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Authors: Amanda Lynn

Being with Her (6 page)

BOOK: Being with Her
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Chapter 11


I can't believe that Bobby has shown up at my door threatening me. Gavin took him better than I expected. Bobby has texted several times throughout the week and I've kept the texts but haven't told Gavin. I don't want him getting into trouble because of me. Gavin don't seem like a jealous guy so I try to keep Bobby talk to a minimum. There is also a guy in class starting to talk to me and Natalie. I try to avoid him as much as possible but I don't want to be rude either. His name is Doug and he's cute enough. The typical nineteen year old who thinks he can conquer any female. He has a great body and most of the girls in class thrive for his attention but lately he's had his sights on me. I know that Gavin's noticed but just hasn't mentioned it. He gives Doug looks and has had to repeatedly tell him to be quiet in class.

"Hey, Paige," a guy from behind me calls out. It’s Doug, and he’s walking fast to catch up to us.

"Hi, Doug," I say as we walk into the cafe. Natalie rolls her eyes and heads over to the fries that she consumes daily.

"Yeah, can I have lunch with you today?" he asks as if worried I'd say no.

"Uh ... sure." I'm one not to be unfriendly. Though I have no interest in lunch with Doug.

I have just finished my lunch and I'm throwing my stuff in the trash when I turn and run smack into Doug. He is like a brick. All my stuff falls to the ground. My bag falls open and pens and papers and books go everywhere. He helps me gather everything and quickly apologizes and scurries away. I think it’s odd ’cause usually he has some witty comeback. I pull my bag over my shoulder and head out toward my next class.


That afternoon I realize that I must have left my purse on the cafe floor after I dropped everything. So first thing Wednesday morning I go by the cafe and ask if it has been turned in. They don't have anything left so I make a report with the admission desk that if one is turned in to notify me. A couple hours later I get a call from the administration that a purse was handed in. I go and pick it up. Most things are there but I am missing my lip gloss, my birth control pills, and my wallet has several pictures no longer in it. Everything else seems to be there as far as I could tell.

After my classes on Wednesday I am going by the store before heading home. I have just gotten to my car and I hear Doug.

"Hey, Paige, wait up." I turn and he is jogging up to me.

"Uh ... hey, Doug. What's up?" I ask, wondering how he spotted me or knew my car.

"Where ya headed? I was wondering if you wanted to go grab an early dinner?" he asked when he had gotten sided up next to me.

"Maybe another time. I have to run to the store before I head home. But thanks. Oh, hey, did you see my purse after we bumped into each other earlier?" I can't seem to tell but he plays it off as if he truly didn't see it. I struggle with being rude, I was raised to always be polite but I honestly just don't want to go to dinner with him.

"No, I was in a hurry to my next class so I took off pretty fast," he says.

The wind is blowing and whipping my hair around and he casually pulls a strand and tucks it behind my ear. I instantly stiffen ’cause I didn't want him touching me. He slides his finger down my neck as I try to step back but is already against the door of my car.

"Paige, you’re beautiful," he says, leaning in closer to me.

"Ah hum!" we both hear and turn to see Gavin standing on the other side of my car. "What’s going on here? Is he bothering you, Paige?" Gavin asks, shooting daggers at Doug.

"No, it's fine, Professor Wright," I say, scooting over to open my door.

"Just checking." Gavin keeps walking out toward his truck in the faculty parking lot.

"What a dick. He needs to mind his own business," Doug says, standing in my open door. He crouches down and places his hand on my thigh. "When can I see you, Paige? I want to take you out sometime." He starts to move his hand upward.

I place my hand on top of his to stop the movement. "I don't know, Doug. I'm kind of seeing someone." I smile to try and break the news lightly.

"Well, he's a lucky bastard. If he don't treat you right you know where to find me. I'd love an opportunity to see you outside of class." He pulls his hand away and stands back up. "I won't stop pursuing you because I don't just give up that easily. It's not like you’re married."

"I'm flattered, Doug, but right now everything is great. Thanks." I pull my door closed. He continues to stand there.

He taps on my window. Once it's rolled down he fingers my shoulder where my tank top is against me. "I'll see ya on Friday?"

"Bye, Doug," I say, looking at his finger rub my shoulder. I look back up and smile and pull away, forcing him to withdraw his hand from within my car. That was so awkward.

My phone rings almost immediately as I pull out of the parking lot. "That fucker touch you again?" Gavin breathes into the phone.

I didn't want to go into details to Gavin about Doug asking me out. "It's fine, Gavin. Doug's just a douche that thinks he can flirt with everyone."

"It's not fucking alright. I don't want him touching you. And he doesn't flirt with everyone, I've seen him in class; he's always watching you. Don't let him touch you again or I'll stop it myself." I can tell Gavin is beyond furious.

"Okay, baby." It's hard to see Gavin during the week with my school and his classes so I think it bothers him that he can't talk or touch me in public. He has to see other people talk to me and he feels left out. He asks me to stay over with him on Friday night. I've never been to his house and that excites me to see his place and stay over with him. "I'm sure Sarah will keep Addy," I say.


Friday is fine except the looks that Gavin continues to glare at Doug with. Doug sits behind me and keeps pushing his booted foot into my chair trying to keep my attention.

Even Natalie notices Doug's continuous flirting. She elbows me and leans over to whisper. "What's up with Doug and you?"

"Nothing. He asked me out Wednesday," I whisper back.

"Go out with him. He's hot and I bet he's a good fuck." She giggles.

I glance back and he winks at me. I turn back to Nat. "No thanks. I think he's a little too experienced for me," I say to her.

"Your loss. I think he really likes you." She starts to say something else but Gavin walks up in front of us.

"You ladies done whispering?" Gavin says looking between us.

"Yes, sir," we both say at the same time.

He taps my desk. "Can I see you after class, Ms. Montgomery?"

"Yes Gav ... Professor Wright." I stumble my words and Natalie jerks her head toward me. Giving me a weird look.

Gavin walks away and I refuse to look over at Natalie. Once he dismisses the class I just remain seated. Doug stands and leans over his desk to say something but Gavin interrupts from his desk where he is sitting. "Mr. Roberts, you’re dismissed." Doug stomps off out of the class. Once the door is closed Gavin gets up and walks to the door and turns the lock. I look back and watch as he strides back to his desk and sits down. "Come here, baby." He motions for me to come to him.

I get up and walk to his desk. He pulls me into his lap. "What wrong, baby? You seem stressed," I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. I kiss the side of his neck just where he likes it.

"I just miss you and can't wait to see you tonight. It pisses me off having to watch that fucker bother you and try to flirt with you. I'm trying my hardest not to get jealous but I can't help it. I'm already fighting against Bobby for you."

I kiss his lips, shifting around so I'm straddling his lap. "You're not fighting against Bobby because there is no competition; you're it for me, not Bobby. You just have to deal with his persistence with me."

"It's not a persistence, it's an obsession he has with you." He pushes his hands underneath the bottom of my skirt holding onto my ass. He begins to kiss down my neck. "I don't know if I can fucking wait until tonight." I moan just as there's a knock on his door. "Fuck, you can't be in here with the door locked. Get under my desk." I jump up and climb under the desk after grabbing my purse.

Gavin gets up, adjusting his now very aroused penis to unlock the door. Dr. Sanders, the head of Economics, steps in and they make small talk as they approach the desk. Gavin sits back down as Dr. Sanders leans against a desk that's in front of Gavin's desk. I reach up Gavin's thigh and slowly start to rub his erection that immediately starts to build again. Gavin is all about being cool, not even flinching when I begin massaging his cock. He slips his hand under his desk and uses my hand to stroke himself through his pants. I use my other hand to quietly unzip his pants as Dr. Sanders continues to ramble about some boring stuff no one cares about. I pull his now blazing cock out and begin licking up the underside of it. I lick the small dew drop and swirl my tongue around the engorged head. Gavin grabs my head to hint that he wants me to take him in so I oblige him and suck it into my mouth. I hear Dr. Sanders shuffle away toward the door with a final goodbye. As I hear the door close I grab his cock and stroke it up and down as I bob my head. Gavin rolls back a little bringing me out from under the desk. I look up from beneath my lashes and Gavin has a grin on his face and lust in his eyes. He continues to fuck my mouth using his hands in my hair. I feel him start to pulse and know it's not much longer. "Baby, stop or I going to come in that hot fucking mouth." I moan and continue to suck. He can't afford a mess from this so I decide that I'll take it all. All of a sudden I feel it hit the back of my throat and I suck and suck until no more comes out. I rise up to my feet licking my lips as he tucks himself back in. "That was fucking dangerous, Ms. Montgomery," Gavin says before kissing my lips, sliding his tongue into my mouth.

"Yes, Professor Wright. I am sorry, what would my punishment be for later tonight?" I pout to him.

He laughs. "Oh you're going to love your punishment." He slaps my ass and walks me over to the door. He gives me one last kiss before opening the door. "I'll pick you up in a little while."

"Okay, Professor, I look forward to it," I say as I walk away.


Sarah is going to keep Addy to give us some alone time. I've told her all about Gavin and what a great guy he is and also told her about the events from last weekend with Bobby.

I dress in a cute baby doll dress with sandals and pull my hair back in a hair band. Lightly apply some gloss and mascara. I pack a small overnight bag with a change of clothes. I run Addy down to Sarah's and kiss her goodnight. She is excited to be having a sleepover with Sarah. Gavin pulls up on his bike and I meet him at the door. He looks me up and down and smiles, giving me a kiss that I have to break away from so my neighbors don't start gawking. He is dressed casual in jeans and a tight black shirt. His tattoos run down his arms and he is so sexy in a simple kind of way.

"You ready, baby?" He takes my bag out of my hand.

"Yeah, Addy's already with Sarah." He helps me onto his bike and secures the helmet on my head.

"You look beautiful. I really like the dress so I can feel your warm thighs pressed up against me from behind." I blush. He always says stuff that gets me hot.

"Thanks. Where are we going?" He grins and winks at me.

"You'll see." He kisses my nose and starts the bike.

We pull up outside a condo on the east side of town. I thought we were going to dinner first.

"You look surprised." He helps me take my helmet off and grabs my hand, leading me up to the door of the condo.

"I just thought we were going out to dinner," I say while he unlocks what I assume is his place.

"We are having dinner here and then you’re my dessert. I want dessert as soon as dinner’s over. Your punishment tonight is going to be pure pleasure. How does that sound?"

"Pleasure sounds good to me, Professor." I loop my arm around his waist.

We walk into his place and it's nice, not at all what the usual bachelor pad looks like. We round the corner and the table is set with candles in the middle and the smell from the kitchen is yummy.

He sits me in the chair at the table and brings over dinner. There is steak with new potatoes. Also salad with a ranch dressing on top. It looks delicious. "This smells good. You make it?"

"Yeah ... had it all ready when I came and picked you up. Eat up because I can't wait for dessert." I laugh at him.

We chat throughout dinner and as soon as we no longer can eat anymore, he clears the table. He walks over to me and pulls me up to him. "I thought we were having dessert," I smirk.

"Oh we are." He lifts me up and sets me on the table. He starts kissing down my neck and I wrap my legs around him. He pulls down both straps of my dress and I'm bare to him since I didn't wear a bra. His eyes darken and he lowers his head to my nipple and swirls his tongue around it. I moan as he blows cool air against it then does the same to the other one. His hand starts to pull my dress up my thighs. He hooks his finger on the inside of my panties right at my sex and rubs all between my lips. I'm flushed with embarrassment because I know he can feel my wetness from what he does to me from a simple touch. "Fuck, Paige, you are so hot and ready." He pulls out his finger and sucks on it. "Give me a minute, ’cause I'm about to have a pussy sundae. You had your chance this morning now it's my turn."

I moan, watching him suck me off his finger. He pulls my dress off completely and tugs my panties down my legs. I'm sitting on his kitchen table totally naked and he's fully dressed. I can see the outline of his erection straining against his jeans. He walks into the kitchen returning with a pint of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup. I don't hesitate laying back ’cause what he does to me feels so good. He looks at me as he scoops out a spoon full of ice cream and rubs it all around on my pussy. I jerk at the freezing ice creams as it melts between my lips. I watch as he continues to smear ice cream over my nipples too. He holds the spoon up to my mouth and I, without hesitation, open, licking the spoon clean. He groans.

He spreads my lips apart and drizzles chocolate syrup all over my sex. He lowers his mouth to my nipples and sucks them both clean then kisses his way down my stomach. He pushes a finger inside my sex and my sex clenches against him. He holds it up to my mouth for another taste. I suck his finger into my mouth and moan. He begins to undress himself in record time standing before me in all his naked glory. His cock is straining toward me and it's beautiful. He starts to stroke himself as he looks at me laying naked on his kitchen table. He lowers himself to his knees and begins to lick and suck his sundae. He wasn't kidding when he said he wanted a pussy sundae. I moan and thrash about as he sucks my clit into his mouth while his finger is fucking me senseless. I scream my release as he sucks everything he can from me.

He rises to his feet, still stroking his engorged cock. He has ice cream and chocolate all over his face and he smiles. "That's a pussy sundae. You tasted amazing. You want a taste again?" I nod as he lowers his mouth and pushes his tongue into my mouth. I'm hit with the taste of vanilla and chocolate and a little bit of me. It's so erotic that I moan into his mouth as he thrusts into me. I wrap my legs around him when he lifts me up and carries me through his bedroom straight for the shower. While holding onto and into me, he starts the shower and steps in. He pushes me against the wall and starts to pump in and out of me. He groans. "Baby, I fucking love this pussy," he grunts. I reach my hand down and start to rub and stroke my clit. Moaning he looks down and watches me rub myself as he pumps into me. "That's fucking sexy." I feel my release build again and just as I crash over the top he thrusts two more times. He stills and empties his seed into me. We stand there panting for a few moments until our breath evens out. He lowers me down and begins washing my hair with his shampoo. It smells of him and I close my eyes and let him take care of me for a few minutes. Once we are done showering he dries us both off and pulls me out by my hand to his bed. We lay there awhile together in comfortable silence. "I've never brought home a girl before. You’re special, Paige, I knew that the first moment we met," he whispers as we lay there in each other’s embrace.

I guess we must have drifted off to sleep ’cause next thing I remember is waking up while the room is still dark and Gavin is stretched out on his back. I smile as I lean up and begin to stroke his manhood. Instantly it comes to life. I lower my mouth over it and suck, bobbing my head up and down. He tastes so good. He moans and wraps his hands in my hair, assisting with my job. I grab his balls and massage, I kiss the head of his penis then suck his balls into my mouth. "OH MY GOD, PAIGE ... FUCK THAT FEELS FUCKING FABULOUS! … Suck my cock dry, baby." He groans. I latch onto his cock once again and suck hard. I can feel it hit my throat. After a few more thrusts into my mouth, I feel his come sliding down my throat. I continue to suck until its completely gone. I rise up, licking my lips and smile. He pulls me up his body and kisses me harder than I've ever been kissed before. "That was fucking amazing, babe," he pants.

I giggle. "I needed my dessert, too."

He chuckles. "You can have dessert any time you want." We cuddle together and fall back into a fitful sleep.

BOOK: Being with Her
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