Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Mackenzie McKade

Blue Moon (9 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon
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“Fuck.” Kyle stumbled, nearly falling over a branch on the ground as he stepped backward to admire her. Soft, pink flesh, bare and vulnerable, drew him forward again. His cock was thick and hard, engorged from the scent of Sam’s arousal. He ran a finger along her swollen slit and she flinched.

His woman was sensitive and wet. Kyle plunged a finger inside her.

“Kyle?” The peevish sound that followed stretched into a sultry whine. She tightened her inner muscles as her juices gleamed beneath the moonlit night.

went his heart.

Holy shit
. She made him burn to be deep inside her.

Hands shaking, he quickly unfastened his belt. “Tell me what you want, baby.”
Tell me that you want me more than anything in this world. That you’ll never leave

“Fuck me,” she moaned. “Now.”

Kyle almost swallowed his tongue. That wasn’t exactly what he was expecting, but it would do.

Sam had never used
while making love. There was something raw and primitive about the way it rolled off her tongue that revved up his desire, sending blood slamming into his balls. He couldn’t undo his button or zipper fast enough, shoving his pants down around his knees and moving up behind her. Her ass was cool against his hips. His erection slid against her moist slit.

“We don’t have time for slow and easy,” he warned. Not only did they need to get back to the party, but he wouldn’t last long. Already sparks of need shot down his shaft. His testicles high, pressed against the base of his shaft, pulsed.

Her nostrils flared. “I don’t want slow and easy.”

That’s my girl.

With one hand he guided his cock to her entrance, the other he placed on her hip. “Damn, baby, do you know what you do to me?”

The low rumble she released was the most provocative thing he had ever heard. “Shut up,” she breathed. “Fuck me.”

Kyle didn’t wait for another invitation. His hips burst forward, burying him deep inside her warm, damp haven. Like a velvet fist, taut and greedy, she held him.

Trembling, he clasped her hips with both hands and stared at the place they were joined. Rocking against her, the thickness of his cock disappeared and reappeared, the slurping sound making his heart hammer. With each thrust he was drowning, pure and simple. Hard and fast, he continued to pump into her.

Sam’s head was still angled toward him but her eyes were closed, her lips slightly parted. He slid one hand from her hip so he could palm her breast, her nipple a pinpoint of need against his palm. As his fingers tweaked the little bud, she cried out his name.

Knees shaking, he released the swollen peak to glide his palm down her abdomen, touching the smooth, silky flesh between her thighs. Cupping her pussy, he slid his middle finger along her moist slit until he found her clit. Drawing small circles around the swollen nub, he waited until her breath caught and then he pressed down, moving the digit back and forth to match the rapid rhythm of his hips.

Rearing back against him, she was fire in his arms, meeting each thrust with one of her own. The firm mounds of her ass meeting his hips resounded, but it was her moans, broken cries, that got to him.

Kyle heard the growl that vibrated in his throat, fought to hold on to his control. Then her sex squeezed him, began to milk him with a suction that made him go rigid. The battle was lost. His climax raced down his shaft so violently it felt as if it tore him apart.


Kyle cried out. The husky sound caused Sam to tremble. Her hands were clenched on the tree, bark splintering beneath her grasp. She could barely breathe for the physical demands of her body. Incredible sexual hunger rose from a dark, hidden part of Sam’s soul and screamed. Her vagina flexed and then clenched, over and over. Each contraction roared hotter, more intense, searing her from the inside out. She was a live flame, burning.

Both gasped for air, straining against each other. Sam leaned her head on her arm, unable to move or willingly lose this moment. When Kyle stepped back, slipping from her body, she groaned her displeasure. She wasn’t ready to let reality encroach upon her time with Kyle. It had been too long since she had felt happy, wanted, loved.

A sudden touch between her thighs startled her, pushing a squeal from her lips. Her gaze darted over her shoulder to meet his grin.

“Easy, baby. I’m just cleaning you up.”

“With what? A leaf?”

He chuckled. “My handkerchief.”

A starched hanky, no doubt. But his thoughtfulness thrilled her as he finished his task.

“Inch your feet together.”

When she did as Kyle requested, he eased her thong up her legs. Her gown fell around her in yards of satin. Pushing off from the tree, she stood upright, an ache settling in the small of her back and her knees. She groaned.

Wadding his handkerchief, he crammed it into a pocket. “You okay?”

“Fine.” She ruffled out the folds of her dress and wiggled, pulling the bodice up. “Just not used to that position.”


Sam walked into his open arms, heels sinking into the soil. “Oh hell no.”

His handsome features were bathed in shadows as he lowered his head and pressed his mouth to hers. The tender kiss was honey sweet, stirring her senses. A slow caress across her lips, he nudged them apart, entering. Lips and tongues twisted together. Sam sipped, fed from his passion.

A loud voice speaking over the microphone, announcing that it was time to cut the cake, shattered the amorous caress. He groaned as they broke apart.

Kyle pressed his forehead to hers. “I guess we better go back.”

From out of nowhere a vein of desperation rose. “Tell me this is real?” Sam couldn’t be dreaming.

Panic rose quickly, leaving her lightheaded. Her fear subsided when warm palms encompassed her face. Feather light, his lips moved over hers once more.

“It’s real, baby. You’re mine and you always will be.” Releasing an exasperated breath, he linked his fingers with hers. “I wish we had more time alone, but we better get back.”

Reluctantly, she allowed him to draw her away from their little love nest to the party that was now in full swing. The backyard swarmed with people dressed to the hilt. Voices rose, a mixture of chatter and laughter. The first one to intercept them as they entered the crowd was her mother.

“Where have you two been?”

Sam opened her mouth to respond, make up a lie, but her mother raised her hand to stop her.

“No.” She looked away, but Sam could see the grin tugging at her mother’s mouth. “I don’t want to know. Come on. It’s time to cut the cake.” Without another word, she scurried away.

Kyle and Sam burst into laughter.

As they made their way along with the others, Brad sidled up beside them. “What’s so funny?”

Kyle slung his arm around Sam’s shoulders. “Nothing.”

“Things okay?” he asked hesitantly.

Kyle and Sam shared a knowing glance and then both spoke at once. “Perfect,” they said in unison.

A smile spread across Brad’s face. “Then this is truly a celebration. Let’s find Jennifer.”

After the cake was cut, presents opened and the bouquet thrown, the night seemed to fly. Brad and Kyle lounged near the pool. Cathy and their mother were saying goodbye to a dozen relatives and friends, while Sam helped Jennifer gather keepsakes from the flower arrangements and table giveaways where a disposable camera had been placed at the beginning of the wedding. People were supposed to randomly take pictures of the happy event.

Jennifer picked up one of the cameras and then set it back down. “These should be a blast to look at later.”

“It was a beautiful wedding, Jenny.”

She collapsed into a chair. “It was, wasn’t it?”

Jennifer’s soft sigh touched a spot deep inside Sam. She was happy for her sister.

“So when can we expect your wedding?”

Stopping midway from plucking a rose from a centerpiece, Sam drew her gaze up to meet her sister’s. “I think a wedding is moving too fast, don’t you?”

“Are you kidding? It’s long overdue.”

Sam shrugged, crying out when Kyle caught her around the waist, lifting her so her lips touched his. Slowly she slid down his body until her feet touched the ground.

When Sam tore her gaze off Kyle, she saw Brad standing behind Jennifer, gently massaging her shoulders.

Brad leaned down and kissed Jennifer’s cheek. “Honey, I’m ready to leave.” As she started to rise, he pulled her chair out, assisting her. Then he glanced at Kyle and Sam. “I guess this is goodbye for three weeks.” Brad shook his friend’s hand, and then took his new sister-in-law into an embrace. “Take care, Sammy.” Then he scooped Jennifer into his arms, cradling her against his chest. “How about it, Mrs. Collingsworth, are you ready to start your honeymoon?”

Jennifer’s response was a kiss so intimate it made Sam blush. She turned to Kyle and smiled.

“All right, you two lovebirds.” Their mother’s voice drew the passionate caress to halt. “The limousine is here to whisk you away.” A tear fell from her eye. “My baby is married.”

Hugs and goodbyes followed. When it was finally only Sam and Kyle, he turned to her.

“Do you want a big wedding, the dress and the cake?”

“I think it’s every woman’s dream.”

He frowned at her answer. “So does that mean you won’t run away with me to Las Vegas and marry me?”

Sam’s jaw dropped. When she could finally speak, her voice cracked. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

“Hell, yes, I’m asking you to marry me—tonight. Well, tomorrow morning.”

Sam stood dumbfounded. He was kidding, right?

Kyle glanced at his watch. “It’s midnight. Our flight leaves in two hours. We can be at the Bellagio by three thirty or four. I’ve reserved the chapel for six. That will give you two hours to shop for a wedding dress.”

“A wedding dress?” This couldn’t be happening. Eyes and nose burning with unshed tears caused her to swallow hard.

He nodded and then spread his hands wide. “I’ve already got the tux.”

“But when did you make the flight arrangements, reservations?”

“Right after all those damn pictures your mother forced us to take.”

“Run, Sammy, don’t walk.” Sam spun around to face her mother. Cathy was nowhere about. “Don’t let this opportunity slip by you.” Her mother reached for Sam’s hand and squeezed.

“You knew about this?”

Her mother stepped forward and embraced her. “Yes. In fact, Kyle invited me to go with you.”

“And Jenny? Brad?”

“They’re taking a later flight, but they’ll be there by six.” Kyle reached for her, dragging her body into his arms. “What do you say? Will you make me the happiest man in the world? Become my wife?”

Sam blinked, her heart fluttering.

Kyle held her at arm’s length. “Sam?”

“Yes.” Her answer was a mere whisper. “Yes,” she cried, jumping to lock her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Which was quite a feat with the gown she wore. Kyle’s hand on her ass saved her from falling, as the bodice dipped and she almost bared herself before him and her mother.

He twirled her around, them both laughing, joy filling her to the point she thought she would burst.

“I’ll be back in forty-five minutes. Can you be ready by then?”

“I’m already packed.”

His eyes widened.

“Remember I was leaving for LA tomorrow.”

“Then you can help your mother.” Kyle stole one more kiss before he released her and she slid down his body.

As he walked away, her mother shooed Sam into the house. As she climbed the stairs, she wondered how this night had evolved into the perfect evening.

Chapter Nine


The bells of the chapel rang.

Kyle gazed into Sam’s eyes bright with unshed tears, happy tears. Before God and their family, which included Kyle’s parents and brother, Carl, they had exchanged vows and were now husband and wife.

Brad slapped him on the back, extending his hand to Kyle. “Congratulations, buddy.”

Beside his best man stood Carl with a big ball-and-chain smirk on his face, a face that looked so much like Kyle’s they could have been twins. But the rascal was two years younger and hell-bent on staying single and sowing his oats.

Kyle turned back to Sam hugging Jennifer, her matron of honor, and he couldn’t help thinking how wrong his brother was. There was nothing like waking up each morning to the woman you loved and holding her in your arms as you fell asleep.

The rest of the family joined them at the altar and the large amethyst glass window traced with gold leaf and Italian stained glass behind it. The beautifully designed chapel, with gentle hues of cream, rose, peach, antique green and bride’s blue was an idyllic backdrop for a picture-perfect union.

And pictures were exactly what Mary had in mind.

The woman grabbed the photographer by the hand, leading him forward before beginning to order everyone around like a drill sergeant.

“First the wedding party.” She straightened out Sam’s full, tulle, ball-gown skirt and then focused on the fingertip-length veil with scalloped edges. The exquisite dress made his bride look like a fairy princess—his princess. With a fairytale smile, she completed the image.

White, elbow-length gloves were a stark contrast against his black tux as she leaned into him, whispering, “Have I told you lately that I love you?” Soft and dreamy, her voice was almost a caress that got to him.

Happiness tightened his chest. “No.” He ran his palm over her cool, bare shoulders. Inhaling the sweet summer scent that was uniquely hers, he shifted nearer, head lowering so that their lips were a breath away.

Long lashes swept her cheek. “I love you.”

Those were the sweetest words, he had ever—


The flash of the camera almost blinded them, shattering the precious moment between them.

Hands on hips, Sam turned to level a frown at her mother. “Mom,” she barked.

Mary blew her off with a hand swiping through the air. “Trust me. You’ll thank me in years to come. Now move closer. The rest of you fall in beside them.”

BOOK: Blue Moon
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