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Authors: Rosalie Stanton

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Witness (9 page)

BOOK: Witness
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Dash helped her, much as he could. Once his chest was exposed, he barely let her glance at him before seizing her mouth again. The pressure between her legs slipped away without warning, and the next thing she knew, she was on her back, Dash hovering over her, pinning her with a look so intense she felt it to her bones.

“I want you to come on my mouth,” he murmured. “I’ve dreamed about eating your cunt for ten years.”

Serenity shuddered and pressed her thighs together to alleviate the ache. “I want that too.”

He quirked an eyebrow. “I thought you might.”

“But first—” She put her hands on his chest and pushed.

It was likely surprise rather than strength that had him rolling off her—the look on his face betrayed he hadn’t expected her to shove quite so hard. Before he could protest, she had straddled him again and was busy tearing his boxers down his legs.

“Condoms in your jeans?” she asked, turning her attention to the pile of clothes he’d discarded by the bed.

When she looked back, Dash was propped on his elbows, his erection jutting at full attention. And this—yes, this was what she’d missed the last time. The hard lines of his body bare to her eager eyes and hands. His chest was smooth, though doctored with more colorful tattoos and scars which told stories she likely wasn’t ready to hear yet. His legs were thick and muscular, and his cock…

Oh boy.
Her suspicions had been accurate.

“I thought I was supposed to be eating you,” he teased, languidly wrapping his hand around his dick and beginning to pump.


“Hungry now.”

“So am I.” Serenity forced herself to look away before she forgot the importance of protection, and vowed to have a conversation about past partners to eradicate the need for such precautions in the future. She received periodic injections in lieu of taking pills, and while she trusted Dash was clean, she didn’t want to ruin the mood by mentioning it. There was so much she didn’t know about him anymore—so much she would learn and rediscover.

Dash grunted. “Woman, I need your mouth or your pussy,

“I’m hurrying.” Serenity dropped his jeans and held up her hand, displaying the foil package between her fingers. “Condoms.”

“Don’t need that to lick you.”

“I’m running this,” she said, crawling back over him. “You’ll get your chance, Dash. I have a lot of fantasies too. But right now, I want you the way I want you. You owe me that.”

Dash favored her with a look that was both vulnerable and rakish, his eyes soft but his grin wicked. He reclined without further protest and watched her as she took his cock in her hand and settled between his legs.


“Just for a moment,” she murmured, then licked along the underside of his erection. She shivered when he moaned. “Let me play.”

Without awaiting a response, Serenity sucked his cock into her mouth, moaning thickly around him. Dash echoed her moan with a throaty one of his own. Then, as though he couldn’t help himself, he thrust his hips and drove deeper inside.

“Fuck, Rennie…so good…”

She pulled back and lapped at the crown of his cock, drawing beads of pre-cum into her mouth. God, she loved the feel of him. Loved his heady, musky scent and warm taste. Serenity was hardly a prude, but she hadn’t been terribly explorative when coming into her sexual awakening. Giving head was something she’d done when asked but had never performed with relish. Now, with Dash in her mouth, she wanted to lick and suck until he came completely undone.

But Dash had other ideas. He sat up and threaded his fingers through her hair. “Stop.”

She released him with a wet plop. “Why? Don’t you like me here?”

“I love it. But I love being inside you more.”

Serenity grinned, grabbed the condom, then tore it free of its packaging. “Fair enough,” she said, sliding the latex over his length. “But we’ll revisit the subject.”

“Yes.” Dash grunted, seizing her wrists the second the condom was in place. He wasted no time tugging her up his body, and she couldn’t help but whimper as his cock slid against her slippery folds. “But for now…ride me, Rennie.”

She placed her hands on his chest and positioned herself over him. “Dash…”

And that was it. She impaled herself on his cock, her pussy clenching, squeezing him, holding him, dragging him as deep inside her as she could. The need for words, for anything else, abandoned her.

Dash coaxed her down to him, wrapping his arms around her as she rested her head at his chest, her breasts flattened against his skin. “Serenity.” He covered her throat with small kisses as he began thrusting into her cunt. “My Serenity.”

The use of her name—her real name, rather than the nickname he favored—caught her off guard. But he wasn’t speaking to her. Rather, the syllables rolled off his tongue as though he were in prayer. He pumped, striking her, moving with her, loving her without words.

This was it. What she wanted. All she wanted. For the first time since awakening in the garage, she felt at peace.

“I’m here.” Serenity arched into him and threaded her fingers through his hair. “Dash.”


“Yes.” Serenity jerked him back to her lips, undulating as she clenched her pussy around his dick. He felt so good. So right. As though he had been born a part of her body, and every time he pushed away then in again, it sent her into a spiraling frenzy of forgotten need. “God, Dash.”

He smiled against her. “You feel so damn good,” he murmured. “So good.”

“You too. Fuck.”

“Stay with me.” He pressed his lips to her shoulder then buried his face in her throat, setting a fast tempo. Even under her, he held control. It would have irritated her if it didn’t turn her on so much. His obvious need for her made her blood boil.

“Stay,” he echoed. “Please.”

The words were spoken without inflection, but she heard their rawness just the same. Serenity clutched him to her, her heart pounding, her head spinning. She’d already made her decision. No matter what came next, she would face it with Dash at her side.

“Rennie.” He laved a wet path around a nipple, nimble fingers caressing her neglected breast. His thrusts deepened with every arch into her cunt. He felt so good. So thick. So consuming. She was split and she didn’t care.

She was with him.


Serenity sat up and arched back, her hips rolling, her pussy dragging over his cock. She played with the rhythm, indulging in short and shallow strokes, then long and languid. She wanted him every way—all ways. He made her feel brave in a world where she should be anything but, reunited her with sensations she had almost decided never existed in the first place.

He made her feel—period.

“Can I try something?” Serenity panted on a downstroke.

Dash’s eyes burned. “Anything.” His interest faded when she allowed his cock to slip from her pussy completely. “Wait, no, need to be—”

“Just…” Serenity didn’t know what was pushing her, and at the moment, she didn’t care. She wanted to feel him like this, even through the condom. She lifted herself as far as she could, then placed the tip of his cock against her clit, and her eyes went wide at the contact. “Oh fuck.”

“Oh fuck,” Dash echoed, hands wrangled in the sheets. “You’re so damn hot. Fuck, what you do to me.”

She rubbed him against her mercilessly. Every time his cockhead nudged her clit, she shuddered closer to orgasm. All that mattered at that moment was the sensuous feel of him against her as she teased herself. “Uhhh…”

And when he spoke again, his voice was wrangled. Throaty. Pleading. “Rennie…God, please.”

Her eyes flashed open at that, and she nodded before navigating him inside her once more. Collective groans sounding through the air already heavy with their combined scents. Serenity threw her head back and began moving again slowly, gripping his hips, steadying as she rode his cock at a slow gallop. She felt his eyes on her, felt his need as though it were her own. And maybe it was—they’d been so connected once. Perhaps they had always been.

Dash found her clit again with his fingers and began a slow, tortuous massage.

“Oh yes,” she whimpered. “Dash.

A familiar burn started to spread through her body. She stretched forward, needing the intimacy of his lips. Their mouths met again, bursting into a fury of frenzied kisses. The still air around them filled with the slap of their thrusting flesh, the hard slip and slide of his cock from her body triggering her into an explosion of sensory overload.

He angled his fingers above her clit so each thrust sent her spiraling closer to climax. A gasp clawed at Serenity’s throat for freedom—then she was coming. Her hips crashed over him as she screamed his name in a twist of jubilation. Dash gripped her thighs and grunted, propelling himself deep into her as he sputtered his release. Growling something fierce as her muscles milked him for everything he had to give her. Her name a whispered prayer on his lips.

Years later, Serenity collapsed onto his chest, panting hard. She felt the rhythmic hammer of his heart against her skin, reveled in the throaty rumble of his matching gasps. Through her post-coital daze, she registered the presence of a hand brushing sweat-laced hair off her shoulders. Dash held her to him in the midst of their recovery, his brow pressed against hers. Their mouths close. Breaths intermingled. Still locked in intimacy. Fastened around each other as though of the same make.

“Stay with me,” Dash said. “I need you, Rennie. I’ve always needed you.”

Serenity smiled and kissed him. The world was changing around her, and there was no telling what tomorrow would bring. But for now, she had this. She had a second chance to make things right with Dash.

What came next would challenge her, possibly break her.

But she trusted in Dash. Perhaps she was the only one who ever had.

“I’m with you,” she whispered.

He tightened his arms around her and kissed her shoulder. “Always.”

It was such a simple word, a promise he couldn’t keep, but somehow she found herself believing it. Crazy as it was, the sentiment made her feel whole. Like whatever came next would be easy, so long as Dash was with her. She might have nowhere to go and a road of uncertainty ahead, but in his arms, she was home. The only home worth coming back to.

If she could keep him, keep this, she knew she could survive the storm. And that she wasn’t alone.

They would face whatever came side-by-side, the way they hadn’t before.

This time, they might just have a fighting chance.


* * * *


They’d talked, of course.

It had been the longest goddamn day of his life, at times the worst and others the best. Still, Dash couldn’t find the strength to close his eyes and risk sleep. For everything that was fucked up, everything that was wrong, Rennie was beside him. Naked. The air was thick with the scent of sex, and his cock stirred every time his mind took him back to what they’d shared, and the promise of what was ahead.

But what was ahead wasn’t clear. There were hard decisions to make—decisions they hadn’t been able to reach in the post-coital lull. Yet he couldn’t help but feel optimistic, even if cautiously. For him, the largest decision had been made. It had been made the second he’d realized what Gunner wanted, really wanted.

In the course of a day, Lucifer’s Legion had gone from being his life to being his past. The oath he’d taken tasted stale now in comparison to what he had. What was his to protect. And even if they had no idea where the fuck to go from here, Dash was certain they would find their way.

Perhaps that was the love talking—the love that had never stopped burning for her. He didn’t know. But he would find out.

He hoped.

It was that, he supposed, that kept him from finding sleep. Beyond the uncertainty ahead and the mess that covered the road behind him, there was the fear that she would awaken in the morning and realize what a fuckup he was and what a fuckup
was for getting involved with the likes of him. Especially in the heat of what was to come. Sex complicated things, love fucking destroyed, and Dash knew if they continued on the path they’d started tonight, the love he’d felt ten years ago and the stirrings he’d rediscovered today would come to a head. He couldn’t survive her walking away again. Even if he deserved it.

He would know when she awoke. If there was any doubt or regret, he’d see it. She’d try to mask it, but he’d see it.

So he waited. And watched. And couldn’t find sleep. He needed to know.

Only he must have drifted off at some point, for the next thing he knew, warm, perfect lips were molded against his. Dash opened his eyes to a sun-filled room, one with Rennie smiling at him as she pressed her blissfully naked body against his in a manner that left no room for doubt.

Her eyes twinkled, and what he saw in them made him feel like he could conquer mountains.

There was still so much ahead, but he could handle it so long as she was with him.

Then she parted her lips and uttered the most perfect words in the history of language itself.

“We should’ve done this a long time ago.”

Dash grinned and pulled her tighter against him. “We’ll make up for it.” For this, and so much more.

“Starting now?”

He turned and fumbled over the nightstand until he found a condom. “Starting now.”



Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:


Saints and Sinners: Lost Wages of Sin

Rosalie Stanton




Chapter One



Ava hadn’t chewed on her thumb in years. One of those things she’d grown out of one day when she hadn’t been paying attention. Luxi used to tease her something awful, talking about how she’d eventually bite the damn thing off. That possibility had scared her when she’d been little, but Ava wasn’t little anymore. She also wasn’t one for revisiting bad habits, but after discovering Sebastian’s letter—waiting under a stone and a pink rose at their rendezvous place—she found she didn’t have the energy to give a fuck.

BOOK: Witness
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