covers, warm and tangled together. But he’d blown it.

He felt his boxers being yanked down then Fox’s rough hands were squeezing his ass with little to no finesse. He didn’t lay soft kisses along his spine, or rub some of the stress of the day from Shot’s neck. Most of all, Fox didn’t touch Shot’s hair. Fox didn’t do anything he usually did. Shot had told him it didn’t mean anything.

Fox leaned over Shot’s back and grabbed the condom. He snapped it on so hard, it had to have hurt. When he leaned back down to get the lube, Shot turned his head to kiss Fox but the man turned his head away. Shot couldn’t deny that that right there: hurt like a sonofabitch. Fox squirted the lube directly on Shot’s hole, roughly massaging the cold sticky substance into his sensitive area. Shot tensed when he felt a thick thumb pressing aggressively at his opening before eventually pushing inside of him. Shot hissed at the burn, but quickly welcomed it. He needed Fox. Needed his lover. But this was so damn different. Shot didn’t know how this was going to feel. Good, bad, raw, hurtful, strange. It felt a little of all of them.

There was little preparation before Shot felt Fox’s large cockhead pressing at his hole. Damn, he ached for this man. Fox always gave Shot that good release, the type of orgasm that took you out of your head, away from the insanity and into a space that only consisted of pleasure and happiness. Even if it was only for a few minutes. He kept those minutes of contentment deep down within him when he had to get back to the grind of being a SEAL. He could revisit those minutes when the stress was too much, or when he was left alone with nothing but his thoughts. Shot shivered when he imagined not having that anymore.

Then the bite of pain hit him fast. Fox had breached him, grunting with the force of pushing past that first ring of muscle. “Fuck,” Shot moaned as Fox continued to slide into him, not stopping until his pelvis was pressing hard against his ass. He stilled in that position.

Shot heard Fox gasp and choke at the feeling of being back inside of him. Fox leaned forward. His chest heaving against his back, hot breath gusting into his hair. He felt one of Fox’s hands weave deep into his hair and a moan escaped Shot at the welcome gesture. But, the sated sound must’ve made Fox remember that he wasn’t making love… this was fuckin’. He quickly removed his hand from Shot’s hair and stood up straight, taking all that delicious body heat with him, and Shot had to resist the urge to complain. This is what he’d asked for. Wasn’t it?

Fox fucked him hard. Pounding him into the mattress, just like Shot had asked for. Shot squeezed his eyes shut and locked his jaw. He wouldn’t cry out in ecstasy and he wouldn’t shout Fox’s name when he came. But, damnit he wanted to.

Fox gripped Shot’s hips and yanked him back into him, grunting angrily with each thrust of his hips. “This is all you need,” he panted between thrust.

“Jason –” was all Shot managed to get out. His hands were griping the comforter, his face buried in the plush fabric to mute his own sounds of desire.

“Just need me to get you off. I don't mean a motherfuckin’ thing to you, Isadore. I never will.” Fox’s voice hitched with his last statement. He slammed into him once more and ground against his ass.

Shot wanted to say that maybe Fox was something to him. But he couldn’t right now. He needed some time. He needed to think about this, when his body wasn’t being attacked by bliss and agony so raw that it was strangling him. 

“If this is all you need, then come, goddamnit,” Fox yelled. He reached under Shot and the punishing grip he got on his cock had him spraying the comforter with his release before Fox could get a full pull on him.

Shot moaned deep into the covers. Fox’s name was right there on his tongue, pulsing in his head, in his chest.
Jason, Jason, oh god Jason
. This was what he needed, but he also needed so much more. He just couldn’t figure out what the
was. Considering how smart Shot was, he was completely ignorant of himself.

Shot shook fiercely with the aftershocks of his orgasm. Fuck, that was good. He was almost fully satisfied. There was just one more part that he loved as much as his own orgasm, and that was feeling Jason's. He pushed back, tightening the muscles in his ass, wanting to feel Fox let go, needing to hear him lose himself as he pulsed his release inside of him. But what Fox did next shocked the hell out of him. Fox pulled out of him slowly and yanked the condom off. He staggered back and placed one hand on the wall like he was trying to gather himself.

BOOK: Blue Moon II ~ This is Reality
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