Read Bastard (Bad Boys) Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Bastard (Bad Boys) (5 page)

BOOK: Bastard (Bad Boys)
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Chapter 10


My boys couldn’t find her old man anywhere, it’s almost like he’d dropped off the face of the earth. I wondered if he’d pulled a runner because he was afraid that I’d find out the truth, that she wasn’t his kid.

For the next week or so I was very good to her. I let her roam around outside but she couldn’t go off the grounds. After hearing about her dad treating her like a prisoner it kinda made me feel like more of a monster than I usually am. Besides, she had nowhere to go since the fuck had disappeared.

I’d told her that he was M.I.A. but she hadn’t seemed too torn up about it, though she did seem worried about her fate, until I reminded her that she was now my responsibility.

The sex was getting outta control though. It seemed the more time I spent fucking her, the more I wanted to fuck her. She’s now been fucked in every position known to man.

Now I’m teaching her how to suck my cock until I cum. She didn’t seem too thrilled with the idea of me cumming in her mouth, but hey, it’s what I like, she’ll get used to it.


“Wait babe, you’re doing it wrong. Hold
up. Make an oh with your mouth.” I was standing at the side of the bed and she was sitting down. We’d just taken a shower together, after another day of marathon fucking. That’s the only reason I was willing to give up some of the jizz, because I’d already off loaded in her a couple times already for the day.

When she did her mouth the way I wanted her to, I eased just my cockhead past her lips. “Now use your tongue to lick the tip.” She did as she was told. “Now suck.” She sucked and licked at the same time and I knew my little freak was going to be a fast learner.

That lesson didn’t last too long because by the time I told her to play with my balls while she sucked, she was into it and I was in trouble. “Keep sucking babe, don’t stop.” I grabbed two fistfuls of her hair and faced fucked her as I shot load after load on her tongue.

She gagged a little, but she’d be alright. I kept my dick in her mouth, making her swallow around it so as not to lose any. She made the funniest face at first, and then I guess she didn’t find the taste too repulsive because she didn’t gag and run for the bathroom.


“You wanna go out to eat tonight babe?”
There wasn’t any reason I couldn’t take her out with me, it wasn’t like she could get away with my detail around us, so what was the harm? She looked all kinds a hopeful at the suggestion.


“Yeah really.” Damn did she have to look so innocent and over excited at such a small thing?

“Wait, I don’t have anything to wear.” Her face fell and she looked dejected. I walked over to the closet where I’d hidden the bags of stuff I’d had mom pick up for her because I’d lost my damn mind.

“That’s where you’re wrong babe.” I put the bags in her lap and stood back to watch.

“For me?”

“Well they sure as shit can’t fit me.”

She tore through them like a kid on Xmas morning and broke my fucking heart. Hadn’t that fuck ever done anything nice for her?

“Oh Xander, I can’t. They cost too much.” She looked close to tears, like I was going to take the clothes away from her or something.

“Shit, did mom leave the price tags on there?”

“No she didn’t. But I know how much these jeans cost because I saw them in a magazine, and this top cost like three hundred dollars…”

“Babe, stop fucking around and get dressed.”

“But…” I pointed her towards the bathroom and went to the closet to get my own shit to wear. I’m gonna have to take her shopping so she can pick out her own stuff. My sisters would spend the whole amount mom had spent on one outfit and my woman thought it was too much. Speaking of which.

“Ma, you take care of that thing for me?”

“Yes it should be ready tomorrow, I still think we should have a real ceremony Xander, all young ladies dream of that day.” I’m pretty sure my little peach never dreamt up the likes of me.

“No time ma, unless you want your grandkid to be born out of wedlock.” This was the one time she wasn’t getting her way. The sooner I tied her to me, the easier I’d sleep at night. “You can have one later that’s the best I can do for you, tell me you understand.”

“Of course I understand, I’m not completely dense.”

“So your husband isn’t gonna call and bitch me out about not letting you have your way right?” She sniffed like she’d never done that shit before. I got the details I needed and hung up.

She came out of the bathroom looking all kinds a hot and downright fuckable. “Come ‘ere baby.” She walked over to me, she was getting better at doing that these days. We hardly ever had any tussles, since she was learning to mind me.

The jeans made her ass look delectable and the top hugged her tits nice
ly. “You need some jewelry. I didn’t ask mom to do that because I wanted to do that myself.” She blushed as she looked up at me. I knew I was confusing the hell out of her.

She was probably expecting, due to the circumstances of our first meeting, that I was going to be as much of an asshole as Curtis. I had no plans on mistreating her though, just had to let her know what would happen if she tried to leave me. As long as she toed the line and did what the fuck I said, she should be fine.



I took her to one of my nightclubs. It was a Thursday night and the place was pumping. I took her up to the VIP lounge and right away one of the servers was there with a magnum of champagne. She looked at the bottle like it was a snake.

“You don’t have his blood so you have no worries of becomin
g like him. One or two glasses of this isn’t gonna hurt you.”

“How did you…?”

“It doesn’t matter how I know, I just do.”

“Anyway that’s not what I was thinking.”

“Oh, what were you thinking babe?”

“Well, if you’re trying to have a baby you shouldn’t drink.” I stopped with the bottle halfway over the glass. Fuck me! this was the first time she’d said anything about that.

I got the biggest fucking grin on my face. She ducked her head and blushed but I wasn’t having that shit. She was in my lap one second later and my tongue was halfway down her throat.

“You’re right babe I forgot, none for the baby mama.” I’m pretty sure it was too early to know one way or the other, but the fact that she’d mentioned it so sweetly without any malice made me feel ten fucking feet tall.

Chapter 11



We enjoyed a nice meal where she even instigated conversation. She was looking around the club like she’d never seen people before and I realized she was starved for company. Her friend was coming by on Saturday maybe that’ll gain me more brownie points.

“I have to go to the restroom Xander.” That’s another thing, she calls my name more easily these days without any prompting. I’m not even gonna talk about the shit she says when I’m fucking her

t’s like once I started coaching her to do that shit; I’d opened the floodgates. Now she was even into telling me where to put my dick these days. And just as I’d suspected, she’s got a little bit of freak in her.

I started to get up to take her but she stopped me.

“No Xander, let me go by myself.” I looked into her eyes. I knew what she was asking here, she was asking me to trust her. But had just a few weeks been enough time for her to get use to her fate? In the end I just nodded my head and sat again.

It took everything in me not to send one of the guys after her, but I decided to see how it would play out. She was gone for five minutes when I started to get worried. I heard the scream just as I was turning the corner to the lady’s room.

Usually in these places there were lines out the damn door, because of the size of the bathrooms here, there was no need for that. I ran towards the sound with my heart in my fucking throat, I should’ve never let her go off by herself.


“Get your fucking hands off her you fuck.” I heard my men coming up behind me and held my hand up for them to stop. In the other I held a gun pointed at Curtis’ head, as he tried to drag her off through the back exit.

“I’m not gonna tell you again, take your fucking hands off her now motherfucker.”

“What’s to stop you from shooting me if I do that huh?”

“Nothing.” I shot the idiot in the shoulder and he dropped her. She ran straight to my arms and I grabbed her.
“It’s okay baby, I’ve got you.” I kissed her hair and tried to calm her shakes.

“The place.” T
hat’s the only directive I gave my men, as I took her away from the scene. “I’m taking you home babe, sorry we have to cut the night short.” We got her purse and I took her out into the night air. She stayed close in the limo all the way home, her head resting on my chest.

I kept murmuring bullshit nonsense to clam her. She felt small and helpless in my arms as I pulled her into my lap. “It’s okay baby, he can’t hurt you anymore.” Still she clung tighter. It was a fucked up thing to happen, but I couldn’t help but be pleased with the results.


I took her inside when we reached the house, my intent to leave her and go take care of the asshole. But she clung to me and won’t let go. “No don’t leave me.”

“Shh, shh, okay, it’s okay, you’re safe here.” She shook her head wildly and wrapped her arms around my neck. I lifted her and she wrapped her legs around my middle as I headed for the stairs.


I climbed onto the bed with her still attached to me. I had no idea other than the fear of her old man holding a gun to her head, what this was about. The danger was over, she was safe, but yet she clung to me as if her life depended on it. to be honest, I think the thing that had me stymied, was the fact that she was actually clinging to me.

Wasn’t I the monster anymore? When the fuck had that happened? See, I thought for sure it would take months, maybe years, to break her in. But here was not even a whole month later, acting as though I was her lifeline.

Strange fucking shit. I hope she wasn’t having that Stockholm shit. I’m not down with that. It was probably fucked, but I needed to see where her head was at. I’d rather she hate my guts for as long as it took her to get over that shit, than for her to be suffering from some kind of mind fuck,

“Babe, what did he say to you?” She didn’t answer me at first, but then she wiped her nose in my shirt, which for some fucked up reason made me grin, and then rolled over in my arms.


“He said that he’d been cheated. That he didn’t get anything out of it since the money had already been lost. He said if he could get such a high price for me once, he could probably do better next time.” I was sorry I asked. Why the fuck, do people like to fuck with me?

“How did he find us, how did he even know you were there?”

“He’s been watching the house, he said he followed us there.” At this, she looked towards the window as though she expected him to appear there, then she was back to clinging again.

“What did you do when you saw him?”

“I screamed for you but you couldn’t hear me over the music I guess, and there was only one girl there when I got there and she was gone when I came out. That’s when he got me.” She started shaking again and I pulled her in closer.

“It’s okay baby, I’ve got you.” Fuck if I know what I was supposed to do next. I had to leave and go take care if his ass, but she was in no condition to be left alone. It might be hours before she fell asleep yet. Of course feeling her warm curves this close had the usual affect, and my dick started acting the fuck up.


I turned her over gently onto her back, and taking my time, for what must be a first since I’d taken here, I lifted her top. I buried my face between her tits and bit her softly making her giggle. Sweetest fucking sound!

I took it nice and slow, stopping to kiss or nibble her flesh as I undressed her. When she was naked, her eyes bright with lust, I knelt over her in the bed. “Undress me.” She got right to it, her little fingers fighting with the buttons of my shirt before pushing it from my shoulders.

She licked and kissed my chest as she fought with the pants. When she got them undone, they were pushed to my knees, and my sweet girl, without any prompting, took my dick into her mouth. As if that wasn’t shocking enough, the noises she made as she sucked me off. Like she’d been starved for my taste on her tongue.

I held her head in my hands as I started slowly face fucking her. She took me into her throat and wonder of wonders; she remembered that I liked having my balls fondled.

“Babe, you keep that shit up, I’ma cum in your mouth. She pulled off and looked up at me with a straight fucking face and said. “No you can’t we have to make a baby.”

Get the fuck out. she actually laid back against the pillows and held herself open with her fingers for me. I almost fucking broke into tears, she was making me soft. What the fuck?


I dove in with my tongue, eating her pussy until she pleaded with me to fuck her. I pushed my pants off the rest of the way and
instead of my usual bastardry I slid into her nice and slow. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled my mouth down to hers.

It was the sweetest, slowest ride we’d ever shared. I held her close, our mouths never leaving each other as I fucked her with my heart and soul in it. When I came it set her off and we were wrapped around each other tight, like two shipwrecked victims or some shit.

She wanted little kisses after, like she couldn’t get enough. It was the first time we’d ever really done that. It felt good, she felt good. It no longer felt like captive and prey, but a man and his woman, bonding.

“So you wanna have a baby.” She’d mentioned the shit twice in one night. Funny, but until now I hadn’t thought of her part in all that. Fucked up I know. But when I…acquired her, I was only thinking about my wants, my needs. To know that she might want it too, was…fuck if I know, I’m not into that frou-frou bullshit.

“Yes.” One word; spoken barely above a whisper, but with so much meaning.

I think my girl stole my fucking heart.

BOOK: Bastard (Bad Boys)
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