Read Wings of Change Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Wings of Change (6 page)

BOOK: Wings of Change
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Wings of Change

Kaden lost all reticence now though, as he sat back and drained his cup. He glowered at his friend.

“It’s none of your business.”

“Actually,” Marcus stared down the other knight, “it
my business.” He looked from Linea to Reynor and back again with a pointed glance.

“Leave it be, Marcus,”
Reynor said with a smoky sigh.

“With all due respect, I cannot.” Marcus shook his head. “When you and Linea join, what affects you and Kaden will affect us all.”

“If I cannot fly, there will never be a mating flight,”
Reynor shot back. “
Much as it
pains me, Linea must seek another.”

“There will be no other.”
Linea reared her head in annoyance. “
You are my mate,
whether you can fly or not.”

Kaden shot to his feet, his eyes wild with a mixture of anger, regret, pain and remorse. “I’m sorry,” was all he could choke out before leaving the table. He stormed away toward the back of the tavern and the room he’d rented there.

“Go to him, Lucia,” Marcus pleaded, shocking her with the pained compassion in his gaze. “He’s hurting.”

“What’s going on?” She didn’t understand everything that had just been said. She felt out of her depth, but her heart ached for the knight and dragon who were so wounded.

“He blames himself for Rey’s injury.”

“I don’t blame him. I’ve told him that over and over, but it does no good.”
Reynor’s voice in their minds was both exasperated and weary.

“He needs to put this guilt behind him and concentrate on Rey’s recovery. Perhaps with all of our prayers, Rey will fly again.”

“You will fly, Rey, if I have to throw you into the sky myself.”
Linea’s loving determination eased some of the tension.

“If you say so, my love.” 37

Bianca D’Arc

Chapter Six

Lucia didn’t go back to the guest quarters often, and never for social visits. While some of the other serving girls spent time entertaining the guests in a very private manner, it was neither expected nor encouraged. This was a respectable establishment, a tavern first and foremost, with a few guest rooms for the odd traveler. It was not a brothel.

She knocked on Kaden’s door with trembling fingers.

“Go away, Marcus.”

“It’s me. Lucy.” Reynor called her that, as did Kaden, though nobody else in this land of dragons used the shortened version of her name. She liked it though. Especially from those two males.

“Lucy.” The whisper reached her on the other side of the door. He was in pain. That much was clear from his tortured tone. Daring greatly, she tried the door, finding it unbarred. She pushed it open, peering around the edge. Kaden sat on the edge of the bed, his elbows resting on his knees, head down in a pose of utter dejection.


Bloodshot eyes rose to meet hers. “You shouldn’t be in here, Lucy.”

She took a step forward, letting the door close behind her. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“No.” He laughed, but it had a bitter sound. “Talking changes nothing. My partner is crippled because of me. What kind of knight allows his dragon partner to be so injured?”

“He doesn’t blame you.” She took another step forward until she was standing right in front of him in the small room.

“I blame myself.”


Wings of Change

“Then you’re the only one. When the queen was here, she said dragons get hurt all the time. It’s part of their life. She didn’t blame you either.”

Kaden shook his head, not meeting her eyes. “You don’t understand.”

“Then explain it to me.” She sat at his side, taking one of his hands. He was such a big man, with big, calloused, warrior’s hands. She couldn’t stand to see him hurting. It touched her as deeply as seeing Rey in pain and she’d already proven she couldn’t just stand by and watch the dragon hurt. The same seemed to be true for his knight.

“If Rey can’t fly, he can’t truly join with Linea. But dragons mate for life. Linea will never have a hatchling. What’s more, she and Marcus won’t have the partners in fighting they should. When dragons mate, their knights train together, fight together, live together with their mate. It’s a complex relationship. If Rey can’t fly, all of that goes out the window. All because of me.”

“That’s a heavy burden you’ve assumed.” She rubbed his hand as he dealt with a difficult excess of emotion. His expression was full of pain when he could meet her eyes, though he avoided her gaze more than not.

“That’s my reality.”

“No,” she faced him, “that’s what your guilt is telling you. It’s not the reality I see.”

She didn’t give him a chance to respond. “I see a dragon who loves you. Two of them, actually. Rey needs you to be strong now, when he can’t be. He needs your encouragement, not this depression that surrounds you like a cloud. He needs Linea and Marcus…and especially you, Kaden. He loves you.”

“I love him too,” he whispered.

“Then be strong for him.” She moved closer, stroking his cheek and holding his hand close to her heart. “I’m willing to bet he’s always been there for you. Now it’s your turn. He’s full of doubt and fear, but I think dragons don’t normally know such emotions. He needs you to help him sort it all out so he can overcome it and learn to fly again. To live again.”

“What if he can’t fly?”

There it was. The crux of the matter. The fear that ate away at both dragon and knight.

“My father used to say that all things are possible if you believe. I believe in Rey and I believe in you, Kaden. Now you need to believe in yourself.” 39

Bianca D’Arc

“Oh, Lucy.” He pulled her into his arms. She felt the slight tremble of his muscles and marveled at the emotions this strong man kept bottled up inside.

“I’m here for you, Kaden. For both of you.” She whispered near his ear, turning to kiss his jaw lightly. A kiss of affection…and love.

Kaden held her until his emotions settled down. But other things were stirring, such as the hunger that built in him every time she was near. It had been almost unbearable tonight, watching her chat with the other women. He’d wanted so much to take her and claim her as his own, as the other men had done with their mates, but she wasn’t his. Not yet.

Perhaps this was the time. She’d come to him. She’d reached out. Perhaps she would welcome his advances. Perhaps she’d come to terms with the idea of sharing his love—

and Marcus’s—after talking with the other women.

There was only one way to find out.

“Lucy.” He pulled back. Holding her gaze, he sought the frayed ribbon holding her tightly braided hair with his fingers. Little tendrils had come out of the braid as she worked, to frame her beautiful face. “Sweetheart, you’re too good for the likes of me, but so help me, I want you. I need you, Lucy.”

He searched her gaze, hoping for a glimmer of something. What he found made his heart race. Her expression was one of beauty and understanding, and something that looked deceptively like affection…or maybe even love, though it was too soon for him to expect she could feel as deeply as he did.

“Oh, Kaden, you’ve got it all backwards.”

“Backwards? How so?” He leaned his forehead against hers, digging through the braid sections and unweaving her lustrous, dark hair with gentle motions.

“You’re the one who’s too good for me. I’m just a servant.”

Kaden was surprised by her words. Surprised and a little hurt for her. “Servant or queen, you’re a special, rare woman, Lucy.” He kissed her, unable to help himself. She was soft and pliant against him, womanly and warm. All the things he wanted in his life and had never really had. “Let me love you, sweetheart.”

“Yes, Kaden. Yes.” Her breathless sighs shot straight to his cock. He was more than ready to show her just how good it could be between them. 40

Wings of Change

But he wanted to go slow. He wanted to savor this first time, for this would be the beginning of their life together—whether she realized it or not. He knew it with certainty, and wanted this time to be special. As special as the woman in his arms. He laid her back on the bed, coming over her, sheltering her in his warmth. He would have been content just to gaze down at her, soaking in the magic of the moment, but his eagerness won out.

“I knew you were part of us from almost the moment I laid eyes on you, Lucy. Certainly from the moment I saw how you cared for Rey.” He kissed her cheeks, drifting down to peck at her lips and under her jaw. “You’re so beautiful.”

“Kaden.” She untied the small closures on her simple dress. He felt like a king at her impatience for his touch. He moved back to help her, revealing the soft swells of her breasts, a bit larger than he’d expected, the nipples rosy and tight with need. Leaning down, he licked her, zeroing in on one excited bud, tonguing her as she panted. He used his teeth, abrading the soft flesh with the utmost care, his fingers molding and squeezing her other breast as he opened his mouth and sucked gently. Lucy cried out, writhing in pleasure under him. Kaden felt satisfaction, hearing her whimpers of delight. She was very responsive to him—more so than any woman he could ever remember bedding—and they hadn’t even gone very far yet. He couldn’t wait to be inside her, but he wanted her to feel everything he did…and more. He licked her nipple, driving her higher as his hands roamed down her lithe body. He removed her dress with gentle touches that belied the urgency he felt. The simple garment slipped down, revealing a ripe femininity he’d only guessed at until now. She took his breath away.

“You’re beautiful, Lucy.” He rose over her nude form, his hands circling her generous breasts as he looked at her.

Her legs wriggled under him, making him want to claim her hard and fast. He had to slow down. Lifting away slightly, he gazed deep into her eyes, liking the dazed sensuality in her expression.

“Kaden?” She whimpered.

“It’s all right, sweetheart. Just relax and let me love you. I want you to feel nothing but pleasure.” He drew patterns on her soft flesh with his fingertips, lying at her side, staring down the length of her lovely body. 41

Bianca D’Arc

“It’s all right, Kaden.” She smiled at him. “I’ve done this before, you know. Not too often, but a few times.” Her cheeks flamed pink, charming him. He nipped her shoulder with playful nibbles. “From now on, there will be no others. Only me…and Marcus.”

“I don’t know—”

“Shh, sweet. No reason to worry about that now. All will happen in its time.” He shrugged. “Or not. But know this—after tonight, you are mine.”


He stilled her with a kiss, sipping the words from her mouth as she turned toward him. She fumbled with the ties on his tunic and he reveled in her unskilled touch. He was glad she wasn’t a virgin. He didn’t have enough control to bed a virgin and not hurt her. But he was equally glad her difficulty with his laces proved she hadn’t undressed too many men in her life. He liked the idea of having her to himself. Well, himself and Marcus, of course.

Though the idea of Rey and Linea being mates was new, Kaden already felt comfortable with the idea he would share his mate with Marcus. He’d always been a good friend and after this latest trouble, he’d proven to be closer than a brother. The formal joining of their dragons would only cement the family ties—if the day ever came when Rey could fly and claim his mate. But Kaden put aside the guilt for the moment. At the moment, Lucy was in his arms, where he most wanted her to be. He’d deal with the mess he’d made of his and Rey’s lives later. For now, all he wanted to do was forget his problems in the arms of this giving, tender woman.

“Let me.” He stilled her fumbling fingers with his own, rising to stand at the foot of the bed as he dealt with the lacings on his shirt.

Pulling it over his head, he threw it to the corner as she rose on her elbows to watch. Her every subtle movement enticed him. When his fingers went to the lacings on his leggings, she blushed, but didn’t look away. Instead, her gaze roamed his torso, focusing finally on his cock straining against the leather to get to her. When he shucked his leggings, her eyes widened and he felt himself grow even harder, if that were possible. The sexy gasp that issued from her reddened lips urged him on. He stalked over to her, one knee resting between hers as he moved onto the bed. She lay back as he covered her with his body.


Wings of Change

He liked her breathless moan when he rubbed his body over her soft skin, so he repeated the move, watching her reaction. It was every bit as gratifying the second time she wriggled beneath him, his chest touching hers, his cock brushing the soft swell of her stomach. He stifled a groan.

“I love how you feel against me, Lucy.”

“Come down here, Kaden.” She circled his neck and drew his head downward. His name was a trembling sigh against his lips as she kissed him, for the first time initiating intimacy between them. As far as he was concerned, she should do it more often. Her tongue tangled with his as she became more demanding, stunning him and driving him higher.

Her legs parted as he placed both knees inside hers and pushed outward, making room for himself. She was warm and already wet for him. Kaden growled in pleasure as he aligned their bodies, rubbing his aching cock in her slick folds as she rose up to meet him. He broke the kiss.

“Do you want me, sweetheart?”

“Yes, Kaden. Oh, yes!”

“What do you want, exactly?” His smile dared her.

“I want…” She licked her lips, flushing a bit. “I want you inside me, Kaden.”

He moved one hand downward, shifting only to tangle his fingers in the curls between her thighs. Sliding briefly around the nubbin that made her gasp, he stroked one finger into her core.

“Like this, Lucy? Is this what you wanted?”

“Kaden! Yes, but—” She whimpered. “I want more!”

BOOK: Wings of Change
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