Read With a Twist Online

Authors: Heather Peters

With a Twist (7 page)

BOOK: With a Twist
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No, he didn't love her. It couldn't be true. Could it?

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Chapter Nine

After Shane's departure, Ava harnessed just enough energy to run up the stairs to her small apartment and shut the door behind her. She couldn't seem to catch her breath and nausea trampled her like a steam roller. She barely reached the bathroom in time to empty the contents of her stomach.

Allowing the tears to come, she slid to the floor, her heart breaking apart. She closed her eyes, her sobs so deep she thought her heart would explode. Her last thought before the sweet oblivion of slumber washed over her, was Shane, turning his back and walking out of her door, and out of her life.

Hours later, Ava sat at her kitchen table, her pounding head resting on her palms. A box of Oreos sat to the left of her, Dove Bars to the right, a gallon of rocky road dead ahead. All lay untouched.

She was falling to pieces, and rubbed her chest, trying to dispel the pain. She loved Shane Sullivan. She loved his smile, his body, his long messy hair. Yeah, she even loved his ink and that tiny gold hoop, too.

Shane Sullivan had given her a gift that had changed her life in the few short days they'd been together. He'd been her lover, friend, and maybe the most precious gift of all, he'd taught her to revel in the beauty of her body, to enjoy the heights of carnal pleasure such as she'd never experienced before. Shane Sullivan had seduced and been seduced by all she was, all they could share. His touches turned her inside out, his body joined to hers so deep, she had no idea where she ended and he began.

Had Shane been telling the truth when he came to the bar, flowers in hand, to tell her he loved her?

Imagine, he insinuated that she was playing him? Of all the absurd ideas. But one thing was real and sincere. Brittany had hurt him, deeply. His muscular, sexy, virile facade had failed to tell her that he was a fun loving guy, out to party and drink hard.

The Harley, those tattoos and tough guy attitude created an outward shell, but Ava knew the truth. She'd fallen hard for Shane's sensitivity, intelligence and yes, that raw charm and sexy personality had drawn her to him.

Stop making excuses for him. He should have told you he asked Elena about you. Instead, he seemed surprised that you were there and didn't recognize him.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the phone. She looked at the caller ID. Shane. No, she wasn't ready to talk to him. Her machine picked it up, but she couldn't help but listen.

Her stomach clenched at the sound of his voice. She clasped her hands and rested her head on her shaky fingers.

"Ava, I know you're there. Pick up.” Then a breath and a whisper. “Please, honey."

She covered her face in her hands. “I can't."

It was as though he'd heard her. “Then listen to me. I'm sorry about flying off the handle at the bar. I didn't mean a word of that ‘cougar’ crap I spewed. I didn't plan on it, but I love you Ava. I've loved you since we met at that party two years ago. I wanted you then, and I want you now. Give us a chance, please Ava."

Ava's palms pressed to her cheeks, as she heard him inhale, and speak again.

"Remember the night we made love on the pool table? Remember how you gave yourself to me. That hot beautiful body of yours gave me more pleasure and joy than I've ever known with any woman. That's the truth and you know it."

Don't say it, Shane. Please, don't.

"Remember the night at my place when you trusted me to bind you? You knew I'd never hurt you. I only want to bring both of us pleasure, to tell each other what we want and not be afraid to be ourselves. I thought I would explode because that magical mouth of yours made me so hard, I could have died and gone to heaven that night."

Ava nodded
. I did die and go to heaven, in your arms.

"Because of you, I'm alive again. When Brittany left me, I thought I had nothing left. I loved her, or thought I did. Then I saw you again at
With a Twist
after two years. You brought me back to life. We brought each other back. Don't throw it away Ava. Please talk to me. I'll be at the bar later. Meet me there and we'll talk, but what I really want to do is make love to you until we can't walk, can't breathe. That's all I have to say. If you're at the bar, fine, I'll be waiting. If you're not, I won't bother you again.” The line went dead, and Ava sat stunned at his admission of love.

I love you so much, and I'm so scared
, she thought silently.

But did she love him enough to take a chance on love again?

Her answer amazed even her.

After shoving the cookies, candy and ice cream in the garbage, Ava stepped into a hot shower and squeezed a dollop of honeysuckle gel into her palms. She took a deep breath and smoothed the slippery fragrant suds down her neck to her breasts, and touched her nipples, fueling her arousal.

Closing her eyes, she murmured Shane's name. Wet from soap and arousal, Ava slid slippery fingers into her wet channel, gasping and tingling with wet heat.

"Shane’ she murmured, moving anxious fingers back up to her nipples, hard and slippery. Her clit swelled when she took the hand held shower hose and held it over her pussy lips. She slapped one palm flat to the cool tiles, and let the orgasm rip through her.

It was not enough.

Only Shane could satisfy her aching body, and fill her empty heart.

She missed him. More than she thought possible.

He missed her, more than he thought possible.

As he pulled open the door to
With a Twist
with more than a little force, the laughter, the smell of beer and perfume assaulted him. He looked over at the bar where Elena was serving beer on tap to several patrons.

But, he didn't see Ava. His hands shook. His heart pounded like a bass drum. She wasn't here. He approached the bar, but didn't sit.

"Have you seen Ava?"

She frowned. “No, and I don't expect to.” At Shane's questioning look, she handed him a beer he hadn't requested. “She's off tonight. Shane, is something wrong?"

"You could say that.” He took the bottle, downed the cold beverage, then slapped the empty bottle on the bar. He left a large bill and headed toward the exit. No sense in staying here. Ava wasn't coming, and with her gone, nothing seemed to matter.

The grating sound of false laughter caused him to freeze dead in his tracks. He knew that laugh. Shane turned when he saw his ex-fiancee Brittany, stuffed like a sausage into a loud red dress that stood out like a swirling light on a fire engine. She was with Ava's scum bag of an ex-husband. What the fuck were they doing in Ava's bar?

They sat so close they were nearly in each other's laps, looking oh so cozy.

Ignore them, go home, and don't talk to them, you fool.

But he wasn't going to pass up a chance to take his anger out on two most deserving subjects.

With a phony smile set in place, he made a beeline for their table with one thought in mind.
Be the better man.

Yeah sure, like that was going to happen.

He sauntered up to them from behind and was pleased when they jumped at the sound of his arrival. “Well, well, looks like they'll serve just about anyone in here."

Brittany's smile faded fast when she eyed Shane. “Uh, Shane, hi, what are you doing here?"

Shane frowned. “I could ask you the same question."

Brittany shook her head, and shrugged. “We're celebrating our one year anniversary."

Stupid didn't even begin to describe these lame ass morons. Shane had to get them out of here. He didn't want Ava upset.

"In Ava's bar?” he boomed. “Are you both out of your fucking minds?"

"Ah, I guess you, ah, know my husband, Richard."

Shane craved nothing more than to smash Ava's ex-husband in his homely face. He'd watched this scum bag abuse Ava, and he wanted a reason to put the asshole in his place.

Instead, he slid clenched fists in his jeans pockets, hoping he was able to leave the bar without landing himself in jail. “Oh, you mean Dick?"

"Richard,” she corrected.

"Look, Shane, can't we just let bygones be bygones?"

He turned toward the voice of the man who had treated Ava like shit. He took a deep breath and mentally stopped himself from bashing this poor excuse for a man in the fucking face like a punching bag. “No, Dick, I don't think I will. I just want to tell you what I think of the both of you."

"What are you doing in my bar?"

At the sound of that sexy, whiskey tinged voice, Shane turned and looked into the beautiful eyes of the woman he loved. Ava.

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Chapter Ten

"There you are, darling. I've missed you all day. Where on earth have you been?” The sweet sound of Ava's voice blanketed Shane like warm sunshine after a cold, wet rain. He hardly gained his bearings when she launched her curvy warmth into his arms and planted a hot open-mouthed kiss on his very surprised mouth. She looked like a dark-haired goddess and smelled like heaven on earth.

"Hi sweetheart,” Shane held her close as their noses touched. He drank in the sight of her, like a thirsting man on a desert. “I've been right here, all the time, waiting for you. How are you tonight?"

"I'm fine, now.” Those eyes filled with unshed tears, but as they both turned and spied the look on the shocked faces of Brittany and Richard, Shane and Ava couldn't help but burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"Oh, look who's here, Shane. It's Brittany and Dick."

"Richard,” the ex spurted weakly.

"Like I said, Dick. Funny to see you here. Heard you got married.” Ava's arms were still around Shane's neck, and he prayed this wasn't an act, and that she'd never let go. “What a funny coincidence."

"Sure is, honey,” Shane nuzzled her neck, and whispered, “I missed you like crazy."

"Me too.” She bit his ear, and he shivered like a randy teenager. “We need to talk."

His voice choked. “The last thing I want to do with you right now is talk."

Ava nodded and turned back to the couple with mouths agape as if they were fish waiting to be fed.

"You and Ava are. . . together?” Dick rasped.

"In more ways than one.” Shane winked, while Ava's sexy chuckle hardened him to stone.

Brittany stuck her pointy nose in the air, and sniffed. “You do realize, Ava, that you're much older than Shane."

His ex-fiancee's attempt at being catty only fueled the fire in Ava's beautiful eyes. He secretly cheered her on and sensed an Oscar winning performance wasn't far behind.

"Oh goodness, Brittany, what's eleven years between lovers? You know what they say about the young ones?” She threw Brittany a wink as though they were in each other's confidence. “They can go all night and then some. Once they hit forty, well, oh sorry, didn't mean to insult anyone, but,” she gestured toward Dick and added a shrug for good measure. “The engine does slow down a bit, doesn't it?"

Ava leaned in as if to share a secret with the aghast blonde. “I really must thank you,” she and looked over at Dick. “Both of you."

"Thank us?” Brittany frowned, a blank stare not far behind. “F. . . for what?"

Ah, Brittany, Shane thought, always one step behind in the ‘get a clue’ department.

Ava moved closer to Shane, so close that his cock gave a fierce throb. She'd never leave him again, of that he made a silent vow.

"More than you know,” Shane answered.

Ava chuckled. “Well, if it weren't for the two of you fucking, lying and cheating behind our backs, we never would have found each other. Isn't that right, love?"

That's it baby, pour it on
. “Abso-fucking-lutely.” Shane wanted to leave them with a final thought. “The two of you hurt Ava and I fucking hate you for that. You deserve each other."

Brittany and Dick didn't move, just sat as if waiting for direction.

"Oh and one last thing, Dick,” Shane leaned into the ex. “Ask Brittany how many other men she was fucking when she worked for you.” He wasn't done taunting Ava's ex. “I gotta tell you man, it's probably a good thing you let Ava go. She sure can wear a man out. She probably would have given you a heart attack with that hot body and wicked mouth of hers.” He winked. “If you know what I mean."

It was Ava's turn. “Oh, Brittany, by the way, don't let Richard eat too many onions, he gets terrible heartburn. And don't let him drink anything after eight p.m., or he'll be going to the bathroom all night. It's what happens when you're Dick's age.” “Oh, and one more thing,” Ava winked at Shane, and looked back at the couple whose open mouths reminded her of hungry guppies. “Get out of my bar. Now."

Ava and Shane turned arm in arm, barely able to hold in their laughter until they exited the bar, and nearly doubled over from laughter while people on the street threw them strange looks.

They stopped and stared at each other. Shane grew serious.

"Are you here to tease me, or to stay?"

"Both,” Ava drew her fingers through his hair. “If you're still interested."

He brought her hands to his mouth and kissed. “Interested? I told you before, I love you."

"I'm sorry, Shane. I flew off the handle. After what happened with Richard, I—"

He placed his finger over her mouth. “Shh. Okay, listen to me. And this is the absolute last time I'm going to say this. I know how old you are. I don't care how much you weigh, and as of right now this is all a dead issue and no longer open for discussion. I just want to take you home, tear every scrap of clothing from that hot body of yours, and fuck you in every room of my house. What do you say?"

She took his hand, and kissed his palm, and smiled through tears of joy. “I say that I love you, too. I want to take a chance with you. Let's start again, okay?"

Shane led her back to the bar, and found to their delight that Brittany and Richard had, indeed, fled the premises. He led her to a couple of stools where they sat, facing each other. “Can I buy you a drink, gorgeous?"

Ava's hand burned as she placed it on his thigh. “I think we've been here before,” she joked.

Shane leaned in close. “You mean you and me?"

BOOK: With a Twist
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