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Authors: Ambrielle Kirk

Wolf's Strength (14 page)

BOOK: Wolf's Strength
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Chapter Seventeen


“I can get used to this,” Naomi said, folding her hands behind her head and looking up at the dome ceiling of the huge bedroom.

Blake closed the bathroom door behind him and moved toward the bed.
His skin was still wet from the shower. “I remember you telling me once before that you didn’t want maids.”

Naomi giggled. “I meant this bed.” She brought her knees
up and slid her toes under the silk sheets. “But I might change my mind about the maids. Devin’s staff is very nice.”

He sat down on the bed with the towel still wrapped around his waist and smiled. “I think we should get started on creat
ing our own floor plan. Devin asked me this morning when I would officially move into the village. All the other Council members live here or nearby.”

“It’s so peaceful.” Naomi sighed. “No foolish fights breaking out. No sharing showers. I can sleep in late without hearing my roommate
’s alarm going off.”

“I love seeing you happy like this.” He took
her feet in his hands and massaged them. “You always have cold feet though” He grinned at her teasingly.

“And you always warm them up,” she replied, enjoyed his big hands caressing her.
“Mmmm, feels good.”

Blake’s massage
therapy moved to more than just her feet. His fingers traced up her legs and kneaded the inside of her thighs until they felt like jello. Before she knew it, his breath was hot against her. He pulled her nightgown up to her hips.

“My hands are tired,” he said. “Let’s see what I can do with my mouth.”

He kissed her sensitive areas, coaxing her legs open until she was bared to him. His tongue sliced between her nether lips and dipped into her greedy canal. He lapped up her essence, thrusting his tongue in a deep slow motion inside her. Muscles contracted involuntarily around his tongue as he played with her. Her juices slipped from her into his mouth and down her center. He greedily devoured what he could handle and then zoned in on her swollen clit. Pushing her thighs higher for better access, he circled her bundle of nerves with determination.

“Your fucking mouth feels good,”
Naomi moaned.

pussy was slick with her arousal and an unrelenting ache burned through her like a wildfire. He slid his lips along her sensitive folds, moaning and growling into her flesh as he enjoyed her to his hunger’s content. Capturing her clit, he tugged and sucked until she was pushing against his mouth. Her orgasm rushed through her tenfold and a cry erupted from her mouth. She was still shuddering in relief when he turned her over and brought her on her hands and knees.

parted her legs even wider and slid his fingers between her enflamed lips. His mouth replaced his hands once again and he pleasure her from behind. Fingers slid through her soaking pussy and then up to her anus where he pushed inside her.

“Oh, Blake…”

“That’s right. Open for me.” He drug his mouth along her pussy and up to her forbidden zone.

Naomi lowered her top half on the bed, crushing her breasts into the mattress.
Her submissive position caused a growl of possession to tear through Blake’s throat. His thick cock replaced his teasing tongue and he pushed into her anus. She tugged on a handful of sheets and bit into the bundle to keep from screaming. Pleasure-pain scorched her, rendering her motionless. Blake soothed her, rocking his pelvis gently until her juices coated his entire shaft.

After she was acclimated to his size
and ready for his complete entry, she rose and placed her palms on the headboard. She turned slightly and gave two commands. “Harder. Faster.”

Those two commands triggered an even stronger urge
within Blake to please her. He grabbed her hips and obliged every request she made that night.

Every single moment that night was spent enraptured in passion.




“There is nothing in here about the history of Spirit stripping.” Devin pounded his fist on the conference table. A stack of books fell over and slid down the center of the table like domino pieces.

Blake felt the Alpha’s frustration. Everyone at the conference table wanted to find out more about the Osbornes, a force they didn’t expected to be involved in all of this. Naomi uncrossed her legs beside him and sat up in her chair. They were all on edge. They’d thumbed through every single book in the library looking for written accounts of stripping a Caedmon’s Wolf Spirit and leaving him a man without powers.

“Would past Alphas and Elders want something like that to be a part of the collection?” Naomi asked.

“Probably not.” Devin folded his arms across his chest as he sat back in his chair. “Still, it’s hard to believe there is nothing at all.”

“So, do you think the knowledge is hidden for a reason?” Dawson asked “Or is this some type of witchcraft not meant to be Caedmon knowledge anyway?”

“I talked to my father, Anthony Klein.” Arianna spoke from the other side of the table. “He says there’s been talk on the west coast about
being offered the chance to strip. There is a minority within the
clan who want to be more human than anything; thus, stripping would be the only chance they had to live a normal human life.”

She was seated on Jayson’s lap because there were only so many chairs in the Council room. Devin called anyone with information about the matter. They’d gotten an abundance of phone and in person tips flooding Devin’s estate. Hours later, those closest to Devin piled into the library, anxious to find anything written or some physical evidence.

“Don’t forget I know of one account involving Spirit stripping,” Naomi offered. “Her name is Ruby McCoy. She was in my Elite group. Tristan held her in solitary confinement afterward. It was more because she lost her badge. At the time none of us knew she’d been stripped.”

Devin nodded. “Tristan confirmed this at our meeting.”

“That’s it!” Dawson slapped a palm on the table top. “Elisa said something strange to me when I tried to convince her to come out of that cave.”

“What was it?” Devin’s demand rushed from him.

“She said there’s written knowledge and then there’s inherited knowledge.” Dawson stood and began pacing the room. “Roman gifted her with all his knowledge. Elisa had to have accepted it somehow. None of us want to relive that night, but Roman’s Wolf Spirit left him before he passed. I remember seeing the spiritual presence around Elisa during the exchange. She was powerful enough to temporarily bind his spirit to hers to keep him alive, then she was powerful enough—”

“To strip him.” Devin shot up out of his chair. “Fuck!”

“What are you saying?” Arianna stood, nearly knocking her mate backward. “Elisa would never harm a fly. You won’t hurt her.”

“No, Arianna…” Devin shook his head. “You’re right. Roman taught her how to do this and requested it be done. He passed that way because it was what he wanted. Elisa couldn’t inherit the knowledge any other way. It takes decades for an Elder to become proficient in his or her craft, and Elisa was nowhere near ready at the time of his death. So, she stripped his Spirit to inherit his knowledge.”

The room was dead silent. Every heartbeat could be heard as discovery made their heads spin.

“Does anyone know where Elisa is?” Arianna asked.

“Dawson is trying to talk her out of the cave. We need her to pull information from our captive.”

Dawson shook his head. “I’ll return tonight after the meeting, but she won’t let me in the cave with her.”

Nick responded in the negative as well. “I hope she comes around. What if we send Selene out to talk with her? Selene’s really good at that.”

Devin rubbed his chin. “We might have to do just that.”

There was a knock on the Council room door. “Alpha.”

Nick, being the closest to the door, got up to answer it. “What the fu—”

The door swung wide open. Tristan Arnou stepped inside and it looked as if he’d been through hell and back.

“You know, Devin,” Arnou gave a snarl and bard crooked teeth, “the least you could do is return the favor. I offered you an escort across my property lines, but there damn sure wasn’t one waiting for me before I crossed yours.”

Several growls erupted across the Council table as everyone moved to guard Devin Caedmon.

“How many of my men did you kill trying to get in my territory?” Devin demanded.

“None.” Arnou wiped the back of his hand across his lip to remove the grime. “Of course, some might need immediate attention. You may want to send medical backup near the city market.” He came further into the conference room, showing no fear, and dumped a sack on the conference table.

In that instant Arnou fixed his eyes on Blake and Naomi. Blake held Naomi to him possessively and snarled.

Arnou chuckled. “I suspected for years Ms. Valentine wasn’t abiding by my rules. I’m not a chick sprung fresh from its egg.”

Naomi gasped.

“Naomi is my mate and she won’t be returning to your prison anytime soon,” Blake said.

“She pledged to me willingly and technically she’s still considered by property.”

“Bullshit,” Naomi snapped. “I’m not a piece of meat or property. I choose where I lay and it will no longer be in your Compound.”

Tristan clucked his tongue. “How will you tame such a wild spirit like that? It’s no wonder you’re still unmated. Your bitch is in heat but she refuses to succumb.”

Tensions flared high in the room and even Naomi’s gentle pull on his harm could not stop his growing anger. Blake growled and jumped up from his seat. Tristan’s eyes grew wide and his lips trembled against his canines.

“Stop it!” Devin pounded his fist on the table. “This is my fucking board room. We’re talking business here. Cease this conversation. Tristan, I’ve granted Naomi temporary sanction with your Pack. Now give me a good reason for interrupting my board meeting.”

He pulled out a book, slammed it on the table, and then uttered some words in an old Serbian language. “Spirit Thievery. Documented past accounts in the Arnou Pack.”

“Are you sure?” Devin asked.

Tristan nodded. “William Caedmon’s journal had accounts of bonding as you’re certainly aware since you and your Council consumed his powers and knowledge. Rodolphus’ journal,” he pointed to the book, “contains accounts of stripping. The journals and the knowledge have been kept under lock and key for quite some time. We’re forbidden to read the past journals of our Elders, but like you, I felt a need to. I won’t let my Pack die out.”

Devin sank to his chair and exhaled. “So someone else has this knowledge of stripping and binding?”

Tristan pressed both of his palms on the table, staring straight at the Alpha. “The only other group who has knowledge of both accounts is Other-kind. And I do believe someone from the
clan is aiding Shanhah. I’ve already told you which family I suspect to be behind it all.”

A maid burst into the double doors with a torn and dirty piece of cloth. “Alpha!” She threw the fabric on the table in front of him. “Your sister! She’s been taken. The guards have been murdered.”

There was blood on the maid’s hand.

A growl so feral erupted from Devin’s throat that it shook the walls around them.

Chapter Eighteen


There were at least a hundred wolves under the full hunter’s moon. Some in true forms while others remained standing as humans. Blake stood as human, just as his Alpha did.

Twilight illuminated the field of
lupinus perennis
that stretched for a mile in all directions, providing enough light to take in all his brethren as they stood with him. A band full of Pack members crowded around the center of the makeshift podium where two men stood.

Caedmon. Arnou. They were all in attendance. There were subtle differences but no one cared about those tonight. This night marked a momentous occasion. Not since the Great Fallout had both Packs united on common ground.

Blake DeLuca was honored to be a part of this event. He stood on the front line, a few feet from the podium. Naomi stood next to him, and she squeezed his hand in quiet reassurance.

“Words cannot express how happy I am,” Naomi said.

“I’m not sure words would do any of this justice. I didn’t think I would live to see this,” Blake replied. “The day when two rival Packs would come together.”

Naomi smiled. “Knowing we have the sanction of both Alphas makes our upcoming ceremony much easier.”

Finally Blake could communicate with his mate without either of them having to worry about who was watching them. They could talk freely about Pack politics without having to worry about hurting their Packs. But this time Blake wouldn’t have to refer to Naomi’s Pack as a separate governing body. Once they were bonded and all had witnessed the mating ceremony, she would be an official member of the Caedmon Pack.

Blake cocked his head toward the podium where Devin and Tristan were speaking. “What do you think they’re talking about?”

“Whatever it is, it must be private. No one else has stepped foot on that podium. If they can reach agreement tonight, there’s a chance we can find Elisa and bring her back before harm takes her.”


Blake looked to the podium, wondering how much longer the two Alphas would go back and forth.




“It’s been confirmed.” Devin drew in a deep breath, hoping he could maintain his composure despite his failures in protecting his sister. “Elisa was taken. I had a wolf trace the scent from the cave to a hut just south of the train station.”

Tristan frowned. “To Shanhah, you think?”

“My messenger said the men guarding the hut showed marks similar to the guy we interrogated a few days ago.”

“Then Shanhah must have wanted you to follow her,” Tristan said. “She’s left no open trails until now. She knows what’s coming to her, and I believe she’s using your younger sister as bait.”

“Not only that. Elisa is twice as powerful as Roman. My sister might be the only one who can contend with Shanhah Osborne.”

Tristan’s gaze gleamed. “But will she?”

Devin diverted his gaze. “That’s the thing. She hasn’t been the same since Roman’s death. All this time she’s been living in a cave. She refused to say much of anything to anyone. Dawson got her to talk a couple days ago. I know she’ll come around, but she’s upset about what she did to save our people—what Roman instructed her to do.”

Tristan arched an eyebrow. “And that is?”

“My half sister aided Roman in passing. She stripped his Spirit before it diminished. She had enough abilities as it was. She saw glimpses of the past and these things haunted her. She told me they did. When Roman gifted her with everything he had…I can only imagine how confused she is.”

“I would be too. It’s probably why she wants to be alone. There’s no way she can process that information with all this shit going down.”

Devin ran his hands through his hair. “If Shanhah discovers Elisa’s true abilities…”

“We’re not dealing with a lowly witch.” Tristan’s lips spread thinly across his teeth as he gave emphasis to each word. “I’m certain Shanhah didn’t kidnap her because she wanted to play dress up with her.”

Devin’s irritation rolled up his shoulders in waves. “Your sarcasm is uncalled for at this time.”

“Who said I was being sarcastic. I want this bitch dead as much as you do.”

“Certainly.” Devin nodded. “But we can’t keep fighting with each other.”

“It’s why you and I are here together with our Pack members. A treaty of peace will ensure we build armies to grow our numbers to what they were in the past. Without a treaty no one will care and everyone will act as rivals. That’s no good when you have forces like Shanhah trying to pit us against each other so she can loop around at the most inopportune time.”

“A treaty of peace. There will be rules but if the rules are broken…”

The edges of Tristan’s lips twitched upward. “There will be a punishment severe enough for the rule breaker to regret his actions. Banishment from both Packs would ensure the shit never happens twice. You get one straw and that’s it. You’re out.”

“Sometimes I like your way of thinking,” Devin said.

Tristan shrugged. “And sometimes you don’t. We’ll have to work on that.”

Devin called his transcriber to the stage and requested a pen and a scroll of vellum paper. It took fifteen minutes for the transcriber to draft the treaty. It was quite simple. There would be peace and unity between the two Packs, and the punishment for disobeying this order would be banishment from both sides, period.

There was a dotted line drawn for each signature. Devin signed first, followed by Tristan.

The transcriber took the contract to the front of the stage and raised it to the twilight sky. “A treaty of peace!” he yelled.

Men and women echoed the same, cheering and rejoicing in the decision.

“Hmm…” Tristan grunted, looking out over the crowd. “No objection.”

“Yet,” Devin offered. “From experience I change a law and usually it takes days before the naysayers come forward. I’m a man of my word, so nothing pleasant ever comes from those meetings with them.”

“Shall we make it official like in the old days?” Tristan asked.

Devin tilted his head to the side.

“By blood, Devin. By blood union.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“I’ll still have my title. You still have yours. This alliance will be extremely beneficial to both of us.” Tristan unsheathed a dagger and held the sharp blade against his palm. He cut deep and the blood pooled immediately.

Devin took the blade and did the same. He let his blood collect in his palm. Some of it escaped through his fingers and dripped on the podium near their feet.

The crowd was silent. Tristan held out his open palm and Devin accepted it.

A jolt of pressure dashed up his arm and heated him from the inside out. Tristan’s Wolf Spirit stirred with his. The Spirits recognized and accepted one another.

Devin took their hands, still joined together, and thrust them into the air and moved to the edge of the podium so all could see. The crowd roared in approval and applauded wildly as the blood leaked down their forearms, through the cracks in the wood on the stage, and onto the soil where two wolf Packs joined in strong union. Their union was forbidden before, but now the possibilities were boundless.

BOOK: Wolf's Strength
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