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Authors: Amanda Lynn

Being with Her (7 page)

BOOK: Being with Her
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We wake to my phone ringing. It stops and immediately starts ringing again. I grab it and it’s Sarah. "Hello?"

"Paige, you need to come home. I think it's Addy’s dad at your door, pounding on it. I peeked out and I think that's who it is. He's pissed." Sarah seems panicked.

"Okay Sarah, just stay inside and keep the door locked. I don't think he will bother any neighbors. I'll be right there." I hang up and Gavin is already pulling on his jeans.

"Is it him again?" Gavin asks, pulling on his boots and shirt.

"Yeah, we need to get there," I say, still sitting naked in bed, shocked that he has returned the following weekend. Why is he doing this to me?

"Babe ... get dressed. I love looking at those beautiful tits but we got to get Addy." I look down and the sheet is around my waist so I am on full display. I jump up and pull on a pair of clean panties and shorts with a tank top.

Gavin grabs my hand and kisses my lips lightly. "It's going to fine. Has he called this week?"

"He texted a few times, same stuff as I showed you like the others. I don't know why he's bothering us now. He never wanted Addy," I say as he is locking the door, walking us to his truck.

"Well, I think he got pissed because I was there last week and he thought he could come in and have you to himself. I really think it is you he wants not Addy. That pisses me off not only because Addy is the sweetest girl but also because he's now stepping on my toes wanting you. I won't back away from either of you," he says, holding my hand as he maneuvers the truck out of the driveway. I smile over at him, loving the way he wants to be with us.

We pull in to my apartment complex and I look around and I don't spot his car anywhere. "I don't see him."

"Give me your keys, I'll open the door and you run and get Addy." I take off toward Sarah's and Gavin goes to open my door.

"Thanks, Sarah, for calling. We're going to head home. Gavin's already there so he'll be here if Bobby shows again." I kiss her cheek.

"Well, call me if you need me. And I want to meet Gavin soon," she says as I'm walking out her door.

"Okay, soon, promise." I grin.

Once I'm inside I lock the door and Gavin is in the kitchen pouring a glass of tea. Addy wiggles out of my hold and runs to Gavin holding onto his leg. "Gav, whata doing?" She looks up at him.

He ruffles her hair. "Getting a drink, want some juice?"

"Yes, peese" she says, grinning up at him.

He chuckles. "Yes ma'am, you have a fun night with Sarah?"

"Yes, fun." She turns and runs out the kitchen with her cup.

"Want some tea, babe?" He holds out his glass to me.

"Not right now. Thanks." As I'm walking into the living room, there's pounding at the door.

"Open up, Paige. I need to fucking see you, baby. I miss you. Come to the door." I look over at Gavin and he's fuming. I know he wants to knock Bobby into next week.

Gavin walks over to me. "Call the police. He's disturbing the peace. Don't answer the door." Addy runs toward the door.

"Addy, no, come over here to Momma." I grab my phone, calling 911. I explain the situation and who he is to me.

Several minutes later a cruiser pulls up and I peek out and they are talking to Bobby. He turns and looks back at my door, then walks to his car and pulls out. The police come to the door and explain that they gave him a choice to leave now or come down to the station. Gavin asks if there will a report done to be on record and they said yes that a report will be written up. After they leave we spend the rest of the afternoon watching TV and playing with Addy. It feels so good to seem like a family even though Gavin may not want someone with baggage for the long haul.

Chapter 12


That dick is pissing me off. Especially thinking that Paige is still his. At least there’s a disturbing-the-peace report on file. I leave Paige that evening after spending the day with her and Addy. It feels pretty good, like we are a family. I don't know a lot of things right now but I know that I want them to be my girls.

Later that week, I find out that I got the professor job at the university. I'm so grateful ’cause now I can leave the community college and have Paige in my life without the worry of her being a student. Now just deciding to keep our relationship quiet for the next couple of months or if I should leave early and quit now. I need to talk to Paige, see what she thinks.

Several weeks have passed and we haven't had any more run-ins with Bobby, so Paige is finally feeling comfortable again. I bet her dad would be pissed to know that his best friend has been harassing her like this.

The douche in class, though, is still chasing after her like a rabid dog. I don't get it. I know she's beautiful but she told him she was seeing someone so why he hasn't given up is beyond me. I guess some people don't know when to stop.

Paige went out last night again with Natalie. When I walked up to their table they both looked surprised.

"Hey, Professor Wright, we saw you here the last time," Natalie says, looking over at Paige.

Paige looks up and smiles. "Hey, Professor."

I showed up with some lame excuse that it was a coincidence just like the last time was. "Yeah, funny seeing both of you here again." Paige smirks.

I had anticipated coming tonight cause I knew Paige was going to be here so I had called up Steve to meet for drinks. I walked away from them and sat at the bar. Steve showed a few minutes after me.

"What's up?" Steve asks, fist bumping me. "Charlotte was here a couple weeks ago looking for you."

"Yeah, I ran into her at the university after my interview." I pick up my beer, taking a large gulp while looking over at Paige. "She won't take a hint to leave me alone. She used to be one with no strings attached."

Steve followed my line of sight. "Isn't that the girl you left with last time? She's fucking hot." Paige had on a pair of cowboy boots with a yellow sundress on. Her hair was pulled up in some sort of twisted braid. She was hot.

"Yeah, we've actually been seeing each other." I nod to the bartender for another beer.

"Fuck, you trying a relationship or just tapping that ass?" He chuckles, looking over, giving Paige a once over.

"I'm considering a relationship, but she has some crazy ex and a two-year-old daughter," I mention, looking for Steve's reaction. "I actually like the kid, too."

"No shit. You've never hit up women with kids before." His eyebrows shot up.

"She's out with her girlfriend tonight, so I'm trying to give her some space. I just couldn't sit at home knowing she was out," I say, watching Paige.

"Who's the friend? She's hot, too," Steve asks, watching the girls, too.

"Leave her alone, I know your history," I tell him, laughing.

"Fuck, your history was the same as mine," he says.

"Whatever." I continue to stare at her the entire night. Each time Natalie looks over I try to look away and at one time even start up a conversation with the brunette next to me. Which is a mistake ’cause of the look on Paige's face and the fact that this lady wants to go home with me. I finally get rid of her and watch Paige dance and drink all night. I had only a couple of beers the whole night so when I realize that both of the girls are a little more than toasted, I offer to take them home. Steve at some point found a chick and wandered off with her, no doubt trying to get lucky.

"Come on, girls, let's go." Natalie pouts and says, “We want to stay longer.” Paige just continues to giggle.

I get them to the truck and buckle them both in and they giggle the whole time. I try to explain to Natalie that they cannot tell anyone that I am taking them home. She seems to understand when I drop her off. I take Paige home and get her to Sarah's doorstep and very briefly met the infamous Sarah. We get Addy home and I tuck them both in and leave her house. As much as I want to stay I have no clothes for the next day for work.


We've been seeing each other for a couple of months and I already think I'm falling in love with her. I can't tell her yet ’cause it's too soon but I am. She's a beautiful person inside and out. I also adore Addy and enjoy our times together – the three of us. It's Friday night and I'm cooking dinner for the girls again. MY GIRLS. I've also told Paige that I want them to be my girls and she smiled and kissed me. I think I made her happy. Fuck, if she's happy then I'm happy. I love making dinner for them; tonight I'm making a pecan crusted chicken with potatoes and green beans. Addy wanted green beans added to dinner. I had also told her about my new job and we concluded to stick it out through the end of semester. I continue to teach her in class and just keep our relationship hidden for the time being. Even Natalie doesn't know about us yet, though I'm getting the feeling she has her suspicions. I overheard her tell Paige she thinks that 'Professor Hottie has a thing for her' and Paige just giggled some more.

After dinner is done and Addy is bathed and put to bed, it is our alone time. I love being together, all of us, but I really look forward to our alone time. Paige is cleaning up dinner dishes. She says since I cook she'll clean. I’m in the living room flipping through the latest Cosmo magazine, laughing at the articles. Very interesting stuff there. One particular article gets me a little aroused so I drop the magazine and holler for Paige to bring me a grape popsicle of Addy's.

She walks it in smiling. "Popsicle? Really?" She hands it to me and turns to walk away and I grab her arm.

I stand up next her and grab her around her hips. I begin kissing down her neck over to her ear. "I want to taste this popsicle while I fuck you with my tongue."

She moans. "Yes, please." I flip her button on her jeans and I lower them along with her lacy pink panties. My baby is so fucking sexy and she doesn't even realize it. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around me and I dip a finger into her pussy and she is soaking wet. She's grinding up against me, seeking pleasure from my jeans. I lower her onto her back on the sofa and pull her down so her ass is barely hanging onto the cushion. I raise her shirt up over her head. She is bare with no bra. My baby likes to go without one, especially around the house. I unwrap the popsicle and start twirling it around her nipples watching them perk up. I latch onto them and gently bite them. She moans again. I rise off her and unbutton my jeans and hurry out of them and my boxers. I pull my shirt over my head so I'm naked, too, standing before her. She leans up and licks my dew off my cock. I moan and push her back down again. I walk into the kitchen to grab a towel and situate it below her to keep from making a mess. I lower down in front of her and rub the popsicle up between her lips and press the tip of it on her clit. She squirms and moans lifting her feet off the ground and laying them on my shoulders. I continue to numb her up with the ice cold popsicle. She's biting her lip trying to take it like a big girl. I press it onto her sex and she moans out as I push it inside her. It melts just from the contact of her heat. It's dripping down and I suck the grape flavor off her. She tastes so good. I suck her clit as I push the popsicle in and out. I set the popsicle on the towel as I lick her clean and fuck her with my tongue to get all the grape off and out of her.

I pick up her up and carry her down the hall to her room with her wrapped around me. She's kissing my neck and biting my ear lobe. "Fuck me hard, Gavin." I'm floored she said fuck cause my baby never swears. It turns me on so much, as soon as her door is closed I slam her against it and pump into her. She moans and claws at my back and pulls my hair. I love when she becomes a sexy tiger. I thrust several more times and pull away and we both fall onto the bed and I continue with my thrust until I can't take anymore and I growl with my last thrust as I fill her with my come. As we're drifting off to sleep, I'm not sure if I'm dreaming or if it's real when she whispers “I love you”. I close my eyes with a smile on my face ’cause I love her too.


We still haven't heard from the dickhead in the past several weeks and life has been going great. I see her in class and although I can't touch her or talk to her, I know that she's there. I finally officially meet Sarah over Thanksgiving weekend. Paige and I prepare a small feast and invite her to dinner. She’s great. I can tell how much she loves my girls.

After the holiday, I’m checking my faculty mailbox and there is an envelope without a return address on it. Upon opening it I know immediately who it is from. How he knows exactly who I am and where I work is a little alarming, but I guess he has his sources since he is an attorney after all.

Professor Gavin Wright

This letter is to warn you that I know who you are and where you work. I find it very unprofessional to be dating a student. What would your head of department say about that? Leave what's mine alone and I won't pursue contacting your supervisor. They will always be mine and I will always be in their life ’cause she has my baby. Walk away now before this can get ugly.

Reading that letter just pisses my day off. Who does he think he is? Paige doesn't want him and he doesn't want Addy. I walk into class and I instantly scan the room for Paige. Of course, sitting on her desk chatting her up is Doug the douche that I notice still hangs a little too close to her and way too often. He sits behind her but that doesn't stop him from getting close to her. I've overlooked it because I try not to be a jealous boyfriend but after getting Bobby's letter and seeing Paige laughing at Doug, I am just not in a very happy mood. "Mr. Roberts, can you find a seat and not on Ms. Montgomery's desk?"

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir," he sarcastically says, grinning at Paige. He dips into his chair and leans forward toward her whispering something to her. I glare at him and he drops back wiping the grin off his face. Paige looks shocked that I said something and is staring down at her notebook on her desk. I shorten my lecture and hand them a few handouts and promptly leave the class because I have to get out of there to cool off. I'm pissed to be dealing with her ex and now another one wanting to get into her pants. I've mentioned it several times to her about Doug flirting and she said that he's not, that he just likes to talk. I think she dials it down with me ’cause she doesn't want me upset but knows that he is in constant pursuit of her. Within a few minutes my phone beeps a text and it's Paige checking if I'm okay. I head to my office to calm down and since I didn't reply to her text, I get a personalized visit. She knocks and I call out to 'come in.'

"Hey, are you okay? You seem a little stressed. Is it about Doug? He was just telling me a stupid joke," she says after she closes the door behind her and sits down in a chair.

"Well, walking in on that doesn't help, but I was already pissed before I came in." I hand the envelope to Paige. "That fucker sent me a letter to my mailbox. He knows I'm your professor."

She stares at me opening the letter. As soon as she reads it she looks up at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Gavin. I understand if you need to take some time away from us. I don't want you getting into trouble with the school."

I immediately walk around my desk and kneel in front of her taking her hands. "No, Paige, he's not going to run me off. I, uh … I love you and he's not taking you and Addy from me. I'm going to hand in my resignation letter now and walk away. They already know I was not coming back in the spring. You are now my priority and I want to be with you both, that is if you want to be with me."

"I do want to be with you, Gavin, more than anything. I love you, too." She bends toward me brushing her lips against mine. I grab her and pick her up and she wraps her arms and legs around me and I sit her on my desk.

"You lock the door?" I ask as I kiss down her neck. Fuck it, I'm quitting anyway; I need to feel her right now ’cause she does love me and I wasn't dreaming her saying it. All these fuckers that want what's mine, I need to have her now just to confirm that she is mine.

"Yes," she moans. I pull her skirt up around her waist and unbutton and zip my jeans. I pull her pink lacy panties to the side and slide right into her warmth. She feels so good and she is always so wet for me. I thrust in and out as she lays down flat across my desk. I push her shirt and bra up above her tits and watch them move in time with my thrust.

She moans again. "Shhhh, baby, not too loud. You feel so fucking good ... Play with your tits. I'm going to fuck this pussy fast and hard," I whisper as I rub her hot little bud and feel her clench her muscles around my dick. I reach up and pinch one nipple as she rubs the other one. I know she is about to come and watching her play with herself has me ready with her. "Come with me, baby." I groan into her neck as we both do. I continue to thrust a couple times as I empty into her hot body.

I pull out and grab a couple tissues from my desk to wipe her up. She lies there panting as I clean her. I pull her up off my desk so she can adjust her clothes while I fix my pants. I kiss her forehead.

"We will figure this out, don't panic," I tell her and she nods.

"We haven't heard from him in several weeks so I thought he may have given up." She wraps her arms around my waist.

"He hasn't pursued anything legally with Addy ’cause I agree, he doesn't want any custody of her, he only wants you. I know you've been worried about that." I rub her back and kiss the top of head. "You need to get to your next class. This was great but we probably should have waited until we got home later."

BOOK: Being with Her
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