Read Adrian's Wrath Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Romance

Adrian's Wrath (2 page)

BOOK: Adrian's Wrath
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“Come on, baby.” The woman beside him rubbed her leg up and down his calf. “I’m aching for all that power you have to thrust between my thighs.” She giggled and ran her hand across his cock. “Every time I see you fight I get so wet.”

Adrian broke his stare from the waitress. The woman’s hand still rubbed long strokes up his jean-clad erection as she gazed up at him in almost awe. The fact that he fought other men illegally in a cage right below this very club should have disgusted every female that watched him bloody his opponent, but it had the opposite effect. Of course Adrian used that to his advantage. If they wanted to sleep with a man that didn’t care about hurting other people with his fists, then he wasn’t above burying his cock in their pussies. He took one last look at the waitress, saw her still watching him, and smirked. It was good she was seeing him for the dick he truly was. Maybe then she would get that look, a look he didn’t want to delve too deeply into, out of her eyes when she gazed upon him.

He spun on his heel, his “date’s” hand in his, and left the club without a backward glance. He needed to stay away from the waitress, but whatever it was about her, Adrian found the more he saw her, the more he wanted her. It was a dangerous combination, and one he had no plans on submitting to.

Chapter Two


Brea watched Adrian leave. Even after his massive body disappeared in the crowd, her heart still pounded wildly. Every night she saw him sitting on the same barstool, slamming back the whiskey like it was water and he was starved for it. He wasn’t like other men, though, not in the least. There was a threatening aura that surrounded him that had everyone instinctively moving away from him. She didn’t think he even realized the effect he had on people.

When she had been offered a chance to earn a hefty amount under the table working the floor during the illegal cage fights they held under the club, she had instantly been leery. She kept to herself for a reason, a good reason, but she also couldn’t deny the fact that the money that had been offered would go a long way in securing her release from her personal prison. Every little bit of money that she could save brought her closer to escaping the nightmare that had become her life. So, against her better judgment and all the internal warning bells that had gone off inside of her, Brea had accepted the one-night position.

It hadn’t been until she was crammed into the basement, sweaty, drunken bodies pressed far too close for her comfort, that the past assaulted her. She could have handled it, but when the numerous hands had started touching her, and then forcibly pulling at her, everything around Brea had gone black. She had been back in that room, his hands moving on her, in her. Every horrendous second had seemed like eternity, and then it had all stopped. She had found herself on the floor, staring into a face that was hauntingly attractive, but devastating all in the same breath. His sheer size should have had her cowering even further, but she found herself wanting to reach for him. It had been years since she had wanted to reach for a man. This man, this stranger who she had just seen fighting in the cage, had come to her rescue. He hadn’t known her, yet when she had screamed he had been there. He was dangerous. That much was clear. She didn’t want to feel anything for anyone. All she wanted was to earn whatever she could and then disappear.

“Earth to Brea.”

Brea tore her gaze from the sea of bodies that Adrian had walked into and looked at Shan. The redheaded bartender watched her curiously. Her tiny white top stretched over incredibly huge and clearly fake breasts, and it was painfully obvious she didn’t wear a bra, seeing as her nipples could have cut right through the shirt. Brea knew it got Shan a shitload of tips, though.

“I’m sorry. I guess I’m in my own world tonight.” Since seeing him all those weeks ago, she hadn’t been able to stop wondering about him. Even now, several weeks later, all Brea could think about was how he saved her. As nonchalantly as she could, Brea had inquired about him until she had found out his name and that he was a newer fighter.

Sure, it wasn’t like he was the typical knight in shining armor. He had been bloody and bruised, just finished fighting another man in the recesses of this very club, but still. He had saved her. Even now she could picture that night. Her fear came back tenfold but she pushed it down. She would not let her past haunt her. It had taken her a long time to get to where she was, to be able to actually stand the sight of other people. Cameron’s face still haunted her dreams, but every day she was getting better, stronger. What she needed was a breather. After telling Shan she needed some fresh air, she stayed to the wall and made her way outside. Brea never went out the back doors, not when the shadows were her enemies. A side door close to the kitchen always had an illuminated area right outside, and more times than not there was someone out there taking a smoke break.

When the night air hit her, she shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. Of course no one was outside, but the lingering smell of cigarettes informed her she probably just missed someone. Leaning against the brick wall, she stayed right under the large spotlight and brought her leg up to rest against the wall. Her head fell back involuntarily and she didn’t stop her eyes from closing. All she wanted to do was go to sleep. Sleep away the past year, sleep away her fucking life. She just kept telling herself soon it would all be over. She would be someone new and wouldn’t have to look over her shoulder.


* * * *


Adrian was right. Her tits were huge and fake, but what the hell did he care. This was his life now, and as long as she was willing, he didn’t give a fuck.

“Mmm, you look hungry,” Candy, his date for the night, whispered as she slipped her panties down her long, fake-tanned thighs. The women he went for these days looked just like she did, big tits, fake tan, and willing to spread their legs to release a little pent-up aggression. She tossed the tiny scrap of material to the side and bent to remove her high heels.

“Leave them on.”

She smiled seductively but listened. “Oh, so you’re one of those boys, are you?” He didn’t know what the hell she was talking about and he didn’t care. He was wasting time. His shirt was the first thing to go followed by his jeans. He tore the condom open and slid it down his erection.

“I like a man that has to wear Magnums.” Candy’s nails were painted an obnoxious pink color and she slid them down his chest to grip his cock. Adrian gave credit where credit was due, and Candy sure as hell knew what she was doing. The gentle tug of his shaft was only the precursor to what he knew she had planned. When she leaned in close, her fruity breath whispering against his ear, he had to fight the urge to push her on her back and get down to fucking her.

“I bet you know just the right thing to do with all those thick inches. Don’t you, big boy?”

Adrian didn’t bother answering. He couldn’t deny her hand stroking him felt damn good, but that was all it was. Pleasure.

He had her on her back in the next second. Cock already about to burst, he didn’t want to waste time on foreplay. Her giggle was annoying, but he ignored it. The fact that he was a bastard wasn’t lost on him, but he never declared his love to the females he fucked. They knew what they were getting into and they didn’t care. It was a mutual agreement. That was why these arrangements worked out so well.

His cock was hard as granite and he needed to get off. That was the only way he was going to be able to press the memories back. To keep them at bay. Her legs opened of their own accord and he glanced down at her pussy. She was wet all right, so wet her cream coated her lips and made a slow trek down the crease of her ass. Positioning himself at the entrance of her pussy, he thrust inside in one swift move. Candy threw her head back and cried out. After that he let himself go. Fast, hard thrusts into her willing body, and he was finding himself getting closer and closer to the edge. Perspiration started to coat his flesh as he focused on the feeling. One image kept coming to his mind. Brea, with her long blonde hair, big blue eyes, and pure innocence that had every protective instinct inside of him roaring out that he claim her. It was like he was a damn caveman. She was dangerous to him and she didn’t even know it. Even after the night he had kept the drunks at bay, she still looked at him with a certain longing in her eyes. There was a feeling inside of him that told him she didn’t realize she looked at him like that, but regardless, it called to something in him. She was bad news for him, and he needed to remember that. He would only end up hurting her in the end. He could never let himself go there again. Adrian couldn’t let himself have feelings for another female. When he opened himself up like that it always ended in devastation. If he let her, Brea would ruin him. That much was a given.

“Ohhh, yes. Please, harder, Adrian, harder.” Gritting his teeth, Adrian hated that she called him by his first name. He supposed it was a necessary evil, though. He didn’t disappoint her. He pumped faster, slammed his cock into her harder. He gave her what she wanted and more. When he was close, he pulled out and rolled with her so he was on his back. She straddled him backward so her ass faced him. Placing her pussy over his cock, she sank down on a moan. Her cunt wrapped around his cock snugly and he grunted in response. He had to give her credit. She knew how to work it. Swiveling her hips as she moved up and down, Adrian let his orgasm take him into oblivion. When big blue eyes flashed across his closed lids, his orgasm intensified.


The moan that filled the room was loud and deep. It took him a moment to realize that the sound had come from him. The image of Brea flashed through his mind over and over again. His partner for the night gave one last high-pitched squeal and collapsed off of him and onto the bed. Neither of them moved for several long seconds, and when she had caught her breath she sidled up against him and started running her hands over his arms. No, he couldn’t do the whole cuddle thing after sex. He pushed her off and sat up on the edge of the bed. A light sheen of sweat coated him, and although a shower would have made him feel a lot cleaner and less like a prick, Adrian just wanted to get the fuck out of there. Hanging his head, he closed his eyes.

He made quick work of getting rid of the condom, putting his clothes on and heading toward the door. Hell, he would have worn himself out using Candy’s body, but the fact that he had thought about Brea while he had fucked someone made him feel like a dirty asshole. He might not know a whole lot about Brea, but what he had found out just intensified his need for her. The way she held herself, spoke, looked at him was so good and wholesome. She personified the word innocence. The idea that she could be a female he lost his heart to wasn’t so far-fetched. She was too good for him. Even though he had only spoken to her that one time, all those weeks ago, he knew that right down to his bitter black heart.

“What, you’re just going to leave?” He turned around before he opened the motel room door. She pushed herself up on the bed, her tits swaying minutely. “What, you’re one of those ‘fuck ’em and leave ’em’ type of guys?”

Why did it always have to end like this? “I didn’t promise you anything. When I brought you here you knew exactly what you were getting into.” She pouted more and gave a big huff.

“Well, I just thought we could go for round two. I mean, I know you have it in you.” One of her perfectly shaped eyebrows rose as she glanced down at his crotch.

“Thanks, but no thanks.” He opened the door and left. He always felt like shit afterward, but he would take that to gain a small moment of relief from the memories that haunted him. Because that one moment let him be free from the nightmare that made up what was left of his life.

Chapter Three


Brea closed the door behind her, reset the alarm, and tossed her purse onto the small wooden bench by the front door. The alarm beeped three times, alerting her to the fact it was set, and she let a relieved breath fall from her lips. This was how it was every night. Her fear kept a choke hold on her tightly, but it was that fear that kept her heart beating in her chest and the will to survive strong. Her routine was ultimately what would save her life if it came down to it. It was the only way she would allow herself to live. Pushing her negative thoughts aside, she knew she couldn’t let herself go there. Not right now.

Her feet ached horribly and she smelled like alcohol. It was bad enough working at the club, but when she constantly had drunks hitting on her, trying to grab her ass, and then spilling their beers all over her shirt, it made it ten times worse. She pulled the wad of cash out and let herself collapse on the bench. Unfolding the bills, she started to count her tips for the night. The majority were ones, but there were a few fives thrown in. Eighty-seven bucks—not too bad for a Wednesday night. She forced herself to get up and headed into the small kitchen. The light she turned on illuminated the yellow, fading linoleum and brown laminated cupboards. Her tiny green fridge was straight out of the seventies, but then again so was everything in this house. The rent was cheap and
wouldn’t think to look for her in such a rundown part of town if he found her. It gave her a small amount of safety, but what had sealed the deal was the alarm system that the landlord had installed. Apparently the majority of the houses on this street had one. The neighborhood didn’t frighten her. It was the other things in the world that did. She could handle a few misguided teenagers that liked to vandalize things if it meant he might not know where she was.

How she wished she could just go one night without thinking about him. Maybe she could have moved on by now if not for the fact that his last parting words still haunted her, even after all this time.

“There isn’t a place on this planet that you can run to and I won’t find you. You’ll always come back to me, Brea. I’ll find you again and I’ll make you submit in every way possible. We are meant to be together.”

BOOK: Adrian's Wrath
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