Young, Allyson - Absolute Perfection [Aspire 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (7 page)

BOOK: Young, Allyson - Absolute Perfection [Aspire 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Little lies, sweet one?” His velvet tone made her pussy wet again, and she was amazed that she could still want more pleasure when one orgasm, albeit self-inflicted, was usually enough.

“Well, I didn’t really like it at first. It stung.”

“It was meant to, Iris. There is that fine line between pain and pleasure, and you fell over it tonight, quite quicker than most.”

“I did?”

“You did,” he confirmed. “You slipped into subspace after five or six spanks.”

Iris thought about that for awhile. There had been that sense of euphoria, like the times she ran until her lungs couldn’t pump any more oxygen into her rubbery legs and her heart
to push the blood through her veins. Like that. It was a sense of being forced well beyond her limits and was quite satisfying.

“So, when you say that you want me as your sub, even though I disappointed you with the blow job thing, you still mean that? It’s not short term?” God, she just wanted to ask him if he felt any warm feelings for her or if it was just hot sex and submission and control. Because she had fallen for this man. The recent events had merely added to the attraction and commitment she was prepared to make. She just couldn’t make herself ask in case it made him feel he should push her away to be kind. She didn’t want this to end.

George rose up on one elbow and gave her a surprised look. “You are special and unlike any other woman, sweet one. You are so very individual, and you call to me like no other. There was nothing tonight that disappointed me, and I won’t allow you to think that way. This was our first time together! We have much to learn about one another and so many layers to peel back. I pushed you hard tonight already, Iris.”

She couldn’t resist. “And is the night over?”

He rolled on top of her in the next heartbeat, his legs pushing hers wide as he made a place for his leather-clad groin in the nest between her legs. “Does this feel as though the night is over, sweet one?”

Iris smiled, and his lips took hers with authority, chasing away all of her doubts and concerns. This was a process, and she needed to remind herself of it. Georgios said she was different and special and she would trust that a deeper connection would follow.

He tore his mouth from hers and kissed his way down her body after first catching her wrists to press them into the mattress above her head and warning her not to move. She grasped the edge of the pillow to help herself obey, but it was so hard not to run her hands over his shoulders and through his hair. She wanted that opportunity and would ask for it, but in the meantime, she gave over to the sensation of him worshipping her breasts.

His work-roughened hands rasped against the sensitive undersides, and she shivered and then shrieked when his teeth closed over a nipple.
Pleasure and pain.
She scrabbled at the fabric encasing the pillow and arched into him while wanting to pull away. He turned his attention to her other breast and the cooling of his saliva on her abandoned nipple immediately contrasted with the heat of his mouth against her other taut nub. His faint beard shadow tickled and tantalized. She tried to stay still, but her body wouldn’t obey, straining toward his touch.

Georgios’s tongue traced a languid pattern between her swollen mounds and licked down her belly to the concave of one hip where he suckled hard.
Sweet spot.
Oh, god how did he know? She writhed and moaned, and he upped the ante by sucking harder and sliding a finger between her soaking folds.

“Please, Georgios. No more.”

He growled against her skin. “You will trust me to know how much you can take.”

With the smooth move of a predator, he was back between her legs, her knees bent and pushed wide. There were no preliminaries, no teasing this time. He sucked her clit into his mouth and shoved at least two fingers up inside of her. Iris detonated. Lights flashed behind her closed eyelids, and the soles of her feet went numb. She was vaguely aware of Georgios sliding up her body, his leathers magically gone, and then she was impaled. His fat cock slammed up against her cervix, and she fell again, clenching hard around him in ripples and waves. He grunted and thrust hard, working above her. She pried her eyes open and watched his chiseled features contort in the sweet agony of climax, and then he collapsed upon her, his seed contained by the condom she hadn’t seen him don. Iris couldn’t breathe but didn’t care. Georgios levered his bulk off her to cuddle close, and she inhaled his scent as she recovered from the spectacular sex. She drifted off, warm and replete.

* * * *

Something was tickling her nose, and Iris impatiently reached to push it away, muttering under her breath. Her hand didn’t follow her command, and she tried again. She realized her hands were tied to the headboard, and that her vision was dark. She wore a blindfold. Her heart rate sped up, and she sucked in a gulp of air. A familiar hand immediately smoothed over her breasts and belly.

“Shh, sweet one. I want to learn you and hope for you to enjoy every moment. I want you to simply feel.”

She felt her lips form a pout. Before he could question her, she retorted, “I want to touch you!”

“And you will, Iris. But not tonight. Not today. You have slept for some time.”

The object drifted down her throat and over each of her breasts. It felt soft yet firm all at once. Iris flinched away when it touched on her ticklish spots, and she assimilated the fact that her ankles were tied to the foot of the bed, and there was a pillow beneath her hips. Her pussy would be on display, and it titillated her, knowing he would be looking at her there. Her juices flowed, and the object traced its way down her center to pass over her pussy and etch her thighs and drift back up again. It suddenly withdrew, and Iris, her other senses now on high alert, heard it whistle through the air before it tapped the nipple on her right breast. She sucked in oxygen between her teeth and thrashed her head in an effort to process the sensation when the other nipple received the same attention. God.

“Please, Georgios. I’m not sure…”

“You have your safe word, sweet one. Use it and everything stops.”

Iris didn’t want everything to stop. She just wanted to know when the next blow would happen, and not being able to see it both terrified and aroused her. Her nipples stung, but to her chagrin, her torso arched upward. For more? Georgios tapped them again and again, and the pleasure and pain lanced down to her widespread pussy, and Iris tried to bite off her moans.

“I want to hear you, sweet one.” Georgios punctuated his statement with two quick taps on her mons, and Iris obliged him, allowing her feelings to spill over.

He rubbed the object between her pussy lips, pushing up into her opening, and she knew it would be getting saturated with her juices. She barely had time to process the effect when he snapped it over her clit. Time stood still, and she couldn’t get her breath against the experience. He snapped it again, and she came. Air stuttered in and out of her chest as she spiraled against the disparate sensations, and when Georgios shoved something hard and unforgiving up inside of her, something that prickled and buzzed, Iris screamed the rafters down.

She came back to herself, released and held in his arms. He murmured into her hair and rocked her. She could barely make out the words.

“Sweet one. Sweet sub. So warm. So much passion.”

Iris wished he would tell her he loved her, that she was his, even if it was probably just sex, and much too soon. Tears filled her eyes, unbidden, and he kissed them away with tenderness. She would take what he offered.

Chapter Five

George held Iris as close as he could. He had pushed her hard but hadn’t been able to control himself. Oh, he’d been careful not to scare her or push her further than she could go, but to use his crop on a new sub…He accepted his insane need to brand her, however figuratively. He wanted it all, this instant, and couldn’t counsel patience. She was so perfect in her submission and her passion. She’d taken everything he’d given her, and being inside her was magical. He, Georgios Archimedes Andreas, who was solemn and practical and never fanciful, was transported. Iris not only entranced him, she’d truly bewitched him. She gave as she received. He would collar her. Hell, he would take her home with him, make a home with her. He would…He stopped himself. They had just met. It was too soon to think of a forever commitment. She would likely be overwhelmed. He decided to ease her into the idea of a long-term D/s arrangement and then offer her his collar. He’d already told her they would move ahead with things as they felt right. Rushing this did feel right though, but he cautioned himself once again. Iris was so new to this.

He slid her from his lap to sit on the edge of the mattress. When he was certain she could stay upright, he went into the bathroom and soaked a few cloths in warm water and grabbed a towel. He knelt before her and carefully cleansed her face, approving her use of so little makeup. He then swabbed between her thighs after easing her legs apart. She sat quietly under his ministrations, even when he dropped her dress over her head and managed to close the zipper. He tucked her panties into his duffle along with the rest of his gear and the nipple clamps glinted up at him. All in good time.

“Are you ready, sweet one?”

“Where are we going?” Her sex-drunk voice gave him pause. He didn’t want to take her back to that impersonal hotel room. Not now. Especially if she could slide into sub drop.

“I’m taking you home with me.”

“All right.”

She had already surrendered to him. He didn’t need to fight his own feelings for her, but he did. It was too soon, and he was afraid to jinx things. He drew her to her feet and set an arm around her waist. She moved with him, and he sensed she was nearly back to herself, if exhausted. He punched in the code and opened the door for her. She accompanied him down the hall and through the lounge area where a few members relaxed and chatted. Most of the scenes were probably over, judging by the early hour, but this was a place that defied the constraints of the outside world and some members clung to it. He nodded to the ones he knew and they nodded back, with the exception of Casey, who ignored him but looked Iris up and down. George didn’t like the way Casey stared. There was more to it than a Dom assessing a sub, and besides Iris was claimed. He had no time to confront the man so stepped into his line of vision and hustled Iris out the door. She again amiably followed his lead and he reveled in the trust she showed him.

He handed her into his car and ensured her seat belt was fastened, tossing his bag into the backseat before getting into the driver’s side. She curled up on the leather and rested her cheek against the seat, her calm, sated blue eyes watching him.

“Are you cold, Iris?”

“No. Although I don’t seem to have any underwear on.”

“I have them. I just couldn’t bear to cover that lovely little pussy.”

“I need panties to go back to my hotel, Georgios.” There was now an assertive note in Iris’s voice, and George recognized that this was one of those limits he wouldn’t be able to push. It was okay. He didn’t want to dominate her in all things, just in the bedroom and at the club, and he certainly wanted to take care of her.

“You will have them.”


He hid a smile and pulled out into traffic. When he next looked over, she was asleep again. He hoped she would rest well because he badly wanted to take her again, if not when they reached his house, then when they rose. The drive went quickly because traffic was sparse at this time, and Iris stirred as soon as he pulled up in front of the house. He never really liked the place, but Jane had, so they’d purchased it. If Iris didn’t like it, he would sell and find somewhere she’d approve of. He planned to indulge her in so many ways.

“We’re here?” Her sleepy voice gave over to a wide yawn barely covered by her little fist.

“I’ll come around and let you out.” George snagged his duffel and went around to open her door. She slipped out and stepped into him. It was awkward, but he embraced her and somehow kicked the door shut and maneuvered the bag to get her up the walkway. She stayed close while he unlocked the door and ushered her inside, dropping his duffel as he did so in order to disarm the security system. He’d need to clean his toys, but Iris was more important. He hurried her through the living area, turning on another light to add to the one on a timer. She was almost sleepwalking by the time he got her into his bedroom, navigating by the transient light from the other room. He snapped on the bedside lamp, threw back the covers on his bed with one hand and divested Iris of her little dress with the other. She slid into place in his bed in one graceful movement and dropped into slumber in the next instant. George stood, transfixed, at the rightness of it. He’d brought his woman home, sated and totally done in, and now he would carefully enjoy the fact. He tucked the coverlet around her shoulders and pulled a tendril of hair from across her lips where every deep breath made it dance in place. He’d clean up his toys and call it a night. He couldn’t remember when he’d felt so perfectly complete, and something else. George searched his mind for something to describe the feeling. Ah, that was it. He was happy.

* * * *

He drifted on the edge of sleep, vaguely aware of it being far later in the day than he would normally remain in bed. The gentle glide of fingertips and what could only be the whisper of long hair coasted over his chest. George opened his eyes to see Iris crouching beside him, gloriously naked, her small, firm breasts with their tight pink nipples first catching his attention. Her legs were folded under her, and he couldn’t see her pussy under the smoothness of her belly, but the curve of one fine buttock was apparent. She leaned over and traced one of his nipples with her tongue, and he reached for her, but she pulled back immediately.

BOOK: Young, Allyson - Absolute Perfection [Aspire 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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