With This Ring (Denim & Spurs Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: With This Ring (Denim & Spurs Book 1)
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He broke away only to rip her shirt up, freeing her breasts. Alternating between the two, he made love to each. All she could do was hang on for the ride. She couldn’t forcibly move him either up or down. The rasp of his morning growth along the sensitive skin of her breasts sent her body into overdrive, not hard enough to abrade her but enough she couldn’t ignore what he did to her.

Her breaths came in sharp pants as he moved back over her and gave her what she so desperately craved. More. More of his addictive taste, more of him. His tongue thrust against hers, demanding, mating with hers as her need for him grew exponentially.

She sank her hands into his cool silken hair, wrapping her legs about his waist. Arching into him, she made her desire as plain as she could without words. His chest hair teased her nipples almost to the point of pain.

“Dustin,” she gasped the moment his mouth released hers. “I…I…please.”

“I want to taste you, Samantha.”

His voice, deep and graveled, almost catapulted her over the edge she teetered upon. The image of his head buried between her thighs, she felt a fresh wave of wetness hit her.

“I want to—” Heavy pounding on the trailer door interrupted his statement.

This wasn’t fair. The knocking came again.

“Dustin! Come on, man, wake up!” More pounding.

His groan of frustration was one she totally agreed with. She released his hair with great reluctance and tugged her shirt down over highly sensitive breasts.

“You need to get that,” she said, proud she could formulate a sentence without sounding like a fool.

“Samantha.” His hips rocked into her again, and she swallowed her need.

“I should shower.”
I just need a moment away from him.

She wriggled out from under his weight and scampered to the bathroom on shaky legs. Fumbling in the dark for the lights, she breathed heavy as the incandescent glow splintered the previous dark. She didn’t even try to eavesdrop on the conversation between Dustin and whoever the male was who had knocked. Instead, she jumped in the shower after taking care of more pressing needs.

Rushing through her shower she realized all she had in the room with her was what she’d entered wearing. Bed clothing.
Damn it!
Wrapping a towel around her, she stepped from the warm steam and paused. Her bag sat on the floor near the door.

Dustin. Just the thought of his name heated her again. Dressing swiftly, she brushed out her hair and went to the door. Not ready to face him yet, she sat on the lid of the toilet and redid her nail polish, using that to expend a bit more time. With a deep breath, she turned it and stepped out, taking in the view before her. Dustin sat at the table, sofa side, and a man she didn’t know occupied the other chair. Her cowboy—yes, that’s how she viewed him—still hadn’t put a shirt on, and she struggled not to stare at his broad chest.

The other cowboy was a looker. Blond hair and crystal blue eyes. Not as wide in the shoulders as Dustin; however, there was no mistaking the strength he possessed. He stood when she entered, those blue eyes raking her from top to bottom.

“Howdy, darlin’.” He possessed a rich voice that made her need to cool off again. Damn it all, at this rate, she’d melt before the sun even came up. “Introduce us, Dustin.”

Tearing her gaze from the handsome newcomer, she turned her attention to Dustin, waiting.

“Mac. Samantha Finley. Samantha. Trent McCloud goes by Mac.”

“Nice to meet you, Mac. Please call me, Finn.”

“Will do, darlin’. You here with Dustin? Tell me how

She smiled and placed her bag down. “I’m sure y’all have things to discuss.”

“Nonsense. I’d much rather talk to you.” There was hint of an accent to his words, but she couldn’t quite place where from. “Especially if my choice is—”

“Back off, Mac,” Dustin growled.

Finn hadn’t moved her gaze from Dustin and the possessiveness on his face shocked her. He wasn’t hiding it, no, it was right there for any and all to see. His royal blue eyes burned with a feral fire she’d never seen before on him. She shivered beneath his gaze and felt claimed. Branded. Possessed.

“Breakfast,” she said. “I’ll fix some while you get ready.” She wasn’t sure she could handle the proprietary stare he leveled at her much longer.

Silent, Dustin rose and grabbed some clothes from his closet before making his way past Mac—who she swore received some kind of private message from Dustin—to brush against her, seconds prior to vanishing in the bathroom. She and Mac stared at one another for a moment.

“Eggs, toast, and sausage okay for you?” she asked, breaking the silence.

“Sounds perfect.”

She made her way to the kitchen and began pulling the necessary items out. “Scrambled work?”

“Sure does.”

“Do you know how Dustin prefers them?”

Mac propped his hip beside her against the Formica countertop. “Haven’t you made breakfast for him before after…one of your nights?”

They would all get scrambled. She began to crack the eggs in a bowl.

“I think you have the wrong idea of myself and Dustin.”

“I don’t think so.”

“I do. You’re presuming I’ve had sex with him. I haven’t.”

“Hmm.” Mac put some bread in the toaster. “How do you know him?”

“Both from Branchwater.”

“Elaborate, darlin’.”

“Nothing else to say. We’re friends.” Friends who almost fucked, but no need to share that bit of information.

“More than that, darlin’, considering how intense his stare as he watches you.” He buttered the pan and turned on a burner. “What do you do in Branchwater?”

“I’m visiting to help out my father. I don’t live there anymore.”

“Where are you now? Dallas? San Antonio?”


He whistled low. “What in God’s name are you doing up there?”

She couldn’t help but smile at the incredulity in his question. “Working and living.”

“Time to come home, darlin’. What pulled you away?”

“I work on a horse farm.”

He looked at her, brows furrowed as the sausage links cooked in the pan before him. “Stable manager? Farm hand?”

She shook her head and beat the eggs. “Farrier.” No matter how many years she’d been in this line of work, she did love the shocked look some men got when they learned what she did. Mac’s expression wasn’t any different, and she stifled her laugh.



Dustin listened to Mac and Samantha laugh together as they cooked. He stood alone before the mirror, gripping the sink, and tried to rein in the possessive demands his body experienced. Each laugh made him long to snarl savagely at Mac before staking his claim on Samantha.

Christ! Just thinking of her in his arms this morning sent the blood south. The scent of her had been both imprinted and infused upon him. He’d never forget the warmth of her curves atop and below him. Then there was the lingering memory of her silken skin. He’d never been so hard for a woman.

One final look in the mirror and he left the room to join the duo. Samantha was placing dishes on the table, and Mac was close with glasses of juice.

Yeah, my day did
start this way in my head. At least not with Mac here.
Dustin met Samantha’s gaze and her welcoming, albeit a bit shy, smile calmed the irrational emotions coursing through him. Raking a hand through damp hair, he approached her, ignoring Mac.

Delicious scents wafted up from the table, and he took in the food waiting for them. “Thanks,” he said. “Looks great.”

He felt a kick to his solar plexus when her tongue snuck out and dampened her lips. How rude would it be for him to kick Mac out, rip the clothes from Samantha, and put the counter to a much better use?

“Finn’s been telling me she’s a farrier,” Mac said, sitting in the chair after Dustin drew Samantha down beside him on the sofa.

“Has she?” He pressed his leg against hers, following the movement when she tried to shift away.

“Fascinating. I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman like Finn before.”

Dustin narrowed his gaze at Mac. Finn. He didn’t want the man to call her that. Then again, he didn’t want him to call her Samantha either. In fact, as far as Dustin was concerned, Mac hadn’t reason to speak to her. “She’s special,” Dustin agreed.

Mac lifted his glass and winked at Samantha. Dustin clenched a fist to keep from punching his friend in the face. Conversation flowed around the table with ease as they made short work of the food. During the entire meal, Dustin insisted on maintaining bodily contact with her. After five tries, she finally stopped attempting to get space between them.

Mac finished and stood, tan Stetson clutched in one hand. “Thanks for breakfast. I best be going. I’ll see y’all around the Expo.” Reaching across the table, he bowed low over Samantha’s hand. “I look forward to seeing you again, Finn.” A brief pause. “Dustin.”

“Likewise, Mac.”

“Bye, Mac,” Dustin said, glaring at him pointedly.

Another wink to the woman beside him and Mac let himself out. Dustin had turned to Samantha before the door had fully closed. One arm along the back of the sofa, he leaned closer.

“I should get this cleaned up,” she said, slipping away before he could stop her.

He blew out a frustrated breath and angled himself so he could watch her as she busied herself. Even now, sitting here staring at her, had him hard and aching with the amount of want flowing through him. She didn’t parade before him in sexy clothing, but it didn’t matter.

Her jeans showed signs of wear and curved about her lower body with a lover’s familiarity. Her dark blue shirt had a gorgeous mountain image upon the front with a rearing horse in it. On the back it read: Love A Horse & You’ll Know Freedom.

She had it tucked in, emphasizing her waist and those perfect breasts—breasts he’d had in his hands and mouth earlier.

Determined, he pushed up from the sofa and approached her as she cleaned. Nuzzling the back of her neck, he groaned at the feel of her thick hair, streaming along his skin. Erotic dreams were born from such hair. She tensed and leaned forward.

He curved an arm around her midsection and drew her flush to him, his erection rubbing against her. “Ignoring me won’t make me vanish, darlin’.”

“I’m cleaning.”

“You’re trying to ignore me.”

“I’m doing a piss poor job then if that was my aim.” She moved, and he admired the flow of muscles. There existed nothing weak about Samantha Finley. She was all strength and yet inherently feminine. He could watch her all day and never lose interest.

“We need to talk about this morn—”

“No, we don’t.” He frowned and spun her in order to see her features. “We’re adults, Dustin. What happens, happens. I have no need to psychoanalyze sexual lust that has been between us for a while now. Go check your boys, I’ll finish up here and find you to see if you need any help.”

She pivoted back to the sink and washing dishes. He’d been summarily dismissed. Brushing some of her hair aside, he nipped then licked her neck. Her shiver delighted him, and he left before he forgot he had a job to do at the Expo.

Dustin stood with El Rey in the stall an hour later when he spied Samantha making her way through. Leaning against his stallion, Dustin stared at her, grateful to be observing her privately.

“She’s something else, isn’t she, El Rey?” His horse snorted with a toss of his head. He knew the animals liked her as well. “Thought so,” he muttered, suddenly anxious for her to be at his side.

He’d just closed the half door when she walked up, a slight smile on her lips and a sparkle in her eyes. His heart reacted instantly. Only with its next beat he understood it wasn’t for him but his horses. She lavished attention on Lawless and Dante before turning to El Rey.

“Good morning, handsome,” she cooed to his stallion.

Dustin angled his body so no one would be able to see the erection threatening to poke a hole in his pants. Gods, her voice was straight from his most volatile wet dream.

“Anything I can do?” She glanced at him. “Before this thing really gets going.”

“I think we’re good. If you could just swing by and check on water for them? I don’t know what your—”

She faced him completely, one hand on her hip, head canted. “So we’re not hanging out together at this thing?”

He paused. “Hanging out together.”

“I figured we would be, I mean, you did invite me after all.”

“You…you want to spend the time with me?” He heard the shock in his tone.

Samantha moved until barely any space was between them. She touched his chest, fingers spreading wide over the beating of his heart. He longed to kiss her again. Feel her soft and plump lips beneath his.

“Why else would I come, Dustin? I know you have to be here some time and you have your demos—which I am looking forward to—but otherwise I thought—”

He kissed her silent. When she sank against him, he reluctantly ended said exchange, his hands cupping her face.

BOOK: With This Ring (Denim & Spurs Book 1)
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