Read Adrian's Wrath Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Romance

Adrian's Wrath (6 page)

BOOK: Adrian's Wrath
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He let his thumbs caress the skin covering her dainty cheekbones and felt her lean into him more. Yes, that was what he needed. Tilting her head more to the side with his hands, he deepened the kiss until a little sound of need and want came from her throat. He could have been classified as a fucking saint right then for the self-control he exuded. The little sounds she made drove him crazy. His pants were unbelievably tight from the erection that was screaming to be let free.

“Adrian.” The way she said the word against his lips, all breathy and needy, had his cock throbbing against the fly of his jeans.

“Does it feel good, Brea?” That’s all he wanted to hear, that she felt good, that
made her feel good. She didn’t respond with words. Instead she pressed her mouth against his, giving him the answer he had been seeking. He moved his hands into her hair, gripping the silky blonde strands in his fists and bringing her impossibly close.


Fuck. Yes
. Had anything ever sounded sweeter? He didn’t think so. The sound of someone clearing their throat had Brea pulling away. He looked at her, her cheeks painted a pretty red color. She was embarrassed and he couldn’t help but smile. He turned and accepted the check from the waitress who looked just as embarrassed as Brea did. When they were alone again he took Brea’s hand in his and brought it to his mouth, laying a soft kiss on her palm.


* * * *


The dinner with Adrian had been nice, very nice, to Brea’s amazement. There wasn’t that angst feeling in the pit of her stomach, the fear that she might do something to upset him. There had always been those feelings when she was with Cameron, and it was refreshing to just be able to relax in the company of another human being.

Brea closed her car door and cranked the engine. She was proud of herself for opening up to someone after everything, and now here she was going to have lunch with Tristan, the woman that had saved her from a past that threatened to take control. This was a big step for Brea, and although she knew she needed to stay away from people so they didn’t get hurt, she owed some courtesy to Tristan.

She pulled into the parking lot of the small coffee shop where she was meeting Tristan. She could see the woman through the large front windows. Brea made her way inside and was immediately flagged down by a very smiley Tristan.

“Hey, girl.” Tristan stood and hugged Brea. It was strange have contact with someone after being isolated from it for so long. It was welcome but also set Brea’s nerves on edge.

“Hi.” Brea pulled the seat out and sat across from Tristan. The waitress came and they both ordered. The silence that descended at the table make Brea feel awkward, but she knew it was a stupid feeling. The woman sitting next to her had helped her far more than she probably realized.

“How are things going?” Brea was thankful when Tristan started the conversation because she knew if left up to her the awkwardness would have just increased.

Had she been isolated from people for so long that she didn’t even know how to communicate with them? “Good, thanks. What about you?” Brea knew Tristan was dating a fighter named Kash. The rumor mill at the club was notorious, but it was clear she was happy by the continuous grin on her face.

“Good, very good actually.” Their drinks came and there was a comfortable silence that descended at the table as both women enjoyed their coffee. “How are you really doing, Brea?”

Tristan’s question caught her off guard and she choked on her drink. “What do you mean? I told you I was fine.” Brea wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Listen, I didn’t ask you here today to pry, but I want you to know that if you ever want to talk I’m here.” She reached her hand across the table and placed it over Brea’s. The touch was soft but held a lot of emotion. “I don’t know what’s going on in your life, but I know a frightened woman when I see one. The pain and fear are written all over your face, sweetie.”

Brea had to look away as tears started to form in her eyes. Was she that transparent? She wasn’t ready to discuss her past with Tristan, but she wanted the woman to know she appreciated it.

“Thank you for the concern. You have no idea how much it means to me.” She lifted her eyes and saw the sympathy on Tristan’s face. “I’m not ready to talk about what happened, but if I need someone to turn to I’m glad I have you.” She smiled, hoping it seemed genuine even though a tidal wave of emotion and doubt was swimming through her.

Tristan returned her smile and squeezed her hand. “Anytime, day or night, okay?”

“Okay.” The rest of the visit was not spent talking about the past. Surprisingly she had a lot in common with Tristan. For the first time since she had been with Cameron, she was making friends. Albeit it was only one, it was still a step toward her future. A very uncertain future, but one nonetheless.


* * * *


A week had passed since her dinner with Adrian. Since then they had gone out to coffee and lunch. Brea wished she could say going out with him that first night had been a mistake, that her instincts had been correct, but it would be a lie. Adrian might seem frightening in the cage, but with her he was sweet, gentle, and considerate. It might have only been a week and they might have only been out a few times, but she couldn’t remember another time when she had felt so comfortable with someone.

Adrian’s massive presence didn’t hinder the fact that he was a gentle giant with her. She had realized that after their first dinner. Lying on her bed, she stared at the stained ceiling and felt her lips tingle in remembrance of their kiss. Her fingers seemed to have a mind of their own, running over her bottom lip, the lip that he had sucked on gently.

Their lunch today had been simple, but it had been so much more for her. His light banter, the way he teased her had made her feel at ease. It had been so long since she had felt the emotion that it scared and confused her all in the same breath. They had sat at the little bistro on the corner of Sandwell. The air had been slightly chilly, but the sun had been high and she couldn’t pass up the opportunity. He had been wearing a pair of faded jeans and a plain tee. One would think attire so simple couldn’t possibly make a man look hotter than hell, but boy would they be wrong. She still hadn’t told Adrian where she lived, but he hadn’t pushed her on the issue. His understanding went a long way toward making her trust in him grow. It was still early in their…whatever the hell they were. There was no rush for anything. Well, that actually wasn’t true. She still planned on getting the hell away once she saved enough money, but now that she was spending all this time with Adrian, there was a slight ache in her chest at the thought of leaving. Her life was now one of jumping back and forth to different towns, trying to elude Cameron if he ever found her. She feared staying in one place for too long would lead to her ultimate demise. She couldn’t dwell on it though because nothing and no one would change her mind.

Her cell dinged an incoming text and she smiled because she knew exactly who it was. Only one person would text her, had texted her since she started living in this town.

I can’t stop smiling because all I can think about is you.

If Brea was the type of girl to swoon and giggle she would have right then and there after reading his text. Maybe she was letting her heart and emotions get in the way, but ever since seeing him that first time she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him. He had already far surpassed her expectations of how she had always wanted a man to treat her, but the one question that kept rearing its ugly-ass head was if all of this was too good to be true.

If Adrian was too good to be true.


* * * *


Adrian watched as his opponent fell to the blood-covered mat. His knuckles were swollen and split open, but the pain couldn’t mask the euphoria he was currently feeling. He tracked Brea’s movements in the crowd with his eyes and something inside of him was slowly growing, warming. Just watching this girl had his blood pumping a little faster. The more time he spent with her the more he was finding it harder to keep his distance physically. They kissed constantly, but it was getting harder and harder. Pun intended. He found himself going home and jerking off nightly. Even though he wanted her under him, wanted to have his cock buried between her thighs, he was letting her take control. She hadn’t opened up about her past or anything personal for that matter, but Adrian wasn’t worried about it. For once, since Addie, Adrian was finally letting himself feel something besides anger and hatred. Just a look upon Brea’s sweet face pushed all thoughts of his past away. He knew he would have to tell Brea everything eventually, and the more he spent time with her the harder it was not telling her the truth about who he really was.

Brea glanced up at him and their eyes locked. It never failed. Just that one look and he wanted to jump over the damn cage and wrap her in his arms. Hell, he was acting like a fucking caveman. The chemistry between them was explosive.

“Dayum, man. You are one fucking animal in the cage.” Coots slapped him on the back and Adrian tensed. He didn’t know Coots well enough to be chummy. A thick envelope was thrust at him and he took it and ducked into the side room to get cleaned up. He had just finished his last fight for the night. He wanted to take her to the coast and walk on the beach with her. When he asked her a week ago he had seen the leeriness written all over her face, but to his utter surprise she had agreed to go, even suggested they stay the night so they could walk on the beach when the sun rose.

It was about an hour-and-a-half drive, so, stripping off his sweat-soaked clothes, he cleaned the blood off. For the first time since Addie’s death, Adrian felt excitement for the next day.

Chapter Seven


When Adrian pulled his truck onto the strip of asphalt that overlooked the beach, Brea couldn’t contain the excitement bubbling inside of her. It still surprised her that she had agreed to go, and even shocked her that she suggested they spend the night. A lot of things could happen tonight, and she might have been a little nervous about that, but she was also looking forward to it. The month since meeting Adrian had opened up a lot of feelings inside of her. Deep down she knew sleeping with Adrian was the worst thing she could possibly do, but God did she want him. So freaking bad.

She had lived less than two hours from the beach but had never ventured out to it despite her desire to do so. The wall she had erected had crumbled when she allowed Adrian to pick her up at her house. For that one moment when she saw him pull into her driveway her heart had raced with fear, but once she saw him emerge from the vehicle and walk up to her with a smile on his face, that fear had dissolved and unadulterated happiness took its place. Adrian was not Cameron and she needed to remember that.

The weeks were passing and she was thoroughly enjoying her time with Adrian. He was changing things in her. Their kissing had since moved up to light touches, but the ache between her thighs was slowly growing. Oh, she had felt Adrian’s desire to be with her, all of his impressive inches, but there was always something that stopped them from going any further. Maybe it was a sign from above that she shouldn’t go any further. Or maybe she needed to tell that sign to shut the fuck up because she deserved this. Deserved to be happy.

Even now she was wet, and on more than one occasion she found herself lying on her bed, thinking of Adrian and rubbing herself to completion. She wanted him, desperately, and she was going to take that next step. The only memories she had that were associated with sex were painful and riddled with fear. It was getting easier to let that wall down as well, but she worried that once she finally left she would have to rebuild it.

Turning in her seat, she pushed away all of her worries and beamed up at him. “You took me to the beach.” It wasn’t a question. His smile was lopsided and he reached a hand out and caressed her cheek. Brea couldn’t help but lean into his embrace.

“Come here, Brea.” His words were low and slightly husky and she could see the desire growing on Adrian’s expression. Instantly she became aroused. Nipples tightening to the point of pain, she squirmed in her seat as her panties started to become soaked.

Thankfully his truck allowed for her to scoot over easily. She did, however, have to lift her leg over the gearshift. She was wearing a dress today and her movements caused the material to shift up her thighs. When she lifted her gaze to his she noticed he was staring at the patch of skin that was exposed. He swallowed audibly and then snapped his eyes to hers. His grin was almost sheepish and she couldn’t help but lean into his chest to hide her own smile.

“Brea.” He whispered her name and used his finger to lift her chin. His face was close to hers, so close that if she just craned her neck a little more their mouths would brush together.

“Yes?” God she wanted him to kiss her, desperately. She had never been the one to initiate their physical contact, but maybe that should change? Lifting her hand and cupping his cheek, a heady feeling washed through her when she saw him close his eyes and sigh. She didn’t waste any more time or deny herself any longer. She pressed her lips to his, loving the small growl that he made from the contact. The kiss started off slow and easy, but soon he was taking control. Tongues moving together, the act mimicked the sex she wanted to have with him. As the kiss intensified, she knew she wanted more. Her body positively ached for him, but before it got any more heated, Adrian slowed the kiss and then pulled away. He rested his forehead against hers, breathing heavily with his eyes closed. When he pulled away it was too soon. Brea wanted more.

“I’m sorry.” He ran his hand over his jaw and stared out the windshield. She couldn’t take her eyes off him as the setting sun washed his face in hues of pink and yellow. “I’m trying to go slow but it’s so damn hard.” He cut a glance at her. “I want you too much.”

Her heart stopped. As she licked her lips, Adrian tracked the movement and another groan left him. Adrenaline rushed through her body at the way he was watching her. Hearing him confess how much he wanted her had her arousal accelerating. She knew she wanted more, but when she actually went for it would she freeze and blow everything? She didn’t like keeping things from him, and she had a lot of shit from her past that would most likely have him running in the other direction. Could she be selfish and just let herself enjoy it? Even if it was just for a little while?

BOOK: Adrian's Wrath
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