Read Wrath James White presents Poisoning Eros I & II Online

Authors: Monica J. O'Rourke

Tags: #gore, #incest, #taboo, #porn, #twisted, #deviant, #bestiality, #torture porn, #extreme splatter punk

Wrath James White presents Poisoning Eros I & II (21 page)

BOOK: Wrath James White presents Poisoning Eros I & II
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The demon’s tongue parted the folds of Gloria’s
vagina and began to flick across her clitoris, which had swollen to
the size of a grape. Gloria’s orgasms were almost immediate,
urgent, powerful, racking her body like a thousand volts of
electricity. Her back arched so violently she thought her spine
would break. Then she came again and again, one orgasm tumbling
down over another, their relentless intensity threatening her
sanity as the demon’s tongue slid deep inside her, fucking her with
a tongue as long as a man’s penis.

The demoness withdrew her tongue from Gloria’s
dripping wet vagina and slid it along the crack of her ass,
circling her puckered rectum before slipping it deep inside her.
Gloria squealed and came again as the woman fucked her in the ass
with that long slippery tongue. Her every muscle tensed, the
tendons and sinews locked, vibrating with the force of the orgasm,
feeling as if she were having a violent seizure. Gloria was an
expert on sex and no orgasm had ever felt this way. Pleasure in
hell was every bit as intense an experience as pain.

They lay there on the floor in the dark, sucking and
licking each other, hands caressing every inch of Gloria’s body,
stroking her face, breasts, ass, even as those incredible lips and
that salacious tongue wound its way up inside her. Gloria’s face
buried in the demoness’ vagina, trying to force her own tongue as
deep into her as possible while jacking her off with one hand and
sliding two fingers in and out of her asshole. Gloria had never
before felt so inadequate. The pleasure she was giving to this
demoness could in no way compare to the pleasure she was receiving,
and Gloria felt almost guilty. She cried out and collapsed into
tears as orgasms continued to tear through her like machine gun

Her body was sore and spent when the demoness
finally withdrew. Gloria didn’t want to move. She wanted to lie
there, holding her incredible demon lover forever.

“You’re a demon.”


“Then why aren’t you torturing me?”

“How do you know I’m not?”

Gloria could hear the smile in the demoness’ voice.
“That felt amazing. I haven’t felt anything like that in so long. I
mean, I’ve never felt anything like it.”

“There is every imaginable sin here. Not all of them
are painful, just like on earth, but they all have their

“I’m willing to pay it, whatever it is. Just stay
here with me forever. I can take anything if I have you with

“Still the addict after all this time. I can’t
almost took you back. You haven’t learned shit.
We have to go. They’re waiting.”

Gloria winced at the demon’s harsh words. “Who’s
waiting? Why do we have to go anywhere? Why can’t we just stay here
like this forever?”

The demon’s soft hands caressed Gloria’s cheek.
“Don’t be silly. We can’t stay here. My Masters are waiting for us.
Your Masters are waiting.”



The demoness pulled Gloria up from the cave floor
with surprising ease. She was so gentle it was hard to remember
that she was a demon capable of snapping Gloria in two if she

Gloria stumbled along in the darkness for what
seemed like hours. She was almost thankful for the darkness. It
gave her an excuse to hold her lover’s hand, to wrap her arms
around her waist as they scrambled over rocks or tiptoed on the
edge of some precipice. Gloria was thankful for one other reason as
well—she still didn’t know what the demoness looked like and didn’t
want to spoil the illusion. Every demon she’d seen so far had been
dizzyingly, nauseatingly grotesque. She didn’t want to know if her
new lover was as monstrous as the rest of them.

The demoness had no problem navigating the tunnels.
She led Gloria along with the ease of one who had traveled these
passages many times before, and with her eyes better adapted to
this eternal night than day, the darkness seemed no obstacle to her
at all.

Gloria spotted the first faint flicker of light at
the end of the passageway and a knot twisted in her gut. In minutes
they’d be there and she’d finally get to see the face of her demon
lover. She rubbed her fingers over the back of the woman’s hand,
feeling the strange slippery soft skin, wondering just how hideous
something that felt so incredibly wonderful could look.

As they approached, Gloria was finally able to make
out the woman’s silhouette. All six arms sprouted from her
shoulders rather than up and down her torso as she would have
expected. It made her look like some willowy tree. She was
completely bald as Gloria already knew from running her hands over
the woman’s silky smooth scalp. Her legs were as thick and muscular
as a bodybuilder’s. Her hips were thick and full, child-bearing
hips, with a large and perfectly round muscular ass. Her shoulders
were muscular as well and the arms that sprouted from them were of
two sizes. The main two were heavily muscled with bulging biceps
and triceps while the remaining four were long, thin and delicate,
ending in graceful, elegant hands.

Nothing Gloria could see so far disturbed her. She
found the odd structure of the woman’s body quite amazing,
beautiful in an artistic sense, but she was only looking at her
from the back and still in darkness that obscured her features. She
could not yet even make out the color of the woman’s skin, although
it appeared extremely dark.

A few steps more and Gloria could finally make out
the woman’s complexion. It appeared black but there were colors
swirling inside it like oil in sunlight. A rainbow of reds,
oranges, greens, blues and pinks shimmered across her ebon flesh as
Gloria stared at her back, watching as the increasing light
illuminated more and more of the demoness’ remarkable body. Her
skin looked just as it had felt, like something born at the bottom
of the ocean.

They stepped into a hall filled with light. Gloria
was temporarily blinded. When she opened her eyes the very first
thing she did was study her demoness, now in full light, who had
turned to face her. She was aware there were others in the room,
but she didn’t care. She was not the least bit afraid of who they
were and what they might do to her. All she wanted was to see her
lover’s face. Her watery eyes began to focus and Gloria could feel
her useless heart banging away in her chest, pumping nothing,
merely reacting to her increased anxiety the same way it had when
she was alive. Gradually the demoness’ features swam into view.
Gloria gasped.

Her huge eyes completely dominated her face like the
eyes of some predatory insect, like a praying mantis or a hornet.
They were as black as her skin and swirled with that same
kaleidoscopic rainbow, fanned by long thin lashes like the plumage
of some great bird. Her lips were obscenely large as well,
bee-stung lips like the ones fashion models and porno stars paid
thousands of dollars for. Her ears and nose were almost too small.
They disappeared on her head, overshadowed by her other more
prominent features. Her teeth were perfectly straight, brilliantly
white, and sharp as hypodermic needles. She had two tongues that
slithered around in her mouth like serpents. One was longer than
the other, nearly ten inches long as Gloria had estimated when
she’d felt it wriggling its way up inside her. The other was only
slightly longer than normal.

Gloria dropped her eyes from the woman’s face to her
voluptuous breasts, which were that same liquid obsidian, capped
with purplish nipples. Between her muscular thighs sprouted an
erect penis bobbing above a large pink vagina with labia like rose
pedals. The demoness smiled, razor teeth glistening with a sheen of
saliva, and reached out her many arms.

Gloria swooned into her embrace. “You’re so

The demoness broke free and turned Gloria to face
the other demons filling the brightly lit cavern. They were all
beautiful in that same bizarre and terrifying way. Their pigments
were dark and oily, deep purples and reds like burgundy wine.
Others were that same slick liquid black as the demoness. Many were
hermaphrodites as well. One had a nest of half a dozen penises
varying in size from a foot and a half to a modest six inches,
seething between his thin bowed legs. Another had a line of vaginas
starting from between her thighs up between her breast to her mouth
which had labia and a clitoris in place of lips, though the tongue
remained. Still, another had vaginas on either side of his head
beneath his finely chiseled cheekbones and two penises jutting out
from between his thighs like gun turrets. There were demons with
rows of perfectly shaped breasts descending their torsos like
udders. Many of them had additional limbs and some had multiple
heads. They were all beautiful somehow, despite their bizarre

“These are your Masters, Gloria. They are the true
hierarchy of hell. Greet them.”

The demons moved forward as one, surrounding Gloria
in a tight circle. Lust bristled in their collective gaze, boiling
in the air, shimmering in the space between them like summer heat
reflecting off hot asphalt. For the first time since coming to
hell, Gloria did not feel the least bit afraid. Hands, lips and
tongues began to explore every inch of her with the same skilled
and delicate touch as her beautiful demoness. She felt the swollen
organ of one demon part her buttocks and slide effortlessly into
her anus, followed by two more cocks. She could feel all three of
them crowded inside of her, throbbing against each other. Then they
began to slide in and out at different speeds and rhythms, sending
a riot of sensations through her nervous system. Two or three other
penises inserted themselves into her vagina and began thrusting
deep inside of her, some quickly and forcefully, some slowly and
luxuriously. Two more parted her lips and slid into her throat
until she was completely filled.

Those smooth satiny hands were all over her, and
tongues and lips licked and sucked her everywhere. She came again
and again as they came inside her. She was pushed past ecstasy to a
place where pleasure was all there was, the only sensation she
knew. She could feel nothing except her own relentless orgasms.

Days seemed to pass before they released her. Gloria
collapsed on the floor of the cavern, too exhausted to move.

“You were delicious. You chose well, Madria.”

The beautiful demoness bowed toward the speaker and
smiled proudly.

, Gloria thought, holding on to the
sound of that name as if it were a keepsake. She hadn’t thought to
ask the demoness her name. Gloria turned to look at the demon who’d
spoken her lover’s name. He was tall and lean with bluish black
skin streaked with fiery veins of red. Huge tusks sprouted from his
head and six rows of human teeth ran down the center of his skull.
The only sexual modifications Gloria could see were his small
nipple-less breasts and a vagina in his abdomen just above his
thick penis. His face was remarkably human except for that bizarre

“Are you … Satan?”

They all laughed.

“Satan? There is no such person. Well, there is. But
he’s not what you think. He’s not a demon like us, just like he was
never really an angel.”

“Then what is he?”

“None of your concern.”

“Who are you?”

“I am Mephisto. I am your master.”

“But, why am I here? Just to fuck you all?”

“Oh, no. We have much greater plans for you. There’s
an entire world out there we want you to fuck. We’re sending you
back to earth.”

“You-you’re sending me back? How?” Gloria was
immediately fearful. The news that she would soon be returning to
earth brought no joy, only suspicion. Nothing in hell happened
without a price. This was a place of punishment, not generosity or
mercy. She imagined herself back on earth as one of those hideous

“I-I’ll just stay here.” She turned to look for
Madria. “I’ll stay here with her.”

“This is not a choice. You’re not free here. You
must know that by now, if you’ve learned nothing else. Humans are
our possessions, our toys. We break them. We fix them. And we break
them again. We do whatever we want with them.”

“But I don’t want to be one of those horrible worms.
Why can’t I stay here with you?” Gloria sobbed, nearly in a

The demon laughed. “You’re not going back as a worm.
That’s only for those who escape. You will not be escaping hell,
you’ll be bringing it with you. You will still be our property even
while you walk among the living. Your soul will remain tethered to
hell. You are going to be a recruiter, just like your dear friend
Vlad. But first we have to return you to your body. You cannot go
back as a disembodied soul.”

Two humans walked in carrying what looked like a
body wrapped in a filthy sheet. They dropped it on the floor at
Gloria’s feet and walked away without a word.

The sheet fell open and Gloria found herself staring
at her own decaying body. There were tears in her skin from where
the flesh had ruptured like a blister from the gases that had built
up inside it as it decayed. She could see the huge bags of silicone
through the rents in her breasts. The skin was green and moldy and
had begun to shrivel up and slip away from the muscles. The eyes
had collapsed and fallen back into the skull. She was surprised she
even recognized herself.

“Is that me?”

“Who else would it be.”

“Where did you get it?”

“From the earth. Welcome home, Gloria.”

“You want me to get back in there? I’d scare the
shit out of anyone I see!”

“Don’t worry. We’ll fix you up. After you rejoin

“But why can’t you fix my body before you put me
back in?”

“Because that wouldn’t be hell, now would it?” The
demon smirked, and the others laughed.

BOOK: Wrath James White presents Poisoning Eros I & II
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