Alpha Trio: The Complete Collection (3 page)

BOOK: Alpha Trio: The Complete Collection
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“Were you being a serious journalist tonight when you met a strange man in an alley?” he shot back.


“Yes, actually. I’m working on a story about a string of deaths. The police haven’t connected them and I swear they’re missing something. So, when I get a call from someone who says they know for a fact the police are purposefully overlooking evidence...” She trailed off, shrugging. The motion made those magnificent tits sway. Em drained the last of his beer.


“You’re investigating what you think is a string of serial murders and when someone tells you they have information and asks to meet you... alone... after dark... you just go? Weren’t you in the least bit suspicious?” he growled.


Cat extended her unopened beer to him. “Of course I was! I’m not an idiot. I brought pepper spray.”


“Against a possible serial killer.” Em snorted. “A
serial killer.” He shook his head, snatching the beer from her hand.


She crossed her arms beneath her ample breasts, pushing them against the soft fabric of her blouse. He popped the beer open, enjoying the deep V of cleavage visible. Emilian liked his girls with some flesh on their bones. Another reason he liked human girls. Shifter chicks were all lean as a whipcord. It was in their DNA. Cat, on the other hand, was soft and round and delicious.


He shifted, adjusting his aching cock again. Cat gasped. As Em watched, her nipples went hard, poking at the silky fabric of her top. He pulled his gaze reluctantly from her luscious tits to look at her face. Her round cheeks were flushed pink and her eyes were wide. She was staring at his crotch. Em’s lips curled in a smirk.


When Cat realized he was looking at her, her eyes darted to his, and then away. The pink on her cheeks deepened to scarlet. “I didn’t know he was a vampire then. Frankly, I’m still...” She rubbed at her forehead. “This is all crazy. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes... I mean, I did see it and I’m still having trouble with it. Like, I could have had a psychotic break or something. Maybe I’m in a psych ward somewhere and you’re not even real.”


She sounded so pleased with the idea. Em reacted without even thinking. He set down the beer and was pressed against her in a flash. She gasped, flinching backward into the couch cushions. They were chest to chest. Her bent knee was less than an inch from his throbbing erection. Her stuttering breath washed across his cheek.


Em looked into her eyes for a long moment before reaching for her hand. He pressed it against the rock hard wall of his chest.


“Does that feel fake to you, Cat?” he murmured. Her plump lips were mere inches from his. When her tongue came out to wet the bottom one, he almost groaned. Her small fingers traced the outline of his pectoral muscle.


“N-no. But...”


“It’s all real. The sooner you accept that, the safer you’ll be. If you delude yourself into thinking this is some drug induced dream, that skeletal fucker is going to get you and you won’t even see it coming.” A sweet little treat like Cat definitely didn’t deserve what those monsters would do to her.


Cat squeezed her eyes shut, but she nodded. “Fine. I know. I
it’s real. I just... don’t know what that means for the rest of my life. It changes... everything.”


“It changes nothing, really. We’ve always been there. The only difference is, now you know. You hang out here until Grig and Drei get back from wasting the bloodsuckers and then you can trot back to your life. My only word of advice would be drop that story.” 


Em shrugged and moved back from her a few inches. Her hand dropped slowly from his chest. As much as he might want to fuck this girl, and Christ did he, she was a Mundane. He didn’t do Mundanes. Too fucking complicated. The fact that it took her about half a second to rile him more than a platoon of vamps in a blood frenzy was irrelevant.


“Oh, right. Trot back to my life? How... I mean what... I can’t just forget all of this!” She swirled her fingers in the air, indicating him and the world around him. This is why it was a no-no to clue in the Mundanes.


Em caught her chin between his fingers and leaned in close, forcing her to meet his gaze. “This is not something that leaves this apartment, Cat. Promise me. Once you leave here, everything is back to normal for you. No vampires, no Shifters. Nothing. Not a word.”


Her purple-blue eyes were wide as she stared into his face. Her lips trembled. But she didn’t smell like fear. Em frowned as she remained silent. “Promise me!”


“I pr-promise!” she pulled out of his grip, jumping to her feet and rubbing at her arms. “I promise, okay? Your secret is safe with me.” She began pacing in front of him, stepping over his crossed legs. The move lifted her leg high, baring a considerable swatch of creamy thigh. Em sat back and enjoyed the view, picking the beer back up and letting her work through whatever she was turning over in her head.


In his experience, there was no use asking a chick what she was thinking until she’d gotten it all figured out. Otherwise, all that crap that was spinning around in their heads during the thought process came spewing out their mouths. And then they expected his input, which made the process take twice as long.


No way. He would keep his mouth shut until she was less agitated and then see what there was to see. Until then, he’d just enjoy the view. Finally she stopped, hands laced together in front of her, and gave him a short nod. “Do you mind if I take a shower? I’m all over dirt and blood.”


The image of Cat completely naked in his shower, water cascading down her curvy body, made him grit his teeth as lust slammed hard into his chest. Why was this happening to him? He’d just wanted a nice, relaxing day off. Maybe a quick fuck to recharge his batteries.


Instead, he’d gotten this mess and now he was trapped in his apartment with one of the most deliciously fuckable Mundanes he’d ever clapped eyes on, and he had to keep his distance. The night was a big enough disaster as it was without adding his hormones into the mix.


“Shower’s through the bedroom.” He nodded at the door to his inner sanctum. She swallowed audibly, looking from him to the door and back. Then she stepped over his legs once again and disappeared into the bedroom.


Em drained his second beer as the shower turned on. He leaned his head back against the couch, eyes closed, picturing Cat unbuttoning her blouse and shrugging it off her smooth shoulders and revealing the creamy curves of her breasts, their dark pink tips visible beneath the transparent lace of her bra.


She’d peel off her skirt next, leaving her in just the bra and panties. Matching? No, he decided. The panties were prim white cotton. Work panties. She wasn’t expecting anyone to see her in her underwear. Still, the soft fabric hugged the lush curve of her ass and hips, clinging to the soft mound of her belly.


Em reached down to free his cock from the strangling confines of his jeans. He rolled the heavy sack of his balls on his palm, imagining Cat reaching back and unclasping her bra, freeing those big, ripe tits. He pictured her tossing the garment away and then kneading the soft flesh, relieving the ache of constriction.


He did the same, sliding his fist along his aching cock, squeezing as he reached the tip. He rubbed the pad of his thumb over the sensitive head, smearing the bead of pre-cum there. He envisioned the smooth, warm flesh of Cat’s breasts wrapping around his shaft. His breath stuttered in his chest.


“Fuck,” Em moaned, pumping his fist along his rigid length. He heard the muted sound of the shower that meant she’d stepped beneath the spray and inhaled a sharp breath. How would she look, dark hair slick to her head, breasts jiggling as she reached up to push the wet mass off her forehead.


Water would be pouring over her shoulders and down her chest, spilling over her stomach and thighs. He wondered if she shaved her pussy, or if it was covered in curls as dark brown as the hair on her head. He hoped she wasn’t shaved. He liked a woman who was groomed, but not bare. The thick tangle of hair over a woman’s slit turned Em on desperately. He loved running his fingers through the thatch, tugging.


He could easily imagine spending a long time with his face buried between Cat’s milky thighs, lapping at that sweet cleft, making her squeal and beg before he climbed up and drove his throbbing length deep into her hot, wet passage. Em grunted as pleasure crackled in the base of his spine. He stroked faster, pumping his hips, sliding his cock in and out of his fist as he imagined it was the silken confines of Cat’s pussy.


Em wanted to lay her out and pound into her, watch those impossible eyes widen and her plump pouting lips tremble as she came, squeezing him hard and calling his name. The picture was so vivid in his mind he swore he could feel her wet heat wrapped around his shaft, sliding down over the sensitive tip of his cock. He arched upward, balls tightening, as his orgasm ripped through him.


“Oh fuck, Cat!” He groaned, his cock jerking as he came. He quickly cupped his hand over the spurting head of his cock, catching the jets of warm spunk in his palm as he continued to squeeze and stroke his spasming length. He panted as he emptied his balls into his hand. He would have rather dumped this particular load – not to mention several more – in the luscious Cat. But that way lay too much complication.


He collapsed back against the couch for a moment, letting his breathing return to normal and his heart slow. Despite the orgasm that had just flowed through him, his cock was slow to soften. With a disgusted growl he tucked his semi back into his pants and got to his feet. Just in time too. The shower shut off a moment later. Unbidden, the image of her toweling off popped into his mind. His dick twitched again. What was it about this chick that had him constantly hard?


He gritted his teeth and sent a firm ‘down boy’ message below, wiped his sticky hand on a paper towel, and tossed it in the trash. He was getting ready to rinse his hands when he saw the streak of cum on the bottom of his black t-shirt. Damn it. Not quick enough to catch it all. He tugged the shirt off over his head and tossed it into the sink.


Em had washed his hands and was wringing the damp shirt out when Cat emerged from his bedroom. She froze in the doorway as she took in his shirtless state. It wasn’t until her eyes dropped to his pants and widened a fraction that he realized he hadn’t done his pants up all the way either. He’d zipped back up, but the buttons were still undone. Her gaze lingered and she bit her lip. Em’s stomach muscles tightened with desire and his traitorous cock surged back to life.


“Uh. Spilled some beer,” was all he managed before his own gaze registered what she was wearing. Em could have sworn his heart stopped beating. His lungs went still. Fire exploded in his gut. His already half-hard cock swelled with blood, harder than before. His hands clenched on the cold, damp fabric of his shirt. His other shirt. The one not currently draped over Cat’s statuesque frame.


“I hope you don’t mind,” she murmured, flushing and fiddling with the hem. It was one of the few button downs he owned. Em was mostly a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy, but every once in awhile his mother insisted he dress up for something. The last ‘something’ had been his cousin Anita’s wedding. He’d worn the very blue button down that Cat now sported. It hadn’t looked half as good on him. “My clothes are a little wrecked. I rinsed them out and hung them on the shower rod.”


The shirt came down to just above her knees, nearly as long as the skirt had been. She’d rolled the sleeves up to her elbows, but they kept slipping down. Cat had buttoned it up nearly to her throat, but the buttons strained to contain her bountiful assets. Em swallowed, dropping the wet t-shirt back into the sink.


“It’s fine. Are you hungry? I think I have some... uh...” He wasn’t sure if he had anything to eat in the apartment. He got most of his meals at headquarters. Or his mother’s house. He knew how to cook, and did occasionally. But mostly at HQ. He didn’t keep the cupboards stocked here. “Cereal?” That seemed like a safe bet.


She shook her head. “No, thanks. I had dinner before my... um... my meeting.” She tugged at the hem of the shirt. Her meeting with the vampire serial killer. He needed to remember that. No fucking the Mundane. She was already in this too deep. Em didn’t need to give her another reason to pry into their world.


He glanced at the clock. Nearly 2 AM. Where the hell were Grig and Drei? They should be back by now. “Well, hopefully my brothers will be back soon. Once your vampire problem is taken care of, we can take you home. Maybe you should get some rest until then?” Please, he wanted to say. Go in the other room, shut the door, and sleep until it’s time for you to go.

BOOK: Alpha Trio: The Complete Collection
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