Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online

Authors: Jennifer Byars

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker

A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series (9 page)

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She’s just going to take
him to the van? This is a joke, right? I mean she’s really not
going to…” South asked, looking at the door. Tia’s hand came up.
“She’s got ‘im in. Let’s see if she can pull seven,” Lynn said,
kicking back her feet and watching Win’s reaction.

Win looked to the door, then back at
the women in front of him. He pushed the girls off his lap, making
one fall onto Margie as he pushed people aside, almost running to
get to Addison.

Margie laughed. “If he stops it, does
she lose or do we call interference?”

I think it should be
interference. Because she definitely would’ve won,” Tia said,
turning her head to Andy. “Don’t you think so?” she

He was speechless, but managed a small
smile for her.


Chapter 6


It had been so long since Addison had
done something extremely crazy. The guy was already all over her as
she opened the van’s side door. He picked her up, slamming the door
shut to get right back to finding her mouth. She only had seven
minutes; better hurry this shit up.

She straddled his lap, running her
hands through his hair, deepening the kiss. His hands made their
way to her breasts and she moaned when he cupped them, making her
nipples harden. She smiled as she felt his hard erection trying to
break free. He flipped her over so she was on her back, and started
to kiss her again, as she unbuckled his pants.

They were about to get to the good
stuff when the door to the van flew open. Addison saw a hand reach
in and grab the guy by the back of the shirt, pulling him off her.
“Hey!” she yelled, climbing out after him. Win had come out and now
had the guy by the shirt, staring angrily down at him.

What the fuck, man!” the
guy yelled.

Win threw him against the van, and was
one hundred percent scary when he spoke. “You don’t fucking touch
her! Now get the hell out of here before I lose my fucking cool!”
he said, shaking. The guy looked at her and at Win, and swore
before he shook off Win and left.

What the hell is your
problem?” Ad yelled at him, pushing his massive frame. He looked
down at her and her untucked shirt, her skirt out of place, and

You were going to let that
fucker have you? What were you thinking?” he fumed.

She pushed him again and this time he
took hold of her wrist so she wouldn’t push him again. “I was
thinking I was going to get laid! That’s what the hell I was
thinking!” she screamed up at him.

He took her wrists, pulling them over
her head and pushing her against the van. “If you just want to get
fucked, I would service you any time you want me to, angel,” he
told her, rubbing himself against her. He put one thigh in between
her legs.

She glared up at him since she couldn’t
move her arms to smack him. “You already looked busy with your
skanks. I didn’t want to interrupt you,” she seethed.

I would’ve stopped long
enough for you to win your five-minute bet. Then returned to them
and given them what they wanted of me.” He laughed a deep rumbling

She hated to be talked to like that,
and she didn’t deserve to have some man-whore judge her. If he
didn’t have her pinned against the van she would’ve kneed him in
the balls. But at this moment she couldn’t move… “I didn’t go after
a man-whore that needs to screw multiple women at a time to prove
something to himself. That just doesn’t interest me. Thanks, but no
thanks!” she told him disgustedly.

He glared down at her. “And
what you were about to do with that stupid fuck, him feeling you up
and getting ready to fuck you on a bet. Doesn’t that make
a whore?” he growled
at her.

She sucked in a breath and could feel
her lip tremble. “You don’t know me. You have no idea who I am or
what I’ve been through. And I don’t have to explain shit to you!”
she hissed, but tears started to roll down her face.

South came up behind Win, looking over
at her pinned to the van, tears rolling down her face. “Shit, man,
just let her go,” he said, trying to talk some sense into him. But
Win didn’t move, he just stood there staring down at

She took a deep breath, trying to calm
herself and the situation she now found herself in. Her head
dropped and she looked at his chest. “I’m very sorry I upset you.
Just please don’t hurt me,” she whispered.

There was something in his eyes when he
finally let go of her. He stood there just looking at her, then
quickly he turned and stomped off, taking his keys out of his
pocket, and headed for his truck.

Addison fell back against the van,
laying her head back and looking at the stars, just trying to catch
her breath. South came up to her. “Hey, are you all right?” he
asked her, but she couldn’t keep the tears from coming.

Soon they were flowing freely and she
covered her face with her hands as a sob escaped her. South took
her in his arms, holding her close. “Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay. I
know Win can be a pain in the ass but he never would’ve hurt you,”
he whispered in her hair.

Her arms came out, hugging him to her,
and she felt South’s head look up when a vehicle peeled out of the
parking lot. “Well, this was a lot of fucking fun,” he mumbled in
her hair, and then put his arm around her, taking her to his

I’m going to take you
home. Are you okay with Andy taking home your sister?”

Yeah, she should be fine.
Just let her know I’m going home,” she sniffled.

He nodded, heading back inside. He came
back a couple of minutes later, opened the car door and put her
guitar and jacket in the back seat. “So are we headed

Yeah, if you don’t mind. I
have to be at work tomorrow afternoon, and I’m having a pretty good
buzz I’ll need to sleep off. I don’t need to make a bad impression
when I walk into the hospital,” she said, rubbing her

South drove to the apartments. ”So are
you a nurse like the others?”

She looked over at him. “I didn’t know
anyone told you where the others all worked.”

He laughed. “Well truthfully, Win found
out about you all. We were curious after Lynn lost her

Her brows pulled together after that.
“If he found out what we do, then why would you think I’m a nurse?”
Then she remembered, her last name was different at work, it was
her married name and not the name she’d told South. Then she
sighed. “No, I’m not a nurse. I’m a first-year intern, and I was
lucky enough to cut a break here in Cleveland so I can sing with
the girls.”

You’re an intern? So
you’re like…a doctor?”

Well, yes, but I still
have lots of work to do. Tomorrow there’s a possibility of me
working a twenty-hour shift. It’s brutal, let me tell you,” she
explained, feeling pretty tired.

And that’s why you’re
never around. And you don’t come with the girls to see our band

Most of the time I’m
working, but really sometimes I just get home and pass out on the
couch, too damn tired to make it to my bed.”

This is starting to make
sense now,” he said quietly, and she sleepily smiled. “So how many
hours do you work a week?”

That depends on the week.
Last week I worked eighty. After I sang at the club. I could barely
stand, so I caught a cab and went back to the apartment and passed
out cold for a good ten hours.”

So you weren’t trying to
avoid me? I mean I thought maybe, well, you know, trying to give me
the brush-off.”

She laughed quietly. “I’m not avoiding
anybody. I just don’t have time in my life for a shower, let alone
a relationship.”

Good to know. So there’s
still a chance for me?”

Sure, why not,” she
mumbled, half asleep.

What are you hoping to
practice?” He sounded really interested.

She chuckled as her eyes closed. “Well,
I’d like general surgery, but it’s a lot of work and commitment. I
will have to intern for five to seven years and then get board
certified…and a whole bunch of other stuff.”

I’ve got to say, I’m

Good to know I can impress
you,” she said before she fell asleep.




South pulled up and saw Win’s truck in
his parking spot. Shit, he wanted to take her to his apartment
since none of the others were home, but he didn’t want Win to pull
a mental on him if he walked in with her.

He got out his phone and texted

Are you cool man?”
He waited, but he didn’t answer.
“Look I’ve got Addison passed out in my car, and
none of the girls are home. Are you going to lose your shit if I
bring her up?”


No don’t bring her up? Or
No you’re cool?”


South opened the passenger side door
and picked her up. Shit, she weighed hardly anything. He was going
to make sure she started to eat more when she was at

When he made it upstairs Win opened the
door for him. South was going to put her on his bed when Win
stopped him. “Put her on the couch, man,” he told him. South was
going to argue but Win cut in. “If I see her on your bed I’ll lose

He placed her on their couch and Win
came up to take off her boots, while South got her a blanket. Win
took the glasses off her head, and then sat in the chair in front
of her. “I’m in big fucking trouble,” he told his friend, rubbing
his hands over his face.

South grabbed a beer from the fridge
and stepped out next to Win, watching her sleep. “Yeah? Well, that
makes two of us,” South growled, and took a swig of his beer before
he glanced over at Win. “I found out tonight why it seems like we
don’t see her for days on end.”
Win rubbed his hand through his hair, getting up and getting
himself a beer as well. “Why’s that?” he asked from the

Because she’s not a nurse,
dipshit, she’s a doctor.”

The fuck you say.” He came
out, looking at the little woman on the sofa.

I’m telling you. She told
me she has a twenty-hour shift tomorrow. And that she wants to
practice general surgery. This is one smart chick.”

Win looked over at him. “She just told
you that?”

I just asked her. She
worked out a deal to sing with her band here and work at the
hospital. And she would’ve told you all this too if you hadn’t had
her strung up against the fucking van like you were at some S&M
club! Really, what the hell were you thinking?” South whispered
harshly, not wanting to wake up Addison.

Win sat back down and put his hands on
his head, tapping the beer bottle to his forehead. “I went out to
go get her and…she moaned. I can’t even describe it! But all I
thought was, it wasn’t me making her make that sound, and I lost

When I saw the fucker on
top of her, I just reached in there, snagging his ass, wanting to
beat the shit out of him right there.” He looked at South and then
back at Ad. “I insulted her, and she called me a man-whore, and
said she wasn’t interested in that type of guy.

I made out with Candy and
Lisa thinking she’d be all jealous of the girls that hang off me.
Show her I could get any chick I wanted, make her want me more. But
the way she talked to me about it, I knew right then it was a major
fuckup for me tonight. It didn’t make her jealous; it made her not

But the worst part of this
whole fucking night is, after I saw how she was treated before, saw
the black eye and the broken wrist, I treated her like an ass! She
went all submissive on me to calm me down… I scared her… I fucking
scared her! She thought I was going to hurt her. I could see it in
her eyes, South! And you know I would never hurt a

South stood next to the couch, drinking
the last of his beer. “Fuck, man, I don’t know what to tell you.
Maybe she isn’t right for you. And as much as I love you like a
brother, I want her, and I’m not willing to let you have her. She
seemed interested in me, we talked easily together. And after you
left her crying, she had no problem clinging to me for

Win stood up and went to the door.
Maybe South was right, maybe he was no good for her. He’d never
acted this way with a woman before. He just couldn’t stay in the
same place with her without wanting to be next to her, so he’d head
over to Andy and Rex’s and crash for the night.

He walked into their apartment, kicking
all their shit off the couch and making himself as comfortable as
he could. A couple of hours later Rex came in with some chick.
“Dude, what the hell are you doing over here?” he asked, and the
chick next to him smiled at Win.

I’m crashing, what the
hell does it look like. Don’t worry, I didn’t beat the shit out of
South, just needed to get away from him,” he told him, then thought
about the redhead he liked. “Why aren’t you coming home with
Margie?” he asked, closing his eyes. Rex took his chick and started
towards his room. “Don’t want to talk about it, man.”

BOOK: A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series
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