Read Bastard (Bad Boys) Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Bastard (Bad Boys) (6 page)

BOOK: Bastard (Bad Boys)
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I wanted kids; that was my thing right. Fuck if I knew what I was getting myself into. “Bianca.” That was like the third time I’d called her in the last five minutes. Her fucking kids were always in my shit.

“Yes?” She was a mess. There was flower all over her designer jeans, her hair was going in every which way and she had some kind of gooey shit on her cheek

“Your kids were in my shit again. I had an envelope on my desk that has mysteriously disappeared. I told you the little one is a thief. Go frisk her and get my shit.

“How do you know she took it?” She folded her arms and cocked her hip, about to give me shit. She hates me picking on our little princess, who happens to be the bane of my existence. I’ve got three boys who do what the fuck I say, the little one, the only girl, not so much.

She’s three going on thirty and full of shit, the little sneak. “Bianca I’ve got a meeting in half an hour, I need that envelope.”


The sneak came prancing in dragging her dolls and shit behind her, looking as innocent as an angel. The fucked up thing is, she looks just like me, the boys are all their mother.

“Vanessa, where’s daddy’s papers?” She looked at me and stuffed her thumb in her mouth. “You want ice cream later you better start talking.”

“Mama do I have to?” What the fuck? her mother bent over and kissed her cheek. “Daddy needs it baby show mama where you hid it?” She had the nerve to give me a nasty look before taking her mother’s hand and leaving the room.

I gave them a head start then started out behind them. Sure enough she was checking over her shoulder to see if I was following, I had to make like I wasn’t following them.

She changes up her hiding places if she knows I’ve found one of them. Sure enough she had a new one in the bottom of her brother’s toy chest. Her mind scares the fuck outta me.

Who knows what else she’d stashed away in there? I’ll have to wait until later and go snooping.




We’ve been going strong for six years; four kids later, and it still amazes me that we had come this far. Who would’ve ever thought that that horrible night would come to this?

But now, I wouldn’t change a thing about my life. I have a husband who loves me and tells me every chance he gets. My frog had turned into a prince, though he likes to play the bastard from time to time. When he gets like that, I know just how to bring him around.

The man that I’d called dad my whole life was long gone. Max had told me about him being found with his throat cut. I knew without asking that it was Xander. He never said anything and we never discussed it.

I won’t say that I wanted him to come to such an end, but I hadn’t shed too many tears over it either. He was the last link to my mom though, so there was a bit of sadness over that.

When I told Xander when we knew for sure that I was pregnant, that I wished I had family to share it with; he grumbled and threw a fit. He was my family; I didn’t need anyone else.

A week later my biological father and one of his sisters were brought to the mansion. They’ve been a part of our lives ever since.

I hid a secret smile, as I rested my hand over my tummy, where my new child was now growing. Xander will be so pleased; the man loves nothing more than getting me with child.

BOOK: Bastard (Bad Boys)
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