Alpha Trio: The Complete Collection (10 page)

BOOK: Alpha Trio: The Complete Collection
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Drei’s fingers tangled in the thick satin fall of her hair and he groaned beneath her determined onslaught. Her mouth was hot, wet, and determined. Three of his favorite things.


She chuckled against his hip, her fingers stroking teasingly along the waistband of his jeans for the briefest moment before she yanked at the button. “I bet I can think of a few other things that merit ‘favorite’ status.” She slid his zipper down and tugged his jeans open, revealing the first several inches of his rock hard cock. She licked him with the flat of her tongue, humming a little as she got the taste of him.


He arched upward, seeking that wet caress. “Fuck, yes, you can.” Cassandra’s fingers curled into his waistband and she began to pull downward, slowly uncovering him. Drei lifted his ass off the bed and released her hair as she slid down, dragging his jeans off his legs.


“Holy.” Cassandra dropped his pants on the floor, green eyes wide as she took in the rock hard length of his dick where it stood up from his dark thatch of pubic hair. It throbbed visibly, the wide head flushed and glistening with pre-cum. She swallowed and licked her lips. “I should have guessed you’d be enormous everywhere.”


Drei barked a laugh. “It’s nice to know I can surprise you.”


Cassandra crawled back onto the bed, eyes intent on the impressive length of him. “You never think about it. How do you not think about it? If I had a cock this big, I’d go around thinking ‘Yup, I’ve got a twelve inch cock’ like,
all the time


“I guess it’s a good thing you don’t then.” He laughed again, the sound dissolving into a groan of pleasure as Cassandra wrapped strong, slender fingers around the base of his shaft.


“Oh, I do though,” she said, grinning wickedly at him. “Right here. This is mine now.” She stroked her hand upward, squeezing firmly, curving her thumb over his cock head and rubbing.


“Yes!” Drei hissed. At both the caress and her claiming of his cock. He felt a primal thrill at her assurance of ownership. He felt that way too.


Cassandra smiled. “Good.” And then she lowered her head and slid her lips down over his cock. The silken glide of her mouth, the heat as she sank down his shaft, sent lightning bolts of pleasure straight to the base of Drei’s brain.


She couldn’t take all of him, but she made a valiant effort, stroking what she couldn’t fit in her mouth. It felt exquisite, the tight press of her satin lips, the hard line of her teeth behind them, the wet velvet swipes of her tongue. Cassandra sucked him hard, pressing him against the roof of her mouth.


“Cassandra!” Drei groaned, fisting his hands in her hair, thrusting up between her lips. She chuckled, the vibrations running along his shaft and making him shake. She was using both hands now, one stroking his shaft, the other kneading the heavy mass of his balls. She worked her mouth over him, head bobbing up and down, slow and steady as she sucked.


Drei pressed his heels into the mattress, his thighs tense as he pushed himself up, meeting each downward glide of her mouth and hand. Heat was heavy in the pit of his stomach and the base of his spine as she licked around the flared ridge of his cock head.


He swelled between her lips and he didn’t have to warn her because she knew. She knew as soon as he did that if she sucked hard just there one more time while squeezing...


“Fuck!” The curse exploded out of Drei as pleasure detonated like a bomb all through him. He distantly heard Cassandra’s pleased hum as he came, body arching, surging into her heavenly, sucking mouth.


His orgasm went on for what felt like a long time to Drei, as if he was pouring his entire being, his soul, into Cassandra, instead of just his seed. And she took every drop, pulling him into her, swallowing until she was full of him.


It was Drei’s turn to collapse back on the bed, eyes closed, head thrown back. He felt drained, hollowed out, and every cell seemed to thrum with strange energy. Cassandra crawled up him, sliding the long, silken, warm length of her body over his still sensitive cock, making him groan.


“Come on, soldier. We’re not done yet.” Her voice was husky as she slid her leg over his hip, rubbing the satin skin of her inner thigh against the wiry hair on his leg. Her cunt was hot and wet against his thigh, her smooth shaven lips a slick satin caress.


His cock, still hard, jerked at the sensation. “Jesus.” Epic orgasm and soul draining come or not, Drei was instantly ready to keep going. More than ready. He needed to be inside Cassandra now.


“Got to love that Shifter constitution.” She chuckled, rocking her hips, rubbing her slippery pussy up and down his tingling shaft.


“It’s the Mating.” He grabbed her hips, trying to tug her into position. “Makes us crazy for each other until we can’t deny what we are, what this is.”


Cassandra licked at his mouth and bit his chin, teasing him with tiny rotations of her hips, refusing to sink down on him. “And what are we? What is this?” She pushed down a little, taking just the smooth tip inside her silken confines.


“Fated.” Drei snarled, answering both her questions and rolling her suddenly beneath him. Cassandra’s eyes flew wide as he pressed her into the mattress and drove into her.




He hooked one muscled arm beneath her knee and tugged her leg up, hooking it over his shoulder and holding it there. He trapped her other leg between his own, spreading her wide as he bent forward, angling his hips, and buried every inch of his hard cock deep inside her rippling sheath.


Cassandra’s back arched like a bow, her wide mouth falling open as Drei began to move. Her long, slender fingers stroked across her breasts, toying with her nipples as she held his gaze. Every muscle in Drei’s body was hard as steel as he pumped in and out, over and over, gliding deep into the hot, slick confines of Cassandra’s snug pussy.


The friction had them both groaning and straining, slick with sweat, breath harsh. Drei pressed his mouth to the smooth skin just above her knee, sucking hard, nipping as her pussy squeezed his cock in its silken grip.


Cassandra writhed beneath him, pushing with her heel on the bed and pulling with her calf against his shoulder, curving her hips to slide up and down his length. With each down stroke, Drei pressed long and hard against her throbbing clit.


She bit her lips, moaning, her green eyes glittering with lust, fair skin flushed with pleasure. Drei couldn’t take his eyes off her. His wanted to close and let him drown in the sensation of Cassandra’s clutching cunt. But he forced them to stay open, to watch the pink part of her lips, the tip of her tongue darting into the corner each time he swiveled his hips, the flare of fire in her eyes as he pushed all the way into her silken channel.


The air between them crackled with the intensity of their connection. Drei could hear it, feel it prickling along his skin. Cassandra reached for his hand where it gripped her right hip and tugged it upward, pressing his palm against her breast. She held him there, hard, one hand squeezing his wrist, the other tangled with his as she lifted her hips to meet his deep thrusts.


“Fill me up, Drei,” she cried, her voice ringing low and clear, like a bell. “Please! I need you!”


He needed, too. Like before, to pour himself into her. But so much
this time. He curled his fingers around her breast, her knee and plunged into her gripping sheath, sinking every inch of himself into that hot, wet, silken sanctuary.


“Cassandra!” All he could say was her name, but again, she knew. She always knew.


“Yes,” she moaned. “Come for me, Drei. Come
me.” The taut muscles of her belly tightened. She began to shake and cried out his name, over and over.


It was an order. Drei obeyed. He threw back his head and howled at the ceiling as pleasure like nothing he’d ever felt tore through him. His cock swelled and jerked within the satin grip of Cassandra’s quivering pussy, but Drei did more than just empty his seed into her.


Everything he was, every thought and memory and experience. Every sensation. Every molecule that made him, Andrei Lupei, a Shifter, a squad commander, a brother, a man. They all flowed into Cassandra as he came.


But this time, he didn’t feel empty. The space left behind was filled with her. Cassandra. Not just the scent and taste of her, or even the feel of her body beneath his. Drei knew suddenly the flavor of her loneliness. The years she’d spent as a freak, the years she’d spent as a nobody, afraid to reveal the truth of herself. He knew the shape of her spirit and the ache of the headaches and the twist of shock and desire she’d felt the first time she’d seen him.


Something in the world, in his head, in his heart, just... clicked.
Mated. His
. Cassandra was


“And you’re mine,” she whispered back, hoarse from her cries. She slid her leg from his shoulder and pulled him down to her, wrapping him in her arms and holding him in the cradle of her thighs. Drei lay his cheek against her heaving breasts, kissing the warm, sweat damp flesh.


“Oh yeah,” he agreed. He couldn’t be any more hers if she made him wear a collar with an ‘If lost, return to owner’ tag.


Cassandra snorted, running shaking fingers against the back of his neck. “Well, I won’t say the idea doesn’t have some merit.” Drei growled and nipped playfully at her nipple.


“Don’t push it, Cass.” But he’d probably do it, if she really wanted. He didn’t think she did though.


She tugged his hair until he looked up at her and then rubbed her mouth against his. “I really don’t.”


He was glad. Because he had a feeling he would do whatever she asked. He wanted to pamper her and protect her, feelings he’d never had for another woman in his life. He also knew Cassandra now, well enough to know she wouldn’t be too keen on the ‘protect’ part.


Drei resolved to get in the gym with her, to see what she was capable of, when he had the energy again. Maybe some time next year. “Sound good?”


“Better than protection detail, at least.” She grumbled. “But for right now, I’m not at all worried about vamps getting me. They don’t even know about me.” She wriggled beneath him. Drei scowled at the mention of vampires.


“Not yet. We need to figure out why they want Cat. We need to get ahead of this. Because if one of those bloodsuckers lays so much as a bony finger on you, I swear to Christ, I’ll--”


She pressed a finger against his lips, silencing him. “I need to do the tests.”


Drei stiffened. “Like hell.”


“Drei, you’re right. We need to figure out what’s going on, and to do that, we need to figure out what makes Cat and I different. Which means submitting to the lab rats and their tests.” She stroked his back. “You can be there the whole time, okay?”


He knew she was right. There was something going on and it affected them all. He couldn’t keep her out of it, as much as he wanted to. Drei glanced at the clock. It was nearly daylight. His next shift didn’t start until afternoon. They could go find his mother then.


“Fine.” Drei dropped his chin onto her chest, nuzzling one soft breast. He touched his tongue quickly to her nipple, chuckling as it tightened beneath the brief caress. Cassandra moaned.


Drei shifted his weight on top of her, wondering how many times he could make her come before they both passed out. Cassandra’s green eyes sparkled up at him.


“I like the way you think, Mr. Lupei.” And then she tugged him to her mouth and kissed him.

Volume Three: A Special Taste~

The attack was his own fault. Grigore Lupei knew better than to walk the streets of this area alone these days. Especially three sheets to the wind.


He spun, tried to bring his hand up to block a blow aimed for his collarbone, and ended up whiffing air.


Okay, maybe more like five sheets to the wind.


The vamp’s fisted hand was right on target, smashing into his shoulder. Grig felt the bone splinter, tear through the skin, and growled as hot pain crackled through him. The blow drove him to his knees, blood pattering to the dirty pavement like red rain. His wolf prowled beneath his skin, but he held it back with the last vestiges of his power.


Too close to civilians. Mundanes. He’d only made it a few blocks from 5tM, the hardcore club where he and his brothers – and now his brother’s Mates – spent their nights off, before the five vamps jumped him. He couldn’t chance shifting. At this point, any human stumbling on the scene could write it off as a bunch of guys fighting, chalking any oddities up to the alcohol they’d most likely consumed if they were hanging out in this area at this time of night.


But if he let his wolf out... well, a wolf in the middle of a city was odd enough, but a wolf fighting a pack of pale, skinny guys? Too big a risk. Not that the fucking bloodsuckers seemed to care.


Roaring, Grig sprang to his feet, gritting his teeth at the throbbing pain in his busted collarbone. It didn’t stop him using both arms. He tore at their pale white flesh with sharp nails, shredding their skin and shedding some of their blood too. Gouts of it, in fact. Vampires bled like stuck pigs, but only for the few seconds it took them to heal.


The blood that splashed the pavement was bright red. These weren’t Specials, at least. The vamps with the extra upgrades bled a thick, black, oily substance that had just as much in common with blood as it did with crude.


Normally, Grig wouldn’t even be phased by a couple of
garden-variety bloodsuckers.


This wasn’t normally. For one thing, there were 5 of them and only 1 of him. He’d gone off on his own, having reached his absolute limit of kissy-face, lovey-dovey cooing and moaning for one fucking day.


He was happy for both Em and Drei. Finding a Mate was what every Shifter dreamed of, meeting that one person that completed you and made your life have meaning. And they’d lucked out; their surprisingly human Mates were both gorgeous, funny, intelligent, amazing women.


Which left Grig often feeling like the fifth wheel lately. Which resulted in the other reason this particular fight wasn’t normal.


Grig was drunk. It took a lot to get a Shifter even buzzed, and he’d consumed about six times that amount in an attempt to not think about how ridiculously happy his brothers were with their Mates. The amount of liquor he’d consumed would float an armada. And cost a fortune. Or, it would have if he’d paid for all of it. There were upsides to having a sister-in-law who was a bartender at your favorite club.


Downsides too, clearly.


One of the vamps, a short guy with lank brown hair and pudgy features, leapt onto Grig’s back, his arms, stronger than their wiry appearance alluded to, wrapping tight around Grig’s throat, cutting off his air. Fuck, he hated bloodsuckers.


His wolf bristled, pushing for him to release it. But even through the fog of alcohol and the darkness creeping in from lack of air, he remembered that was a bad idea.


If only Cassandra’s range was wider, he thought fleetingly. Normally, he wished the opposite. It unnerved him that Drei’s willowy red-haired Mate could hear his thoughts. He worked hard to maintain the impression that everything was a joke to him, that his life was all about having fun, drinking, and fucking.


Cassandra’s ability to hear what he actually thought about was disconcerting most of the time. Now, he just wished she could hear better.


Unwilling to give up, Grig called enough of his wolf forward to punch through the fat, balding vamp’s chest and tear out the thumping heart, squeezing it in his bloody fist. He snarled, lips pulling back from his teeth as he watched the vampire crumple to his knees and begin to melt into a sticky puddle of bloodsucker soup.


One down, four to go.


But Grig knew it was a loosing battle. He was badly injured. Not just the broken collarbone, but a few shattered ribs, a gash in his throat that steadily pumped blood, and a tear in his side that ached abominably. Also, he was pretty sure his right knee was broken.


“Don’t kill him,” he heard one of them hiss as the black dots in his vision began to coalesce into darkness. If they weren’t trying to kill him, they were doing a pretty bad job of it. “We need him alive.”


Why? What would vamps want with him?


A few months ago, when Cassandra had first stumbled on him and his brothers fighting with some vamps, she’d overheard one of them thinking about the discovery they’d made  – some human women were different, Other, Cassandra called them, and their DNA was compatible with Shifters.


What this meant to the vamps, they didn’t know. But ever since the bloodsuckers had accidentally discovered this fact, they’d been trying to kidnap Cat, Em’s human Mate. She was ‘Other’. As was Cassandra, though so far they didn’t think the vamps knew about her.


So why would they be trying to kidnap him? Grig was 100% Shifter.


Pain throbbed in all his limbs and his head felt like a deflating balloon. He was ashamed of himself. Taken down by vamps because he was
. His mother would probably have his name expunged from the Lupei family records in disgrace.


Just before the blackness overtook him completely, the vampire on his back loosened his hold and gave a sudden shriek. Over the sweetly cloying powdery scent of the vamps, Grig smelled something light and floral. Like roses. He caught the fleeting glimpse of black and white silk stained with a red smear. It was beautiful.




BOOK: Alpha Trio: The Complete Collection
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