Read Young Love (Bloomfield #4) Online

Authors: Janelle Stalder

Young Love (Bloomfield #4) (10 page)

BOOK: Young Love (Bloomfield #4)
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As I dressed for a run, I’d laced up my shoes so tightly, I wouldn’t have been surprised if I cut off the circulation to my feet.

I was pissed.

I didn’t know why, but I couldn’t shake this foul mood. Even my morning run wasn’t as enjoyable as usual. The fresh air did nothing to alleviate the dark cloud that was hovering over me. Even the burn in my lungs from pushing myself harder than usual didn’t snap me out of it.

It wasn’t until I approached my building and spotted the two people on the front steps that it all made sense. Just the sight of Grey kissing Kelly goodbye, her hair messed up, her make-up smudged, made me want to run over to him and punch him in his perfect fucking mouth.

I had no idea why I felt this way, but I couldn’t help but feel anger toward both of them. It wasn’t as if their sex exploits had kept me awake all night. Eventually I had fallen into a restless sleep, only to dream of

Those breathy moans and deep groans had been
. I’d had too much of a preview of what sex would be like with Grey to erase it from my memory. Who knows how long I’d be having dreams like that of him! How was I supposed to just be friends and forget about him when my own mind was going to trip me up every time I fell asleep?

And it was all his fault! Why couldn’t they have been quieter? Didn’t he know other people lived in the damn building! Stupid, marathon-sex-man. What if I had to listen to them every night? Oh god. I couldn’t do it. I’d have to move. I didn’t want to move. What else could I do though?

All of this just made me even angrier as I approached them. I’d slowed my pace in hopes that they would be gone before I got there, but like their sexploits, their goodbyes took forever too! Didn’t they know how to hit it and quit it quick? No one needed to say goodbye for that long.

Taking a deep breath, I reach the end of the steps and started toward the door hoping I’d be able to just sneak around them.

It didn’t happen. Kelly instantly turned to say good morning to me, which I returned weakly. I couldn’t even manage to meet Grey’s eyes as I told her I had to hurry inside so I would make my morning class. Grey didn’t say a word to me. It was the first time I was actually thankful toward him. Hearing his voice right then would have been too much.

By the time I got to the studio and did my class, my mood had returned to its normal good nature. The girls I taught always managed to lift my spirits. I was actually able to get home, shower, clean, head down to the laundry room and do a load, and then prepare a small lunch for myself without thinking murderous thoughts of my neighbor. If that wasn’t progress, I didn’t know what was.

After I washed up the dishes, I headed into my bedroom to start folding and putting away my clean laundry. As I stood by my bed, a faint giggle leaked through the wall separating our rooms again. All the anger from the morning came flooding back.

“Oh, hell no,” I whispered. It was one thing to ruin my nights, but I wasn’t going to let them ruin my days when I was awake too. Were these two rabbits?

Before I could think better of it, I stormed through my apartment and out the door. As I banged against his door, it occurred to me that I had no idea what I was going to say. I should have just turned around and fled back into my own apartment, but my feet stayed rooted to the spot. A second later the door opened and I was faced with those piercing blue eyes.

My mouth opened, but before I could say anything something flew at me and I staggered back in surprise.

Chapter 12




I couldn’t help but grin as Honor’s wide, surprised eyes looked up to meet mine. Leaning against the doorway, I folded my arms as I watched Jeanie beam up at her. I had no idea why Honor had come over, but I couldn’t deny the pleasure that had filled me the second I opened the door to see her standing there.

“Miss. Honor! I didn’t know you were coming over too,” Jeanie said, jumping with excitement. “This is the best surprise

Honor looked down at her, clearly baffled. “Uh,” she said, returning the hug. “It’s nice to see you too, Jeanie.”

I chuckled, watching as my niece gripped her hand and started to pull her toward the open door.

“Come on,” she said. “You can help us bake cookies.”

I didn’t intervene. While I wouldn’t mind having Honor join us, I also wanted it to be her choice. When she let Jeanie tug her inside, a sense of relief washed over me. Honor passed me, casting me a quick glance as I stepped back to let them through. Closing the door, I followed the two into the kitchen where I had already laid out the ingredients for my mom’s chocolate chip cookies.

“Uncle Grey was letting me jump on his bed,” she was telling her when I entered. “Mommy never lets me do that at home.”

“I bet,” Honor muttered.

“Now we’re going to bake Grammy’s cookies, and you can help!”

Honor looked back at me with raised eyebrows.

“It’s a secret family recipe,” I said. “So you’re going to have to swear to secrecy if you’re going to help.”

Her lips twitched. “Is that so?”

I nodded. “It’s a very serious matter, Miss. Honor. I need your word that any baking magic that happens in here stays in here.”

She finally let the smile she was fighting break through. God the woman was gorgeous. My own answering smile developed instinctively.

“Well then,” she said, turning back to look at the full counter. “I guess you two have my word.” She raised her hand, crossing her heart. “I will never repeat what I see here.”

Jeanie giggled.

“Okay then, we can begin,” I said. Walking to the cupboard, I took out a big mixing bowl, and went to stand on the other side of my niece who was looking up at the two of us as if this was the best thing she’d ever done. She was the only girl I knew who was so easily pleased.

“Aprons on,” I instructed.

With a squeal, Jeanie ran into the living room, coming back with her tiny apron she’d brought over. Honor looked at me in confusion.

“I don’t have an apron,” she said.

I threw her a quick wink. “Don’t worry, doll. I have extras.” Grabbing one, I tossed it at her, watching as she put it on with a slight grin on my face.

She looked down, reading the front of it.

Don’t forget to kiss the cook,
it read. Her head lifted toward me.

“It’s perfect,” I said.

Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t get any ideas.”

Chuckling, I raised both hands innocently. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

She sent me an unconvinced look as she turned back to the counter. The three of us worked, letting Jeanie do most of the mixing as we added ingredients to the bowl. At one point I left to put on some music, watching as the two of them started to dance and singalong to it as they rolled balls of cookie dough.

That same comfort surrounded us, taking me back a bit. What was it about Honor Jacobs that seemed to fit so well with my life? This morning when I’d seen her approach after her run, her face flushed and make-up free, her hair sweaty and thrown up into a messy ponytail, I’d been shocked again by her natural beauty.

I’d almost forgotten Kelly was standing right in front of me until she greeted Honor. The two of them had spoken briefly, her eyes never meeting mine. That had bothered me. After last night, I had thought we were slowly becoming friends, if anything. But she’d seemed to purposely be avoiding my gaze.

That was probably why I’d been so happy to see her at my door. I’d wracked my brain all afternoon, trying to figure out what I’d done wrong. But she’d shown up, and now whatever had bothered her this morning seemed to have gone away.

“Let’s show Uncle Grey our new routine,” Jeanie said as I set the timer on the oven.

“Don’t be breaking anything in my house, tiny dancer,” I warned.

She rolled her little eyes at me. “I won’t,” she said.

Honor giggled. “Come on, we’ll set up the living room so your Uncle can watch the show properly.”

I stayed back in the kitchen, washing the bowls and spoons we’d used until they called me into the other room. Honor motioned me to the couch, Jeanie standing still with her back to me behind her.

“Please take a seat,” Honor said.

I sat down, looking up at her, suddenly wishing it was she who was going to dance for me, and not my niece. Friends could watch each other dance, right? Probably not the same thing. It didn’t stop me from fantasizing about it though.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Honor said dramatically. A smile instantly spread across my face. “Tonight we have an exclusive performance for you from the talented, spectacular Jeanie.”

Jeanie giggled from behind her.

“Please keep all applause to the end,” Honor continued. With a bow, she stepped to the side, pressing play on my iPod. I had to tear my eyes away from her to focus on Jeanie as she started to dance. It was only a two minute dance, but she put her all into it. When she came to a stop, I let out a loud cheer, clapping as she bowed again and again.

Straightening, she covered her mouth with both hands, giggling from behind them.

“That was amazing, ladybug,” I said, opening my arms to her. She ran forward, flinging herself against me. Leaning back, she looped her arms around my neck, scrutinizing my face, her little nose scrunching up.

“Do you really mean it, Uncle Grey?”

“Would I lie to you?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Then of course I mean it.”

Her toothless grin came back as she hugged me again. I met Honor’s gaze over the top of her head, and we shared a smile. There was something about Jeanie that tugged on even the coldest person’s heart. I wasn’t the touchy, feely type, but my niece was the exception to all rules.

“Now you do a dance, Uncle Grey!”

Okay, maybe not all rules. There was no way I was dancing in my living room.

“I don’t think so, kid,” I said with a laugh, lifting her off my lap.


“Yeah, Uncle Grey,” Honor said with a smirk. “Do a dance, pleeeease.”

I cocked an eyebrow at her, noticing the way she tried to hide how much she was enjoying this. Tilting my head, I stood. “You two really want me to dance?”

“Yes!” Jeanie shouted.

Honor nodded, her eyes bright with laughter. “Absolutely,” she said.

“Fine,” I said. Jeanie screamed in excitement clapping her hands. I turned to her, lifting up a finger. “But, I only dance with a partner, so Miss. Honor will have to perform with me.”


“What? No,” Honor said quickly.

I turned back to her, nodding. “Oh, yes. I don’t dance alone.”

She shook her head. “Not going to happen.”

“Come on, Miss. Honor!”

“Yeah, come on, Miss. Honor. Give the audience what they want,” I challenged.

She bit at her lip, her eyes narrowing. I waited as she stood there, her hands firmly planted on her hips. Jeanie pleaded in the background. I saw the moment she gave in, her shoulders slumping.

“Fine,” she said, throwing out her arms.

My smile stretched so wide, I was surprised it didn’t split my face in half. Winking at her, I turned back to address

“Ladies and gentlemen,” I said with flourish, earning more giggles from the couch. “And little girls who are spoiled rotten.”

“Uncle Grey!”

“I’d like to welcome you to our final performance of the night, featuring the skillful dancing of none other than myself, Mr. Grey Anderson. And the okay dancing of Miss. Honor.”

I heard her snort behind me.

“We will be performing for you, the waltz.”

“The waltz?” Honor said in surprise as I turned back to her.

“Just keeping it classy, doll. There are underage people in the audience.”

Her lips tipped up on one side as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Why? What other dances do you know?”

“Let’s just say, Patrick Swayze could learn a few things from yours truly.”

“I’m sure,” she said with a laugh.

Walking past her, I put on a slow song, and then turned with my hand stretched toward her. Rolling her eyes, she placed her hand in mine, gasping when I pulled her against me in one quick move. Her mouth formed a little ‘o’ when she gazed up at me.

I turned to look at Jeanie, afraid of what I might do if I stared too long at the girl in my arms. This could turn bad quickly.

“Are you ready?” I said to my niece who was now jumping on my couch.

“Yes, yes!”

Chuckling, I looked back down at Honor. “Ready, Miss. Honor?”

She seemed to have gotten control of herself, her face back to that mixture of humour and scepticism.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” she muttered. “Just don’t step on my feet.”

I scoffed. “Clearly you’re misjudging my dancing capabilities.” Without warning, I twirled her, pulling her back into my arms as I led us around my small living room. She felt tense at first, but soon the tension left, and I could tell she was enjoying herself as she laughed and followed my steps to the music. I spun her a few more times, earning applause from our audience, and then dipped her, to which Jeanie squealed in delight.

Honor laughed, her head falling back to look at my niece as I held her there. I couldn’t help but take in the delicate arch of her neck, wishing things I knew I shouldn’t. Snapping myself out of it, I pulled her up, spinning her one last time before facing us toward Jeanie. We both bowed.

“Well? What do you think?” I asked the tittering monster watching us.

“That was amazing! Now dance with me,” she said, flying off the couch. We danced to another song as Honor watched from the couch. I swung her around a lot more, and by the time I was done, I was exhausted. How did Honor do this all the time?

“Now Uncle Grey needs a nap,” I said, falling back onto my chair.

“Nap?” Jeanie said, wrinkling her nose. “That’s no fun.”

I groaned. “When is your mother picking you up?”

“Uncle Grey!”

I chuckled. “Okay, okay. How about a movie?”

“Can it be Frozen?” she asked, jumping.

“Of course. What else would it be?”

“I should probably be going,” Honor said, standing up. I opened my mouth to say no, but Jeanie beat me to it – thankfully. It sounded a hell of a lot better coming from her than me. I didn’t know why I wasn’t ready for Honor to leave us, but I just wasn’t. I liked having her around.

BOOK: Young Love (Bloomfield #4)
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