Read Blue Moon Online

Authors: Mackenzie McKade

Blue Moon (8 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon
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What exactly was she saying?

“You didn’t sleep with her.” A spark of bitterness followed. “Cathy removed your clothes to make it believable.”

The weight of the world flew from his shoulders. He knew no matter how drunk he was that he would never betray Sam. “Does this mean I’m forgiven? We’re okay?”

“I’m sorry, Kyle.” A sheen of tears glistened as she gazed up at him. “I should have trusted you.”

Pulling her trembling body into his arms, he rested his chin on her head. “No, baby. I don’t blame you for how you reacted.” He only wished Cathy had come clean earlier. Thoughts of strangling the bitch vanished when he heard Sam’s mother.

“Time’s up, you two.”

As Sam attempted to step away from him, he slid a knuckle beneath her chin, raising her gaze to meet his. “Man. I want to ravish you.” He settled for a brief kiss that tightened his gut and left him hungry for more.

“Later.” She walked away, leaving the promise to linger between them.



The rest of the evening was pure hell. After an hour of posing and smiling until Sam’s cheeks ached, everyone settled into their assigned seats for dinner, with the exception of Kyle. He had gone missing after the last snap of the camera. The wedding party sat down at the head table just as the lights blinked on, bathing the area in a twinkling fairytale land of light. It was breathtaking—a moment to savor, only enhanced when the man she loved moved hastily through the crowd, stopping to chat with her mother before he leaned down and whispered something in Brad’s ear. Brad grinned down the table at her. That’s when Sam realized two people separated her from Kyle—the bride and groom. Cathy sat to her left, which made the arrangement even more uncomfortable.

Sam’s only saving grace was that Kyle couldn’t keep his eyes off her. It might have been her imagination, but he regarded her with the same admiration that Brad did Jennifer. It made Sam giddy and warm all over. Thoughts of last night, Kyle’s hands and lips across her body, made her squirm in her chair.

“Excuse me.” A waiter offered her a glass of champagne and she cringed.

“Ohhh… No—” No more alcohol for her.

Jennifer giggled. “Take it, Sam. It’s for the toast.”

The toast? She’d forgotten about the toast. Silly her.

Fingers curling around the cool stem of the flute, she watched the bubbles rise and burst. Who knew that this innocent-looking drink could hold such a punch?

When Kyle got to his feet, tall, dark and handsome, Sam sucked in a taut breath. This man raising his glass in honor of Jennifer and Brad and speaking of love, of new beginnings and futures, loved her.

For a second, a shadow fell across her eyes. Could things be the way they were?

No, Negative Nelly would not take hold of her.

Refusing to let the past rain on her parade, Sam pushed the thought aside. Tonight was for new beginnings not only for the newlyweds, but for her and Kyle. Nothing would stand in their way. Then Cathy spoke and Sam felt her house of cards tumble into a pile.

“Can you forgive me?”

Heart pounding, a bitter response perched on the tip of Sam’s tongue, but then she saw their mother watching them.

“Cathy, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forget the damage you caused, the years you stole from Kyle and me. Mom can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but she would have understood. We all would have understood. But what is more important, we would have stood behind you. I can’t forgive you. Right now I can’t even bear to look at you.”

Ducking her head to hide her emotion, Cathy batted at falling tears. “I’m so sorry.”

“Sammy?” Jennifer squeezed her hand drawing Sam’s attention. “It’s your turn.”


“A toast.”

Keep it short and sweet, that’s what Jennifer had suggested earlier. Scooting out of her chair, Sam stood, taking the microphone Kyle had passed to her sister.

Sam cleared her throat, praying that she could remember her speech. “As Dr. James C. Dobson once said, ‘Don’t marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can’t live without.’ And that’s just what my sister has done.” She swallowed welling tears and struggled for composure to continue. “Brad and Jenny,” she inhaled a deep breath, “separately you are two special and remarkable people, but together you are complete.” Sam started to sit and then paused. “Oh, one word of advice, Brad. Whenever you are wrong, admit it. Whenever you are right, be quiet. And always remember…a happy wife makes for a happy life! So here’s to love, laughter and happily ever after.” Raising her glass to her lips, she sipped.

The crowd roared with laughter and Jennifer hugged her tightly. “Thank you, Sammy.”

Settling back in her chair, she leaned close. “When does your plane leave?”

“Tomorrow at noon.” Jennifer sparkled with excitement. “We’re staying at the Sheraton tonight.” Sighing, she glanced toward Brad. “Isn’t he wonderful?”

“Yes, he is.”

Jennifer stopped ogling her new husband long enough to bring her attention back to Sam. “Things okay between you and Kyle?”

It was Sam’s turn to gaze down the table at the man she loved. “They will be.” As if he knew they were talking about him, he turned and smiled, releasing a thousand fluttering wings inside her stomach.

“I’m thrilled for you. And Cathy?” Cautiously, Jennifer approached the subject. “I saw you talking to her.”

“Honestly, I don’t know if I can ever forgive her.”

“I understand.” Jennifer gave Sam a quick hug. “Thank you for coming home and sharing this day with me.”

Sam was about to say it was her pleasure when the band began to play.

Brad stood, extending his hand to his bride. “May I have this dance, Mrs. Collingsworth?”

Satin and lace belled from the skirt of Jennifer’s wedding dress as he spun her around upon the wooden makeshift floor and they fell into each other’s arms. The look they shared was so private, heat warmed Sam’s cheeks and she focused on the rest of the scenery.

Bewitched by the lights, music and the moment, she startled when a deep, seductive voice whispered, “Miss me?” Her heart did a somersault. Chills raced across her flesh when he brushed a fallen curl aside and caressed her neck with a kiss. “Wildflowers. You always smell so fresh and sweet.”

And he always smelled sexy and male. A scent that made her hormones jump up and take notice. It didn’t help that when he stood upright and she turned to answer his question, his hips were eye-level and she feasted on an intriguing bulge that was developing. Sam thought of reaching for his zipper, slowly dragging it down so that it made a soft hiss. She shuddered at the idea of peeling his tux off one garment at a time until he was naked, standing before her. But that would have to wait.

“Yes. I missed you.” But he would never know just how badly she had missed him.

Kyle held out his hand to her. She placed hers in his, his warmth folding around it. He pulled her near. “I need to hold you. Dance with me.”

Others were joining the bride and groom on the floor, so there was nothing to stop Sam from obliging his whim. In fact, she couldn’t think of anything she wanted more.

When Kyle pressed his palm to the small of her back, she melted against him. Their bodies flush, he took a step and then they waltzed across the floor. Sam needed to pinch herself to prove this was real. Instead, he lowered his head and captured her mouth.

With a feather touch he smoothed his mouth over hers, sucking first on her top lip and then the bottom, before parting them to slip inside. Languidly, he caressed her mouth from side to side, flicking his tongue against hers. Thrusting more firmly against her tongue, he tilted his head to deepen the kiss.

Sam was lost in a volley of sensations. His kiss was like an aphrodisiac. She curled her fingers into the upper sleeves of his jacket as she clung to him, kissing him with a wild eagerness that bordered on madness.

She wanted more.

“Get a room,” someone chuckled, dancing by.

The comment tore Sam from the spell she had fallen into. Breathing hard, she gazed into his eyes which mirrored her desire.

“Let’s leave. Get a room.” His palm stroked upward and back down so it rode her ass as they shuffled across the floor.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Brad and Jennifer dance past. “We can’t. It wouldn’t be right.” The night air had cooled, but Sam’s body temperature felt as if it was rising. Even the small breeze that stirred didn’t ease her need for Kyle. “The cake hasn’t been cut. The bouquet thrown.” She continued to think of reasons why she couldn’t throw caution to the wind and leave.

But tonight wasn’t about her and Kyle, even if the desire burning in the depths of his eyes said it was.

Chapter Eight


“You know, being near you and not being able to touch you is going to kill me.” Musical laughter met Kyle’s husky grumble. The silky sound wound around him like iron shackles around his heart.

Spinning her into a turn, he shuffled her across the dance floor. With a gentle pull, he drew her back into his arms, their bodies pressed close, her head coming to rest against his chest. Small, delicate hands perched lightly on his shoulders.

This felt right—she felt right. Finally, back where she belonged.

The song ended and another began, but he didn’t release her. Instead he took the opportunity to dance her off the floor onto the grassy surface. His goal was the line of trees now shadowed by the dying sun.

With an
, she swayed. Her heels sank into the soft soil. “What are you up to?”

Running his palm up her bare arm, Kyle knew the chances of making it through the night without holding her were slim to none. “Stealing a few minutes of your time. Nothing more.” His attempt at innocence failed miserably, judging by her arched brow.

“We’ll be missed,” she insisted.

“I doubt it.”

Already the throng had fallen into the party spirit. Several lines had formed leading to the two open bars set up for the night. People chatted, others strolled, and even Mary was occupied on the dance floor.

In a surprise turn of events, Sam glanced back at the mass, and then grabbed his hand. Quietly giggling, she dragged him the rest of the way into their hideaway, the scent of pine surrounding them. In the background the celebration continued, only a muted sound against the beat of his heart. When they were entrenched in trees, bushes and the stars above, she pulled him into her embrace.

“Sam…” It was the only word that got past his mouth before her lips were on his.

She kissed him. And she wasn’t gentle about it, but hungry, eager, stabbing her tongue between his lips and teeth to stroke and taste.

As his tongue slid across hers, wings of happiness soared inside him. Sam was truly back.

“Mine,” he murmured against her mouth.

Slipping her hands beneath his jacket, she smoothed them across his chest, touching and feeling, until they slid lower over his abdomen. A single hand disappeared down his trousers and he nearly bit her tongue. When her small, warm fingers wrapped around his cock, a growl rumbled in his throat and their mouths parted.

“Baby, you’re playing with fire.” Even as he spoke, he thrust his hips into her grasp. Damn. He had missed this—missed her.

Tightening her grip, Sam slid from balls to crown and back again. “I want to taste you.”

Her words went straight to his groin. His hard-on was instant and aching. The image of her going down on her knees, the thought of her moist heat consuming him, was gas on flame igniting into a conflagration.

Through clenched teeth, he sucked in a taut breath.

“There isn’t anything I’d rather feel—”

Her slow, tantalizing rhythm left him speechless. For a moment all he could do was just that—feel.

Kyle tried again, starting where he left off. “—feel than your sweet mouth making love to me.” He groaned because he couldn’t help himself. “But the ground would ruin your dress, get you dirty. And—” He jerked his hips back. “Oh God. Stop, Sam.” If this went any further everyone would know on their return what they had been doing, because he wanted to strip her naked and ravish every inch of her exquisite body, right here, right now.

Disappointment replaced her sexy, hooded expression as she released him. Not to mention, the lack of her touch left him aching. Frustrated, he glanced at the tree behind her. As an idea popped into his head, a slow, sinful grin played at his mouth. He just might be able to put that sexy look back on her face. In fact, it was a deliciously wicked thought that made his blood burn even hotter with possibilities.

“Turn around.” When she didn’t immediately comply, he twirled his index finger. “Trust me, baby, you’ll like this. Now turn around.”

Slowly, she pivoted on the balls of her feet, throwing an inquisitive glance back at him. He moved close enough to plant a kiss on the tip of her nose, before he bent, grabbing the hem of her dress and easing the satin up her legs. To his delight, Sam wore thigh-high stockings and a skimpy black thong. The little strip of material wedged between her butt cheeks fired his arousal.

“A thong?” His voice was husky and low. “I like that.”

Still watching him, she wiggled her hips, and then the temptress winked. “I thought you might.”

The knowledge that she wore the skimpy panties with him in mind made him impossibly harder.

Man. He loved this woman.

“You have the most beautiful ass.” The gentle swells called to the animal instincts in him to plunder and take what he wanted, and he wanted her now. Splaying his fingers over the soft skin, he squeezed. “Lean over and grab the tree.” The submissive position would place her at his mercy. A position that made his cock twitch and the throbbing pulse between his thighs quicken.

Easing her gown up on her back, he inched down her thong and it fell around her ankles. “Spread your legs.” He wanted her open to him.

Inching her feet farther apart, she went as far as the elastic and lace would allow. The seductive smirk she threw him was nearly his undoing. She knew the sensual picture she made bent over in stilettos and naked to his eyes.

BOOK: Blue Moon
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