Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series)
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After he closed the door, he strode closer, his arms folded over his massive chest. Indeed, he was a large man, and not one to be trifled with. Even his younger brother, Oliver, was taken down a peg a time or two whenever he verbally crossed the duke.


Worry lines creased his forehead and around his mouth. It seemed he had aged several years since she had visited with him this morning. Definitely, the strain from the recent upset had taken its toll.


“Father, what is amiss?”


For a few long and awkward moments, he stood in silence. Finally, he cleared his throat. “I have a wild idea, and I need both of you to do something for me.”


Emiline exchanged glances with Anna, before she returned her focus back to her father. “What is it?”


“Here in the colonies there are many citizens who are not devoted to our King. Instead, they would rather cause mayhem and make others miserable.”


Emiline frowned. “Do you blame them, Father? They have suffered a lot with such ridiculously high taxes—”


“Please,” he interrupted, holding up a hand. “Let me finish.”


Nodding, she kept her mouth closed, and especially, her opinions to herself.


“Because it’s hard to decipher the Loyalists from the fools over here, I cannot trust people I do not know. It’s that reason I’m sending you to my friends, Henry and Martha Hampton. But because I do not trust their neighbors, I cannot have my daughter in danger with me so far away.” He took a deep breath. “So because of that, I have formulated a plan that only us three will know about.” He looked at Anna. “Before you reach New Hampshire, you will become Lady Sarah—” he met Emiline’s wide eyes, “—and you, my darling daughter, will be Lady Sarah’s maid.”


Slowly, Emiline shook her head, not quite understanding what her father was saying. She must have cotton in her ears. Did he really want her to play a servant? “Papa?” she asked in a small voice. “Let me understand this correctly… You wish me to switch places with my maid?”


“Yes. Just while you are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Hampton.”


“But…will they not realize we are fooling them?”


“No.” He walked closer to her and stopped right in front, stroking her cheek lovingly. “Mr. and Mrs. Hampton have never met you. If you and Anna play your parts precisely, my friends will never know of the deception.” He motioned his head toward Anna. “You and your maid are only a few months apart in age. You both have dark hair and dark eyes. During your carriage ride, you can instruct Anna on how she needs to act.”


“Oh, Your Grace,” Anna spoke quickly, her voice raised in excitement. “Lady Sarah does not need to instruct me. I have been her maid for several years. I know how the daughter of a duke is required to act.”


He smiled wide. “Splendid. Then I shall need you to instruct my daughter how to act like a servant.” He glanced back at Emiline and winked. “I fear my daughter has been pampered of late.”


Inwardly, Emiline growled. She was quite certain she would
need lessons, either. But…
a maid?
She couldn’t stop the panic bouncing inside of her from his suggestion. “Father, forgive me for voicing my opinions, but I cannot act like a maid! It’s just not done. I would be expected to know how to do things. I will certainly mess up and then cause suspicion.”


“Hmm…” He nodded and rubbed his chin. “I do see your point. All right then, instead of Lady Sarah’s maid, you shall be her companion. I’m quite certain Mr. and Mrs. Hampton will have a maid to tend to Lady Sarah while you are there.”


Without being able to stop herself, Emmie snorted a laugh. “A lady’s companion? But father…I’m not old enough.”


“On the contrary, my dear. Not all ladies’ companions are old. We will tell Mr. and Mrs. Hampton that you are Lady Sarah’s poor relative and you have been her companion for three years now. You will not be required to do all the duties of a maid, and you shall have more freedom to do other things when you are not with Lady Sarah.”


Emiline kept quiet as her mind turned over her father’s idea. The more she thought, the more she realized this just might work. “Fine. I believe I can handle being a lady’s companion.”


“Good.” He kissed his daughter’s forehead. “Now that is all settled, I will have only a few soldiers following you during your journey. They will only follow until you cross over to New Hampshire.”


Her heart sank. “But…would the soldiers not draw attention to us if they are following?”


He shook his head. “I shall instruct them not to follow too closely.” He took his daughter’s hands and squeezed. “I believe your journey will go smoothly. When you reach the Hampton’s estate, I want you to enjoy yourself. Think of this as a holiday, if you will. Try not to worry about your Papa.”


Emiline’s heart clenched and she frowned. “That is asking a lot of me. I cannot help but worry about you.”


Her father pushed his fingers through his graying black hair. “My dear little Emmie, you worry entirely too much about me.”


Her heart melted when he called her by the nickname her mother used to use. Of course, being in the colonies, Emiline couldn’t help but think of her mother. The very reason her mother had died fifteen years ago was because she’d come here to visit her family, but before arriving in the Boston’s harbor, her ship was attacked by pirates.


“Father, it’s hard not to worry.” Tears pricked her eyes. “I don’t want to lose you like we lost mother.”


“Nonsense. Your mother was killed by a pirate ship.”


“Exactly. Are they not part of the same group who are after Uncle Oliver now?”


Chuckling, he patted her cheek. “My dear, you are too intelligent and you know too much about politics. Rest assured, all will be well.”


She released a pent-up breath. “Promise me you will not do anything rash and get involved where you shouldn’t.”


He offered a sympathetic half smile. “Not to worry, my dear little Emmie. The Lord will watch over both of us.”


Her father turned and opened the bedroom door, then led them down the grand stairs to the front door. Uncle Oliver stood by the entryway and gave her a quick hug before she walked out with her father.


Servants were quickly loading the trunks onto the coach as Anna climbed in the vehicle. Emiline hugged her father before getting in herself. Once she sat, he reached in and grasped her clutched hands.


“God speed, my dear.”


“I shall see you soon.” She smiled, although she didn’t put much effort into the emotion due to her jittery feelings.


As the coach jerked into action, her heartbeat slowed considerably. The next little while was definitely
a holiday, no matter what her father tried to tell her. And she had promised to be a lady’s companion the whole time.


Good grief, what had she been thinking to agree to her father’s plan?


* * * *


Gabriel Lawrence gnashed his teeth as he gripped the ship’s railing with one hand and balanced the spyglass with the other, watching the enemy ship coming toward them. All the crew on
The Avenger
scrambled into action as Gabe shouted orders over his shoulder.
The Avenger
was a fast ship, which is why it was perfect for his needs. The
Sons of Liberty
counted on him as well as his fellow comrades fighting for freedom and away from Britain’s rule.


One of Gabe’s best friends, Captain Hawk—also known as Marcus Thorne—had once commanded
The Avenger.
Now the ship was Gabe’s…as long as he could get away from the Royal Navy’s vessel heading right for them.


“Captain, we are picking up speed.”


Gabe lowered his spyglass and settled his attention on his first mate, Rufus
. The wind whipped the man’s long blond hair around his face in disarray. Out here in the sun, the strawberry tint to Rufus’ hair was more prominent. Needless to say, Rufus would definitely stand out in a crowd.


“That we are, Rufus.” Gabe glanced at his crew. “It appears Commodore
is determined to see me hanged.”


Rufus took a step closer and squinted in the direction of their attacker. “Is that who is after us?”


“It is.” Gabe gritted his teeth.


“If I might say, Captain, that man will stop at nothing to get his prize. He has a reputation that precedes him. Good men quake in their boots when he is near.”


Gabe looked through is spyglass again. “The man has the most wicked eyes I have ever seen.”


“I must agree with you. Commodore
is the spawn of Satan himself.”


Gabe blew out an irritated breath. “I feel the wind is on our side today. Let us pray it continues.”


“I know the good Lord will keep it that way.”


Gabe nodded. “The Lord knows our purpose in freeing ourselves from Britain’s hold, and I believe He is certainly assisting us on this fine day.” He turned back to the ocean and lifted his spyglass again. “However, I would truly like to know how the Royal Navy knew we were here in the first place.
The Avenger
has been out of commission for a few months. How would they know where we were headed this time?”


“Do you think there is a spy among us?” Rufus asked in a lower voice.


Gabe swung around and faced his friend. Rufus’ panicked expression mirrored the way Gabe felt. “I pray there is not, but I know not how to explain today’s mishap.” Sighing, he raked his fingers through his hair. “Today’s near capture was too close. I do not want it happening again.” He glanced over his shoulder at the Royal Navy—their vessel slowly getting smaller. “If the wind changes, we may not make our escape after all.”


From the other ship, a booming noise shook the air around them. The cannon landed in the water, splashing water on Gabe and Rufus. Gabe strolled to the railing of the quarter deck and shouted more commands at his crew to pick up speed.


His friend jumped back, his face hard with anger. “What in the blazes do they think they are doing?” Rufus snapped. “Why did they waste a cannonball when they knew it would not get to us?”


is arrogant. I believe he truly thought he could hit our ship. Or frighten us into surrendering.”


“They are all bloody imbeciles—every last one.”


“They are.” Gabe scrubbed his hand over his unshaven jaw. “Unfortunately, they did get close enough to see us.”


“What do you mean?” Rufus’ eyebrow lifted.


“They were watching us through their spyglass—just as I watched them.” Gabe sighed with a frown. “Once we are able to hide the ship and go on land, I think they will be looking for us.” His gaze shifted to Rufus’ thick patch of strawberry-blond hair. “And unfortunately, we are both easy men to spot because of our hair color.”


“What do you suggest we do, Captain?”


Another canon boomed through the air, but fell short of hitting its mark. Thankfully, it wasn’t as close as the first one.
The Avenger
was definitely gaining speed. Gabe was confident the crew would be able to reach their destination without getting caught, but they would all have to go into hiding for a while.

BOOK: Wonderland By Night (Heroic Rogues Series)
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