Read Ava's Mate Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Ava's Mate (9 page)

BOOK: Ava's Mate
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She nodded. “Okay, well, this time don’t, and I won’t go easy on you.”

This time when they came at her they surrounded her properly. She took a deep breath and let her wolf out to play, laughing.

Twirling, she kick then punched the guy behind her, bringing him down in two blows. She felt a kick to her back and a hand come at her face. She dodged and grabbed it, twisting it back and kneeing him in the balls. The other man had moved in and was pulling her hair, trying to tug her closer to him. She let him and when he was within reach she grabbed him by the throat and, using her wolf strength, she lifted him off the ground.

Ava let her wolf shine through, and in a husky voice she whispered, “If you ever touch what is mine again I will make sure they don’t find the pieces. Got it?”

The man looked into her eyes and nodded. She threw him on the concrete and turned back to the other two who stood up and were ready to come at her. She glared at them and yelled so all the men could hear.

“You all need to remember I’m not the craziest thing in the world, or the strongest. So you need to stop your hating on us werewolves and focus it on the real enemy. From this day forward anyone who has a problem with werewolves for any reason should come to me. I’ll give you a night shift all by yourself, and when the demons come at you and kill you, then in your last moments you will learn that you needed us werewolves, and you’ll figure out that if it wasn’t for us saving your butt all the time you pitiful little humans would all be dead.”

Ava turned around, not bothering with the men behind her, to see everyone on base staring at her. “I know you all heard me, and what I just said is non-negotiable. I’ve just been told we have to find places for more of your sorry arses tomorrow. So since the contractors only work three days here, you’re all going to spend the rest of the day finishing the two partially completed barracks. I’m heading to the city for supplies and I want three men to help me.”

Ava pointed to a random three and started walking away, then paused and turned back around to face them. “Rane is going to organize you into groups. I want it done by the time I’m back at four o’clock.” She bent down, picking up her clothes, and waltzed away with the three men she had chosen trailing behind her. She’d put her clothes back on when she got to the office to get her bag.

Still on a high, but still pissed at the humans, she didn’t feel Logan but heard him when he smacked the men following her. “Keep your eyes up.”

Logan grabbed her as she walked away and placed his sweat soaked shirt over her, kissed her lips, and held her tight. “Don’t take your clothes off in front of my men, or any man bar me again.” He nipped her lip and added, “I’ll see you at home. Stay in your matching set for me.” This time when he kissed her he grabbed her arse and squeezed it. His tongue slipped in to meet hers and tangled until they both pulled away, panting. Logan whispered, “I’m going to go, and thanks for not killing those idiots.”

Ava grinned. “Oh, it was very hard not to, but I knew you’d be pissed off.” And with that she turned and walked off with the three soldiers.


Setting the table for the dinner she’d cooked, Ava groaned when her phone went off. “Hello.”

Her brother Griffen’s voice answered her. “I need you to go check on Arden. I can’t feel him in the pack and no one’s heard from him since he went out on night shift two nights ago. I’m on patrol until morning or I would check.”

Fuck! She’d forgotten about her brother. She’d been so caught up with her own life she hadn’t been to see him in over three weeks. She was the worst sister in the world. Thank God she saw him at work. Turning off the oven, she grabbed her keys and ran to the door, hoping everything was all right. “Sorry, Griffen, I should have checked on him.”

Griffen sighed. “You have nothing to be sorry about. I know you’re busy getting to know your mate. We’ve all been trying to give you and your mate time to sort things out.” He chuckled. “We all never realized how much you do for us all. Jamie, Devlin, and I are actuality having to cook and clean for ourselves.”

Ava paused at the door as what Griffen said sank in. She’d been so busy living her own life she hadn’t been taking over everyone else’s. Taking a deep breath, she said, “I won’t be doing that anymore. You guys need to look after yourselves more, and I need a life of my own. I can’t live yours. So tonight I’ll go check on Arden, but it’s the last time I drop everything for him. I had plans tonight too. But something needs to be done about Arden, I think he’s going feral.”

“Okay, sis. Tonight will be the last night I ask you to look after Arden. Us single brothers will split it between the three of us from now on.”

“Thanks, Griffen. I’m going to go check on him now and will call if anything’s wrong.” Ava hung up and walked out of the house, shutting the front door, and started the walk to Arden’s house.

* * * *

Logan couldn’t wait to get home to Ava. He had the night off and was counting down the minutes until he could do all the things he’d been planning to do to Ava when they had time to take it slow and enjoy.

Getting out of the shower he dressed in record time, ignoring all the jibes at him for his obvious rush to leave base. Getting in his Toyota four-wheel drive he sped to the house he shared with his woman. He parked and paused out front as the realization kicked in that he knew Ava was his woman. She was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Everything about her called to him. She always thought of others before herself. He knew she cooked and cleaned for most of her brothers and had been the one looking after Arden.

He got out of his car and opened the door to the quiet house. A yummy aroma wafted to him and he followed it to the open planned kitchen-dining room, to see a table made up with candles, fancy plates, knives, forks, and wine glasses.

He looked around for Ava, expecting her to be close by. He searched the house, wondering where she could be. He called her mobile, but it went to voice mail.

When he didn’t find her he started to worry. He called Jamie, her brother. “Hello, Jamie, I’m looking For Ava. I’m home, and she has a nice dinner all organized and she’s nowhere to be found. Do you know where she is? I tried her mobile but got no answer. It goes to a message that says it’s unavailable or has been turned off.”

Logan could hear loud music in the background as Jamie yelled, “She went to Arden’s to help sort him out.” Jamie rattled off Arden’s address and hung up.

Logan debated for a moment what to do before he grabbed his car keys and went to Arden’s place.

As Logan got out of his car at Arden’s house he paused at the sound of a loud smash and Ava’s scream. He rushed to the door, opening it, and ran inside to the sound of growls and snarls. Arden stood snarling over Ava as she growled back.

“Butt out of my life.” Arden’s fist went toward Ava, but she blocked and kicked him. “You had no right to come in and pour all my alcohol down the drain. Get a fucking life of your own and stay out of mine. Don’t you have a human mate to convince to be your mate or has he run for the hills at your controlling, overbearing ways?” Arden sneered at Ava as she crouched down.

Logan watched at the side frozen.

“Is he sick of you already, Ava? Is that why you’re here? Logan finally figured out that he didn’t want a real life bitch in every way. Are you not with him now because he’s out finding a real woman, a human?”

Logan’s temper was at boiling point as he watched a tear slid down Ava’s face and her body shake with sobs as the comments made their mark. Logan ran toward Arden as he punched the wall beside Ava’s face.

Ava screamed and covered herself as plaster fell on her. “I have a life. I had to drop my plans tonight to see if you were alive. What the hell do I find? You drunk as a skunk, which is almost impossible for a werewolf—”

Arden cut Ava off, smashing the other side of the wall. Logan grabbed Arden from behind as he roared at Ava. “Stay out—”

Logan punched Arden and knocked him to the ground. Standing over him, he said, “You’re out of line, and if you weren’t drunk I’d kick your arse for hurting Ava.”

Arden looked up at him and sneered. “You can’t hurt a controlling ice queen.”

Okay, that was it. Logan glanced at Ava to see her slowly standing up, wiping her eyes. How dare Arden treat Ava like this when all she did was come over to care for him. “Apologize to your sister. If it wasn’t for her you’d probably be dead. You need to look at yourself, because if that mate of yours ever does come back, she won’t stay with you like this. You’re pathetic, stop moping and do something about your situation.”

Arden seemed to study him before he muttered, “Sorry, Ava.”

She nodded her head, still looking a bit shaky.

Logan leaned down and grabbed Arden’s arms, yanking him up and whispering menacingly in his ear, “If I ever find out you’ve hurt my Ava like this again you won’t need to drink yourself to death, because I’ll kill you myself.”

With that he let go of Arden and walked to Ava, wrapped his arms around her, and together they left the house with Arden still lying on the floor stunned.

Logan helped a shaken Ava into the car. She whispered her thanks before he went to the driver’s side and got in. He started the car and drove home. They said nothing the whole short ride. Getting out of the car, Ava followed him inside the house.

Logan was worried about Ava. He went to the lounge room and sat on the sofa. Ava came straight in and sat on his lap, his arms came around her holding her tight. “You okay now, sweetheart?”

Ava nodded and snuggled into him. “He’s getting worse, not better. I’m scared for him, Logan. I think he’s becoming feral.”

He kissed her head and rubbed her back. “I hope that doesn’t happen, but I’m only saying that because I know it will upset you and I don’t want you to be unhappy.”

He pulled her around to straddle his lap and for her to look up at him. “He shouldn’t have treated you the way he did. You were there to help him, like you help everyone. I’m sure he didn’t mean what he said. You’re none of those things he said you were, and I’m not going anywhere. Why would I when I have everything I want right here?”

Ava sighed and hugged him tight. Logan lifted her head up and brushed his lips against hers.

“I’m very lucky to have you to look after and care for me.” He slid his hands down, cupping her ass and bringing her closer to him. “I think tonight I’m going to have to show you just how much I appreciate all the things you do for me.” He nibbled on her lip. “I love coming home every night to a warm meal, and someone to share it with.” Logan kissed his way down her neck. “Thank you for organizing my clothes so they’re ready for me.” He lifted her shirt over her head. “Sweetheart, you have made me the most envied man on base.”

Logan sucked her lace covered nipple into his mouth, closing his eyes to savor her. He ran his hand up her back and down again.

“Ava, you’re beautiful, and not just on the outside.” He opened his eyes and looked up at her face.

She smiled at him and cradled his face. “I love you, Logan.”

Logan knew a stupid grin covered his face. He captured her mouth and together they frantically took each other’s clothes off. His hands explored her body, trailing over every curve.

Ava moaned and arched into his touch. She explored him as well, running her hands over his body and trailing her fingers down his chest until they came to rest on his cock. Slowly, she wrapped her hand around his dick, pumping it.

“Let me taste you,” she whispered in his ear.

A shiver of anticipation rushed through his body. Unable to speak, he nodded as she slid down him and rested between his thighs. Ava looked up at him, her big blue eyes filled with love and trust, before her tongue come out to circle the head of his cock. Oh, God in heaven.

She slowly took all of him into her mouth, circling her tongue around him as she pumped the base of his cock up and down. His head fell back. His hands rested on her head, and he stroked her silky hair.

“Oh, Ava, I’m not going to last long if you keep doing this.”

Her head moved faster over him, her hot, wet mouth sucking harder. He tried not to hold her on, or push himself up, but when she picked up her pace his hips went up and his fingers gripped her hair.

“Ahhhh, Sweetheart, I… I’m…going to…cum.”

She hummed around his dick and her hands played with his balls.

He took a deep breath and pulled her up. “I want to come with your pussy wrapped around me and your mouth on mine.”

She smiled at him and he swore his heart exploded. Ava straddled him and positioned his cock at her opening. She eased down on him, never taking her eyes from his.

Logan watched Ava as she lifted herself up and back down again over and over. He clenched his fist at her back for a moment to hold himself in, she ran her hands up his chest and down his back.

“Kiss me, Logan. I need you.”

On a groan, he smoothed his hands down Ava’s back, cupped her ass, and captured her mouth to his, putting all the words he wanted to say into their passionate embrace. Their tongues met, and he slid his fingers down to play with her puckered hole, before grabbing her juices from her core as she picked up her pace and slipping a finger into her ass.

She let out a groan against him again, grinded into his finger, and pulled away, panting. “More. Give me more. I need to come.”

She smashed her lips back to his and her pace become frantic. He couldn’t hold back any longer. The pressure in him was ready to explode. As she rose up high he gathered her cream and as she came down added two more fingers to his one. She screamed in pleasure as his three fingers rammed into her. Her core quivered and pulsed around him. He yelled his release as her pussy squeezed and pulled everything he had out of him.

Logan let his head fall back on the lounge as Ava sagged against him. He pulled her tight and kissed her head. “Let’s move to the bedroom. We have all night. We can reheat the dinner I saw in the oven later.”

BOOK: Ava's Mate
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