Read Autumn in London Online

Authors: Louise Bay

Tags: #Nightmare

Autumn in London (4 page)

BOOK: Autumn in London
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Chapter Four


“I noticed something earlier,” I said as I trailed my hands flat along the front of her thighs, from her knees up underneath her skirt. I stopped as I found the garter belt. I swallowed. She wore this shit to work? Fuck. I was never going to be able to practice law again with her around. “I thought so.” Her eyelids fluttered and I removed my hands and fumbled for her zipper. I needed her skirt off so I could see what, exactly, she had on.

I slid the tight navy crepe from her legs, exposing her naked pussy and her stockings. She was perfect. With her skirt off, I pushed her knees wide apart, and she held them there. That was what really did it to me, the way she unashamedly wanted me and wasn’t afraid to ask for it. And it wasn’t just that she wanted sex. She wanted what
did to her. And that felt fan-fucking-tastic.

She was squirming before me, impatient for what was to come next. I watched her, eyes closed, head tilted back, lips parted. It was the best view in the world. “Ethan,” she moaned, urging me on. I trailed my fingers down the back of her thighs, up to her perfect ass. I could see her glistening already.

“You are fucking gorgeous.” I leaned forward and lightly trailed my tongue from her opening to her clit and down again and sat back.

“Ethan. Please. More.” Jesus, my entire blood supply surged to my dick. I plunged both thumbs inside her, twisting and stroking. Her eyes flew to what I was doing. I moved my thumbs up her folds and spread her open, her clit exposed as I flicked the hard bud with the tip of my tongue.

“Ethan.” She bolted up onto her elbows.

I flicked again.

“Ethan, no.” She ground her hips into me, her body saying the opposite of her words.

I flicked once more and captured her ass in my hands and pulled her toward me as I sucked and licked. Her fingers went to my hair and she trailed her feet down my sides. I pushed her legs apart again with my elbows and thrust my fingers into her.

I knew she was close as she tried to push me away from her. “Ethan. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.”

She pulsed beneath my tongue and I reduced the pressure as she arched her back and screamed my name. Fuck I’d missed watching her come - come apart so completely in front of me. 

She pulled my head from between her thighs and brought me up to face her. Instead of kissing me, she trailed her tongue across my chin, licking herself off me. Jesus, the woman should be in jail for the things she did to me.

“I want you inside me Ethan. I mean it. Now.” She rolled over to kneel on the sofa, stripped off her blouse and gripped the cushions at the back.

She was still so demanding.

“Ethan,” she said, knocking me out of the daze of watching her bend over like that, offering herself to me. Jesus.

I found a condom in my wallet, peeled off my shirt, dropped my pants in record time and positioned myself, wanting to savor this moment before I slid into her. She pushed back impatiently.

“We have all night,” I whispered. And I thrust into her and quickly withdrew completely. She gasped. “And all of tomorrow night.” I pushed into her again. “And the night after that.” She was whimpering. Incoherent. Crazed. I pulled at her waist, pulling her away from the sofa and toward me, her back against my chest. “Feel that beautiful?” I said as I kept thrusting as deep as I could. I’d not felt her around me for so long, and I wanted to get as deep as I could.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“You’re going to have my cock inside you every day now.” I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to stay away from her. I was going to have to have her, constantly, every day.

“Oh god yes,” she responded.

I pushed on her shoulders, trying to get deeper. Her breaths were short and quick. It wouldn’t be long.

I needed to see her face. I pulled out and she fell forward, limp. I picked her up and walked across the room to the dining table. Sitting her at one end, I pushed back into her, she was so tight, so perfect. She lay back and I leaned over her, scanning her face for her reaction to our bodies. Her cheeks were flushed and a sheen of sweat on her forehead captured a few strands of her hair. That sleek office look that she wore during the day was gone and the Anna only I knew was back.

I circled my hips and she twisted away from me. She was close.

“Don’t resist it beautiful. You don’t have to save it up. I’ll make you come as often as you want.”

Her body juddered, her mouth parted and I saw her peak just as I poured myself into her.

She slumped back on the table, boneless and beautiful. I grinned at her.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she said, catching my grin.

“Like what?”

“Like you know something.”

“I do know something.”

“What do you know?”

“I know you’re beautiful. I know that we’re going to do that again soon. And then again and again. And I know that I’m pleased to see you. I’ve missed you.”

She turned her head to the side, not saying anything.

“I’ve missed you fucking me too,” she said eventually.

“That’s not what I said,” I replied as I pulled her up to sit and then helped her off the table. “I’ve missed fucking you but I’ve missed all of you. Where’s the bathroom?”

She indicated left and I pulled my arms around her waist and walked her backward in the direction of the bathroom. “Let’s shower,” I said.

She stood still and silent as I turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature. “Come here.” I held out my hand to her and led under the water. “We never got a chance to fuck in the shower in New York.”

“Ethan,” she admonished.

“Now you’re going to turn coy, after you’ve licked your come off my face and begged me to fuck you?”

She reached her hands around my neck and kissed my chest.

“I just need to understand the rules, Ethan.”

“Later,” I replied.


“Later.” I kissed the top of her head.


It felt so strange but so comfortable having him in my flat, in my shower. He washed my hair for me, combed through my conditioner, covered my whole body in body wash and then rinsed me clean, all while trailing my body with kisses. We stood under the water facing each other, our tongues pressing together, exploring, kissing until the water ran cold.

“This isn’t the Mandarin Oriental, I don’t have unlimited hot water I’m afraid,” I said as my skin puckered under the cool spray.

He smiled at me, led me out of the shower and pulled a towel around me. “I don’t mind where I fuck you, as long as I’m inside you.”

I dropped my towel and wrapped my hand around his erection. His eyes burned into mine and I fell to my knees. I’d given blowjobs before but it had always been to please the person on the receiving end. Right then, I
him in my mouth. There was a rush of liquid to my sex at the thought. I looked up at him from my knees and before my mouth had touched him, he groaned. I grasped the base of him and ran my tongue on the underside of his erection, from the very base of him right to the tip, my hand following, pulling on him. His eyes were wide with wonder when I closed mine, traced his head with my tongue and then took him deep in my mouth.

He hands thrust into my hair and I could tell he was trying to stop himself from pushing into me. I didn’t want him to resist that urge. With him in my mouth I moved both hands to the cheeks of his bottom and pushed, urging him to fuck my mouth. He growled as he went deeper and held my head tighter. I wanted him to take from me what he needed. It was the ultimate turn on that I could give him that. I sat back on my knees and he slowed. I placed my hands over his on my head, reassuring him that this was what I wanted. He was in control. He could have whatever he wanted from me. His thrusts started in earnest, pushing in and out of my mouth. My nipples tightened as I kept my eyes on his,

He angled himself right at the back of my throat and I gagged. The wetness between my thighs increased. I wanted him inside me.

He knew. He pulled his cock from my mouth and dragged me to my feet to my bed.

“You are so fucking sexy,” he growled as I lay back on the mattress and he stood over me.

“Ethan.” I was shaking with lust for him. I wanted to know why he wasn’t inside me yet and then I heard the rustle of a condom wrapper. He crawled up my body and thrust into me. My head snapped back at the feel of him. As if he’d not been inside me half an hour ago. Like it was the first time I’d ever felt him fill me up. It was as if my body never quite got used to the size of him. I needed him close to me and I grabbed at him and pulled him against my body, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“You can’t get enough, can you, beautiful?”

He was right. He’d created this insatiable woman who was drunk on lust for him and would do anything to have the man above her inside her. It scared me and thrilled me in equal measure. I didn’t want to be so out of control.

He pulled his head back so he could see my answer. I shook my head slightly and he moaned and buried his face in my neck and sunk his teeth into my skin. A wave of pleasure washed over me and mixed with pain. The start of my orgasm began to fizz across my body.

My hands moved to his shoulders and I tried to push him away slightly.

“No,” he said sharply. “You will come for me. You won’t resist me anymore, Anna.” He increased his thrusts, deeper, harder and a white light blinded me as I fell and fell and fell.

* * * * *

I lay boneless and limp, with Ethan collapsed on top of me, his breath on my neck slowing, starting to return to normal.

My hands trailed up and down his back. It felt amazing having him in my bed. In my city. But for how long? I didn’t want to think about it.

Eventually he moved off me, went to the bathroom and emerged looking so hot it hurt. His hair was ruffled and his eyes bluer than before.

“I think you might have exhausted me. I didn’t sleep at all last night,” Ethan said as he dived under the duvet and beckoned me into the crook of his arm.

“Jetlag?” I asked.

“A bit, and seeing you and work. You’re like a cure for jetlag and stress all mixed into one sexy little package.” He kissed the top of my head. “Oh, can I stay? I just . . .”

I was pleased he couldn’t see the smile twitching at the corners of my mouth. “I’d like that.”

“So, what have you been up to since you left New York?” he asked.

“Keeping busy working long hours at the law firm you just took over.”

“Merged with,” he corrected me.


“Disappointed I don’t work construction?” he grinned at me.

“I never thought you worked construction, freak. Are you surprised that I’m a lawyer?”

He sucked in a deep breath. “Surprised that you were at Allen & Smith? Yes. Surprised you’re smart and hardworking as well as sexy? No.”

“I meant what I said about the rules. My job’s important to me. If tonight is just tonight—with your non-dating policy or whatever—that’s fine, but we need to be professional in the office until you go back to New York. I don’t want any drama.”

Ethan didn’t respond, just continued to stroke my back. Was I being clingy or practical? No, I was definitely being practical. I wasn’t asking him for a ring, just some boundaries. Working for the same firm complicated things.

“Look . . .” he started, clearly wanting to let me down gently.

“I’m not trying to pressure you.”

He pulled me tighter. “I know. You’re right, working together complicates things. You know we have a strict no-frat policy under the partnership agreement at Flanders, Case & Burling?”

“A what policy?”

“A rule that says the partners aren’t allowed to fuck the staff.”

“I’ll let you into a little secret. You broke that rule. And you broke it good.” I giggled and then stopped suddenly. He was telling me nothing was going to happen between us.

I tensed beside him and tried to shift away from his body but he pulled me closer.

“So, no bullshit,” he said. I didn’t know if it was a question or a statement. “This is complicated for a lot of reasons. Yes, technically I’m your superior. Technically there’s a strict no-frat policy. And I’ve got a lot of shit to do while I’m over here.”

“It’s okay, Ethan. You don’t owe me anything.” I tried to move away from him again but his arm clamped around me.

“Let me finish. I’m trying to tell you what I’m thinking and I don’t do this with women often or well so you’re gonna have to be patient with me.” I stopped wriggling and his arm relaxed. “As you know, I don’t date. I don’t know how to date.” I could feel myself tense again but I tried to keep relaxed and allow him to finish what he was saying. “But I’d like to spend time with you while I’m in London.”

“Have you really never dated?” I asked.

“Anna, I don’t bullshit. No, I’ve never dated.”

“How come? I’m sure you’ve thought about it. You must have.”

“All sorts of reasons I guess. Work has always come first. I’ve always been ambitious and that requires a certain focus that I’ve seen my friends lose because they’ve been dealing with relationship drama.”

“Do you mean Andrew and Mandy?”

“Maybe. I meant my co-workers when I was more junior, but yes, Andrew to a certain extent. Ultimately, I’ve never met anyone that I’ve wanted to spend time with and I don’t bullshit. I’m always very clear about the fact I’m not interested in a relationship and no one has made me want to change my rule on that. Not until, well you know, we had our week together.”

My body warmed at his words. I wanted to hear more.

“And you’ve never felt like you wanted to try? You must have been under pressure to bring dates to parties. Isn’t it easier to be in a relationship?”

“Is that a good reason to string someone along? So I have a date on hand when I need to go to an event?” he asked.

“I guess not but I think that’s how a lot of relationships start.”

“You might be right, but to me that’s bullshit.. If you want to be with someone, be with someone. If you don’t then don’t. No ambiguity.”

“When do you go back? Saturday?” I asked, satisfied with his explanation for now.

He turned his head sharply toward me. “No. I’m here three months.”

My stomach flipped over and I sat up and hugged my knees to my chest. Three months. I could fall in love with this man in three months. This was more complicated than I expected.

Ethan stroked his hand down my back. “Hey. Come here.”

I shifted out of bed and pulled on a T-shirt. I needed to think and I couldn’t do that naked.

BOOK: Autumn in London
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