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Authors: Hazel Gower

Ava's Mate (7 page)

BOOK: Ava's Mate
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Logan straightened his collared shirt for what felt like the millionth time and raised his hand to knock on Ava’s door.

“Come in, the door’s open. I’ll just be a moment,” Ava yelled.

“Stop being stupid, Logan Brown, you were here yesterday.” He knew he sounded like an idiot talking to himself, but he couldn’t help the feeling that Ava was important to his life, and if he messed it up he wouldn’t find another woman like her even if he searched the whole world.

After he’d seen her in her wolf form and talked to her so comfortably he felt more relaxed and at ease with her. All he’d done all afternoon and night was think about how he’d acted over the last couple of months and what his options had been. Should he stay and do the supernatural thing or decide to leave and be normal? Did he ignore the fact that demons and minions were trying to take over world? He knew he couldn’t do that, and wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he did.

So he was going to give Ava and the thing they had together a real try.

Walking into the lounge room and sitting down, he waited, trying not to look like the nervous wreck he felt.

Ava came out of her room and all his plans of staying calm flew out the door. She wore a tight fitted black dress and red stilettos, and she carried a matching red purse. He stood straight up, speechless. She looked stunning, way too gorgeous for him.

Not being able to hold back, he pulled her close to him and held her tight as he kissed her. They pulled away, panting. “Wow. You look amazing,” he said.

The smile she bestowed on him was priceless. Her eyes lit up and her lips turned up into a grin. She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the door. “Thanks. We better go, otherwise I know we won’t end up at the restaurant but in bed.”

He let her pull him along because he knew she was right.

* * * *

They sat across from each other both looking out at the beach over the balcony of the restaurant.

“What made you join the military and not the mining industry?” Ava squeezed his hand over the table and turned to face him.

“I went with my dad a couple of times and even tried working in the mine. But I found it completely boring. I like to be on the go, doing things, be in the thick of things. I’ve always been an action junkie, so I gave the military a try and never looked back.”

Ava smiled and loosened her grip as the waiter came with their desserts. Logan held back his snarl as the waiter hovered over Ava like he’d been doing all night, offering her anything to make sure she was well looked after.

“My fiancée is fine. You can leave now.” As soon as the words left his mouth he froze in his seat and snatched his hand from her hold as the waiter stalked away.

Ava’s eyes grew wide and her mouth gaped open at him and she stilled.

“Ah…crap. I…Well, you…” He raked his fingers through his hair. “You do something to me. I’ve never been a possessive man but you…you bring it out in me.” He rubbed his hand over his face. “Tell me something, and I need you to be honest with me.”

Ava’s mouth snapped shut and she nodded.

“This mate thing…am I supposed to feel like you’re my possession? Like I can’t live without you? Like I want to spend all my spare time and more with you? For fuck’s sake, I can’t get it up with anyone but you, can I? For the rest of my life.”

Ava’s eyes started to glow. She shook her head as if she were trying to shake something out of it, and growled, “I’m holding my wolf in check now. If this isn’t what you want. If you don’t want to feel what you just asked about then I suggest you leave now.”

He could see Ava’s whole body shake and her fist sat clenched on the table. He studied her face. Her lips were pressed into a thin line, and her eyes shone with unshed tears.

Fuck, he was being an arsehole again. Ava deserved better than how he treated her. Standing, he tossed a hundred on the table. Ava gathered her purse and stood, and he guided her out the door.

“I’m sorry you got stuck with a douchebag for a mate. I am trying to get use to all this supernatural stuff, but it’s hard.” He held her hand and almost dragged her to walk along the beach. “I know it’s no excuse for me to act like a dick.”

He watched her slowly relax and they walked along the sand hand in hand. “If you’d forget what I said a couple of minutes ago in the restaurant, I would be forever grateful.” He paused and turned her to face him holding her face up. “I know you’re extremely special to me, and if I stuff this up there will never be another you. We’re not what either wanted or expected. But if you asked me right now if I would change at this moment…I would say no. So be patient with me, please.”

Her beautiful eyes stared up at him, studying him. Finally, she let out a sigh and reached up and stroked his cheek, muttering, “One more chance. I’m only giving you this because I know you’re trying.” She grinned, showing her fangs. “Also, you’re hot, and I have a weakness for redheads.”

He laughed and felt a weight lift from his shoulders as he yanked her closer, kissed her lips, and moved up to nibble her ears. “Well, I have a thing for tall, gorgeous brunettes with big blue eyes. I love chasing them down and eating them.”

She giggled and pushed against him. Logan let her go and she backed up with a wicked grin on her face. “Oh yeah? Why don’t you catch me and see if I’m the flavor you’re looking for?” She turned on her heels and ran across the beach, laughing.

Watching as her hair trailed behind her and her feet barely hit the ground, he bounded after her, feeling light, and happiness like he hadn’t felt in years.

* * * *

It was getting harder and harder for Ava to keep her wolf in check and not mate mark Logan. He was making a big effort whenever he spent time with her. He’d done an almost full turnaround from asshole to a great potential mate. He still got funny sometimes about the werewolf stuff, especially that she could lift more than him, run faster, heal quicker, and had all-round better stamina.

Two weeks had gone by since their first date and Ava had never been so horny or sexually frustrated in her life. She hadn’t had sex with him for fear of mating him, something she still thought Logan would regret. But tonight she knew she couldn’t hold back any longer. She prayed he was ready for her and didn’t do anything stupid.


Chapter 6


Last night had been a killer. The demons had attacked a football event so Logan had used his powers in front of all his work colleagues. Some hadn’t taken it well. The most vocal of the group were clearly outraged by what they felt was a betrayal, convinced he’d lied and intentionally concealed his identity. Usually it wouldn’t bother him, but tonight he had to get ready for his date with Ava, and he was so sexually frustrated he knew if he didn’t have Ava again tonight he’d crack and jump her.

Ava hadn’t had sex with him since the night she kicked him out of her house. And she’d slowly seemed to be easing back to letting him in. Yesterday when they’d had lunch he was sure she was going to invite him around for some loving before he went out fighting. But no, she kissed him, leaving him wound up and ready to burst. Today his training partners took the brunt of his frustration and tension.

Walking to the barracks, he saw the door that was usually always open was closed. Ramming the door, he slammed into it until it opened, and he was met with Mark’s fist in his face.

“That’s for me trusting that you were normal and not like the rest of the freaks we’ve been forced to work with.”

John come up behind Logan and before he even had the chance to react turned him and punched him also. “You betrayed us. I think it’s best if you stay away from us. Go join your brother with his dog.” With that they left, slamming the door behind them.

Fuck. Stumbling to the showers, he messed with the taps until he got the water right, then stripped out of his clothes and got in, letting the cool water sooth his face. To think most people thought the army was a friendly, non-judgmental place. The motto don’t ask, don’t tell. Logan chuckled. Yeah, right. The men knew he wasn’t going to tell on them as he wasn’t a snitch. It was just easier to move.

Logan got out, turning off the water. He dried himself quickly and dressed quickly, not wanting to be anywhere near any of his so-called army mates. He packed all his stuff up and chucked it in his car. He’d move to a new barracks or rent a house. That should help keep the peace.

He debated driving around for the twenty-five minutes he had until he picked Ava up, but needed to be with someone who wouldn’t judge him for his powers.

Parking in front of Ava’s cottage, he saw her dragging furniture up the three steps to her porch. Jumping out of the car, he rushed to help her. She didn’t even stop what she was doing, just sighed at him over the lounge. “Oh good, you’re here early. Grab the other end.”

He grunted as he lifted the other end. “Why do you need this? There’s already a lounge in there.”

She let one hand go to open the door and held the lounge with the other. Logan groaned, and tried not to feel emasculated as he didn’t even feel the slightest shift in weight when she held the lounge with one hand.

“This is for the family room, which is at the back. You didn’t see that much of the house last time you were here. Not everything is furnished. I only moved in the day you and I…” She shook her head and grabbed the lounge with both hands again. Together they turned it so it fit through the door. “To tell you the truth if it wasn’t for you I would still be living happily with my parents.”

Logan stared at her as she lifted the lounge like it weighed nothing and he wondered at her words. “Who did the house belong to before you?”

Ava shrugged. “It was empty. One of the many pack houses. Well, now that I’ve claimed it it’s mine…ours. That’s how it works with werewolves. We might build more onto it.”

Logan ignored her statement that the house was theirs and followed her through the house, realizing it was a lot larger than he’d first thought. At the very back of the cottage was a large, empty family room. Together they placed the lounge in the corner.

He sat on the longue, looking out the window at the wild, unkept yard. “Gardening not your thing?”

She sat down next to him. “No.” Turning to him, she let out a loud gasp. “What the hell happened to your face?”

He shrugged. “I was on duty last night.”

Ava growled and moved closer to him. “I know you were but these aren’t from last night. I know the difference. So what happened, Logan?”

He groaned. “Let’s just say some people aren’t happy I tricked them into thinking I’m a normal human.”

Ava snarled, got up, and ran out of the room. Frowning, he wondered what he’d said wrong. Logan heard a door slam and Ava growled.

“You need to leave, Logan. I can’t hold her back from taking over any longer.”

He walked to the room the voice had come from even though his mind told him to do as she said. Before he could even knock on the door, it opened and a naked Ava grabbed him. She pulled him into the room, threw him on the bed, and jumped on top of him. She wasted no time undressing him and simply ripped his shirt off. Turning his head, she bit him where his shoulder meet his neck. He let out a yelp, which turned into a groan as she ripped the rest of his clothes off.

She pulled her mouth from his him for a moment. “Mine. I will keep you safe.”

Her hand circled his lengthening cock and pumped it twice before she slowly eased her pussy down onto his dick. He closed his eyes as the feeling of euphoria set in and he trailed his hands up her body and back down again, pausing at her ass to give it a good squeeze.

Ava looked almost crazed as she bounced and grinded on him. He looked up at her in an almost dreamlike state. She looked like a goddess come to life. Her eyes were closed, her head thrown back, and her hair tickled his thighs. Her nipples stood erect. Her breasts were perfect round globes that he ached to suckle, lick, and hold. A tight, toned stomach led down to a smooth bare pussy, which he watched engulf his dick over and over.

Reaching up, he cupped her breasts and caressed the pointed nipples. “Sweetheart, you are my goddess come to life.” He pulled her down to him and whispered, “Let me worship you tonight?”

Ava moaned against him and he took that as a yes. She smelled amazing of mangos, his favorite fruit, and cinnamon. Logan felt wild. He felt like he could do anything, that he had super strength.

Grinning, he flipped Ava so she was on the bottom, and he hovered over the top of her. He eased himself out of her and kissed, sucked, and licked his way down her body to get to the prize he craved. Pausing at her pussy, he took a deep breath in of the mango and cinnamon that intoxicated his brain before he dived to eat his prize.

Humming as her cream exploded onto his taste buds, he held her hips up to his mouth for better access. He sucked her clit into his mouth and nibbled it before letting go and dipping his tongue into her core.

“Looooggaann. Oh God.” Ava screamed as she bucked against him, pushing his tongue further in.

He let out a growl against her pussy as he couldn’t seem to get enough. His cock felt like steel as it begged him to go back to its warm, slick, tight home. Ava held onto his head and grinded into him as one of his hands came down to play with the puckered hole at the back. He moved up to gathered some of her juices, coating his fingers before moving back and slowly easing a come coated finger into her ass. Ava squealed as he added a second and pumped them in and out in time with his tongue.

“I’m coming. I’m… Oh God, I’m coming.”

Her muscles squeezed around his two digits in her ass and his tongue felt the vibration run through her as she came on his tongue, her taste driving him even more crazy.

His body hummed and his mind felt saturated with Ava. He needed to make her his. Make her know there was no one but him for her. She was his.

Crazy with lust, he flipped her over on all fours. She snarled and fought, but his strength seemed to have tripled. Moving his hands down to help brace her as he lined his cock up with her opening, he could feel her wet heat, and her smell surrounded him as he pulled back, growled, and slammed home.

BOOK: Ava's Mate
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