Wrestling Desire 2 (A Contemporary Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Wrestling Desire 2 (A Contemporary Romance)
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Several minutes passed before she stood and stared down at Garrett, his words swirling inside her brain.  Holt really had been placed in a no win situation and he’d done his best to protect her.  Now she was repaying his concern for her by walking out on him. “Holt’s feeling pretty low right now.”

Garrett nodded.  “He is. And having you walk out is only making that feeling worse.”  He reached up and cupped her face in his palms.  “Honey, you have to know how much he loves you.  Hell, he’d take a bullet for you if he had to. He would never do anything to intentionally hurt you and knowing he did is tearing him up inside.”

Emma closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  Somehow they’d all get through this heartache and move on, but she needed to take the first step.  She leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Garrett’s cheek.  “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For being Holt’s best friend.”  Then using a move Holt had taught her she ducked under Garrett’s arm and headed for the door.

“Where you going?”

“I’m going to attempt to make things right.”  She snagged the handle of her suitcase and wheeled it toward the door.  It took less than a minute for her to make it back to the room and unlock the door.  She wasn’t sure what she was going to say to
other than I’m sorry, but at least it would be a start. 

Once inside she spotted Holt lying on the bed, curled on his side facing away from her.  While he didn’t make a sound his body visibly shook and her heart hurt at the knowledge that she’d added to his pain. She dropped everything on the floor
walked to the bed.  Maybe right now wasn’t the right time to talk.  Instead she crawled onto the mattress, snuggled up behind him, wrapped her arms around his chest and held him as they both cried.

Chapter 4


She wasn’t sure how long they lay together in the darkness before she ventured the first words.  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, breaking the silence.

He turned in her arms until he faced her.  “You have no reason to be sorry.  I knew my actions were going to hurt you, and I’m the one who should apologize, but please understand I didn’t have much of a choice.”

“I know.” She tucked a loose strand of hair behind Holt’s ear.  “Garrett caught me in the hallway and wouldn’t let me leave until he explained everything.”  She pushed up on her elbow and leaned in to brush a soft kiss across his lips.  “Can you forgive me?”

He cupped her cheek with his palm.  “There’s nothing to forgive, baby.  I did a low and dirty thing to your brother and you were defending him.”

“Yes, but my brother hasn’t exactly been an innocent party in all this.”  She studied his face, amazed to see nothing but love staring back at her.  “Him I’ll deal with later, but right now I need to make this right with you.”  She swallowed down the hard lump forming in her throat.  “I don’t want to lose you.”

He rose up until he was looking down at her, his smile warming Emma at her core.  “I’m not going anywhere.  As long as you want me you’re stuck with me.”

“Then I guess we’re stuck with each other.”  She slid her arms around his neck. “I love you so much.”

“Ditto baby,” he lowered his mouth to hers, taking her in a deep kiss filled with pain and passion.  The embers of desire burned low in her belly and she slid her arms from his neck down to pull at his shirt.  The need to feel him, to be connected in a way that only they could connect pulled at her.

He pulled back, gorgeous blue eyes locked on hers, and the fire in her belly grew.  Her skin prickled with awareness as her mind raced with the possibilities.  “I want you,” she whispered. The heat and passion in his gaze scorched her senses and she slid her hands beneath his shirt.  “Please, Holt.  I need to feel you.”

He pushed up to his knees, stripped out of his shirt and gave it a careless toss.  Her fingers trailed over his heated flesh, tracing the outline of his abs with a gentle touch as her mind struggled to process her feelings.  He was gorgeous, caring, and all hers.  To this day she still hadn’t understood how she’d been lucky enough to catch Holt’s Heart.  All she could do was be thankful she had. Good grief, she really had no idea how hard she’d fallen for him until this very moment.

Above her his movements stilled and his gaze scanned her face before a crease appeared in his brow. “Are you okay?” The apprehension in his voice pulled at her heart and impossibly her love for him grew.  The longing in his eyes touched her very soul, and she sucked in a breath at the realization of just how close she’d come to ruining everything.  Desire to have him not now, but forever slammed into her with unimaginable speed and her eyes began to burn with unshed tears.  Never, in all her life had she ever allowed anyone, not even Derek to get this close.  Yet, with Holt, giving him her heart and soul had come so easily she never saw it coming. 

She managed to give him a nod and a watery smile.  “I’m perfect.”

“Then why do you look like you’re going to cry?” he pushed.

“Because,” she sniffled.  “I just now realize how lucky I am to have you in my life.”

His lips turned up into a mischievous smile and a gleam formed in his eyes.  “Now that’s a good answer,” he replied as he lowered himself to her and claimed her mouth in a soul-searching kiss. As his lips teased hers open, warmth spread over her skin. Their tongues tangled in an erotic dance of passion, taking and giving until they both ended up breathless and needy.

His hands trailed along her body, gathering the fabric of her shirt as he went.  She raised her arms above her head and let him strip her bare.  Emotions welled inside her until she felt as if they might smother her. “I love you so much,” she whispered as she stared up at him.

“I love you too,” he replied and began to pepper soft kisses along her jaw.  “Sometimes I have this overpowering desire and I want you so damn much.  I’ve never felt like this about anyone and it scares the hell out of me,” he whispered against her cheek.

His words
cut a direct path to her heart and she shivered under his touch. “I
want you,
Holt.  I need you.”

Her admission tumbled from her lips with such ease and
brought a smile to his face. He
paused and
stared down at her, his expression so gentle
so caring.  Most of the time, he wore a
expression for the cameras, intimidating
and hard-assed, but this look, the soft, sweet, loving look was reserved just for her.

Slowly, he lowered his head and brushed a soft kiss across her lips before fitting his mouth to hers.
His hands left her face and he reached between them pushing at his pants.  He worked them down his legs, eventually kicked them off.  Completely naked he turned his attention to divesting her.

Finally, with nothing between them, he positioned himself between her legs and
slid easily inside
her body, connecting them once again. 

Emma groaned with pleasure against his mouth as her body accepted him.  Only when they were truly connected did she feel at peace.  Nothing in the world matched the pleasure he bestowed upon her.

s he pushed forward
more depth
, she sighed as her world righted
Slowly, methodically, he worked his way deeper
into her body until finally his hips pressed against hers. Joy and pleasure rippled through her body, pushing her toward
another level of consciousness, where only she and Holt existed.

Above her
smiled, his eyes
reflecting the same pleasure she felt

God, Em, there really isn’t a
better feeling in the world than being sheathed inside you.”

She reached up and pressed a palm to his cheek.

Nothing in the world feels better than having you inside me.”

“Not even this?”  He shifted his hips, moving inside her and she gasped at the delicious friction.

“Well,” she conceded.  “Maybe that.”

His warm chuckle drifted over her, and wrapped around her like a fleece blanket.  “I swear, baby, you were made specifically for me.”

lifted her legs, and wrapped them around his waist.  “There’s nobody but you, Holt.”


His heart swelled with her admission.  God he loved her so much.  The need to feed his desire, to devour her drove him.  He
gave in to
need, lowering his body until he lay flush against her.
He placed his forearms on either side of her head
and stared in her eyes. “I thought I’d lost you, baby.  Without you I’m incomplete.  Please don’t ever scare me like that again. 

r.” She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his head down to hers.  She kissed him gently.  “Never again.” 

He began to move, slowly at first and he watched as her eyes flared with his thrusts. 

Yeah, t
hat’s it
, baby
,” he whispered
“Hold on tight

He loved the feel of her skin against his and reveled in her touch as she
her fingers along his back, down over his buttocks, where she gripped him.
squeezed his muscles each time he thrust, driving him to distraction.

His movements became more forceful, and he increased his speed
as the all
encompassing desire returned with a vengeance
. Their ragged breathing
broke the silence in the room
as the sounds of lovemaking filled the air.

Her eyes drifted shut as she clung to him
for dear life.
  “Open your eyes, baby.  Look at me.”  She did and he could see the build within her. 


got you, baby.  Let go,” he pa
nted.  God he was so damn close.
Her body tensed, arching like a bow and she cried out as she spasmed around him.  The feel of her coming apart in his arms drove him over the edge.  He growled low and deep as his body exploded inside her.  He slammed his mouth over hers, capturing her cry.  Blackness edged his vision as she continued to milk him until drained and
he collapsed against her, driving her further into the bed. 

Gasping for breath, he lay there for a long moment, then realizing he was probably crushing her he wrapped his arms around her and rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him.  She laid her head against his chest and he stroked a hand through her hair. 

“Are you all right?”
he asked.

She turned her head to look up at him.  “I’m more than all right.
  How about you?”

“I think you damn near killed me.”

“You have to admit
be one hell of a way to go.”

He chuckled at her statement.  For reasons he couldn’t explain the mood seemed lighter as if by devouring each other somehow cleared the air. “True.”  He tightened his grip around her.  “I’d definitely die a happy man.”

She smiled and placed her hand on his chest.
“That’s all I ever want, Holt.  I just want us to be happy.”

He put his hand over hers and
brought her palm to his mouth. “I am happy, baby.  I’ve never been as happy and content with my life as I have been since being with you.”

She leaned in to kiss him.  “I’ll admit having you in my life has complicated things, but despite everything, I’m happier than I’ve ever been and it’s all because of you.”

With the way her life had seemed to spiral out of control since they’d become a couple, he often wondered if she regretted her decision.  Hearing her admission now squelched all of his doubts. 
tangled his fingers through her hair, then
pulled her to him again
.  Nothing he could possibly do would ever effectively convey his feelings for her or how deeply they ran
. He kissed her lightly,
then slowly with more force until their mouths dueled for dominance
When he finally
pulled away he noted the glazed look of need in her eyes and his body stirred to life.

A wry grin tipped her lips and she slowly worked her way down his body.  “You don’t mind if I have my wicked way with you, do you?”

Holt rolled his eyes at her statement.  Did he mind?  Was she crazy? 
“What the
hell kind of question is that?”  He shook his head.  “
, my pet, go ahead and
have your wicked way with me.
Do whatever you want to me

Without another word her attention dropped to between his legs.  She reached out and took him with one hand and Holt’s eyes rolled back in his head as his head hit the pillow.  “God I love when you do that.”

“Then I’m sure you’ll like this even better.”
He flinched when she bent pressed her lips
against the inside of his thigh, teasing.  She swept her tongue along his sensitive skin, coming close to where he wanted her most, before moving away again.  The little wench was doing a magnificent job teasing him and he enjoyed every moment. 

BOOK: Wrestling Desire 2 (A Contemporary Romance)
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